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Western United States

Western United States   Choose Topic: History Select Number of Pages: 3 (825 words) Question description: discuss the change in the study of the history of the Western United States. How do the views of Turner and Limerick reflect the changing perceptions about the continuity of Western History? 3SOURCES APA       …………………………Answer preview…………………………. … Read more

The social impact of mobile phone

the social impact of mobile phone the social impact of mobile phone in australia one more thing is could you please help me to find 4 more resources and make another document and put the web address link for me and i could do the references by myslef i wrote 800 words could you … Read more

Financial report

Financial report   write a short Financial report answering the following questions Read through the Financial Times or any other financial newspapers and then pick an article that may be dealing with one or more of the topics taught namely: Relevant costs for decision making (choosing between options) Volume based decisions – variable and fixed … Read more

Shopping Observation

shopping Observation 3 page paper on a shopping experience. Two Short Papers Over the course of the term, you rsquo;ll write two short (3-page) papers. Each paper is worth 10% of your final grade. Your papers should be typed (12-point Times New Roman font), double-spaced, and follow APA formatting guidelines. Your short papers should be … Read more

Operations management project

operations management project I have 4 to 6 paper works examples for this assignment so you can do it more easily. i will be needing just something fresh i have several examples for this assignment so i think it will help you to do it A – OpMgmtProject – 2011 Bart(1) (1) A – Group_Paper_-Hypothetical … Read more

Changes in Policing and crime control

Changes in Policing and crime control I need to use two academic journal articles- my research question is: How has policing changed from the past until now? What are some methods for preventing crime? Which way is most useful and why? Here are some articles I previously made notes on for the class Sthneziingh, M., … Read more

As you begin work on this assignment, review the “Deficit Reduction Act Section 5001: Hospital Quality Improvement”

Deficit Reduction Act Section 5001: Hospital Quality Improvement As you begin work on this assignment, review the “Deficit Reduction Act Section 5001: Hospital Quality Improvement” from page 78 of your Principles of Risk Management and Patient Safety text. Recall that the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 “mandated a CMS policy eliminating reimbursement to hospitals for … Read more

Project Implementation

Project Implementation Consider the argument in the above video and the project being completed. Who do you agree with? Why did you make that choice? You can disagree with both of them and make a completely different choice as well. Refer back to your trait and areas of knowledge choices for the project manager hire … Read more

Real-world software

Real-world software   this task, I would like to write one page summary based on the attached article that include the following: Summary of the paper. Your opinion on the work. Is it applicable to real-world software? Is it a useful approach? Where does it fall short? Your thoughts on how this could be improved … Read more

Pilot Program

Pilot Program For this Assignment, in 4-6 pages design a pilot program and evaluation to address community needs for your Final Project initiative proposal. In your Assignment, be sure to include the following items: Description of your proposed program that you developed in Weeks 3 and 6 Description of your proposed pilot program Describe a … Read more

International politics

International politics   Description questions How do you think people will answer them twenty-five or fifty years from now? Do most of your peers view themselves as participants in international affairs as bystanders or as completely disconnected? check example from my classmate       …………………….Answer preview……………………….. In twenty years or so to come international … Read more

The Human Population and Urbanization

The Human Population and Urbanization Chapter 6 – The Human Population and UrbanizationChoose one site for the 3 questions below and post: Why did you pick this article? The 2 most important concepts of the video/website you chose. Your personal reactions to it. Here are the video/websites you may chose from: Effects of Urbanization on … Read more

Industry case study

industry case study   From the given industry case study assigned (TBD). Pick three (3) TA concepts to Analyze and apply to this industry example and how they relate to the Case or if not present in this case study, then how could/should they relate to the case. Case Introduction, 15% Elements explained, A,B, & … Read more

Accounting industry

accounting industry Discuss the current trends and changes in recruitment and employability criteria in accounting industry in australia Need 4 references       …………………………Answer preview…………………….. Each and every day we continue to see emerging and ever changing trends in the recruitment sector. Different recruitment industries continue to change each day. The Australian employment market … Read more

The Melbourne Museum

The Melbourne Museum   Same as the last order you did on museum. Check the attached instructions This assignment should consider the following key points What is the Museum of Victoria (than focus on Melbourne museum)? How did it come into existence? What are the current exhibitions or event in Melbourne museum? How does the … Read more

Koorie Heritage

Koorie Heritage Minimum 1400 words exclude reference How does the Koorie Heritage Trust Riverwalk illustrate the experience of indigenous people in Australia? This assignment should consider the following key points What is the Koorie Heritage Trust? How did it come into existence? What are the current exhibitions? What message do the exhibitions try to convey … Read more

Absolutism vs. Relativism

Absolutism vs. Relativism Absolutism vs. Relativism " to participate the discussion: Reflect upon and discuss the questions: Which ethical position is correct, absolutism or relativism? Why? In your discussion, consider the arguments for and against both views as presented in this unit. What does Aristotle say about the good life and the "ingredients" which can … Read more

