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Principles of Microeconomics

Principles of Microeconomics Principles of MicroeconomicsAssignment Instructions: I need help with a journal and an assignment. JOURNALPrior to working on this journal, review Chapters 4, 5, and 6 from your textbook, Principles of Microeconomics, Hurricanes, hog manure and the dire need for carbon pricing. Submit your response in writing in a Word document. Chapter 4- … Read more

Explain multicultural communication and its origins.

Explain multicultural communication and its origins. Explain multicultural communication and its origins.Compare and contrast culture, ethnicity, and acculturation.Explain how cultural and religious differences affect the health care professional and the issues that can arise in cross-cultural communications.Discuss family culture and its effect on patient education.List some approaches the health care professional can use to address … Read more

Compare and contrast culture, ethnicity, and acculturation.

Compare and contrast culture, ethnicity, and acculturation. Assignment Instructions: Compare and contrast culture, ethnicity, and acculturation.Paper Format: APA Answer preview to Compare and contrast culture, ethnicity, and acculturation. APA 300 WORDS

Discuss a patient of another culture

Discuss a patient of another culture Discuss a patient of another culture. How can the health care professional communicate in presenting patient education? Consider language, family, cultural differences, and method of communication.Paper Format: APA Answer preview to Discuss a patient of another culture APA 300 WORDS

Increase employee satisfaction and productivity.

Increase employee satisfaction and productivity. Increase employee satisfaction and productivity.Assignment Instructions: You will take the topic from your proposal and write a white paper where you will present yourfindings and support for your recommendation. While I will be a gatekeeper audience (gradingthe paper), you will also have real-world audiences—audiences that your argument is directed to.The … Read more

Exam Content

Exam Content Exam ContentUse the organization you selected in week 1 (Best Buy Co., Inc.) for this assignment. Project plans outline the intended course of events; however, things don’t always happen as intended. Organizations must consider risks and develop a contingency plan. This plan is typically presented to management. Based on your prior research, identify?potential … Read more


Nursing NursingTitle:Assignment Instructions: Jose is a 16-year-old male who presents to your office with his mother for a preparticipation sports physical. He has played football every year since he was eight years old. Prior to performing the physical exam, you review the medical history form that Jose and his mother completed. You note the following … Read more

World Health Organization’s (WHO)

World Health Organization’s (WHO) global health agenda The Assignment: (1- to 2-page Global Health Comparison Matrix; 1-page Plan for Social Change) Part 1: Global Health Comparison Matrix Focusing on the country you selected and the U.S., complete the Global Health Comparison Matrix. Be sure to address the following: Part 2: A Plan for Social Change … Read more

Healthcare policy and regulatory/legislative topics

Healthcare policy and regulatory/legislative topics The Assignment: (1 page not including the title and reference page) Create a 1-page fact sheet that your healthcare organization could hypothetically use to explain the health or nursing informatics policy/regulation you selected. Your fact sheet should address the following: Answer preview to healthcare policy and regulatory/legislative topics APA 300 … Read more

development of an integrated marketing communication plan

development of an integrated marketing communication plan The third stage of the process is the development of an integrated marketing communication plan that includes: (1) a “signature creative piece” that will specify the brand message and means of delivery to be used as the platform for the campaign; (2) a discussion of how supporting Marketing … Read more


BUILDING SUSTAINABLE RELATIONSHIPS THAT BRING BRANDS AND PEOPLE CLOSER After watching the Ted Talk \\”BUILDING SUSTAINABLE RELATIONSHIPS THAT BRING BRANDS AND PEOPLE CLOSER\\”, write a 2 to 3 page paper of the video in APA format. Explain the advantages, and disadvantages of the promotional programs that can be used in marketing a company or product. … Read more

literature to review.

literature to review. Choose at least one of the links listed below. You may choose both, but you must have at least three works of literature to review. Search for other literature so that you have three total works to review. These works of literature items can be a research paper, scholarly article, magazine article … Read more

