What insights did you gain from the article and videos
What insights did you gain from the article and videos After reading assigned articles, complete a journal entry (minimum of 2 pages single spaced). Each journal entry will be due by the next class. Summarize the article in one (1) paragraph. What insights did you gain from the article and videos? What did you learn … Read more
What is the issue presented in the article
What is the issue presented in the article What is the issue presented in the article? Give a definition of the revolution as presented in the article. Does American Revolution fit the definition? Why? Be specific in examples of other revolutions. What was the focus of the British Empire in the colonies and how did it … Read more
Some of the reasons why did the colonial poor join the cause of the revolution
Some of the reasons why did the colonial poor join the cause of the revolution Howard Zinn, in this chapter, opens up with some of the reasons why did the colonial poor join the cause of the revolution. Similarly, the Shay\’s Rebellion is described to portray the inequities and injustice felt on behalf of the … Read more
L.R. is a 28-year-old female patient who was evaluated at the clinic because she presented thin and white vaginal discharged
L.R. is a 28-year-old female patient who was evaluated at the clinic because she presented thin and white vaginal discharged Cases L.R. is a 28-year-old female patient who was evaluated at the clinic because she presented thin and white vaginal discharged which was increased after sexual intercourse. The vaginal discharge has a pH of 5.2, … Read more
Gynecological Health Care for Lesbian, Bisexual & Transgender Individuals
Gynecological Health Care for Lesbian, Bisexual & Transgender Individuals Gynecological Health Care for Lesbian, Bisexual & Transgender Individuals The purpose of this paper is to better understand gynecological health care for lesbian, bisexual and transgender individuals. Define and describe for lesbian, bisexual and transgender individuals. Gender and sexuality concepts. Social and political context. Social determinants … Read more
Developing your skills in both reading and critiquing literature.
Developing your skills in both reading and critiquing literature. Throughout the semester you are required to complete 2 thorough article critiques. This assignment will assist you in developing your skills in both reading and critiquing literature. You will read and critique a peer reviewed article of your choice. For this assignment, you will critique a … Read more
You’re a healthcare administration fellow at the prestigious Stanford Healthcare.
You’re a healthcare administration fellow at the prestigious Stanford Healthcare. The purpose of this assignment is to familiarize you with financial statements, the need to align the financials and the strategic direction of the firm, and the process of performing horizontal and vertical analyses of a company\\\’s balance sheets and income statements. You will be … Read more
Critically Appraising the Results From Quantitative or Outcomes Studies
Critically Appraising the Results From Quantitative or Outcomes Studies Critically Appraising the Results From Quantitative or Outcomes Studies Choose a Quantitative or Outcome Study Article Identify the statistical procedures used. Judge whether these procedures were appropriate for the purpose and the hypotheses questions, or objectives of the study, and for the level of measurement of … Read more
Complete each section of the Glossary of Terms related to language and literacy development
Complete each section of the Glossary of Terms related to language and literacy development Glossary: Complete each section of the Glossary of Terms related to language and literacy development. The terms are divided by topic, and you should complete only the terms required for each topic during the assigned topic week. In your own words, … Read more
Langston Hughes, Mother to Son Write an analysis of the poem above
Langston Hughes, Mother to Son Write an analysis of the poem above Langston Hughes, Mother to Son Write an analysis of the poem above, likely around 1000 words, interpreting at least three distinct metaphors present in the poem and arguing for a thread, through-line, or pattern of meaning that coheres into the poem’s primary theme. … Read more
Supporting the Mental and Emotional Well-Being of Your Students
Supporting the Mental and Emotional Well-Being of Your Students Supporting the Mental and Emotional Well-Being of Your Students The graduate identifies appropriate resources and processes to support the mental health and emotional well-being of students. INTRODUCTION Western Governors University employs a three-step developmental framework to support you through your preclinical and clinical experiences. This framework … Read more
Masters in HRER 860 – Ethical Decision Making for HR Practitioners.
