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Having 2 people on retirement can be stressful to find purpose

Having 2 people on retirement can be stressful to find purpose Adam ChmaraDallrie,I agree that having 2 people on retirement can be stressful to find purpose and spend more time with their significant other. I do agree that having a positive or higher SES status will lead to living better for retirement. I also do … Read more

Managed care plans are a type of health insurance.

Managed care plans are a type of health insurance. Managed care plans are a type of health insurance. When people ask, “what is the best health insurance or managed care plan?” the answer is always a difficult one. Understanding an individual’s needs should shape what he or she seeks from a health plan. Since everyone’s … Read more

Select a healthcare organization in your home state

Select a healthcare organization in your home state Select a healthcare organization in your home state. Find out about the financial challenges the organization is having and apply key financial management concepts to address some of the concerns. Provide the name of the healthcare organization and the state it is in.Address the cause(s) of the … Read more

As a Project Manager for Kingston-Bryce Limited you have been assigned to create a communication plan

As a Project Manager for Kingston-Bryce Limited you have been assigned to create a communication plan As a Project Manager for Kingston-Bryce Limited you have been assigned to create a communication plan. The Board of Directors for Kingston-Bryce Limited (KBL) wants to be updated on a regular basis and this plan will document strategies for … Read more

A major client of your company is interested in the salary distributions of jobs in the state of Minnesota

A major client of your company is interested in the salary distributions of jobs in the state of Minnesota Scenario (information repeated for deliverable 01, 03, and 04) A major client of your company is interested in the salary distributions of jobs in the state of Minnesota that range from $30,000 to $200,000 per year. … Read more

Your Case Study must be about a Healthcare Organization

Your Case Study must be about a Healthcare Organization Health Organization Case Study Clarification Students Your Case Study must be about a Healthcare Organization Research a health care organization or a network that spans several states within the U.S. (Example: United Healthcare, Vanguard, Banner Healthcare, etc.). Follow the Grading Rubric Closely and include all required … Read more

Write an essay in which you compare 3 scholarly journal articles with different points of view on some issue related to college administration.

Write an essay in which you compare 3 scholarly journal articles with different points of view on some issue related to college administration. Journal Analysis Paper Assignment Instructions You will write an essay (800–1000 words) in which you compare 3 scholarly journal articles with different points of view on some issue related to college administration. … Read more

Consider a topic you might explore for your capstone project and develop a search strategy for locating relevant literature on the topic

Consider a topic you might explore for your capstone project and develop a search strategy for locating relevant literature on the topic Consider a topic you might explore for your capstone project and develop a search strategy for locating relevant literature on the topic. As you search for articles, it is worth considering how and … Read more

Consider the research article by Onwuegbuzie (2018) provided in this topic.

Consider the research article by Onwuegbuzie (2018) provided in this topic. Consider the research article by Onwuegbuzie (2018) provided in this topic. The article has all the major sections of empirical research (abstract, introduction, literature review, methods, discussion, implications, and recommendations). Without addressing the article\’s content specifically, how would you characterize the purpose of the … Read more

COVID-19 has made a huge impact on global and US economy and our everyday life.

COVID-19 has made a huge impact on global and US economy and our everyday life. COVID-19 has made a huge impact on global and US economy and our everyday life. No one is immune to its aftermath, including consumers, businesses (especially small businesses), employees, employers, and governments. In order to combat recession, government has used … Read more

Select a company of your choice and create a diagram of its global/international shipping and receiving operations.

Select a company of your choice and create a diagram of its global/international shipping and receiving operations. Assignment 6: Diagram Instructions This week you will select a company of your choice and create a diagram of its global/international shipping and receiving operations. Instructions: Read the course materials for this week to include Chapter 10 of the … Read more

Minority, marginalized and vulnerable populations have been known to face more challenges accessing quality healthcare

Minority, marginalized and vulnerable populations have been known to face more challenges accessing quality healthcare Minority, marginalized and vulnerable populations have been known to face more challenges accessing quality healthcare. In this Assignment, you will explore how a systems approach to coordinating care can help meet the needs of these populations. Create a PowerPoint presentation … Read more

Explain the process of health care policymaking.

Explain the process of health care policymaking. HA415M4: Explain the process of health care policymaking. Assignment Introduction Assignment: Health Care Policy Analysis This assignment will help you to understand the process of health care policy making. Unit Outcomes addressed in this assignment: Define health and describe health determinants.Define public policy and health policy.Identify some of … Read more

ToolsCorp Corporation is a fictitious company that does not exist anywhere.

