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Writing at the graduate level can appear intimidating

Writing at the graduate level can appear intimidating Writing at the graduate level can appear intimidating, but in reality, scholarly writing consists of foundational writing techniques that encourage readers to establish an original academic voice that is grounded in research. Scholarly writing includes a careful citation of sources that demonstrates engagement with the topic’s relevant … Read more

Review the current financial statements of Starbucks

Review the current financial statements of Starbucks Prior to beginning work on this assignment, read Chapter 4: Financial Forecasting in the textbook, and review the current financial statements of Starbucks through Yahoo! Finance Links to an external site.or the EDGAR | Company Filings Links to an external site.database in the Filings and Forms page. You can access the financial … Read more

Identify a research or evidence-based article published within the last 5 years that focuses comprehensively on a specific intervention

Identify a research or evidence-based article published within the last 5 years that focuses comprehensively on a specific intervention This is a Collaborative Learning Community (CLC) assignment. As a group, identify a research or evidence-based article published within the last 5 years that focuses comprehensively on a specific intervention or new treatment tool for the … Read more

Describe a failed or problematic communication experience from professional or personal life

Describe a failed or problematic communication experience from professional or personal life Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 Words-Describe a failed or problematic communication experience from professional or personal life-What noise or filters discussed in that section likely led to the challenging communication experience?-If you could repeat that experience, using the model … Read more

Read one of the Infractions Case decisions posted

Read one of the Infractions Case decisions posted Infractions Case Paper (25 points) Read one of the Infractions Case decisions posted in the assignment module. Once you have read one of the decisions write a 3-4 page paper that includes a summary of the case (process and violations) and what you learned in reviewing the … Read more

Due to low staffing, nurses are unable to perform some non critical orders like turning patients, and hygiene.

Due to low staffing, nurses are unable to perform some non critical orders like turning patients, and hygiene. Due to low staffing, nurses are unable to perform some non critical orders like turning patients, and hygiene. I attached 2 articles for evidence base Paper Format: APA Draft Outline of QI Project Poster      NR 465 Identified … Read more

Think of a business you may be contemplating creating or already own and perform a market analysis based on the questions shared.

Think of a business you may be contemplating creating or already own and perform a market analysis based on the questions shared. Think of a business you may be contemplating creating or already own and perform a market analysis based on the questions shared. Answer the following questions in 350 to 525 words: Using the … Read more

Individual And Family Development Across The Life Span

Individual And Family Development Across The Life Span CCMH/504: Individual And Family Development Across The Life SpanWk 6 – Summative Assessment: Family Life Cycle Analysis Exam Content While understanding individual development theory is crucial as you prepare to be a counselor, equally important is understanding family development theories and the myriad factors that contribute to … Read more

Develop (4)Four Evidence-Based Practice focused intervention(s) to address the social complexity in primary care

Develop (4)Four Evidence-Based Practice focused intervention(s) to address the social complexity in primary care Develop (4)Four Evidence-Based Practice focused intervention(s) to address the social complexity in primary care, including culturally appropriate clinical interventions related to topic: HIGH SCHOOL AGES -OBESITY and LIVING IN UNDERSERVED COMMUNITIES. Need three references (within the last 5 years)of evidence-based practice … Read more

Signature Assignment: Capital Budgeting Problem Analysis

Signature Assignment: Capital Budgeting Problem Analysis Signature Assignment: Capital Budgeting Problem Analysis Imagine that you just completed a course in Financial Management for Entrepreneurs where you learned various techniques and tools in financial analysis. Your uncle Ben wants your advice regarding an investment he is considering. Your uncle owns a furniture company that makes 2 … Read more

How will your new knowledge and skills impact your goals for the future

How will your new knowledge and skills impact your goals for the future As you complete your associate’s degree, it is a good time to reflect on what you have learned. Based on your review and reflection, respond to the following questions:Review and reflect on the knowledge and competencies (evidence-based practice, quality and safety, leadership) … Read more

Choose a legislator on the state or federal level who is also a nurse

Choose a legislator on the state or federal level who is also a nurse Choose a legislator on the state or federal level who is also a nurse and discuss the importance of the legislator/nurse\’s role as advocate for improving health care delivery. What specific bills has the legislator/nurse sponsored or supported that have influenced … Read more

Conduct (take) a personal internet field trip post your findings as it relates to Global Supply Chain Management and the Supply Chain Manager.

