What is Dollar Shave Club’s (DSC) value proposition
What is Dollar Shave Club’s (DSC) value proposition What is Dollar Shave Club\’s (DSC) value proposition? How does it create value for customers? How does DSC\’s value proposition differ from Gillette\’s value proposition? In what ways is DSC\’s model disruptive? What is DSC challenging in the industry? What are the short-term and long-term strategic options … Read more
Share what you’ve learned about your Target Market and your potential Competition for your proposed business.
Share what you’ve learned about your Target Market and your potential Competition for your proposed business. In your Discussion post, share what you’ve learned about your Target Market and your potential Competition for your proposed business. Why will customers want to use your services or purchase your product? What is the significance of a Marketing … Read more
Jim is a gambler who pays his bills by spending weekends in Las Vegas.
Jim is a gambler who pays his bills by spending weekends in Las Vegas. Jim is a gambler who pays his bills by spending weekends in Las Vegas. Lately, he’s been playing 21 at a table that returns cards to the deck and reshuffles them all before each hand. As he has a fixed policy … Read more
Prepare a 4-to-5-minute PowerPoint (8-10 slides)presentation on your article, which is about a current topic in the accounting profession
Prepare a 4-to-5-minute PowerPoint (8-10 slides)presentation on your article, which is about a current topic in the accounting profession Prepare a 4-to-5-minute PowerPoint (8-10 slides)presentation on your article, which is about a current topic in the accounting profession. You will need to provide more information than is in the article, provide at least two sources(assigned … Read more
Present on the ways in which your selected organization will reduce errors in communication.
Present on the ways in which your selected organization will reduce errors in communication. For the Unit V PowerPoint Presentation, you will continue to work on your course project, and you will present on the ways in which your selected organization will reduce errors in communication. Start by researching your organization, and determine if they … Read more
The literature supports that high-fidelity mannequins are effective for preparing nursing students for real-life clinical situations
The literature supports that high-fidelity mannequins are effective for preparing nursing students for real-life clinical situations D: The literature supports that high-fidelity mannequins are effective for preparing nursing students for real-life clinical situations. What are the differences between high- and low-fidelity mannequins? Describe the principles for developing scenarios with a conceptual model and illustrate how learning … Read more
Explain the pros and cons of clinical courses delivered through distance learning methodologies.
Explain the pros and cons of clinical courses delivered through distance learning methodologies. C: Explain the pros and cons of clinical courses delivered through distance learning methodologies. To what extent has technology-driven distance learning programs changed nursing education in the 21st century? Describe how technology-supported, distance education programs are cost effective, meet desired outcomes, and foster … Read more
The need for clinical continuous quality improvement (CQI) is well documented.
The need for clinical continuous quality improvement (CQI) is well documented. B: The need for clinical continuous quality improvement (CQI) is well documented. What strategies can faculty members employ to ensure the competencies of nurse graduates? What approaches are useful to faculty to improve and embed a culture of CQI in educational processes? How can the … Read more
Explain the importance of a master plan of evaluation.
Explain the importance of a master plan of evaluation. A: Explain the importance of a master plan of evaluation. What are the differences between conceptual models of evaluation and the use of benchmarks? How are benchmarks applied to the evaluation of an educational program? How do programs utilize benchmarks to measure success and standards of excellence? … Read more
Discuss characteristic findings of immune dysfunction for either hypersensitivity reactions or AIDS.
Discuss characteristic findings of immune dysfunction for either hypersensitivity reactions or AIDS. Discuss characteristic findings of immune dysfunction for either hypersensitivity reactions or AIDS. Explain what symptomology the patient would exhibit and how these symptoms may complicate daily living and relationships. TWO REFERENCE PLS Answer preview to discuss characteristic findings of immune dysfunction for … Read more
Find and summarize research articles in a peer-reviewed source about a successful functional therapy
Find and summarize research articles in a peer-reviewed source about a successful functional therapy 1. Find and summarize research articles in a peer-reviewed source about a successful functional therapy by answering the following question: a. What is the therapy? b. How is the therapy used for illness prevention, health promotion, and heath restoration? c. Give … Read more
Complete the Classical Theory Comparison Worksheet.