Requirements-gathering and analysis phase

Requirements-gathering and analysis phase What are examples of three tasks involved in the requirements-gathering and analysis phase? 2nd discussion: What are three advantages of enterprise resource planning systems?  Requirements: 150 – 200 words each discussion Answer preview to requirements-gathering and analysis phase APA 450 WORDS

What challenges do you think a new president faces

What challenges do you think a new president faces A newly elected U.S. president has to assemble a cabinet and fill many key administrative positions. Disregarding the politics of the situation and based on this week’s readings: Question 2 Think back over all of material we have covered this term. What idea, concept, or theory … Read more

Tedx Talks video featuring Stephen Baldridge

Tedx Talks video featuring Stephen Baldridge Q1. After viewing the Tedx Talks video featuring Stephen Baldridge, discuss what caused you to pause for reflection and why. Q2. Based on our readings this week and throughout the term, discuss two trends you believe will impact TD the most over the next decade and why. Also, did … Read more

Standard Template

Standard Template Standard TemplateAssignment Instructions: Develop a standardized template for evaluating courses in a selected program. Be sure to include a place for the name of the course, the date, and the faculty (no name for End-of-Course Evaluation) and instructions with a key. Include a 3 page executive summary containing the rationale and justification for … Read more

CCMH/544: Introduction To Clinical Assessment

CCMH/544: Introduction To Clinical Assessment CCMH/544: Introduction To Clinical AssessmentWk 8 Discussion – Exposure and Desensitization Therapies [due Thurs]Wk 8 Discussion – Exposure and Desensitization Therapies [due Thurs] Discussion TopicPost a total of 3 substantive responses over 2 separate days for full participation. This includes your initial post and 2 replies to classmates or your … Read more

Special Functions in Management

Special Functions in Management Special Functions in ManagementAssignment Instructions: A key component of working as a manager is to conduct performance appraisals for the employees whom you are managing. You feel that the most effective way to carry out the performance appraisals is to create a written policy that details the way performance appraisals will … Read more

Fetal head, neck or spine pathologies

Fetal head, neck or spine pathologies Choose ONE of the fetal head, neck or spine pathologies Write a case study including the patient demographic and history, signs and symptoms, lab values and ultrasound appearance,Paper Format: MLA Answer preview to fetal head, neck or spine pathologies MLA 300 WORDS

Assessment Strategy and Grading

Assessment Strategy and Grading Assessment Strategy and Grading RubicAssignment Instructions: Create a 2 page assessment description that includes the rationale for the chosen assessment strategy (Part One) and the related grading rubric (Part Two).Nurse educators need to be able to develop strategies within a course to verify that learners are successfully attaining competency with the … Read more

Navigate to the simulation site

Navigate to the simulation site Assignment Instructions: After reviewing all reading and video material, navigate to the simulation site. Links to an external site.Click on the “Decision” tab (top right of the navigation bar) and input data to make decisions for your hospital.Once all decisions are entered, click the button at the bottom to “send … Read more

Complete the Strategy Grid

Complete the Strategy Grid Complete the Strategy Grid using the template provided [link and below]. How to complete and use the strategy grid is explained in two videos within this unit’s content (also provided in assignment resources below). The purpose of this document is to demonstrate your plan for this week’s decision round in the … Read more


Nursing : NursingTitle:Assignment Instructions: substantive responses to to the 6 post of my peers .each response has about 100-150 words with reference 1 or 2. Post I sent by not reuse the references in original post.don’t paraphrase the content of the original sent through emailPaper Format: APA Answer preview to Nursing APA 900 … Read more

CCMH/544: Introduction To Clinical Assessment

CCMH/544: Introduction To Clinical Assessment CCMH/544: Introduction To Clinical AssessmentWk 8 – Summative Assessment: Clinical Assessment and Treatment Plan [due Mon]Wk 8 – Summative Assessment: Clinical Assessment and Treatment Plan [due Mon]Exam ContentA counselor’s main objective is to treat clients effectively. As a counselor, you must be able to assess, diagnose, and conceptualize accurately before … Read more