ToolsCorp Corporation is a fictitious company that does not exist anywhere.  ToolsCorp Corporation is a fictitious company that does not exist anywhere. For the purpose of this course, it is located in Tennessee. As members of the senior management team of ToolsCorp Corporation, your group has been asked to prepare a neat and organized report … Read more

Continue your work with the company you used in previous units.

Continue your work with the company you used in previous units. For the final assignment of this course, you will continue your work with the company you used in previous units. The Unit VIII Project will now combine what you previously developed into a final strategic plan for the company. When creating your strategic plan, … Read more

Using Financial Accounting Information: The Alternative to Debits and Credits.

Using Financial Accounting Information: The Alternative to Debits and Credits. Prior to beginning work on this assignment, Read Chapters 12 and 13 in the course textbook, Using Financial Accounting Information: The Alternative to Debits and Credits. Read Chapters 5, 6, 7, and 8 in the textbook, Warren Buffet Accounting. Read pages 625–626 regarding horizontal analysis in the … Read more

Cultural relativism in the united states

Cultural relativism in the united states Cultural relativism in the united states-Agree or States Decide? Start with a first STRONG SENTENCE then EXPLAIN WHY YOU BELIEVE THIS. Again, your choices are- •Embrace Cultural Relativism(states agree to disagree),OR •Seek Agreement among all states. You must choose one of the two-don\’t be wishy-washy:) Answer preview to Cultural … Read more

Summative Assessment: Senior Living Facility Report

Summative Assessment: Senior Living Facility Report CCMH/504: Individual And Family Development Across The Life SpanWk 5 – Summative Assessment: Senior Living Facility Report Imagine you are a subject matter expert for a company that wants to design and develop a senior living facility in your town or city. The company’s mission is to create an … Read more

Reflect on the personal knowledge and skills gained throughout this course.

Reflect on the personal knowledge and skills gained throughout this course. Students are required to maintain weekly reflective narratives throughout the course to combine into one course-long reflective journal that integrates leadership and inquiry into current practice as it applies to the Professional Capstone and Practicum course. In your journal, you will reflect on the … Read more

One of the most important elements in a business plan is the market analysis.

One of the most important elements in a business plan is the market analysis. ContextOne of the most important elements in a business plan is the market analysis. A market analysis is a qualitative and quantitative assessment of a market. It includes data collection and estimation in reference to the market size and value, characteristics … Read more

Statistical Tools for Financial Research Presentation

Statistical Tools for Financial Research Presentation Wk 4 – Statistical Tools for Financial Research PresentationAssignment ContentObtain the public financial records for at least 3 years for 1 domestic and 1 global organization selected in Wk 3.Analyze the current and expected performance of each organization using financial tools, such as:A ratio analysisA common-size analysisCreate a 10- … Read more

Create a reflective and applied statement describing how the material from Wks 1–4 has affected your thought processes

Create a reflective and applied statement describing how the material from Wks 1–4 has affected your thought processes Wk 4 – Mid-Course ReflectionAssignment ContentCreate a reflective and applied statement describing how the material from Wks 1–4 has affected your thought processes, development, and professional disposition. This statement should reflect your personal learning process (challenges, moments … Read more

What is the Christian view of the nature of human persons and which theory of moral status is it compatible with

What is the Christian view of the nature of human persons and which theory of moral status is it compatible with Based on \”Case Study: Fetal Abnormality\” and the required topic Resources, write a 750-1,000-word reflection that answers the following questions: What is the Christian view of the nature of human persons, and which theory of moral status … Read more

Strategic Planning Implementation and Evaluation

Strategic Planning Implementation and Evaluation Week 6 Assignment – Strategic Planning Implementation and Evaluation Introduction Building on the Strategic Planning and Development assignment from Week 3, prepare a 10-slide Microsoft PowerPoint presentation, with narration, of your plan to present to the executive committee. In this assignment, use the health care organization you selected in your … Read more

Evaluate how advanced nursing education and lifelong learning can help improve patient outcomes.

Evaluate how advanced nursing education and lifelong learning can help improve patient outcomes. Evaluate how advanced nursing education and lifelong learning can help improve patient outcomes. Include current research that links patient safety outcomes to advanced degrees in nursing. Based on some real-life experiences, explain whether you agree or disagree with this research. How can … Read more

Explore health promotion and health education across the lifespan of a particular population.