Masters in HRER 860 – Ethical Decision Making for HR Practitioners. Masters in HRER 860 – Ethical Decision Making for HR Practitioners.Textbook: Ethics of Human Resource and Industrial Relations 2005; Author: Budd, John W. / Scoville, James G. Publisher: ILR Press Please Ensure All Essays:1. Please start the essay with a brief introductory paragraph (2 … Read more
Designing an Ethernet Network
Designing an Ethernet Network Designing an Ethernet Network The Ethernet (802.3) is the most common and popular standard for Switched Local Area Networks (LANs). An Ethernet network is made of hosts, switches, and transmission links. Designing, explaining, and evaluating the design of Ethernet networks are marketable skills for a manager of data networks.In this assignment, … Read more
Listen to the School Leadership Show podcast
Listen to the School Leadership Show podcast Part I Listen to the \”School Leadership Show\” podcast season 4 episode 5 that is linked below (it can also be found on apple podcasts)- Author of Candid and Compassionate Feedback: The School Leadership Show: S4 E5 Candid and Compassionate Feedback Links to an external site. Based on … Read more
Debate with your peers the concept of increasing minimum wage.
Debate with your peers the concept of increasing minimum wage. #2 assignment For this discussion you will debate with your peers the concept of increasing minimum wage. In order to participate in a knowledgeable debate, you must have a firm understanding of each side of the issue. Your textbook discusses minimum wage in detail and … Read more
Define capitalism and socialism and provide examples of countries for both structures.
Define capitalism and socialism and provide examples of countries for both structures. For this discussion, Define capitalism and socialism and provide examples of countries for both structures. Next, discuss why capitalism and socialism are currently being spotlighted in U.S. politics giving the pros and cons to each organizational structure. Be sure to be specific and … Read more
The Case of an Underperforming Teacher
The Case of an Underperforming Teacher Case Study 2: The Case of an Underperforming Teacher Part I: You are the principal of a non-profit preparatory academy known for its values and teaching standards. You are fairly new to the institution and to your leadership role, having taken your current position at a time when the … Read more
Using nontraditional experiences for practicing nurses.
Using nontraditional experiences for practicing nurses. The RN to BSN program at Grand Canyon University meets the requirements for clinical competencies as defined by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE) and the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN), using nontraditional experiences for practicing nurses. These experiences come in the form of direct and … Read more
Propose a quality improvement initiative from your place of employment that could easily be implemented if approved
Propose a quality improvement initiative from your place of employment that could easily be implemented if approved In this assignment, you will propose a quality improvement initiative from your place of employment that could easily be implemented if approved. Assume you are presenting this program to the board for approval of funding. Write an executive … Read more
Read Kenneth Burke’s Attitude at the Crossroads of Rhetorical and Cultural Studies
Read Kenneth Burke’s Attitude at the Crossroads of Rhetorical and Cultural Studies 1. Read “Kenneth Burke’s \’Attitude\’ at the Crossroads of Rhetorical and Cultural Studies: A Proposal and Case Study Illustration\” located in the Topic Resources. What is your understanding of Kenneth Burke\’s term, Attitude? What social media campaign would you like to create? In your social media … Read more
Write a reflection about worldview
Write a reflection about worldview Based on the required topic Resources, write a reflection about worldview and respond to following: In 750-1,000 words, answer each of the worldview questions according to your own personal perspective and worldview: Remember to support your reflection with the topic Resources. While APA style is not required for the body … Read more
Explain what scientism is and describe two of the main arguments against it.
Explain what scientism is and describe two of the main arguments against it. Based on the required topic Resources, write a reflection about worldview and respond to following: In 250-300 words, explain what scientism is and describe two of the main arguments against it. Remember to support your reflection with the topic Resources. While APA style is not required … Read more
Explain the Christian perspective of the nature of spirituality and ethics
Explain the Christian perspective of the nature of spirituality and ethics Based on the required topic Resources, write a reflection about worldview and respond to following: In 250-300 words, explain the Christian perspective of the nature of spirituality and ethics in contrast to the perspective of postmodern relativism within health care. Remember to support your … Read more
The Context of Organizational Development
The Context of Organizational Development Wk 1 – Summative Assessment 1: The Context of Organizational DevelopmentAssignment ContentOrganizational theory provides a framework for addressing an organization’s needs and goals. In this week’s learning activities, you discovered several factors that have had an impact on the development of organizational theory in the United States.Write a 1,050- to … Read more
5-minute video describing how you envision your role as a scholar, practitioner, and leader.
