America’s first factories
America’s first factories GED232 Essay 2: Explain why America’s first factories started in the northern countryside.Paper Format: APA Assignment Details: Please reference Liberty, Equality , Power Murrin, 2019, Cengage Number of pages: 1.5 source 1 Answer preview to America’s first factories APA 450 WORDS
Whigs and Democrats
Whigs and Democrats Please reference Liberty, Equality , Power Murrin, 2019, Cengage GED232 Essay 3: Explain how Whigs and Democrats differed on questions of slavery and race.Paper Format: APA Number of pages: 2 Sources: 1 Answer preview to Whigs and Democrats APA 600 WORDS
Significance of the role of African Americans
Significance of the role of African Americans GED232 Essay 4: Explain the significance of the role of African Americans in the Union war effort during the Civil War.Paper Format: APA Assignment Details: Please reference Liberty, Equality , Power Murrin, 2019, Cengage Number of pages: 2 1 source Answer preview to significance of the role of … Read more
Bipolar and Related Disorders
Bipolar and Related Disorders American Psychiatric Association. (2022).Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders Text Revision (DSM-5®). (5thEdition). Washington, DC: Author. Corcoran, J. & Walsh, J. (2022). Clinical assessment and diagnosis in social work practice. (5th Edition). Oxford, England: University Press. Create an initial post (300-350 word) that addresses the following question and integrates at least one relevant … Read more
Case study papers
Case study papers review at least 2 other teams\’ case study papers and provide a well-thought-out review. The purpose of your review is to not scrutinize your peers\’ writing (e.g., spelling errors, etc.), but rather to comment on what you found informative (be specific) and offer further knowledge you gained (e.g., additional interventions, ways of … Read more
Assessing a patient
Assessing a patient You are assessing a patient who has presented to the emergency department with an acute onset of abdominal pain. List three differential diagnoses that would lead to immediate surgical consultation and what assessment findings lead to diagnoses. Support your answer with a minimum of two APRN peer-reviewed resources. Q2.Consider a situation in … Read more
Mental health
Mental health 1. In the culture that I grew up in, mental health was not widely talked about. I was aware that mental issues were a problem that people had, but was not made aware that we as a society need to be understanding that many people have their own struggles and still need to … Read more
What role do ethics play in a professional setting
What role do ethics play in a professional setting Each student must post one (1) substantial initial post as a response to the discussion question with a minimum of 150 words What role do ethics play in a professional setting? Consider your current place of employment or where you would like to work in the … Read more
Mild intermittent asthma
Mild intermittent asthma A 3 year old Hispanic boy with a past medical history of mild intermittent asthma is brought to the clinic by his mom who reports a chief complaint of increased wheezing for the past three days. She also reports a recent upper respiratory infection with cough, congestion, and runny nose with a … Read more
Culturally appropriate written arguments
Culturally appropriate written arguments Prepare logically constructed, relevant, and culturally appropriate written arguments and presentations.Write an article review for a scholarly article, using the following guidelines: Select a topic within healthcare finance, human resources, or administrative/operational strategy.Topic should be relevant to you: either aligning with the simulation (hospital administration) or other healthcare-specific setting.Article publication date … Read more
United States history.
