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Firm behavior and organization of industry

Firm behavior and organization of industry Description You have been given the responsibility of working with your organization’s CEO to do a competitive market analysis of the potential success of one of their existing products. Research an organization and a product produced by that organization in which an analysis can be conducted. Write a 1,750-word … Read more


Environment   The first assignment is attach worksheet and the 2nd assignment due is below with the instruction. There is a concern in your community regarding the environment.  You’ve been tasked to research and present the concerns to your local or state government. Perform an internet search to identify an instance of environmental pollution in your state (Virginia). Create a … Read more


ecosystem   Select an ecosystem in your area (forest, lake, desert, grassland). Write a 525- to 700-word paper explaining the following: Describe the structure of your ecosystem including important abiotic features and dominant plant and animal species. Explain some functions/processes of your ecosystem including one nutrient cycle and one food chain. Give two examples of … Read more

Marketing Plan Based on the organization you have selected,

Marketing Plan Based on the organization you have selected Marketing Plan Based on the organization you have selected, this week you will a paper on Marketing Plan. You can use the Marketing Plan Sample as a template for this section, omitting those topics covered in other sections of the Capstone document a) what is your … Read more

International Communities trend

international communities trend Give an overview of the international communities trend. Don’t try to cover all of the options; that would require a book. List as many options as you like in the introduction (to show the range of intentional communities there are). If you prefer, you could, instead, open with a detailed scene of some … Read more

As the prevalence of social media continues to rise, consumers are recognizing

As the prevalence of social media continues to rise, consumers are recognizing As the prevalence of social media continues to rise, consumers are recognizing ways in which social media can direct them to better sources for purchasing. As a result, businesses are now jumping on the social media bandwagon at a rapid pace, embracing social … Read more

Precision Tax Accounting Company

Precision Tax Accounting Company Using the name” Precision Tax accounting” as the name of the company, Develop a paper that is  Operational Plan Based on the organization you have selected; Operational Plan that addresses the following (guidelines): a) What is the supply chain for your prospective organization? Where does your organization bring value in this … Read more

Describe how psychology plays a role in the workplace

Describe how psychology plays a role in the workplace For this summary, describe how psychology plays a role in the workplace and what resources the discipline offers to professionals in their careers. Summarize how psychology provides helpful lenses and resources for understanding individual human behavior. ………………..Answer Preview…………….. Psychology is the study of the human mind … Read more

Greenhouse Gases

Greenhouse Gases   126 Final Project Rubric (1)       ……………………………….Answer preview……………………………….             According to scientific observers, the global temperature increase during the past 50 years has been as a result of increased amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. The major greenhouses gases believed to be contributing to global warming include methane, carbon … Read more

Paramedic Education Program

Paramedic Education Program It’s 8 pages, double space and the 9th page is the resources. please cite an opinion and follow the instruction on the file Assignment – You are to pick a topic of your choice relating to the field of emergency medical services. This topic must be submitted to the designated instructor for … Read more

Diversification and Shareholder Value

Diversification and Shareholder Value Take a position as to whether or not your believe diversification increases shareholder value in a given company. Support your position. Given a company that is already diversified, suggest how senior management may determine the most effective strategy and how it should be evaluated. PepsiCo has historically trailed the Coco-Cola company … Read more

Victoria Williams has been employed by TEDCO for 3 years

Victoria Williams has been employed by TEDCO for 3 years Victoria Williams has been employed by TEDCO for 3 years. During that time, she has been an exemplary employee, repeatedly receiving the honor of being named employee of the month. TEDCO has 150 employees, 47 of them female, yet none of its female employees have … Read more

Examine fundamental concepts of human interaction from the perspective of social psychology

Examine fundamental concepts of human interaction from the perspective of social psychology Examine fundamental concepts of human interaction from the perspective of social psychology. Describe at least two examples of how human behavior changes based on social situations. In your description be sure to address the following:   Describe the specific behaviors and the context … Read more

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission MaryJo is a very religious woman. She takes every opportunity to propagate her religion at work, in social gatherings, and even at the mall. In fact, one of the central tenets of her religion is that salvation is dependent upon her converting as many people as she can. Her coworkers, however, … Read more

Investigate popular toys on the market today.

Investigate popular toys on the market today. Investigate popular toys on the market today.  You can use the internet or visit a toy store to do this research.  See if you can find toys that fall into the four categories above; that is, those that may promote aggression, those that may promote pro-social behavior; those … Read more

The XYZ Affair and the foreign policies

The XYZ Affair and the foreign policies The XYZ Affair was a diplomatic incident that involved both French and United State diplomats. This was followed by signing of the Jay’s treaty which settled violations of the treaty of Paris and averted the threat of the war with England. The treaty had serous implications of induced … Read more

Write about Data Quality. Explain the importance of data quality,

Write about Data Quality. Explain the importance of data quality, Write about Data Quality. Explain the importance of data quality, particularly as it pertains to Healthcare Information Systems. What are ways that the healthcare facility could ensure data integrity, clarity of the data, accuracy of the data, and timeliness of the data. ………………..Answer Preview……………… Data … Read more