Spike Lee\’s film “Do the Right Thing

Spike Lee\’s film “Do the Right Thing I will send the paper requirements and the film is Spike Lee\’s film “Do the Right Thing. For some reason it will not let me upload the assignment. Please the articles you need to use. Please watch the movie and write the paper I will send the requirements … Read more

Spike Lee\’s film “Do the Right Thing

Spike Lee\’s film “Do the Right Thing  Watch your approved film. the film is Spike Lee\’s film “Do the Right ThingDuring the film, make brief notes when course concepts appear on film, or otherwise come to mind.At the end of the film, respond to the following by using a “free write” style.In other words, without … Read more

racially democratic society

racially democratic society Assignment Instructions: 1. Imagine a racially democratic society: What would that look like?How would your daily life be different in such a society? 2. List some ways you can work, or perhaps are already working for racial justice in your daily life. List at least one way you can change: yourselfthe people … Read more

Interracial or cross-cultural relationship

Interracial or cross-cultural relationship : Pick one interracial or cross-cultural relationship in your life and: List some steps you could take to do the cultural labor necessary to deepen and enrich that relationship.Next, pick at least one item from your list and do the (racial) work! You might, for example, attend service online at a … Read more


Sociology SociologyTitle:Assignment Instructions: 1. Review the excerpt below and respond to the questions: “For the first time in our history, Americans have to be fearful of what they say, of what they write, and of what they think. They have to be afraid of using the wrong word, a word denounced as offensive or insensitive, … Read more

Principles of Microeconomics

Principles of Microeconomics Principles of MicroeconomicsAssignment Instructions: I need help with 2 discussion posts. Discussion Post #1Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, review Chapter 7 of your textbook, Principles of Microeconomics. Imagine that you own a restaurant in downtown Chattanooga. You are thinking about expanding the restaurant by adding more workers and buying … Read more

Influence patient education has in health care

Influence patient education has in health care : Write a 500-750-word essay on the influence patient education has in health care using the experiences of a patient. Interview a friend or family member about that person\’s experiences with the health care system. You may develop your own list of questions. Suggested interview questions: Did a … Read more


Nursing  NursingTitle:Assignment Instructions: Write a short (50-100-word) paragraph response for each question. This assignment is to be submitted as a Microsoft Word document. Define negotiation as it applies to patient education.Explain how the change in the patient\’s status through the years has affected patient education.List the pros and cons of negotiation.Describe the general conditions that … Read more


Nursing NursingTitle:Assignment Instructions: What part does negotiation play in patient education?Paper Format: APA Answer preview to Nursing APA 300 WORDS

Increased Effectiveness In An Organization

Increased Effectiveness In An Organization Submit at minimum a 6-page APA formatted paper on the following listed below (excluding cover sheet and references, figures, sections with bullets, and tables unless the tables are specified in the instructions), double spaced, no extra spaces, and 1-inch margins, that answers the questions using past readings and references. Conduct … Read more

head-to-toe comprehensive assessment

head-to-toe comprehensive assessment In order for a clinician to clear a child or adolescent for sports, a thorough head-to-toe comprehensive assessment is required. This assessment should emphasize the neurological, cardiovascular, and musculoskeletal systems, as well as evaluate past medical history, family medical history, allergies, history of injuries, any restrictions on participating in sports in the … Read more

cardiology consult

cardiology consult The key question I would like to ask are if this patient has ever had a cardiology consult, any cardiac testing (such as EKG, ECHO), and more information as far as the symptoms. With symptoms like these I am not going to want to clear him for sports. I would want an assessment … Read more

Informed Consent and lack of patient understanding

Informed Consent and lack of patient understanding  Informed Consent and lack of patient understandingAssignment Instructions: 1. Describe the ethical issue/dilemma of informed consent and lack of patient understanding that impacts the nursing profession as a whole or one that you have encountered in your own practice. 2. Discuss the background and significance of the issue/dilemma … Read more

