Browse essays

Social Media

Social Media Are you familiar with writing about rhetoric situations and argumentative essays ? The topic is Social Media and its impact on privacy. the citations should be in MLA format I need an outline first to see whether you get the topic remember first to research more about rhetorical situation Description write an argumentative … Read more

Practice of Sex-Testing

Practice of Sex-Testing   The Humiliating Practice of Sex-Testing Female Athletes Description Please use the RUBRIC to develop your 500-word post. Read the New York Times Article: ………………………Answer preview……………………….. Dutee Chand who is 21 years of age is a young Indian athlete who is also the national sprinting champion. She has a very poor … Read more

Driving motivations

driving motivations   Description What were the driving motivations behind the colonization of Africa? As a result, how did these dreams of empire cause the Great Powers of Europe to go to war (World War I)? 2 SOURCES       ………………………….Answer preview……………………… Driving Motivations behind the colonization of Africa? Most European countries colonized Africa … Read more

The face value

The face value Description Explain the following terms: Face Value,Coupon.Coupon rate,Maturity,Yield to maturity,Interest rate risk,Inflation risk,Indenture,Security,Call provision,Sinking fund,Protective Covenant,How bonds are rated,How bonds are bought and sold,Treasury notes and bonds. Your answers must be presented in APA style (see APA formatting requirements posted in Course Documents). The paper will be submitted via the link directly … Read more

American Revolution

American Revolution Description Write a full one page editorial for the local colonial newspaper that presents your most persuasive argument as to …. Why the French and Indian War was responsible for the start of the American Revolution … ? Be sure to offer at least two (but possibly more) reasons why the French and … Read more

Rise of domesticity and sentimentalism

rise of domesticity and sentimentalism Forum: Discussion Post 8: Chapters 10-11 answer the following questions in detail, using evidence from the class textbook. (Liberty, Equality, Power by John Murrin, 7th Edition) Chapter 10: Explain the rise of domesticity and sentimentalism. How did women benefit from the new definition of their roles? Chapter 11: Explain John … Read more

The 1967 Riots of Hong Kong

The 1967 Riots of Hong Kong  just you read and 300-400 words summarize Description This needs to be in Standard Academic English, but it does not have to be a structurally organized entry. In 300-400 words summarize what you have discovered about your topic and your initial response to the information obtained. You will be … Read more

Everyday Use Research

Everyday Use Research Description Discuss symbolism, heritage, or family in Everyday Use. Requirements: 3 full pages Source Requirements: 5 sources total, 1 primary, at least 1 online articles, at least 1 print source. Also focus on not using first person, past tense, or incorrect citations. MLA format should be the 8th edition. …………………………..Answer preview………………………. Discuss … Read more

Leadership Traits

Leadership Traits   Leadership Traits, Behaviors, and Styles Description Assignment Overview One of the most surprising recent success stories in the corporate world was the turnaround of the Ford Motor Company under the leadership of CEO Alan Mulally. Ford went from near bankruptcy in 2006 when Mulally took over to a company that had posted … Read more

What is risk management and what role does it play in disaster recovery planning

What is risk management and what role does it play in disaster recovery planning 1What is risk management and what role does it play in disaster recovery planning? What disaster recovery plan have you witnessed in an organization? 2) What are the differences between a business continuity plan, a disaster recovery plan, and an incident … Read more

Regression, concinse and complete report

Regression, concinse and complete report Regression Evaluate the statement “Regression is such a basic technique that it should always be used in analyzing data.” Support your claims with examples from required material(s) and/or other scholarly resources, and properly cite any references. Concise and Complete Report Analyze the statement “Writing a report that is concise and … Read more

Sickle Cell Anaemia

Sickle Cell Anaemia Scenario: A woman may want to know her risk for having an afflicted child if the husband’s family has a history of an illness such as sickle cell disease. Communication process that revolves around the occurrence of or potential for a genetic disorder within a family: Would you recommend Genetic counseling and/or … Read more