5-minute video describing how you envision your role as a scholar, practitioner, and leader. Wk 1 – Beginning-of-Course ReflectionAssignment ContentThroughout this course you will complete reflections intended to help you document your personal and professional journey. As you complete this and subsequent reflections, take note of how your skills are developing and changing.Script, record, and … Read more
Do an active reading of your selected reading using the reviewed analysis techniques.
Do an active reading of your selected reading using the reviewed analysis techniques. Overview To complete this assignment, do an active reading of your selected reading using the reviewed analysis techniques. Be sure to take notes. Next, you will make a plan for writing your critical analysis essay, which will guide you through the first … Read more
Your company wishes to ensure that the new help desk will be able to handle requests and problems from users
Your company wishes to ensure that the new help desk will be able to handle requests and problems from users Your company wishes to ensure that the new help desk will be able to handle requests and problems from users at any time of the day or day of the week; this will play an … Read more
A help desk analyst is expected to have a very broad technical skill set that includes working with personal computers
A help desk analyst is expected to have a very broad technical skill set that includes working with personal computers A help desk analyst is expected to have a very broad technical skill set that includes working with personal computers (Windows, Mac, possibly Linux), computer networks, and even mobile devices. The hiring manager of your … Read more
You want to ensure that all of the tools are in place and that the analysts have the tools needed to resolve issues as they are reported
You want to ensure that all of the tools are in place and that the analysts have the tools needed to resolve issues as they are reported As you continue to build the help desk, you want to ensure that all of the tools are in place and that the analysts have the tools needed … Read more
The decade following World War II has been described as the Boom Years in the United States.
The decade following World War II has been described as the Boom Years in the United States. The decade following World War II has been described as the Boom Years in the United States. There was an economic boom and a rise in technological innovation. Some of the developments of the 1950’s include the following: … Read more
Diagnosis of Personality Disorders
Diagnosis of Personality Disorders Assignment: Diagnosis of Personality DisordersClients do not enter treatment due to the symptoms of a personality disorder—since the symptoms are ego syntonic. That is, the symptoms are comfortable to them, and thus they are often not able to identify that those symptoms are creating difficulties. Clients with personality disorders enter treatment … Read more
One example of unethical activity is bribery.
One example of unethical activity is bribery. Discussion Board Choose 1 of the following questions and answer it completely and thoroughly for your thread: One example of unethical activity is bribery. Explain what it is, how common the practice is, and where it is found. Take a position either for or against globalization. Provide examples … Read more
Managing a diverse workforce.
Managing a diverse workforce. Topic of choice is: Managing a diverse workforce. Overview This template is an alliterated mnemonic device for the critical analysis of information. The alliterated format is used to assist in ordering and recalling data relevant to a subject. It can be utilized from memory, if necessary, when presenting a speech, leading … Read more
Critique examples of professional behaviors and ethical decisions.
Critique examples of professional behaviors and ethical decisions. Critique examples of professional behaviors and ethical decisions.Over the next seven weeks, you will contribute to a term project called the Leadership Portfolio. You will complete a portion of the Leadership Portfolio (see file attachment provided below) each week, by following directions provided in the weekly assignment … Read more
Explicate one of Phillis Wheatley’s poems and talk about form, subject matter, and themes.
Explicate one of Phillis Wheatley’s poems and talk about form, subject matter, and themes. purposeYour response paper should answer one of the questions below. Successful papers are thoughtful and well organized by offering a thoughtful and informed argument which relies on examples from the narratives or poems. Have a clear thesis statement in your introduction … Read more
Provide an overview of the environmental topic you selected & describe its contribution to human disease.