Complete the Classical Theory Comparison Worksheet. Complete the Classical Theory Comparison Worksheet. While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. … Read more
For this assignment, you will be placed (virtually) in a real-world scenario that occurs in work settings
For this assignment, you will be placed (virtually) in a real-world scenario that occurs in work settings For this assignment, you will be placed (virtually) in a real-world scenario that occurs in work settings. Please read the following description of the authentic performance task and complete the requirements as described in the scenario. Write a … Read more
Managing and Developing Educational Staffs Report Assignment
Managing and Developing Educational Staffs Report Assignment Managing and Developing Educational Staffs Report Assignment Instructions You will write a 2 page paper in current APA format that addresses some of the major issues confronting higher education’s ability to maintain professional development standards within the staff and faculty corps. Colleges and universities need well-trained leaders and … Read more
College students require a unique approach to education.
College students require a unique approach to education. College students require a unique approach to education. You will examine the sample syllabus provided below. When reviewing the syllabus, pay particularly close attention to the following areas: • Assignment diversity • Assignment difficulty • Clarity of the assignment parameters • Point distribution • Cohesiveness of assignments … Read more
For the final assignment of this course, you will continue your work with the company (Microsoft) you used in Unit IV and Unit VI.
For the final assignment of this course, you will continue your work with the company (Microsoft) you used in Unit IV and Unit VI. Implementation Plan: Part 3 For the final assignment of this course, you will continue your work with the company (Microsoft) you used in Unit IV and Unit VI. For the Unit … Read more
Analyze and record various business transactions in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.
Analyze and record various business transactions in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. Apply the accounting vocabulary Analyze and record various business transactions in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. Instructions: Answer one of the following questions of your choice: Cash vs. Accrual Accounting: Explain the difference between the cash basis, and the accrual basis … Read more
Apply the accounting vocabulary
Apply the accounting vocabulary Describe the three functions of accounting Apply the accounting vocabulary Record various business transactions in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. Complete the steps of the Accounting Cycle. Complete the adjusting entries, post them to the general ledger then prepare an adjusted trial balance and financial statements. Download AC107 Unit 3 … Read more
Identify an assignment in this course that had a positive impact on you
Identify an assignment in this course that had a positive impact on you Identify an assignment in this course that had a positive impact on you. How will you be able to apply the skills you learned from it to gain life or career success? Your journal entry must be at least 200 words in … Read more
Let’s say you were a police officer searching a suspect you arrested for drugs and during the search process you were stuck
Let’s say you were a police officer searching a suspect you arrested for drugs and during the search process you were stuck Let’s say you were a police officer searching a suspect you arrested for drugs and during the search process you were stuck by a needle that was in the suspect’s pocket. What type … Read more
Providing personal protective equipment (PPE) is one of the most important steps for protecting law enforcement personnel
Providing personal protective equipment (PPE) is one of the most important steps for protecting law enforcement personnel Instructions Providing personal protective equipment (PPE) is one of the most important steps for protecting law enforcement personnel and emergency responders. It is a necessary component of an effective all-hazards control plan. Describe why this is so important. … Read more
History has shown that people tend to rebuild in disaster-prone areas
History has shown that people tend to rebuild in disaster-prone areas History has shown that people tend to rebuild in disaster-prone areas. As an Emergency Manager, how would you prepare and mitigate for the next potential incident in that same area? How does risk assessment and hazard analysis fall into mitigation planning? Why is it … Read more
Should governing bodies prevent the rebuilding in disaster prone areas from occurring for the sake of the overall safety of the community
Should governing bodies prevent the rebuilding in disaster prone areas from occurring for the sake of the overall safety of the community Should governing bodies prevent the rebuilding in disaster prone areas from occurring for the sake of the overall safety of the community? Explain how conducting drills and exercises may assist the Emergency Manager … Read more
Develop a 3 page paper that examines a safety quality issue pertaining to medication administration in a health care setting.