Juvenile Process

Juvenile Process Now that you have an understanding of the juvenile process discuss with your peers the following: Juveniles released from our youth prison systems are placed on aftercare supervision to assist with the transition back into society. What are the terms of juvenile aftercare in your own state? If a juvenile offender violates the … Read more

Research paper

Research paper Who would be most qualified to review a submitted research paper? What are some potential conflicts to this arrangement? …………..Answer Preview………..A research paper is written in order to present a topic that is based on reading or investigation. The length of a research paper may vary depending on the writer, but the focus … Read more


Proposal Currently, your organization has 50 Windows Server 2012 systems deployed throughout its network. The Server 2012 systems have roles such as DNS, DHCP, File and Print Services and applications such as email and databases installed on them. Recently, the company failed a government audit due to not having a plan for patch management and … Read more


Judiciary Prepare a 1,050 word paper on fair trial. •Fair Trial Paper Analyze the legal balance between free press and the following methods by which the courts ensure a fair trial. oTraditional judicial remedies oRestrictive orders to control publicity Closure of proceedings and sealed documents Be sure to include references.  ………….Answer Preview……………..Ensuring the right to … Read more

Aftercare Program

Aftercare Program I do agree with you that the key this aftercare program is supervision. Because this Offenders need help to go back into community. By supervising them we can tell if they are ready or not . Even if they are sent to community i like the fact that they are still under supervision. … Read more


  Psychology What is the difference between basic and applied research? Describe when each type of research would be applied. Use specific examples to support your thinking.   ……….Answer Preview……………..This paper aims in to differentiate the main difference between applied and basic research in psychology. It will present the essential relevance between the two types … Read more

Decline of Rural America

 Decline of Rural America New Atlantis. (2007). Great cities: Rise of the megalopolis [Video]. Retrieved from the Films on Demand database. (In order to complete this week’s discussion, “Decline of Rural America,” watch this video that discusses the formation of cities, associated changes in rural areas, and alternatives leading to higher quality of life.)   Question: Decline … Read more

Health Care

Health Care Locate an example of a policy or guideline from an external source to a healthcare organization. Explain how this policy or guideline may be a constraint to a healthcare organization’s planning, or how it may shape the healthcare organization’s philosophy. For example, given that the American Academy of Pediatrics offers guidelines on child vaccinations, these … Read more

Management Systems

Management Systems Select two Fortune 500 companies and research the two companies to compare and contrast management systems and their support of innovation.  Identify pros and cons of the management system used by each company. Write a 2 page APA paper supporting your analysis with atleast two references found online and one to peer-reviewed articles. … Read more

Network Connectivity

Network Connectivity Connectivity for users is a main concern for the network administrator; providing the best architecture is fundamental. Providing this architecture is part of the initial planning process that must take place prior to implementation. Review the various components needed to ensure connectivity and prepare a 3- to 5-page paper describing these components as … Read more

French Revolution through Napoleon

French Revolution through Napoleon What were Napoleon’s major domestic achievements? Did his rule fulfill or betray the ideals of the French Revolution? …………..Answer Preview………………Napoleon Bonaparte’s achievements in France were are arguably outstanding.  Napoleon major domestic achievements included stabilization of the French economy, revolutionary land settlement for church, Concordat, public education, and civil code. Napoleon endorsed … Read more

Financial Biases

  Financial Biases Think of and share situations/examples where biases such as heuristics, familiarity, representativeness, anchoring, and overconfidence might have influenced financial decision-making. What (if anything) can you do to protect yourself against wrong financial decisions you might make due to these biases in your own personal decision-making. ………..Answer Preview…………With financial temptations all around us, it becomes hard … Read more

Effects of Legal safety on the Human Resource

Effects of Legal safety on the Human Resource Prepare a 600-  word paper examining the effect of legal, safety, and regulatory requirements on the human resource process as they relate to the following statement:   Common sense and compassion in the workplace has been replaced by litigation.   Explain why you agree or disagree with … Read more

The Nervous System

The Nervous System Discuss three ways by which the nervous system function can become impaired. Your initial posting should be at least three paragraphs long. You are too use at least 1 additional resource to add depth to the posting. APA Format. Wikipedia is not an acceptable resource for your writing assignments. …………..Answer Preview……………The nervous … Read more

