Modern Period
Modern Period Modern Period We are only concerned with 1600 – the present time in this courseIn these periods, the arts were intertwined with political, social and economic events. According to the text, “The creative accomplishments of an age tend to reflect a shared perspective.”For your paper, choose an artist(s) or creative individual(s) from one … Read more
Mental Health Exam
Mental Health Exam I need to make a Mental Health Exam on a kid. Their age is between 12-16 female. Just make up the stuff and for the mental health exam the comments needs to be filled out. I have uploaded an example of an SBAR also. Thank you so much.Paper Format: APA Answer preview … Read more
Wheezing and respiratory distress.
Wheezing and respiratory distress. My initial assessment would focus on evaluating the severity of the child\\\\\\\’s wheezing and respiratory distress. This includes observing his breathing rate, use of accessory muscles, oxygen saturation levels, and listening to his lung sounds for wheezes or decreased breath sounds. I would also assess his overall appearance, level of activity, … Read more
Asthma exacerbation
Asthma exacerbation According to the symptoms and history of the child, he is likely experiencing asthma exacerbation triggered by a recent upper respiratory infection (URI). Fukuda et al. (2020) discussed that asthma exacerbation that is induced by viruses causes airway inflammation, results in worsening of asthma and deterioration of quality of life. The increased wheezing … Read more
Element of the PICOT
Element of the PICOT Avoid using: DO – Hello thank you for accepting. For this project please do not use any topic related to central line infection or CLABSI (Central Line Bloodstream Infections). Answer preview to element of the PICOT APA 600 WORDS
Grounded Theory Literature
Grounded Theory Literature Grounded Theory Literature: 3-5 articles presenting the basic theory of standard economic models and behavioral economics models. Classical Research Literature: 5-7 articles demonstrating the application and findings of time discounting models in different studies. Latest Research Literature: 3-5 articles, providing the latest research results and opinions. Relevant Methodology Literature: 2-3 articles to … Read more
Supporting Research & Sources
Supporting Research & Sources Criteria Exemplary60 Points Proficient50 Points Developing40 Points Unacceptable0 Points Earned Points Content: Application & Analysis Responds correctly and appropriately to all questions and criteria. Content is excellent.Demonstrates a high level of critical thinking, shows significant insight or creative thought about the topic, and does not merely recite the text/resources. Uses concepts … Read more
Ubiquitous cyber risks
Ubiquitous cyber risks In this era of ubiquitous cyber risks, it is crucial to enhance e-mail privacy. The first step in making sure that no one other than the intended sender (unauthorized sender) and receiver can read an email is to use end-to-end encryption. This safeguards data during transmission from unauthorised parties. Secondly, in order … Read more
The documentary of Ken Burns Jazz – Episode 8: “Risk”
The documentary of Ken Burns Jazz – Episode 8: “Risk” 08.11b – DOCUMENTARY DISCUSSION, Charlie Parker & Dizzy Gillespie – bop 1 From Sum24_MUSE-112_42895 36 36 unread replies. 36 36 replies. INSTRUCTIONS: View the documentary/segments (or documentaries) posted on the previous page(s) in its/their entirety, make notes about important people, features, & events. Formulate ideas … Read more
Bi-Polar disorder (BD)
Bi-Polar disorder (BD) From a biological perspective, Bi-Polar disorder (BD) can be conceptualized as a genetic disorder and research has identified that Bi-Polar Disorder has significant hereditary components from first-generation relatives of individuals with a Bi-Polar Disorder which gives them a greater chance of having a higher risk of developing the disorder themselves (Craddock & … Read more
Realistic scenario which presents a dilemma.