Explore health promotion and health education across the lifespan of a particular population. Through the framework of a clinical reasoning model, you will explore health promotion and health education across the lifespan of a particular population. What is one health problem that is of concern to the residents of Accomack County that you would like to address … Read more

Summary of a company on the Forbes Global 2022 

Summary of a company on the Forbes Global 2022  1. Type a one-page, single-spaced summary of a company on the Forbes Global 2022 Please choose companies other than Apple, Google, Microsoft, and the like. Mission Statement The mission statement is the overall company\’s statement of why they exist. Most commonly found on the home pages of company websites. … Read more

Brief summary of results from the 2018 notional sample survey of registered nurses

Brief summary of results from the 2018 notional sample survey of registered nurses Access the following information. You may read the PDF online or download it.U. S. Department of Health and Human Services. (2019). Brief summary of results from the 2018 notional sample survey of registered nurses. https://bhw.hrsa.gmasidefatilt/filesibureau-health-workforce/data-researchinssrn-summary-repprt pdf Review the data and describe some … Read more

The significance for all professional nurses (BSN) to understand the basic principles of research

The significance for all professional nurses (BSN) to understand the basic principles of research Clarifying Research Worksheet   Criteria   Significance of Research   Use your own words to summarize: a) the need for nursing research. b) the significance for all professional nurses (BSN) to understand the basic principles of research. c) why this course … Read more

You are required to choose one topic related to global ethics

You are required to choose one topic related to global ethics For this research paper, you are required to choose one topic related to global ethics. You will use the internet resources to collect information and content. Possible topics for the research paper include: Child labor Bribery and corruption Working standards and conditions Environmental issues … Read more

Cultural relativism in the united states-Agree or States Decide

Cultural relativism in the united states-Agree or States Decide Cultural relativism in the united states-Agree or States Decide?   Start with a first STRONG SENTENCE  then EXPLAIN WHY YOU BELIEVE THIS.    Again, your choices are-      •Embrace Cultural Relativism(states agree to disagree),                     OR      … Read more

Describe how to order and display case study data in different ways

Describe how to order and display case study data in different ways Instructions After reviewing the Learn material for the Module: Week, address the following paper in current APA format: 1. Describe how to order and display case study data in different ways 2. Identify methods for setting-up (‘play’) with data to help detect promising … Read more

Synthesize the qualitative research methodology of Case Study research

Synthesize the qualitative research methodology of Case Study research Overview In this final Module: Week, you will synthesize the qualitative research methodology of Case Study research (and applications) (Yin, 2018) as well as the practical use of Lean Six Sigma (George et al., 2005) to develop a business-facing DMAIC-based case study. Also, the seven article … Read more

Pose a question to your faculty member and course colleagues about the material

Pose a question to your faculty member and course colleagues about the material Wk 4 Discussion 1 – Materials QuestionPlease refer to this week’s learning materials. They are intended to help you engage effectively in this discussion. Pose a question to your faculty member and course colleagues about the material from this week. The question … Read more

Discuss the meaning of family-centered practices as well as the many benefits of family-centered programs for children

Discuss the meaning of family-centered practices as well as the many benefits of family-centered programs for children Assignment: Title slide (1 slide)Discuss the meaning of family-centered practices as well as the many benefits of family-centered programs for children (3 slides)Describe the benefits of family-centered programs for professionals (3 slides)Describe the benefits of family-centered programs for … Read more

Knowledge of Statistical and Analytical Techniques

Knowledge of Statistical and Analytical Techniques Wk 4 Discussion 2 – Knowledge of Statistical and Analytical TechniquesWrite a 250- to 300-word response to the following:Why is it important for professionals in finance to have a working knowledge of some of the statistical techniques and analytical techniques used in financial analyses, such as:ForecastingRegressionDecision tree analysisBreak-even analysisProvide … Read more

Choose an inflammatory or infectious process and explain the pathophysiology changes that may occur.

Choose an inflammatory or infectious process and explain the pathophysiology changes that may occur. Part 2 Choose an inflammatory or infectious process and explain the pathophysiology changes that may occur. What patient education would need to be included relating to this disorder? Make sure that you select a different medical condition than your peers. Include … Read more

What are the differences between primary and secondary line of defense

What are the differences between primary and secondary line of defense Part 1 What are the differences between primary and secondary line of defense? What factors interfere with these mechanisms? How are these levels of immunity be affected in a child, an elderly person, or a person with a chronic disease? Include active, passive, innate, … Read more

Research and select five design patterns.