Conduct (take) a personal internet field trip post your findings as it relates to Global Supply Chain Management and the Supply Chain Manager. Internet Field Trip (complete) conduct (take) a personal “internet field trip” …… post your findings as it relates to Global Supply Chain Management and the Supply Chain Manager. (Find any recent web … Read more

Choose a present example from everyday life that you think is an example of true art or sham art

Choose a present example from everyday life that you think is an example of true art or sham art Directions: First, choose a present example (not before 2019) from everyday life (ads, shows, music, music videos, speeches, buildings, art, etc.) that you think is an example of true art or sham art. Please provide a … Read more

What do you think about John’s decision to save money by fixing the car by himself

What do you think about John’s decision to save money by fixing the car by himself 1. What do you think about John\’s decision to save money by fixing the car by himself? 2. What do you think about John\’s comment on gasoline price? 3. What do you think about Maya\’s plan to reduce their … Read more

 Describe the circumstances – context – that led to X (Emma) Gonzalez\’s speech at the March For Our Lives

Describe the circumstances – context – that led to X (Emma) Gonzalez\’s speech at the March For Our Lives  Describe the circumstances – context – that led to X (Emma) Gonzalez\’s speech at the March For Our Lives?Rally ??Brainstorm & research: what was the immediate context; ??the cultural context; the political context? ??1 page in … Read more

Identify two counseling theories that resonate with your personal values and beliefs at this point in your professional development

Identify two counseling theories that resonate with your personal values and beliefs at this point in your professional development 1.week/unit 6 discussion post- child and ado class- Identify two counseling theories that resonate with your personal values and beliefs at this point in your professional development. Apply these theories to the two case studies that … Read more

Conduct research to identify examples of innovative benefit practices.

Conduct research to identify examples of innovative benefit practices. Discussion Thread: Innovative Benefit Practices Conduct research to identify examples of innovative benefit practices. A useful starting point is an Internet search using phrases such as “best companies to work for.” What are some of the more innovative benefits practices that you found? Explain. At least … Read more

Why I desire to be an Alpha man and the contributions that I would bring to Alpha Phi Alpha

Why I desire to be an Alpha man and the contributions that I would bring to Alpha Phi Alpha Why I desire to be an Alpha man and the contributions that I would bring to Alpha Phi Alpha? Paper Format: MLA Answer preview to Why I desire to be an Alpha man and the contributions … Read more

Conduct research and develop a contract for hiring temporary contract employees.

Conduct research and develop a contract for hiring temporary contract employees. Conduct research and develop a contract for hiring temporary contract employees. Assume you are negotiating with a staffing agency to bring on two temporary contracted employees. Write a paper that addresses the staffing needs of your organization. Be sure to do the following: State … Read more

Evaluate hypothesis tests for population parameters from two populations.

Evaluate hypothesis tests for population parameters from two populations. CompetencyEvaluate hypothesis tests for population parameters from two populations.Dealing with Two PopulationsInferential statistics involves forming conclusions about a population parameter. We do so by constructing confidence intervals and testing claims about a population mean and other statistics. Typically, these methods deal with a sample from one … Read more

Pose a question to your faculty member and course colleagues about the material from this week.

Pose a question to your faculty member and course colleagues about the material from this week. Wk 5 Discussion 1 – Materials Question,Pose a question to your faculty member and course colleagues about the material from this week.The question needs to relate to the Wk 5 topic, Capital Budgeting Decisions. Ensure the question is pertinent … Read more

Advantages and Disadvantages of Financial Securities

Advantages and Disadvantages of Financial Securities Wk 5 Discussion 2 – Advantages and Disadvantages of Financial SecuritiesWrite a 250- to 300-word response to the following:What are the advantages and disadvantages of the following financial securities to both the corporation and the investor?Common stockPreferred stockInclude your own experience as well as 2 citations that align with … Read more

Discussion: Public Health Spending

Discussion: Public Health Spending Discussion: Public Health Spending In your opinion, what is the biggest advantage and biggest disadvantage of public health spending? Please include a discussion in the financial impact. Be sure to provide support for your opinion. Required ReadingBraendle, T., & Colombier, C. (2016). What drives public health care expenditure growth? Evidence from … Read more

Identify and briefly discuss two concepts in this course that you believe will be most applicable to the professional discipline

Identify and briefly discuss two concepts in this course that you believe will be most applicable to the professional discipline Identify and briefly discuss two concepts in this course that you believe will be most applicable to the professional discipline you will enter upon completion of your degree program.What is the importance of these concepts … Read more

You have been hired on as an assistant to the public health officer for the state.