United States history. Analyze the effects of historical, social, political, economic, cultural, and global forces on this period of United States history. You need an 8.4 of higher to pass this assignment. This assignment is worth 20% of your grade. Please read the assigned material in the Book Assignment Module- Here are the book citations … Read more
Structure for diagnosing depressive disorders
Structure for diagnosing depressive disorders The DSM-5-TR provides us with a critical structure for diagnosing depressive disorders in our clients by offering counselors with clarity and consistency in our clinical practice (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). It has diagnostic criteria that is grounded in broad research and clinical studies. The diagnostic criteria grounded in research does … Read more
Education Technology Needs Assessment
Education Technology Needs Assessment Education Technology Needs AssessmentAssignment Instructions: Conduct an educational technology needs assessment for your current workplace setting or another health care setting you are familiar with and interested in. Document the results of your needs assessment in a 4 page report.Each assessment in this course builds upon the work you have completed … Read more
Critical structure for diagnosing depressive disorders
Critical structure for diagnosing depressive disorders The DSM-5-TR provides us with a critical structure for diagnosing depressive disorders in our clients by offering counselors with clarity and consistency in our clinical practice (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). It has diagnostic criteria that is grounded in broad research and clinical studies. The diagnostic criteria grounded in research … Read more
Improving the privacy of e-mail
Improving the privacy of e-mail 1st topic: What are three recommendations for improving the privacy of e-mail? 2nd topic: What are six examples of information technologies that could be used in computer crimes. Requirements: 200 – 250 words each topic Answer preview to improving the privacy of e-mail APA 450 WORDS
Dental hygiene scope of practice
Dental hygiene scope of practice The class will be divided into groups to present a comparison of dental hygiene scope of practice and dental hygiene care of assigned states(Washington (Seattle) and California). The presentation must be 10- 15 minutes and include a minimum of a two (2) page paper to be turned in as part … Read more
What role do ethics play in a professional setting
What role do ethics play in a professional setting What role do ethics play in a professional setting? Consider your current place of employment or where you would like to work in the future when responding.Paper Format: APA Answer preview to What role do ethics play in a professional setting APA 300 WORDS
Coded racial language
Coded racial language Coded racial language surrounds us. Think of a time when you have heard someone use coded racial language. Deconstructing harmful language is a technique of critical analysis. Identify what was said. Provide as much verbatim info as possible. For harmful language, please use an asterisk (*) when typing out the word (example: … Read more
Social media
Social media Discussion reply: Social mediaAssignment Instructions: A reply of at least 300 words. For each Discussion response and each reply, you must support your assertions with at least 2 scholarly citations, the textbook and Scripture. Each reply must incorporate at least 2 scholarly citations, the textbook and Scripture. Any sources cited must have been … Read more
CVS Health
CVS Health Choose 1 of the following Fortune 500 companies to study throughout this course: CVS HealthChevronKrogerBank of AmericaHome DepotComcastTargetUnited Parcel ServiceProcter & GambleCaterpillar Complete the Entrepreneurial Strengths and Actions to Increase Value Creation Worksheet, describing the company’s approach to entrepreneurial value creation, assessing the company’s strengths in terms of entrepreneurial value creation, and recommending … Read more
Negotiation Negotiation can be time consuming; however, most organizations will typically have a certain procedure in place to move through the negotiation process. 1. Identify one tactic you agree with and one tactic you disagree with. 2. Explain the rationale for your choices. Attached is a Model for Negotiating Sessions—Figure 5-1, which can be used … Read more
Guidelines or recommendations for the treatment of acute and chronic non-cancer pain
Guidelines or recommendations for the treatment of acute and chronic non-cancer pain Florida is the state Requirements: as needed Answer preview to guidelines or recommendations for the treatment of acute and chronic non-cancer pain APA 1200 WORDS
Training and development program for leadership
Training and development program for leadership You have been asked to make a short speech to the executive team on how this course could help shape training and development program for leadership and career planning. Be sure to consider major training-related theories. Reflect on the course and thoroughly explain your rationale. Journal post to be … Read more
Trends and techniques in the field of leadership.