Provide an overview of the environmental topic you selected & describe its contribution to human disease. environmental health topic is hydro energy. Provide an overview of the environmental topic you selected & describe its contribution to human disease. Which communities are most affected by the environmental topic you chose?4Section 2: Current event Summarize a current … Read more
What do you believe are the two most significant major philosophical influences on the history of teaching and learning
What do you believe are the two most significant major philosophical influences on the history of teaching and learning What do you believe are the two most significant major philosophical influences on the history of teaching and learning? How do these affect our historical understanding of teaching and learning? Support your assertions. Requirements: 2 full … Read more
Use a minimum of 2 theories presented in class to identify a plan to increase adherence to a physical activity program
Use a minimum of 2 theories presented in class to identify a plan to increase adherence to a physical activity program Students will use a minimum of 2 theories presented in class to identify a plan to increase adherence to a physical activity program the University of Winnipeg offers. Students may select any program that … Read more
You need to use those three different articles based on the topic of your research topic and list the approaches and techniques
You need to use those three different articles based on the topic of your research topic and list the approaches and techniques You need to use those three different articles based on the topic of your research topic and list the approaches and techniques. Also, you need write a one paragraph recommendation of each article, … Read more
Pick a leader and explain who the person is
Pick a leader and explain who the person is 1. Some of this week’s reading rehearses different theoretical approaches to the term leadership. Pick a “leader” and explain who the person is. Then, using one of the theoretical approaches, analyze the person’s leadership. What does your theoretical approach say a “good” leader is? To what extent does … Read more
A foreign key is a column or can also be a combination of multiple columns in a relational database that has links to data in two tables.
A foreign key is a column or can also be a combination of multiple columns in a relational database that has links to data in two tables. Post 1 A foreign key is a column or can also be a combination of multiple columns in a relational database that has links to data in two … Read more
A function in a structured query language for a database serves a similar role as it would in any other programming language
A function in a structured query language for a database serves a similar role as it would in any other programming language Post 1: – A function in a structured query language for a database serves a similar role as it would in any other programming language. A function, in its simplest form, is a … Read more
Information that would help an entrepreneur to understand the importance of evaluating their organization’s marketing strategy
Information that would help an entrepreneur to understand the importance of evaluating their organization’s marketing strategy For this assignment you will need to search the internet for information that would help an entrepreneur and/or small business owner to understand the importance of evaluating their organization’s marketing strategy along with their customer and product portfolios. You … Read more
You may have heard about individual accountability, mob mentality, and dynamic teamwork.
You may have heard about individual accountability, mob mentality, and dynamic teamwork. You may have heard about individual accountability, mob mentality, and dynamic teamwork. These all represent different aspects of the continuum between individual and group processes and behaviors. As a leader in a criminal justice organization, you’ll want to be able to harness the … Read more
Find examples of Pestalozzi’s emphasis on educating the whole child, mentally, physically, and emotionally
Find examples of Pestalozzi’s emphasis on educating the whole child, mentally, physically, and emotionally Find examples of Pestalozzi’s emphasis on educating the whole child, mentally, physically, and emotionally, in your own education and in local schools in your community? Requirements: 300 words Answer preview to Find examples of Pestalozzi’s emphasis on educating the whole child, … Read more
Literature review on EPIC Electronic Healthcare System
Literature review on EPIC Electronic Healthcare System Literature review on EPIC Electronic Healthcare System 3 reassures at least Requirements: 250 words Answer preview to Literature review on EPIC Electronic Healthcare System APA507 words Get instant access to the full solution from yourhomeworksolutions by clicking the purchase button below
Discuss the literature you will be using for the Theoretical and Conceptual Framework
Discuss the literature you will be using for the Theoretical and Conceptual Framework The topic chosen is Public Administration. Must be 200 words. Prompt: Briefly discuss the literature you will be using for the Theoretical and Conceptual Framework. Why are these the most valuable for you to use? State your Hypotheses or Propositions. Requirements: 200 … Read more
Would you describe your relationship with your partner as one of choice or circumstance
Would you describe your relationship with your partner as one of choice or circumstance Would you describe your relationship with your partner as one of choice or circumstance? Has it changed? What initially attracted you to your partner(i.e short-term attraction, etc)? (Think about interpersonal attraction, which holds true for relationships as well as romantic relationships.) … Read more
Select one specific item from any of the three forms of media
Select one specific item from any of the three forms of media Select one specific item from any of the three forms of media listed below. Online video streaming service (example: you could pick a tech platform like Roku, provider like Netflix or an aggregator like YouTube)Social media platform (example: you could pick Facebook, Twitter, … Read more
Social media platforms and other technology have revolutionized how we communicate with one another
Social media platforms and other technology have revolutionized how we communicate with one another Social media platforms and other technology have revolutionized how we communicate with one another and how news is delivered. Unfortunately, social media platforms, and even some news outlets, contain misinformation. In this assignment, you will investigate the role of social media … Read more