You have been hired on as an assistant to the public health officer for the state. You have been hired on as an assistant to the public health officer for the state. The budget deficit has impacted your state, and with elections high on the list of worries, legislators are concerned about their public image … Read more

Discuss the anticipated financial impact of the following

Discuss the anticipated financial impact of the following Discuss the anticipated financial impact of the following: The public health policy you proposed in Module 1 SLPThe public health laws you selected in Module 2 SLPDiscuss funding sources for the government program you identified in Module 1 SLP. Based on your review of the most recent … Read more

Analyze the various forms/subtypes of psychopathy.

Analyze the various forms/subtypes of psychopathy. In 500-750 words, do the following:1.Define “psychopathology” in your own words.2.Analyze the various forms/subtypes of psychopathy.3. Explain how practices involving psychopathology in criminal justice settings differ from other situations involving psychology. Analyze the importance of the differences.4.Discuss the relationship between psychopathology and crime.5.Describe how to build appropriate bridges between … Read more

SOAP is an acronym that stands for Subjective, Objective, Assessment, and Plan.

SOAP is an acronym that stands for Subjective, Objective, Assessment, and Plan. SOAP Notes 3 SOAP is an acronym that stands for Subjective, Objective, Assessment, and Plan. The episodic SOAP note is to be written using the attached template below. You can use any Pediatric medical condition. For all the SOAP note assignments, you will write a SOAP note about one of your patients and … Read more

How can we justify spending money on the protection of biodiversity

How can we justify spending money on the protection of biodiversity How can we justify spending money on the protection of biodiversity For unnamed species discuss the threats to its future survival in the wildbook pages are uploaded below Answer preview to How can we justify spending money on the protection of biodiversity APA 478 … Read more

Write a synopsis of what the article is explaining

Write a synopsis of what the article is explaining 1. give me the link to the paper you read. 2) Write a synopsis of what the article is explaining (one paragraph) 2) explain why it failed using the twenty tips. (one paragraph)  Answer preview to Write a synopsis of what the article is explaining APA … Read more

Successfully negotiated managed care contracts involve preparation, compromise, and collaboration, according to HFMA.

Successfully negotiated managed care contracts involve preparation, compromise, and collaboration, according to HFMA. Successfully negotiated managed care contracts involve preparation, compromise, and collaboration, according to HFMA. It is important that healthcare organizations and constituents set forth their expectations with regard for payer needs in order realize impending benefits of successful contract negotiation. Summarize the importance … Read more

The system of healthcare is in constant flux.

The system of healthcare is in constant flux. The system of healthcare is in constant flux.  As a healthcare professional, it is important to stay knowledgeable on current and future regulations and inform others within the organization of key components of changes to come.  Instructions: As a manager in a hospital, prepare a presentation to … Read more

Data analysis is key for discovering credible findings from implementing nursing studies.

Data analysis is key for discovering credible findings from implementing nursing studies. Data analysis is key for discovering credible findings from implementing nursing studies. Discussion and conclusions can be made about the meaning of the findings from the data analysis. Share what you learned about descriptive analysis (statistics), inferential analysis (statistics), and qualitative analysis of … Read more

Transformational leaders influence those around them

Transformational leaders influence those around them Transformational leaders influence those around them and therefore have the potential to alter the culture of a unit or organization. Effective nurse leaders consider continuing education and development an essential part of professional nursing. Please address the following topics: What professional nursing organizations are you interested in or currently … Read more

You are the manager of the patient admissions department at the local community hospital.

You are the manager of the patient admissions department at the local community hospital. You are the manager of the patient admissions department at the local community hospital.  You have created a team consisting of different job titles to identify opportunities for the department to decrease duplicate patient admissions.  The team leader comes to you … Read more

Apply systems thinking to case study scenarios.