Cell Biology and Chemistry

Cell Biology and Chemistry EssayTask No 17 (2)     ………………………….Answer preview……………………………. Enzymes can be defined as catalysts in our bodies that have the role of accelerating various chemical reactions in our bodies. Enzymes are very important because they are required to speed up metabolic processes and they make these processes faster and efficient than … Read more

Economic Policies for Health Promotion, Wellness, and Prevention

Economic Policies for Health Promotion, Wellness, and Prevention In a 4 page paper, address the following: Compare the economic policies for health promotion, wellness, and prevention programs in the United States and a country of your choice. Include differences in approaches to wellness and prevention. Analyze implications of these policies and disparities. Analyze how you … Read more

Integrating Theories

 Integrating Theories In this course, we have studied various approaches to therapy and explored the utility of each orientation with reference to the client. For this assignment, take the perspective of a therapist working with clients. This will help you honestly assess your own development and more objectively evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of using … Read more

physical changes

 physical changes Description Topic: physical changes You read about the various changes that happen to the body as one grows older. How do you think these changes affect the person psychologically? What about how they affect him/her socially? Which changes do you feel would be the most challenging to deal with? What would you recommend … Read more

Writing for Audience

  Writing for Audience This one is short fused about 3-4 paragraphs will be fine Writing for audience (choosing 3 topics) Description All of the articles below discuss the same topic, but they are addressed to different kinds of readers. Divide them into three categories: Written for a general audience, Written for readers with a … Read more

Societal Influence

 Societal Influence Description Societal Influence Choose a contemporary cultural/societal message that you think negatively impacts the physical and/or emotional health of adolescents, prescribe a remedy for the problem based on what you know about adolescent theory and research, and write your thoughts and position in a manner that could potentially be read by a legislator … Read more

Federalist vs Antifederalist

Federalist vs Antifederalist I need to compare federalist paper 29 to antifederalist paper Brutus X required minimum length; 5 complete pages of text, double spaced, 12 point normal sized font, normal margins. Go beyond the bare minimum length required if you want an ‘A’!! Choose one Federalist Paper and one Anti-Federalist Paper à excluding the … Read more

Financial policies

Financial policies   Proposed changes to financial policies in Mali Description Write one page (12 point times new roman, double spaced, one inch margins, citing sources within the text) on how you would suggest Mali reform their financial policies (banking system, allow or do not allow certain types of foreign investment, and allow or do … Read more

Personal Training

Personal Training Description Your research paper must be: A minimum of 3 to 5 full length pages, reference page is separate 12 inch font double-spaced throughout the entire paper (even between the topic headings) proper sentence structure, grammar, and spelling at least 3 different sources used and cited with links included in references paper content … Read more

Recycling Plastic Water

Recycling Plastic Water Bottles and Pollution i want an academic research paper about recycling plastic water bottlers. it needs to have 3 pages Complete Paper Title Not Abbreviated and Not Bold An introduction paragraph for the research paper begins here with a hook to stimulate reader interest. Write a “placeholder” for your hook because you … Read more

Brazil Recommendation

Brazil Recommendation Description Assignment Instructions also It has to Be on the country of Brazil and 2 full physical pages a For your final SLP, pretend that an American corporation hired you to write a report giving a recommendation on whether or not they should enter the country that you have been researching for your … Read more

Technology inform

Technology inform This paper should be professionally written, as if for a newspaper/blog/magazine. It should be informative and written well. It should have an introduction, body, and conclusion. Additionally, be sure to conduct research on your chosen technology and show anything else that you feel will support your writing and answers. Be sure to weave … Read more

Service marketing management

Service marketing management Description mla format Assignment Question: With reference to a service organisation of your choice, critically evaluate how the following approaches to services marketing management – namely,   process improvement, human aspects and managing resource capacity  can potentially contribute to the success of a service organisation. Your evaluation of processes, human aspects and resource … Read more

Articles for Analysis

Articles for Analysis Description If you prefer, you may select an article of your own finding to study and analyze in your essay. However, you must choose a credible article that makes a legitimate argument, and it must be in a recognized and respected source; it cannot come from a random blog or be a … Read more

Praise dance

Praise dance   Apa paper about ‘Praise dance " I will convert this paper into a presentation for my class. please use Information off this site 900WORDS       ……………………Answer preview………………………… Dancing is the activity of moving one’s body parts for pleasure. The pleasure is either for the people dancing or the audience that … Read more

Evaluating Financial Performance

Evaluating Financial Performance A company ’s financial statements consist of the balance sheet, income statement, and statement of cash flows. The topic this week is the difference between GAAP and IFRS. Choose the financial statement that you consider most important to a business leader in Saudi Arabia. Search the SEU library or the internet for … Read more

Computer Systems

Computer Systems Description List and describe the business drivers behind choosing a particular operating system. What factors might influence IT to choose between open systems versus proprietary systems versus server operating systems? Justify your position with appropriate citations from credible sources.       ……………………Answer preview………………………………. Every business intends to succeed. For this reason there … Read more