Realistic scenario which presents a dilemma. A case study presents an account of a realistic scenario which presents a dilemma. While there are no \\”right\\” answers to the situations presented, a well-written case study will provide an analysis of the problem and will make strong arguments for alternative solution pathways. Students are expected to support … Read more
Potential funding options
Potential funding options Use the Learning Resources and research to support your Assignment. Make sure to provide APA citations and a reference list. 1(b) Submit an 8- to 10-page report (not including title page or references) in which you analyze the status of the fictional People First San Diego organization in the following sections: Use the Learning … Read more
Prepare a questionnaire
Prepare a questionnaire Assignment Questions (15Marks) Question 1: (5 MARKS) A. Prepare a questionnaire (Minimum 10 questions) for a survey/interview on the question you came up from the activity you … Read more
DSM-V symptomology
DSM-V symptomology Name and explain your topic thoroughly, with depth and clarity, by describing the disorder, including DSM-V symptomology and the etiology/development of the disorder (the topic can be the same or a derivative of your group presentation topic). Be sure to cite references (in-text and reference page/s). Remember that your opinion is important, but … Read more
ORGANIZATION IN THE UNITED STATES PLEASE DO NOT PLAGIARIZE AND FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS CHOOSE THE SAME ORGANIZATION IN THE LAST ASSIGNMENT I SENT LET IT BE AN ORGANIZATION IN THE UNITED STATES For this assignment, write a 1–2 page double-spaced paper in which you will: Confidentiality:?Since you will be addressing real issues in real organizations … Read more
Different brainstorming techniques
Different brainstorming techniques PLEASE FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS AND USE THE TEMPLATE ATTACHED USE AN ORGANIZATION THAT IS IN THE UNITED STATES. Note: It is important to view the following videos before starting the assignment and to develop your Fishbone diagram. The purpose of the Fishbone Diagram is to support you as you drill down to identify … Read more
Defining the Project
Defining the Project Assigned Readings: Chapter. 4 Defining the Project Initial Postings: Read and reflect on the assigned readings for the week. Then post what you thought was the most important concept(s), method(s), term(s), and/or any other thing that you felt was worthy of your understanding in each assigned textbook chapter.Your initial post should be based … Read more
Annotated Bibliography
Annotated Bibliography Annotated BibliographyAssignment Instructions: BIOL180 Assignment 1: The Annotated BibliographyFor this assignment, you will use the “species” you chose for the Week 2 Mini-Presentation.Objective: The Annotated Bibliography is included as part of the Course Project because it provides the first step in the preparation of your Outline and Final Presentation. One of the issues … Read more
Rough Draft of First Analysis Essay
Rough Draft of First Analysis Essay Rough Draft of First Analysis EssayAnalyze the argument of your first scholarly (peer-reviewed) article. Your own thesis should state whether you believe the article is or isnot successful—or perhaps only moderately successful (i.e. somewhere in between)—insupporting its argument.Your essay must include the following:• Introduction paragraph: Full name of article … Read more
Biological etiology of bi-polar disorder
Biological etiology of bi-polar disorder I appreciate your detailed response to our discussion question this week. Now that you\’ve read about the biological etiology of bi-polar disorder as well as the behavioral perspective – which do you think is most accurate? With regard to the counselor\’s conceptualization and how they frame a diagnosis to their … Read more
Adding Value to the Organization
Adding Value to the Organization Signature Assignment: Adding Value to the OrganizationAssignment Instructions: Exam ContentAssess the external environment for the organization you researched in Wk 1. Based on your assessment and the organization’s strengths and weaknesses you identified in Wk 1, evaluate opportunities for that organization to add economic, social, and environmental value. Recommend an … Read more
Learning Resources
Learning Resources O PREPARE• Review the Learning Resources on working with older adults and their families.• Imagine that you are preparing for a care conference with an 81-year-old patient with COPD and diabetes, her boyfriend, and her two adult children. You have been asked to lead a discussion with the patient and family about plans … Read more
Analysis of the organization\\’s efficiency
Analysis of the organization\\\’s efficiency The new CEO has selected your consulting firm to provide an analysis of the organization\\\’s efficiency. Write a 2–3 page, double-spaced paper in which you present to the CEO your findings during your research steps. You must propose strategic solutions in your paper that include the following: Confidentiality:?Since you will … Read more