Summarize the seven elements of an effective disaster communications

Summarize the seven elements of an effective disaster communications Summarize the seven elements of an effective disaster communications Identify three methods for communicating an “active shooter” situation to students and faculty on a college campus. Provide an example of how a social media tool such as Twitter can be used in the event of a … Read more

Strategic Leadership and Entrepreneurship for the Capstone Project

Strategic Leadership and Entrepreneurship for the Capstone Project Using “precision tax account” as the name of the company, answer the following questions. Strategic Leadership and Entrepreneurship for the Capstone Project Based on the organization you have selected, this week you will write on, Strategic Leadership and Entrepreneurship section that addresses the following topics: a) what … Read more

What are the major components of a human resources plan?

What are the major components of a human resources plan? Part of project implementation or execution is having a human resources plan. What are the major components of a human resources plan? What are the different ways to acquire the human resources needed for the plan other than adding headcount? What are the advantages and … Read more

When federal, state, and local governments issue securities

When federal, state, and local governments issue securities, what key roles do they play in financial markets, When federal, state, and local governments issue securities, what key roles do they play in financial markets, particularly in the bond and mortgage markets, and how do they affect you? Describe these financial markets in which goverments participate … Read more

Project Evaluation Process

Project Evaluation Process Describe the following project evaluation processes: make sure you understand the terms. Payback, NPV, PI, and IRR! Is any one evaluation process better the others? Why? …………………Answer Preview………….. Project evaluation processes are processes that help to ensure the consistency on evaluation and help in prioritizing on the candidate on the idea of … Read more

Business Recovery Strategy

Business Recovery Strategy Recovery Strategies (RS) are used to respond to business impacts outlined in the BIA. What considerations should be in place in addition to the BIA? Should the CPC be factored in to the strategy? How does leadership reflect upon the Recovery Strategy? ………………Answer Preview…………… The Business impact analysis is a technique used … Read more

Device analysis

Device analysis write a 5 page paper on the gambro Phoenix dialysis machine. the paper should include: introduction-how the device is designed and what it does body how does it work some of the problems advantages conclusion does well or badly your opinion about the device       ………………………..Answer preview……………………………… Gambro Phoenix Dialysis Machine … Read more

Criminal law vs. Civil law

Criminal law vs. Civil law Write a 2 page document about What is the difference between criminal and civil law? ………………Answer Preview…………… Criminal law vs. Civil law Every government, political, and social system has norms that govern it and those within its jurisdiction. These norms are commonly referred to as law. Despite the fact that laws … Read more

Emotional intelligence

Emotional intelligence Emotional intelligence (EI) is the concept of identifying, assessing, and developing an awareness of emotions to enhance social relationships. Do a keyword search on the Internet and in the CTU online library on emotional intelligence, and read a few articles on the subject. Based on your research, think about whether EI is a … Read more

Business environment

business environment   Assignment requirements: Do not include too much text on a slide – put only the key points, but be prepared to verbally discuss those points in greater detail. A good rule of thumb is to allow 1 – 2 minutes per slide; if you can read your slide in thirty seconds, you … Read more

Leadership Theories

Leadership Theories   ldr_300r5_leadership_theories_matrix_week2_1   ……………………Answer preview………………………… According to this theory, individuals’ personality traits differentiate leaders from nonleaders. This implies that there are some inherited qualities that leaders possess. The theory draws on the various positive virtuous individual attributes such as being ambitious and always focused. Under this theory, leaders are born. Thus, the theory … Read more

Silko Essay

Silko Essay   In essay form, please provide the following information on the article you prepared in class. Also be prepared to present and teach your interpretation to the class. The author’s background in your own words followed by a brief summary of the article. The political, social and/or economic conditions of the time the … Read more

Coca cola company

coca cola company The assignment is about a problem in a specific community the topic i chose is Coca Cola ads in USA specifically in Arizona. cocacola company has many ads of their unhealthy products which affects people’s health in Arizona. so the essay is proposal to make changes in this situation. and my audience … Read more

Marketing Management

  Marketing Management Each question should be answered in 1 page, separate documents Chapter 12 4-Ps: Marketing Management Extra Credit Assignment (2 Points) At the end of Chapter 12: 4-Ps: Marketing Management there is a case study under the section titled:
 CASE STUDY: Yale Lift Trucks
. Carefully read the case study in your Chapter 12 … Read more

Comprehensive Skills

Comprehensive Skills Write a 2 page paper about reading comprehension skills. ……………….Answer Preview……………..Reading comprehension entails reading a text and understanding every concept. An excellent reader is described as a person who has read between the lines and understood every idea in that text. Reading comprehension skills allows a learner to learn effectively, read proficiently, strategize, problem … Read more

Financial statements

financial statements Please choose a topic in industrial engineering or accounting. Include an outline of the same as well       ………………….Answer preview………………………….. It is the mandate of all businesses to present financial statements highlighting their financial performances over a particular period. These statements are to be presented following universal accounting principles. This is … Read more