Computer Systems and the IT Industry

Computer Systems and the IT Industry   Description The topic this week is the core principles of finance. Choose one of the principles that resonates with your perspective on financial decisions in Saudi Arabia. Search the SEU library or the internet for an academic or industry-related article regarding these core principles. Select an article that … Read more

Description Essays

Description Essays Description  Using a minimum of 500 words, write an essay discussing the struggle the Greek-Speaking world faced in uniting all of Greece Into one political unit. During your discussion, be sure to address the following questions: Why were Athens and Sparta somehow unfit or unable to lead a united Greece? Why were the … Read more

Health and fitness

Health and fitness Write  2PGS essay on Health and Fitness APA format, 2 references       …………………………Answer preview……………………. Health can broadly be defined as the condition of being of complete mental, physical and social well-being and being free from disease. In humans, health can be termed as the ability of an individual to effectively … Read more

Choleric Temperament

Choleric Temperament Explain how you know this temperament (choleric) most fits your character, how it assists you in daily life, and how it might work against your development. Continue to follow APA format. If you define your temperament, you will need a reference supporting this information. …………………………..Answer preview……………………………. Choleric temperament mostly fits my character with … Read more

Application Project 1

Application Project 1 Description Read Case Study 0.1 ("Federal Employees Behaving Badly"), which is part of the Introduction in your text. Write a paper of between 750 and 1000 words that provides answers to the five discussion probes. Here is the link to the book where you will find this case study: Once there, … Read more

Extra Credit

 Extra Credit Description EC I Extra Credit Assignment: Due end of day April 14th. Write a synopsis of the paper DeYoe et al 2007. This essay should include at least two paragraphs. Paragraph one should include the reason for the research, the importance of the research, the scientific question being asked by the scientists and … Read more

Fundamental changes

Fundamental changes   Fundamental changes in the lives of African Americans in the last three decades and why these occurred. The project required you to write a term essay on one of the given topics, or a topic of your choice, selected in consultation with your instructor. In 2000 words (approximately 7 pages) or more, … Read more

Markets and the Economics

Markets and the Economics Description students will employ the supply and demand model to develop consumer surplus and producer surplus as a measure of welfare and market efficiency. Students learn about welfare economics–the study of how the allocation of resources affects economic well-being–and will discover that under most circumstances, the equilibrium price and quantity is … Read more

Chemical Causes of Depression

Chemical Causes of Depression Description Write a 5 page research paper, using at least 4 primary sources/scientific journal articles. MLA format. Must include in text citation and a work cited page. This research paper is for a chemistry class, topic is depression; what is happening chemically in the brain to cause depression then also how … Read more

Chagas Disease

Chagas Disease Description The research project requires that you select a disease, syndrome, etc. of interest, which affects a diverse population, and write a descriptive epidemiological analysis of that topic. Descriptive epidemiology is usually the first stage in studying the epidemiology of a disease or syndrome or other conditions. Your descriptive analysis will cover: Person: … Read more

Businesses have increasingly relied upon networks of computers and the rapid pace of technological presents

Businesses have increasingly relied upon networks of computers and the rapid pace of technological presents Businesses have increasingly relied upon networks of computers and the rapid pace of technological presents a challenge in identifying risks and implementing strategies to deal with them. Four ethical topics pertinent to organizations in the IT industry and organizations that … Read more

Women and gender

 women and gender Description Topic is the effects of Domestic Violence or Intimate Partner Violence on Children- So mental/ behavioral effects on children and the mothers view/ efforts to protect/ leave. Assignment: Take Assignment #2 to the next level. Write a 4-6 page research paper on the topic you choose for assignment #2. It must … Read more

Formatting & Style Guide

Formatting & Style Guide its two paper in one assignment one has to be APA the other one can be MLA Description FORMATTING AND STYLE GUIDE INSTRUCTIONS In academic writing, a student needs to properly understand and put forth individual work that meets criteria established by the following formatting and style guides: APA, MLA, Turabian, … Read more

African American culture

African American culture Description The objective is to relate this project to the text readings and to events in your family history. Think enculturation, culture, ethnic background and customs and learn more by asking your family and friends about the events: history, traditions, beliefs, cultural heritage, etc.that make you who you are You may relate … Read more

Internet of Things

Internet of Things   The term “Internet of Things” has come to describe a number of technologies and research disciplines that enable the Internet to reach out into the real world of physical objects. The Internet of Things generally refers to a wireless network between objects such as household appliances. By embedding short-range mobile transceivers … Read more

Incidence of chickenpox

incidence of chickenpox   Description contrast incidence of chickenpox in Chicago with state and national data. How you use this information if you were the local public health nurse utilize the chain of transmission to describe the chickenpox and transmission process identify Chicago community resources currently existing and needed to effectively manage chickenpox List three … Read more

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