Trends and techniques in the field of leadership. Objective: This assignment aims to deepen your understanding of current trends and techniques in the field of leadership. You will critically evaluate a scholarly or reputable trade article that discusses recent advancements, case studies, or empirical findings related to leadership. Requirements:Article Selection: Choose an article that is … Read more
Proposal and presentation
Proposal and presentation For your proposal and presentation, you may: A. Select a topic from the “D268 Task 3 Rotating Topic List” document in the Supporting Documents section located below the rubric, OR B. Use a policy topic based on your own personal or professional interests. This task includes two parts: 1. A written message … Read more
Nursing NursingTitle:Assignment Instructions: substantive responses to to the 6 post of my peers .each response has about 100-150 words with reference 1 or 2. Post I sent by not reuse the references in original post.don’t paraphrase the content of the original sent through emailPaper Format: APA Answer preview to Nursing APA 900 WORDS
Clinical setting (Mental Health)
Clinical setting (Mental Health) Please discuss a patient in your current clinical setting (Mental Health) age 12-16 years old, and their view of their illness, its presentation, and their ideas about treatment that are specifically related to their cultural perspective. Assess using the 4Cs and therapeutic communication.Paper Format: APA Answer preview to clinical setting (Mental … Read more
Ethics play a crucial role in any professional setting
Ethics play a crucial role in any professional setting Ethics play a crucial role in any professional setting as they provide a framework for making decisions that respect the rights and dignity of all individuals involved. In my current environment at Willow Springs for my mental health clinical rotation, ethics are essential for several reasons. … Read more
The slave trade
The slave trade Did retelling of experiences in the slave trade lead to the abolition of the Atlantic slave trade, not to be confused with slavery itself or the US domestic slave trade, or was it more of an economic reason?Paper Format: MLA Answer preview to the slave trade MLA 300 WORDS
First Great Awakening
First Great Awakening First Great AwakeningAnswer the following prompt: The colonies are going through changes and people note that the colonists are not as pious as the original setters (like the Puritans, Quakers, etc). Do inspiring preachers jumpstart religious fervor? Why is the nation concerned about colonists losing their religious faith?Paper Format: MLA Answer preview … Read more
Landscape of Latin America
Landscape of Latin America From reading the document, men like, Simon Bolivar, fought to change the landscape of Latin America. Did the Monroe Doctrine support or hinder their efforts?Paper Format: MLA Answer preview to landscape of Latin America MLA 300 WORDS
Principles of Macroeconomics
Principles of Macroeconomics Principles of MacroeconomicsAssignment Instructions: I need help with 2 discussion posts. Each response should be at least 300 words. Discussion Post #1 Prior to working on this discussion, read chapters 14 and 15 in the course text, especially examining Section 15.2 Chapter 14- Chapter 15- Section 2.5- Respond to the following components: … Read more
Program and Policy Evaluation Proposal
Program and Policy Evaluation Proposal Program and Policy Evaluation ProposalAssignment Instructions: CJA/446: Criminal Justice Policy Analysis and Program EvaluationWeek 3 Summative Assessment: Program and Policy Evaluation ProposalExam ContentAs a criminal justice professional, you may be required to perform a program evaluation or conduct policy research and analysis and deliver actionable conclusions. Familiarity with evaluation strategies … Read more
Introduction To Clinical Assessment
Introduction To Clinical Assessment CCMH/544: Introduction To Clinical AssessmentWk 5 Discussion – Depression and Bipolar Disorders [due Thurs]Wk 5 Discussion – Depression and Bipolar Disorders [due Thurs] Discussion TopicPost a total of 3 substantive responses over 2 separate days for full participation. This includes your initial post and 2 replies to classmates or your faculty … Read more
In sociology, we can examine groups of people and their ways of interacting. Different types of groups have different purposes and can vary widely in their influence on our lives.
