Explain the complexities and difficulties in enforcing standards for lifting. Use specific examples to support your answer
complexities and difficulties in enforcing standards for lifting Explain the complexities and difficulties in enforcing standards for lifting. Use specific examples to support your answer. Your response should be at least 250 words in length. You are required to use at least your textbook as source material for your response. All sources used, including the … Read more
In U.S. society, the elderly tend to be less and less visible in mainstream activities, in organizations, and in the workplace
Ageism and Disability In U.S. society, the elderly tend to be less and less visible in mainstream activities, in organizations, and in the workplace. One theory assigns this to ageism. Do you think that is the best explanation for this phenomenon? If yes, why do you think so? If not, what do you think is … Read more
Write a 700 word paper discussing managerial issues associated with managing an organization’s IS infrastructure
Managing Infrastructure Write a 700 word paper discussing managerial issues associated with managing an organization’s IS infrastructure. Include the following: Information related to configuration management and preventative maintenance Industry standards in configuration management and control Training approaches to allow for adaptive maintenance and confidence. The effect of globalization on managing and IS infrastructure Cite … Read more
Give specific examples of six types of machine guarding, and discuss the safety control measures associated with them.
Machine Guarding Give specific examples of six types of machine guarding, and discuss the safety control measures associated with them. Your response should be at least 250 words in length. You are required to use at least your textbook as source material for your response. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased … Read more
An employer was hiring employees after a strike. On employment applications, they asked the potential employees
Employment Practices and Unions An employer was hiring employees after a strike. On employment applications, they asked the potential employees whether they belonged to a union. Was the employer engaged in an unfair labor practice? …………….Answer Preview……………… There is no work force in the world without a representative (Cappelli, 105). The national labor relations … Read more
Convicted Hackers and Security
Convicted Hackers and Security Should hackers be hired by security firms after serving prison time for cracking? Be sure to justify your answer and consider liability ……………Answer Preview……………….. Prisons or correctional facilities are made to transform criminals into law biding citizens. There have been misconceptions that once a convict always a convict (Goldstein, 2008). Charles … Read more
Aravinda has been reading in the news lately of the skyrocketing costs of health care, particularly surrounding the HIV epidemic
Employment Law Aravinda has been reading in the news lately of the skyrocketing costs of health care, particularly surrounding the HIV epidemic. She is concerned that her small 10-employee company would suffer a financial disaster if one of its workers contracted the virus since the company’s insurance costs would increase. Therefore, she wants to conduct … Read more
What techniques would you use in your first lesson to hold the attention of a large class and to get your students interested in the course
Learning Skills What techniques would you use in your first lesson to hold the attention of a large class and to get your students interested in the course? Please describe one or two ideas in detail rather than list many ideas. LARGE CLASS TWO? Prepare a plan for a 45-minute lesson on vocabulary of character … Read more
Based on the information above, write a lesson plan for a 45-minute lesson with this student. The topic is Telephoning
The topic is Telephoning, and the objective is to prepare the student to communicate over the phone Look at the student’s profile below: Level: Pre-intermediate, has been learning English for 2 years Age: 26 Job: Journalist Interests: Action movies, extreme sports, rock music, travelling Needs English for: Working on assignments abroad, meeting with foreign colleagues, … Read more
Write a 700 word paper describing demonstrative communication, which includes nonverbal and unwritten communication
demonstrative communication Write a 700 word paper describing demonstrative communication, which includes nonverbal and unwritten communication and involves such things as facial expressions, tone of voice, and body language. Include the following elements in your paper: ·Provide examples showing how demonstrative communication can be effective, ineffective, positive, and negative for the sender and receiver. ·Explain how … Read more
Health Insurance Costs Versus Privacy
Health Insurance Costs Versus Privacy Computers by Design (CBD) is a small computer systems sales and service business located in the Midwest. The owners of CBD, Abigail, Megan, and Andy, are concerned about rising health care insurance costs. Abigail has researched the issue, and has learned that CBD can better control insurance costs by only … Read more