Managing conflict in an organization
Managing conflict in an organization Locate an article in the CSU Online Library that focuses on managing conflict in an organization through communication. (attached) For this assignment, you will need to accurately identify the article’s premise, significant points in support of the premise, and the significance of those points to the course and/or the field. … Read more
Presentation to Executive Leaders
Presentation to Executive Leaders Presentation to Executive LeadersAssignment Instructions: Develop and record an 9-slide, with speaker notes , asynchronous, audiovisual presentation to executive leaders of your plan for implementing the proposed educational technology change detailed in the needs assessment and impact statement you completed in Assessments 1 and 2. In addition, develop a detailed outline … Read more
Comparing two Technology used for teaching
Comparing two Technology used for teaching Comparing two Technology used for teachingAssignment Instructions: Compare the features, benefits, and capabilities of two versions of a similar technology that can be used for teaching, learning, or assessment in nursing education, using the Technology Comparison Template provided. Then, determine which teaching and learning situations the technology is best … Read more
Population policy proposal
Population policy proposal Population policy proposalAssignment Instructions: Develop a 3-page policy proposal that seeks to improve the outcomes for your chosen health care issue and target population.Note: Each assessment in this course builds on the work you completed in the previous assessment. Therefore, you must complete the assessments in this course in the order in … Read more
Principles of Macroeconomics
Principles of Macroeconomics Principles of MacroeconomicsAssignment Instructions: I need help with an essay. Prior to working on this assignment, please review chapters 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 12, 13, and 15 in the course text (links to chapters are located below). For this assignment, Pick any country that starts with the first letter of your … Read more
The National Academy of Medicine
The National Academy of Medicine The National Academy of Medicine (formerly the Institute of Medicine) championed the goal that 90% of clinical decisions will be evidence-based by 2020. A recent systematic review of the published literature indicates that evidence-based practice (EBP) implementation remains deficient despite an ongoing effort to increase implementation. Discuss two barriers that … Read more
Psychiatric mental health
Psychiatric mental health In 500 words or less please write a personal statement to convince the application committee why you should be admitted to the psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner graduate program (possible topics to address include: leadership skills, clinical experiences, educational goals, professional goals and life experiences). Requirements: 500 words Answer preview to psychiatric … Read more
Efficacy of pulmonary rehabilitation
Efficacy of pulmonary rehabilitation Efficacy of pulmonary rehabilitation post lung transplant: 10 slides with pictures Requirements: 10 slides | .ppt file Answer preview to Efficacy of pulmonary rehabilitation APA 10PPT
The Home Improvement Project
The Home Improvement Project Read the Case \\”The Home Improvement Project\\” at the end of Chapter 4 and respond to the following questions: Lukas Nelson and his wife, Anne, and their three daughters had been living in their house for over five years when they decided it was time to make some modest improvements. One area they … Read more
Discuss the difference between screening and surveillance
Discuss the difference between screening and surveillance Discuss the difference between screening and surveillance. What criteria should you look for when screening for a disease? Requirements: 150-200 words Order Material(s) Completed File(s) Answer preview to Discuss the difference between screening and surveillance APA 288 words Get instant access to the full solution from yourhomeworksolutions by clicking the purchase button below
Types of Street Food
Types of Street Food Types of Street Food Street foods appear in many forms but can be put into several general categories. Governments often arrange them so that regulations can be better made and understood. The basic groupings can be defined in the following ways; please research and describe the six. For this, you will … Read more
Explain the difference between incidence and prevalence of a disease
Explain the difference between incidence and prevalence of a disease Explain the difference between incidence and prevalence of a disease and discuss their relationship. Provide an example of how incidence and prevalence rates for a specific disease can be used. Order Material(s) Completed File(s) Answer preview to Explain the difference between incidence and prevalence of a disease APA 300 words Get instant access to the full solution … Read more