Skinner`s research

Skinner`s research Write a 200- to 300-word editorial for your local newspaper summarizing Skinner’s research and contributions to psychology. You must focus on the following: Operant conditioning Punishment Reinforcement Superstitious behavior Include an introductory and conclusion paragraph, a reference page and key details utilizing in-text citations. ORIGINAL WORK ONLY Format citations of original works within the presentation using … Read more

Environmental Issues and the Industrial Revolution

Environmental Issues and the Industrial Revolution The Industrial Revolution, which began in the eighteenth century, has had an ongoing influence on society as well as the relationship between humans and their environment. With the onset of industrialization came the drastic increase in urbanization, setting up of factories in places which were once biomes, and the … Read more

Operational Barriers to Success

 Operational Barriers to Success Delivering on a value proposition demands constant improvement and innovation as competition changes over time along with evolving customers’ needs and wants. Operational Barriers to Success Delivering on a value proposition demands constant improvement and innovation as competition changes over time along with evolving customers’ needs and wants. How an organization … Read more


The Brain, Emotion and Reasoning 1.How does the brain influence emotions? What are some brain structures and chemicals that influence decision-making, in general, and financial decision-making, specifically?  How has our understanding of this process changed over time and which researcher contributed to this? …………..Answer Preview…………….. The human emotion is highly influenced by the brain, which is … Read more

Effective Communication

Effective Communication Who would be a contemporary speaker, perhaps in the last 50 or so years, anywhere in the world you admire—at least for his/her effectiveness as a speaker? What was it about that speaker that made his or her communication memorable? Using Aristotle’s classification scheme, decide whether you believe this speaker’s power to persuade … Read more

Market-competitive compensation system

Market-competitive compensation system A basic premise of a market-based economy is that each individual has the opportunity – through education, experience, hard, work, etc. – to improve his or her job earning potential. As a result, some employees may enjoy greater earnings than their colleagues. Assess how an organization can create a fair, market-competitive compensation … Read more

Training and Education in Health Care.

Training and Education in Health Care. Training and Development Paper grading criteria on the student website Prepare a 700- -word paper about training and education in health care. Include the following:   ·         Explain why training and education are vital in health care. ·         Explain the importance of measuring competencies. ·         Describe the process for … Read more

Family Violence

Family Violence Amee and Aaron are 6-year-old twins of Josh and Lacy. Josh is an alcoholic and unemployed, and Lacy works two jobs to feed the family. When Lacy arrives home late from work, Josh is drunk after spending the day managing the children. Josh picks a fight with Lacy over petty issues and starts … Read more

hierarchical structure

hierarchical structure  Topic 1: Why is the hierarchical structure limited in its capacity to facilitate coordination among departments in health care organizations? Topic 2: How important is fairness with respect to work motivation? What are the strengths and the drawbacks of the equity perspective? Provide examples of each …………Answer Preview……………An organizational structure is the arrangement of jobs and groups … Read more


Dermatology Why the most brown people are affected by acne? ………….Answer Preview…………. Dermatology Dermatologists argue that, the level of melanin in the body is the determining factor of acne and skin discoloration (Lycka, 124). While everyone is vulnerable to skin discoloration and acne, brown-skinned people are the most susceptible to acne. The amount of higher … Read more

The Seven Deadly Sins

The Seven Deadly Sins using APA format write a 1000 word paper offering personal examples to discuss key topics from the Williams text. The assignment covers Learning Outcomes 1-3. APA paper should include cover page, centered title on page two, use of running header,page numbers, and a reference page including two references (the Williams text … Read more

benefits of standardized and non-standardized assessments

benefits of standardized and non-standardized assessments You have been asked to prepare a presentation to parents on the benefits of both standardized and non-standardized assessments. You need to share that both standardized and informal, non-standardized assessments can effectively be used with young children. Give an example of when it is appropriate to use a standardized … Read more

standardized test

standardized test Jamal is a 22-month-old toddler in your home childcare center. He has been in your center for 2 weeks and you have some concerns about his development. His mother reports that the pregnancy and birth were non-eventful and that he has developed typically. Jamal’s mother stayed home with him until 2 weeks ago … Read more