Conflict In 175 to 230 words describe the context of the conflict. Explain the interaction of interests, goals, and power of each party involved ………………Answer Preview………….Conflict is arguably inevitable in every family or organization across the globe, and it presents both advantages and disadvantages to decision makers. A conflict occurs in an organization when there is … Read more
Healthcare credentialing
Healthcare credentialing Topic 1: The Health Care Quality Improvement Act (HCQIA) of 1986 addressed two major issues, one of which is to identify incompetent physicians. The Human Resources department and the Medical Staff should take what steps to ensure that physician applicants are properly screened and routinely credentialed? To answer this question, you will need to … Read more
Research on Egypt
Research on Egypt Description please write Short Research Paper ( for the country of Egypt ) Your paper should be at least 5 typed pages in length. It should be double-spaced, use 12- point font, Times or Times New Roman, have standard margins (1-1.25 inch), and incorporate at least 5 scholarly sources. … Read more
World Health Organization
World Health Organization Familiarize yourself with the World Health Organization (WHO) by visiting its website . First, identify a country to research (select one which you do not reside). Provide a brief statistical overview of the country you selected, including population, gross national income per capita, total expenditure on health, and the probability of dying in varying age … Read more
Antitrust Antitrust laws were essentially created to stop businesses that got too large from blocking competition and abusing their power. Mergers and monopolies can limit the choices offered to consumers because smaller businesses are not usually able to compete. Although free and open competition ensures lower prices and new and better products, it has the potential to significantly limit market diversity. … Read more
Theories of Motivation
Theories of Motivation Please do 1 out of the 13 options; it should be a substantive piece of writing (about 2 pages double-spaced.). Using examples from ONE of the following topics – Lifespan Psychosocial Development Motivation Stress Psychopathology (Mental Illness) Language Discuss the interaction and contributions of nature (genes/biology/evolution) and nurture (environment). 2Distinguish between sex … Read more
American Security
American Security Since September 11, 2001, the United States has been confronted with suffering from a new sense of insecurity…being susceptible to terrorist attacks in our homeland. What are the three different facets of security, and which of the three do you feel impacts your own sense of security the most? Thoroughly explain how these facets … Read more
Security Patrol
Security Patrol Since 9/11 there has been a tremendous amount of funding to better secure our Nation’s borders. Much of this funding has been put toward personnel and technology to better enhance the border patrols efforts. Please respond …. The Department of Homeland Security has increased it patrols of the borders. How has this improved … Read more
Career Choices
Career Choices You are in a southern state, rural county, or traditional culture tremendously behind the rest of the country and extremely economically depressed. The Sheriff’s Office has three female deputies out of 100. All three female deputies work in administrative positions; none work in patrol, in the jail, in the courtroom, as detectives, etc. … Read more
International Law
International Law “International Law” Please respond to the following: Propose why the United States is not on board with all of the efforts, tribunals, courts, and declarations of international law. Give an example. Give your opinion: Do you trust that international law is impartial? Why or why not? Current Events – International Law” Please respond to the following: … Read more
Issues in Premarital Counseling
Issues in Premarital Counseling Steve has asked his girlfriend Nadia to marry him. They dated for a year after meeting in college at a fraternity party. Nadia has been sexually intimate with one other boyfriend, while Steve has had multiple partners. Both are American, but Nadia’s grandparents are originally from Egypt. Despite different religious backgrounds … Read more
Availability of Substitutes
Availability of Substitutes key to this phrase is the availability of substitutes. A monopoly is a firm producing a product for which there is no close substitute. When Elvis was just getting started, he was just another singer and clubs could hire a cheap substitute and consumers would not care. But with his success, there … Read more
Health and Nutrition
Health and Nutrition Proper health and nutrition is of critical importance to the growth and development of young children yet many American children eat in ways that do not meet proper nutrition guidelines. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, the media, and its promotion of junk food, is one of the main culprits in … Read more