Research and select five design patterns. Research and select five design patterns. This can include the three design patterns you featured in your discussion board assignment. Format your MS Word document as follows: Cover Page (does not count towards the page length requirement)Design Pattern 1DescriptionBenefitsDisadvantagesExample UsesDesign Pattern 2DescriptionBenefitsDisadvantagesExample UsesDesign Pattern 3DescriptionBenefitsDisadvantagesExample UsesDesign Pattern 4DescriptionBenefitsDisadvantagesExample UsesDesign … Read more

Your team is now ready to prototype the Section 508-validated application being developed for U.S. Department of Homeland Security

Your team is now ready to prototype the Section 508-validated application being developed for U.S. Department of Homeland Security Assignment – Prototyping PlanOverview Your team is now ready to prototype the Section 508-validated application being developed for U.S. Department of Homeland Security field officers to check potential immigrants for connections to criminal or terrorist behavior. … Read more

The program involve conducting online sales analysis for the organization.

The program involve conducting online sales analysis for the organization. APPLYING ETHICS AND CULTURAL COMPETENCE-WEEK 5 ADVANCED STAT CLASS- 1. In Unit 4, you proposed a program evaluation design for a program at your current or previous work, internship, or volunteer site. here it is \”The program involve conducting online sales analysis for the organization. … Read more

Think of a specific topic and two specific kinds of audiences.

Think of a specific topic and two specific kinds of audiences. Think of a specific topic and two specific kinds of audiences. Then write a short example (150–200 words) of how this topic might be presented to each of the two audiences. How does the intended audience influence the choice of words and use of … Read more

Discuss the difference between economic value and social value or the shared value creation framework

Discuss the difference between economic value and social value or the shared value creation framework Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words: Discuss the difference between economic value and social value or the shared value creation framework. Why do you think organizations tend to focus on the creation of one type of … Read more

Individual And Family Development Across The Life Span

Individual And Family Development Across The Life Span CCMH/504: Individual And Family Development Across The Life SpanWk 5 Discussion – Late Adulthood Development Post a total of 3 substantive responses over 2 separate days for full participation. This includes your initial post and 2 replies to classmates or your faculty member. Due Thursday As individuals … Read more

Supervise and guide convicted people in the corrections phase of their sentence

Supervise and guide convicted people in the corrections phase of their sentence Regardless of the branch of criminal justice you choose to work in, writing will be an expectation on the job. Continuous practice in writing will help you develop accuracy, clarity, and concision in your writing, which can be a crucial element in the … Read more

Customers present their Loyalty Card when paying for their orders and receive some free food after making 10 purchases.

Customers present their Loyalty Card when paying for their orders and receive some free food after making 10 purchases. y Card strategy to increase sales. Under this program, customers present their Loyalty Card when paying for their orders and receive some free food after making 10 purchases. The company has collected data from its 74 … Read more

Pick a topic and write a Research Proposal on a topic relevant to the course

Pick a topic and write a Research Proposal on a topic relevant to the course Pick a topic and write a Research Proposal (1,500-2,000 words) on a topic relevant to the course (Course: Research Methods). To complete the Research Proposal, do the following: Review the attached document \”Research Proposal Guidelines\” as well as Topic 7 … Read more

Describe general principles to consider when prescribing medications for pregnant women

Describe general principles to consider when prescribing medications for pregnant women 1. Describe general principles to consider when prescribing medications for pregnant women? 2. Your 25-year-old patient has just found out she’s pregnant. She tells you she has been taking Paxil for anxiety for about 5 years and wants to know if she should continue … Read more

Discuss the factors related to medication therapy with the breastfeeding mother.

Discuss the factors related to medication therapy with the breastfeeding mother. 5.Discuss the factors related to medication therapy with the breastfeeding mother. Find two medications you would be comfortable with prescribing during breastfeeding & explain why. 6. Choose a combined (Estrogen and Progestin) contraceptive medication & describe the formulation, mechanism of action, side effects, adverse … Read more

Evaluate the benefits and risks of hormone replacement therapy in menopause.

Evaluate the benefits and risks of hormone replacement therapy in menopause. 9. Evaluate the benefits and risks of hormone replacement therapy in menopause. 10.Discuss the choice of medication treatment for a patient who is experiencing only vasomotor symptoms (VMS) with menopause. Describe the decision making algorithm related to VMS within your discussion. 11. Evaluate the … Read more

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