Assignment Topic 1: What are some of the specific techniques that managers might use to manage team meetings? Of those you identify, which do you see as the most effective and under what circumstances? Topic 2: Identify two or more barriers to communication. Which do you think has the greatest potential to undermine the successful accomplishment of … Read more


  Globalisation Globalisation –  the case study of Kellogg – how they build strategies from their aims and objectives–using-aims-and-objectives-to-create-a-business-strategy–6-267-1.php Using the case study on Kellogs ‘objectives and business strategy’, respond to questions 1-4 below:- list six examples of ‘brands’. Why is a brand called a ‘powerful tool’ in the case study? Using a Kellogs … Read more

laws and digital surveillance

laws and digital surveillance The law attempts to balance individual rights with the rights of society. Two areas in which this conflict is particularly challenging are intellectual property rights as they relate to online materials and the new kinds of surveillance that digital media enable. Write a 850 word paper on whether you think the law … Read more

Server rooms often have halogen systems for extinguishing fires. An accidental discharge of the halogen could have disastrous results.

Server rooms often have halogen systems for extinguishing fires Server rooms often have halogen systems for extinguishing fires. An accidental discharge of the halogen could have disastrous results. What are the effects of halogen systems on equipment and personnel? Should this possibility be included in the DR (Disaster Recovery) plan? What recommendations would you make for … Read more

To foster teamwork and a culture of quality improvement, a new director of an ambulatory care center in a hospital has begun

foster teamwork and a culture of quality improvement To foster teamwork and a culture of quality improvement, a new director of an ambulatory care center in a hospital has begun holding twice-monthly management team meetings, consisting of several physicians, nurses, physician assistants, financial managers, and others. Attendance at these meetings has been erratic, and enforcing … Read more

What is the role of safety stock in a material requirement planning (MRP) system

role of safety stock in a material requirement planning (MRP) system What is the role of safety stock in a material requirement planning (MRP) system? What is the significance of lead-time in the traditional economic order quantity context? What is the significance of lead-time in an MRP system? What is the importance of the master … Read more

You are currently working as a tutor in a third-grade classroom in a private school working with Eric, who is behind grade level in reading

Non-standardized, Informal Assessment You are currently working as a tutor in a third-grade classroom in a private school working with Eric, who is behind grade level in reading. Choose one non-standardized, informal assessment method to use with Eric and explain why it would be appropriate to use in this example. Why did you choose this … Read more

poverty types: financial, homelessness, food insecurity. Address each one in the bullets

Poverty Types: financial, homelessness, food insecurity. Address each one in the bullets What is the problem? General examples (stats) What has been done thus far to help the problem? Organizations and agencies (stats) Why is this problem still here? What more can we do to help this problem? What congressional representatives or organizations can be … Read more

A 911 call came in at 3 a.m. from a local nightclub. It was reported that an individual was injured and unconscious

Forensic Science A 911 call came in at 3 a.m. from a local nightclub. It was reported that an individual was injured and unconscious. Upon EMS arrival, the victim was dead. You are called to the scene to investigate. This is your first death scene. You are having difficulty identifying the wounds on the body. Answer the following questions: Explain … Read more

How does Edgar Allan Poe use language to create mood in “The Raven”?

How does Edgar Allan Poe use language to create mood in “The Raven”? How does Edgar Allan Poe use language to create mood in “The Raven”? What other factors contribute to the mood of this poem? Discuss two additional factors, chosen from the following list: rhyme and repetition, the speaker’s despair, the raven itself, the … Read more

What is the nature of conflict? Why is it important to study it?

Nature of Conflict What is the nature of conflict? Why is it important to study it? In what ways do metaphors help describe conflict? Provide a personal example. How does the perception of communication behavior influence a conflict situation? What are the sources of power and how are they used in conflict scenarios? What is the difference between … Read more

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