In sociology, we can examine groups of people and their ways of interacting. Different types of groups have different purposes and can vary widely in their influence on our lives. Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words: ANSWER PREVIEW TO In sociology, we can examine groups of people and their ways of … Read more
Social Group Observation and Findings
Wk 3 – Social Group Observation and Findings [due Mon] Wk 3 – Social Group Observation and Findings [due Mon] Assignment Content Sociologists conduct research to collect information about society and they apply their findings to better understand the human condition. Sociologists can investigate people in their natural environments by becoming part of their everyday … Read more
Violation of cultural norms
Violation of cultural norms Deviance is defined as a violation of cultural norms, but not all deviant behavior is negative. A sociologist can examine deviant behavior through a theoretical perspective to try to understand its causes. A symbolic interactionist view would explain deviance as a product of social stratification. For example, people born into a … Read more
Social stratification
Social stratification Social stratification is the categorization of people based on a number of socioeconomic factors. Social stratification may lead to social inequality because some groups of people have more access to resources, power, and status than others. We can see examples of social stratification and inequality in many television shows, movies, or documentaries. In … Read more
Larger social structures
Larger social structures Larger social structures can and do affect social changes at a micro-level and influence individual lives. Reflect on a major social change or movement you have observed in the U.S. in the past 5 years. Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words: Due Monday Post 2 replies to classmates … Read more
Types of social groups
Types of social groups Throughout the course, you have learned about different types of social groups and the important ways they influence society. In addition, you’ve studied the dynamics, stratification, and inequalities that can occur among groups. We are faced with increasingly complex and rapidly changing social situations in our society, and while we are … Read more
Socialization Socialization is a process through which an individual learns the norms of a society or social group. Through the roles and statuses that shape our personal experiences, a sense of self is developed. Social institutions, or agents of socialization, are the systems and structures that shape the activities of groups and individuals in society. … Read more
Population and community health
Population and community health Submission Instructions: Grading Rubric Your assignment will be graded according to the grading rubric. Discussion Rubric Criteria Ratings Points Identification of Main Issues, Problems, and Concepts Distinguished – 5 pointsIdentify and demonstrate a sophisticated understanding of the issues, problems, and concepts. Excellent – … Read more
Role of a clinician
Role of a clinician For this Discussion, you will take on the role of a clinician who is building a health history for one of the following cases. Your instructor will assign you your case number. “I have pain in my belly” A 25-year-old female presents to the emergency room (ER) with complaints of severe … Read more
New or upgraded educational technology
New or upgraded educational technology Write a 3page impact statement delineating the possible effects on learners, the organization, and patients of the new or upgraded educational technology, or changes in current technology use, that you proposed in Assessment 1.Each assessment in this course builds upon the work you have completed in previous assessments. Therefore, complete … Read more
Nursing NursingTitle:Assignment Instructions: In this assignment, I need only 5 slides related to sections 1 and 3. For this assignment, use only the article with the link approved by our team. I have sent the link herewithPaper Format: APA Answer preview to Nursing APA 5PPT
Ethics play a crucial role
Ethics play a crucial role Ethics play a crucial role in any professional setting as they provide a framework for making decisions that respect the rights and dignity of all individuals involved. In my current environment at Willow Springs for my mental health clinical rotation, ethics are essential for several reasons. Firstly, ethics ensure that … Read more
Impact collective bargaining and labor relations
Impact collective bargaining and labor relations How do employee benefits impact collective bargaining and labor relations?Assignment Instructions: How do employee benefits impact collective bargaining and labor relations? Instruction for the research paperPlease include the URL/DOI of all the references. Thank youPaper Format: APA Answer preview to impact collective bargaining and labor relations APA 2100 WORDS
Decisions for your hospital.
Decisions for your hospital. After reviewing all reading and video material, navigate to the simulation site.Links to an external site.Click on the “Decision” tab (top right of the navigation bar) and input data to make decisions for your hospital.Once all decisions are entered, click the button at the bottom to “send your decisions” for processing. … Read more
CCMH/544: Introduction To Clinical Assessment
CCMH/544: Introduction To Clinical Assessment CCMH/544: Introduction To Clinical AssessmentWk 5 – Biopsychosocial Assessment: Assess for Bipolar and Related Disorders [due Mon]Wk 5 – Biopsychosocial Assessment: Assess for Bipolar and Related Disorders [due Mon]Assignment ContentAs you continue to develop your case conceptualization skills, you will focus on integrating a theoretical perspective into your evaluation of … Read more
National Health Education Standards.
National Health Education Standards. Design a patient, population, or public health education material that follows the National Health Education Standards.Assignment Instructions: Instructions In this assignment, you will be locating and using evidence to support a specific health-based concern or topic. Using the resources available to you, locate a health-related topic in your community (e.g., local, … Read more