Apply systems thinking to case study scenarios. Apply systems thinking to case study scenarios. For Week 6, complete the following in your Leadership Portfolio: Research case studies that focus on leadership strategy, systems thinking, or improvement opportunities in healthcare. Select one case study to analyze for this assignment. You are encouraged to choose a case study that relates to your specialty … Read more

Reflection papers are designed to formally consider what you have been learning and to organize it through writing

Reflection papers are designed to formally consider what you have been learning and to organize it through writing Weekly Reflection Paper Guidelines: Reflection papers are designed to formally consider what you have been learning and to organize it through writing. The following will help you understand the Papers must be typed, double-spaced, Times-New-Roman, 12-point font … Read more

Healthcare organizations across the country are experiencing hiring needs

Healthcare organizations across the country are experiencing hiring needs Healthcare organizations across the country are experiencing hiring needs. With the growing population of elder Americans and the shift to self-care and a healthy lifestyle, doctor’s offices and hospitals are seeing increases in visits. As a result, the need to attract qualified candidates in a competitive … Read more

Conduct Internet research and discuss the causes for why electronic evidence may be found inadmissible in court

Conduct Internet research and discuss the causes for why electronic evidence may be found inadmissible in court For this assignment, you will conduct Internet research and discuss the causes for why electronic evidence may be found inadmissible in court. Be sure to address the following: SpoliationTamperingFruit of the poisonous treeThe following are the project deliverables: … Read more

Collect electronic evidence – list the tools and methods you would use to collect a forensic image of a hard drive while on scene.

Collect electronic evidence – list the tools and methods you would use to collect a forensic image of a hard drive while on scene. For this assignment, you will conduct Internet research and create a guide for how you, as an investigator, plan to accomplish the following: Collect electronic evidence – list the tools and … Read more

Individual And Family Development Across The Life Span

Individual And Family Development Across The Life Span H/504: Individual And Family Development Across The Life SpanWk 6 Discussion – Adult Development Post a total of 3 substantive responses over 2 separate days for full participation. This includes your initial post and 2 replies to classmates or your faculty member. Adult development encompasses a wide … Read more

Understanding of how companies can look at globalization as part of their strategic and operational plans.

Understanding of how companies can look at globalization as part of their strategic and operational plans. Purpose  This assignment is intended to give you an opportunity to strengthen your skills in gathering and analyzing business-related information. It provides a deeper understanding of how companies can look at globalization as part of their strategic and operational … Read more

Create a patient educationbrochure for an imaginary patient in a primary care clinic about how to manage anxiety and depression.

Create a patient educationbrochure for an imaginary patient in a primary care clinic about how to manage anxiety and depression. Create a patient education brochure for an imaginary patient in a primary care clinic about how to manage anxiety and/or depression. Describe a common evidence-based practicerelating to this mental health issueand how this treatmentmay address … Read more

Distinguish rival explanations and interpretations within your case study

Distinguish rival explanations and interpretations within your case study After reviewing the Learn material for the Module: Week, address the following paper in current APA format: 1. Distinguish rival explanations and interpretations within your case study 2. Explain the circumstances where an Explanatory Case Study would be most effective 3. Explain the difference between an … Read more

Analyze clinical data to identify trends and present data for healthcare decision making

Analyze clinical data to identify trends and present data for healthcare decision making This discussion supports the following objective:Analyze clinical data to identify trends and present data for healthcare decision makingWhen preparing to conduct research, one of the first questions that need to be asked is what research and evaluation method is appropriate (qualitative, quantitative, … Read more

Explain the notion of adverse selection for buyers

Explain the notion of adverse selection for buyers Week 11: Interactive activity 11.1 Learning Outcomes 1. Explain the notion of adverse selection for buyers 2. Discuss the possible responses to adverse selection for buyers 3. Explain the notion of moral hazard 4. Define a public good and the free rider problem5. Use the marginal principle … Read more

Survey and report on the perceptions and issues with ethical decision-making in higher education.

Survey and report on the perceptions and issues with ethical decision-making in higher education. You will survey and report on the perceptions and issues with ethical decision-making in higher education. Colleges and universities are custodians of knowledge. Because the possession of knowledge is the source of power—understood here as the ability to influence decisions in … Read more

Identify the cause of educational gaps among low-income and high-income students who are provided the same curriculum

Identify the cause of educational gaps among low-income and high-income students who are provided the same curriculum Respond to the peer below by furthering the discussion. The topic previously discussed for potential use attempted to identify the cause of educational gaps among low-income and high-income students who are provided the same curriculum. When reviewing the … Read more

Evaluate your personal budget information and numbers from your completed Personal Budget Template

Evaluate your personal budget information and numbers from your completed Personal Budget Template For this journal, complete two months of the Personal Budget Template Download Personal Budget Template. Evaluate your personal budget information and numbers from your completed Personal Budget Template. You may complete the template using your own personal financial data, which will make the activity more … Read more

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