Technology Acceptance of Online Learning Technologies by Non-Traditional Students
Technology Acceptance of Online Learning Technologies by Non-Traditional Students Respond to each of the following in a minimum of 250 -300 words each. They will be run through a plagiarism checker. Thanks Review “Using the Technology Acceptance Model to Examine Technology Acceptance of Online Learning Technologies by Non-Traditional Students” 1. How would you articulate your … Read more
Briefly define and critique the concept of victim precipitation
Briefly define and critique the concept of victim precipitation Answer should be 3 pages 3. Briefly define and critique the concept of victim precipitation. 4. Suppose you are the Chief of Police in Baton Rouge, LA, and that you have been tasked by the Mayor to reduce the robbery rate in the city by 3 … Read more
How does mining as an enabling technology for business analytics resonate
How does mining as an enabling technology for business analytics resonate Respond to the following in a minimum of 250 words each. They will be run through a plagiarism checker. Thanks 1. How does mining as an enabling technology for business analytics resonate the most with you? Why? 2. What primary question remains unanswered? The … Read more
Policy analysis
Artificial intelligence in early disease
Define patient compliance and explain its importance
Define patient compliance and explain its importance Define patient compliance and explain its importance in your field.Identify the health care professionals\’ role in compliance and give examples of ways in which the health care professional may actually contribute to noncompliance.Compare compliance and collaboration.Compare and contrast patient education in the past with that practiced today.Explain the … Read more
Collaboration to assist in compliance
Collaboration to assist in compliance Title:Assignment Instructions: How would you use collaboration to assist in compliance with a patient as difficult as Alma?Paper Format: APA Answer preview to collaboration to assist in compliance APA 300 WORDS
Invasive pelvic procedure.
Invasive pelvic procedure. Alma Faulkenberger is an 85-year-old female outpatient sitting in the waiting room awaiting an invasive pelvic procedure. The health care professional who will assist in her procedure enters the room and calls “Alma.” There is no reply so the professional retreats to the work area. Fifteen minutes later the professional returns and … Read more
Strategy Grid
Strategy Grid Complete the Strategy Grid using the template provided [link and below]. How to complete and use the strategy grid is explained in two videos within this unit’s content (also provided in the assignment resources below). The purpose of this document is to demonstrate your plan for this week’s decision round in the simulation. … Read more
Developmental screening
Developmental screening You have a 6-month-old patient who you performed a developmental screening on, as part of the wellness exam. What are the normal developmental assessments expected at this age? Consider language, motor and visual (See Bright Futures document). You noted the child is unable to sit up and can not walk. Discuss how you … Read more
Performance management
Performance management performance managementAssignment Instructions: you will post one thread of at least 500 words and 2 replies of at least 300 words. For each Discussion you must support your assertions with at least 2 scholarly citations, the textbook and Scripture. Any sources cited must have been published within the last five years. All citations … Read more
Principles of Microeconomics
Principles of Microeconomics Principles of MicroeconomicsAssignment Instructions: I need help with an assignment. -Discuss how you think prices are set for every good and service in a market.-Explain how you could use the information learned in this class (Principles of Microeconomics) to further yourself professionally.Paper Format: APA Answer preview to Principles of Microeconomics APA 300 … Read more
Work and experiences
Work and experiences Assignment Instructions: write a 3-page paper reflection on your work and experiences in this course. the assignments you did for this class is in the downloads Doctoral-level healthcare professionals have many opportunities to reflect on their contributions to their field and organization. After completing any portion of a project, it is important … Read more
Robot surgery
Robot surgery Assignment Instructions: My topic is (Robot surgery) Select a stance that is for or against your selected topic and write a 500-to-750-word paper. Include the following in your paper: A title page.A description of an ethical issue related to the selected topic.A description of your stance on the topic. Include rationale for your … Read more