Teenage Pregnancy

Teenage Pregnancy Review two to three news articles to determine a local community health care issue.( teenage pregnancy) How long has it been a problem? How has it affected the community?   How has the community responded ……………….Answer Preview……………….. Teen Pregnancy is a major issue in the United States of America and even globally. The … Read more

Saturday In The Park

Saturday In The Park The song: Chicago – Saturday in the Park (1973) (3:42) You can hear it on youtube at: Or click on the link below Format: One page typewritten, double-spaced. Please use a 12pt font. Please place your name – LA#2 + today’s date (on the upper left hand corner of the paper). … Read more

Case Report

Case Report You will be creating a case report in stages over four course topics. This assignment will add to your previous work in Topic 5. Use an example from your own personal practice, experience, or own personal/family; however, simulated cases are not acceptable for practice hours and therefore not acceptable for this assignment. Examples … Read more

Hernan Cortes

Hernan Cortes   Who is Hernan Cortes and what is his significant role in history? Please provide a 300-500 word essay to answer this FORMAT using apa     …………………………….Answer preview……………………….. Who is Hernan Cortes and what is his significant role in history? Hernan Cortes was a Spanish explorer and conquistador born in Medellin, Spain … Read more

Incentive theory

incentive theory Does the incentive theory really work in motivating employees in a high-stress work environment? Please explain your answer (whether yes or no) and provide your justifications of your answer. Thank you FORMAT using apa   ………………………………..Answer preview……………………………… Does the incentive theory work in motivating employees in a high-stress work environment? Yes, the incentive … Read more

Employee Relations

Employee Relations Description Below are 2 discussion questions that I need answered in about 500 words (about 2 pages). I also need 2 references with the discussion in APA style. Explain why job evaluation plans must take into consideration external and internal factors if they are to be successful Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of … Read more

The collaborative nature

The collaborative nature   The collaborative nature of crisis intervention benefits clients in a variety of ways, but can also bring up various ethical issues and considerations. Human services professionals often are privy to the most personal, sensitive aspects of clients’ lives. When a client’s situation calls for collaboration, it may be unavoidable that some … Read more

SWOT analysis

SWOT analysis Mohammed Abdul and his family own the Long-lasting Boot (LLB) store. LLB is a specialty boot store located in the downtown area in a medium sized Scottsdale, Arizona and sells a broad line of boots to all members of the family including a novelty pet line. The store sells boots for work and … Read more

Action plan

action plan   In the planning phase, managers create a detailed action plan aimed at the organizational goals.  Strategic management, or what you will learn as strategizing, is what an organization will do or not do to achieve the goals and objectives that lead to meeting the stated mission and vision.   Create three long … Read more

American Jurisprudence

American Jurisprudence Description This Assignment addresses the following course outcome(s): LS185-3: Explain the branches of government and their role in establishing Separation of Powers. GEL-1.1: Demonstrate college-level communication through the composition of original materials in Standard American English. GEL-8.4: Use principles of sound reasoning within the field of study. Assignment Introduction: You have studied the … Read more

Criminal Activities

Criminal Activities Description 5 page MLA format with 7 citations Sentence Outline to be completed with Research Paper  I have the thesis sentence completed that was approved by my professor so I would have to have that included in my paper. The environment a person interacts in and their genetic compositions can influence whether or … Read more

world’s superpowers

world’s superpowers Description Was World War I preventable? Why or why not? What were the underlying causes of the war prior to the assassination of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand in June of 1914? This is assignment is 1-3 pages double-spaced, 12-point. Place your name and course number & section at the top of the page. … Read more

Gay marriage

  Gay marriage Gay marriage, Gun control, Alcohol sale and use Description The debate over the roles of federal and state government has existed since the birth of this nation. This topic still looms large in Congress and amongst governors and state interests as well. Choose two topics from the three listed below. What role … Read more

Developments in information technology

developments in information technology Description Describe how your chosen profession (either the one you currently follow or the one for which you are studying) has changed because of the developments in information technology. How will the mobile revolution impact this profession/business/career? My profession will be an Accountant** Approximately 500 words         ………………………..Answer … Read more

Injustice in the Workplace

Injustice in the Workplace Injustice in the Workplace Analysis. In this paper you are asked to examine actual work place practises that demonstrate the function of power in organizations. For example, how are restaurants often structured to objectify the bodies of young women and impoverish older women and yet in very expensive eating establishments the … Read more

Heredity and Environment

Heredity and Environment Description Heredity and Environment/The Play Years InstructionsAlthough your text does an excellent job of describing concepts and theories about development, the ability to apply those theories to real world instances is an integral part of learning. Pick at least two concepts for the applicable age group from this unit that are of … Read more


literature Description read "A&P" by John Updike and " The lesson" by Toni Cade Bambara.Write a reader response for both stories. each response on a separate page, you may choose your own focus for the response, but don’t use outside sources be specific. grammar correction matter. you can find the poem online but don’t use … Read more

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