Intermediate Accounting
Intermediate Accounting Locate an article from a financial periodical from the past 2 years about a company that restated its financial statements due to an error in accounting principal. Examples of periodicals are CFO and Journal of Accountancy. Write a paper of no more than 700 words with references discussing the restatement of the company, the accounting … Read more
mediation, arbitration, and negotiation
mediation, arbitration, and negotiation Evaluate the benefits and challenges of mediation, arbitration, and negotiation with regard to this case. o Analyze the pros and cons. (See Table 7-1 in Ch. 7 of Alternative Dispute Resolution.) o Based on your analysis, was your initial selection of an intervention process the best choice? Why … Read more
Performance management
Performance management You have been asked to return to your alma mater and speak to current students about performance management issues. To make the most of this experience for yourself and the students, write a 3 page paper that details the following: the concept of “performance management”; the most prominent types of performance management plans; … Read more
Exchange Rates
Exchange Rates As we continue to understand the power of economics in a global context, evaluate the impact of exchange rate adjustments and their effects on the balance of payments. Select a current exchange rate practice and explain the economic factors that influence that practice. Your response must go into detail with no less then … Read more
Food Safety Principles
Food Safety Principles You have just been hired as the new director of Tinkerbell’s KinderCare. You are familiar with food safety principles, but soon realize that your staff is not. Choose one of the following scenarios and describe how you would address the problem with the staff member as well as what specific steps you … Read more
effects of an open economy on monetary and fiscal policy
effects of an open economy on monetary and fiscal policy Pick one of the following: Explain two effects of an open economy on monetary and fiscal policy. or Evaluate the role banks play in world financial markets. Describe two problems with banks as international lenders associated with international debt. Do this in 100-150 words ………………Answer … Read more
Benefits of Technology
Benefits of Technology Discuss the benefits of technology including license plate readers. Participate in the teamwork activity by completing the following: As a team, work to identify the use for computer aided dispatching (CAD), records management systems, (RMS) and the use of License plate readers (LPR). Use the team discussion area to discuss these technologies. … Read more
Values of the Therapist
Values of the Therapist In an ideal world, the values of the therapist would not influence therapy or the therapist’s reactions to clients. However, when therapists deny their values or minimize their views on important issues during interactions with clients, this can cause problems in the therapeutic relationship. In an effort to explore the many … Read more
Training and Education
Training and Education Resource: Training and Development Paper grading criteria on the student website Prepare a 700-word paper about training and education in health care. Include the following: · Explain why training and education are vital in health care. · Explain the importance of measuring competencies. · Describe the process for tracking and evaluating training … Read more
Gangs and Violence
Gangs and Violence Thesis statement: This statement presents the problem or issue you intend to research and should be clear and concise. my topic is gangs and violence Hypothesis: This is a statement of prediction regarding the results of the problem or issue. Briefly identify your working solution to the problem. How might your working solution solve the … Read more
Sexual Diversity, critical diversity and Social Justice
Sexual Diversity, critical diversity and Social Justice In no more than 1000 words a)provide a discussion of the main argument(s) and key concept(s) in the chosen text. you may find it useful to structure your paper by first taking two to three paragraph to summerize the main urgumements before moving to analysis of your chosen … Read more
Psychology Letter to Freud In this assignment you are to write a letter to Sigmund Freud critiquing three of the most important concepts in his theory. You will need to include at least two reliable outside sources in your critique of Freud’s concepts. Scholarly sources are preferred and can be found through AUO’s Library. Additional, non-scholarly sources … Read more
Leadership and Team Management
Leadership and Team Management Highlight the most prominent situations affecting leadership from the Industrial Age to the Information Age. Then, briefly discuss two of the contingency theories of leadership. ………….Answer Preview…………….Fundamental assumptions of the industrial age are becoming obsolete as new wave of information age continues to emerge (Lussier & Achua, 2010). Supplier links to … Read more