Develop a PICOT question

Develop a PICOT question The purpose of this assignment is to develop a PICOT question. A PICOT (Patient, Intervention, Comparison, Outcome and Time) question starts with a designated patient population in a particular clinical area and identifies clinical problems or issues that arise from clinical care. The intervention used to address the problem must be … Read more

Reflective journal entries

Reflective journal entries Students are required to submit reflective journal entries at specific points throughout the course. These reflective narratives help students identify important learning events that happen throughout the course and the practicum. Write a reflective journal (250-500 words) to outline how your experience at your practicum site related to the following reflective questions: … Read more

Reality and the nature of being

Reality and the nature of being For thousands of years, people have discussed the answers to questions about reality and the nature of being. The 350 years surveyed thus far in this course have included a broad spectrum of philosophers and psychologists that demonstrate this tradition. This assignment will focus this broad perspective by providing … Read more

Literature synthesis

Literature synthesis Write a 15-page literature synthesis of 30-40 sources that addresses your PICOT question.1 Describes an appropriate and comprehensive literature search strategy extending beyond published studies and combining multiple search techniques.2 Analyzes the literature addressing a PICOT question. Applies explicit, relevant criteria to a concise and balanced critical appraisal of scholarly sources.3 Synthesizes findings … Read more

Systematic Effectiveness of New Course

Systematic Effectiveness of New Course Systematic Effectiveness of New CourseAssignment Instructions: Create a PowerPoint presentation with 12 slides that proposes a systematic process for determining the effectiveness of the new course you have added to the nursing curriculum. With speaker notesCourse analytics are important in guiding the revision process as well as further development of … Read more

Management Issues

Management Issues Management IssuesAssignment Instructions: Healthcare managers must deal with three components of healthcare delivery: Access to care, quality of care, and the cost of care. With the move to a value-based care model from fee-for-service, there is a stronger connection between quality of care and payment. Organizations that accredit healthcare facilities, such as The … Read more

OCD and possible therapeutic interventions

OCD and possible therapeutic interventions I appreciate your description of OCD and possible therapeutic interventions. What do you think some of the barriers to treatment for OCD might be? Kim Chosie, LPCS, CAP Certified Advanced Faculty University of Phoenix Reply • 8 hours ago, at 7:20 AM NEW I need a 175 word reply … Read more

Discussion reply

Discussion reply Discussion replyAssignment Instructions: Each reply, must be at least 300 words. Each reply must incorporate at least 2 scholarly citations, the textbook and Scripture. Any sources cited must have been published within the last five years. All citations and references must be in current APA format. Do not repeat the same sources, use … Read more

Community policing and problem-oriented policing

Community policing and problem-oriented policing Assignment Details: Compare and contrast community policing and problem-oriented policing.Paper Format: APA  Number of pages: 2 Answer preview to community policing and problem-oriented policing APA 600 WORDS

Causes of police stress

Causes of police stress Assignment Details: Evaluate some of the causes of police stress due to workplace problems.Paper Format: APANumber of pages: 3 Answer preview to causes of police stress APA 900 WORDS

Summarize strategic compensation

Summarize strategic compensation Summarize strategic compensation and describe its role as a strategic business partner. What are the three questions that compensation professionals should answer to help determine whether they are making a strategic contribution to the company, and why are they important to an organization? Must reference book: Strategic Compensation: A Human Resource Management … Read more

Enterprise Data Management and Administration

Enterprise Data Management and Administration Enterprise Data Management and Administration\\\’s requirements-gathering and analysis phase is anchored by three pillars: documenting of needs, an inventory of pertinent data, and interviews with important stakeholders. Conducting stakeholder interviews is essential for understanding the data needs, issues, and expectations of various departments and users. Making sure the completed system … Read more

Transformational leaders

Transformational leaders Transformational leaders influence those around them and therefore have the potential to alter the culture of a unit or organization. Effective nurse leaders consider continuing education and development an essential part of professional nursing. Please address the following topics: Requirements: until answered Answer preview to Transformational leaders APA 300 WORDS

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