CONGITIVE BEHAVIOR VS. BEHAVIOR THERaPY Research Proposal on congitive behavior vs. behavior therapy this is an argumentative paper but for now i just need a good research proposal done on it. I atleast needs to be 2 pages and please no plagarism. ……………..Answer Preview……………..Citing Stoic’s philosophy Robertson (2010) argues that, solving a problem requires establishing … Read more
Bioethical Principles
Bioethical Principles Review the four bioethical principles and in your post, examine which one you believe is the most important. Your initial post should be a minimum of 150 words. …………..Answer Preview…………………There are four bioethical principles. They are autonomy, nonmaleficence, beneficence, and justice. I believe that among the four principles autonomy is the most important. … Read more
Applied Psychology
Applied Psychology Prior to completing this discussion, please interact with the Applied Psychology learning object located in the left navigation bar for this week, ensure that you have read the required chapters in your text, and review any relevant Instructor Guidance, which will help prepare you for this activity. Identify your degree program (e.g., psychology, … Read more
History Plessy v. Ferguson Black History Initial answer to this question should be substantive and 300 words or longer. It should have in page citing if necessary as well as reference listed on reference page. Question: Plessy v. Ferguson is one of the most famous Supreme Court cases in U.S. history. What happened in the case and what precedent … Read more
Sustainability in Engineering
Sustainability in Engineering Write a definition essay about a topic you have selected. IMPORTANT: Please follow the guidelines outlined for the definition pattern of development in SmartPath and in the chapter of your textbook on writing this type of essay. Use the information to outline your essay and include this outline with your paper submission. Please submit your paper using APA manuscript format … Read more
Sports Franchises
Sports Franchises Prepare a two page paper in APA style, sixth edition format, that describes, explains, addresses, and answers the following questions or statements. What cultural factors must U.S. sports franchises overcome to increase popularity abroad? Why? (9 points) How can franchises ensure their products are appropriate for international markets? (9 points) Should governments protect … Read more
Business Using an organization you are familiar with, research to discover the cabling, network equipment, and structure Identify options for improving the current systems (including ERP, CRM and big data) and additions to the systems. Prepare a 750- to 1,100-word recommendation to your CIO that analyzes the usefulness of your identified improvement options and system additions. … Read more
Health Care Information Systems Terms
Health Care Information Systems Terms Define the following terms. Your definitions must be in your own words; do not copy them from the textbook. After you define each term, describe in 40 to 60 words the health care setting in which each term would be applied. Include at least two research sources to support … Read more
Organizational Systems Management Plan
Organizational Systems Management Plan Use an organization that you are familiar with so that you can research and discover the cabling, network equipment, and structure. Create a 3-year organizational systems management plan incorporating current trends and security concerns. Include the following: Strategic goals that the 3-year must support or align to An ability for the organization to upgrade … Read more
Sociology Discussion 1 After viewing Retirement revolution: The new reality, examine how the topic of retirement has changed in American society since the 2008 recession. Describe how it has impacted your plans, family members, or friends’ plans for retirement. Compare traditional views of retirement with current views. Your initial post should be at least 250 … Read more
Alpha and Beta risk
Alpha and Beta risk Discuss Alpha and Beta Risk. Please explain these terms IN relation to Quality Control. What is meant and how are these terms used? Why are they important? Please be sure to include your References ………………Answer Preview…………….. Alpha and Beta Risks in Relation to Quality Control Alpha Risk is a type of risk … Read more
Two reading selections from Voltaires Candide. The story begins by acknowledging the foolishness of the superstitious traditions
Two reading selections from Voltaire’s Candide. The story begins by acknowledging the foolishness of the superstitious traditions Two reading selections from Voltaire’s Candide. The story begins by acknowledging the foolishness of the superstitious traditions held by the people in the city of Lisbon but ends by confirming Voltaire’s belief that religion in general is equally … Read more
Analysis of a Personality
Analysis of a Personality For this assignment, you will have a chance to put into practice all you have been learning throughout this course. You will analyze the personality development of one of the theorists studied in this course from three different theoretical perspectives. Choose one of the theorists you have studied this term. Use … Read more