Develop a 3 page paper that examines a safety quality issue pertaining to medication administration in a health care setting. Enhancing Quality and Safety For this assessment, you will develop a 3 page paper that examines a safety quality issue pertaining to medication administration in a health care setting. You will analyze the issue and … Read more
Describe one coping/defense mechanism and provide an example
Describe one coping/defense mechanism and provide an example 1. Describe one coping/defense mechanism and provide an example (not provided in live lecture). 2. Discuss one type of therapeutic treatment plan and option for patients with mental health or psychosocial issues. (What is the treatment? Why is it used? What is the goal/outcome?) 3. Pretend you … Read more
Understanding the nutritional needs of very young children is important for teachers.
Understanding the nutritional needs of very young children is important for teachers. Understanding the nutritional needs of very young children is important for teachers. This knowledge allows teachers to support children in developing healthy and educated eating habits. Depending on the setting, some teachers or childcare workers may also be responsible for meal planning. Pretend … Read more
It is important to know the nutritional needs for the children you are working with and the guidelines that must be followed when meal planning.
It is important to know the nutritional needs for the children you are working with and the guidelines that must be followed when meal planning. It is important to know the nutritional needs for the children you are working with and the guidelines that must be followed when meal planning. Choose an age range of … Read more
As teachers or childcare workers, creating a healthy environment should be our top priority
As teachers or childcare workers, creating a healthy environment should be our top priority Assessment Description As teachers or childcare workers, creating a healthy environment should be our top priority. For this assignment, address ways to create a plan that addresses the guidelines pertaining to health, safety, and nutrition in the school, classroom, or childcare … Read more
All children benefit from a safe, healthy environment
All children benefit from a safe, healthy environment Assessment Description All children benefit from a safe, healthy environment. The environment in which a child learns and grows encompasses more than the classroom or childcare setting and extends to the home and community. Educators of young children must take an active role to ensure the children … Read more
As the manager of the CTU Health Care information systems department, you realize the need for seamless integration
As the manager of the CTU Health Care information systems department, you realize the need for seamless integration As the manager of the CTU Health Care information systems department, you realize the need for seamless integration among all operating systems of the departments within the health care organization (HCO). Discuss the importance electronic health record … Read more
The purpose of this assignment is to prepare for the professional presentation to an elected official of the selected healthcare concern
The purpose of this assignment is to prepare for the professional presentation to an elected official of the selected healthcare concern The purpose of this assignment is to prepare for the professional presentation to an elected official of the selected healthcare concern and the proposed solution. This includes the identification of communication strategies as well … Read more
Provide an example from your professional experience in which an evidence-based decision-making model
Provide an example from your professional experience in which an evidence-based decision-making model Question 1 Provide an example from your professional experience in which an evidence-based decision-making model (EBDM) was effectively used and its impact on overall organizational outcomes (performance, morale, etc.). Question 2 Workers increasingly rely on means of technology-mediated communication in the workplace. … Read more
Engage with a small group of 3 rd. grade students on a science lesson or activity.
Engage with a small group of 3 rd. grade students on a science lesson or activity. Engage with a small group of 3 rd. grade students on a science lesson or activity. Use your differentiated and engagement strategies where you see fit. After the science lesson or activity, in 250-500 words, summarize and reflect upon … Read more
List two characteristics each of real, intellectual, and personal property
List two characteristics each of real, intellectual, and personal property List two characteristics each of real, intellectual, and personal property. Do owners of real, intellectual, and personal property each have the same rights under the law? List how each type of property is treated under the law. Explain why it is in the best interest … Read more
What the Sarbanes-Oxley Act Means for You Download Governance in the Spotlight
What the Sarbanes-Oxley Act Means for You Download Governance in the Spotlight Read the article Governance in the Spotlight: What the Sarbanes-Oxley Act Means for You Download Governance in the Spotlight: What the Sarbanes-Oxley Act Means for You. In this article the author outlines provisions companies are now required to implement. Consider the requirements imposed … Read more
Visit the Choose Your Business Structure section of the U.S. Small Business Administration’s website.
Visit the Choose Your Business Structure section of the U.S. Small Business Administration’s website. Visit the Choose Your Business Structure (Links to an external site see below) section of the U.S. Small Business Administration’s website. If you were to start your own business, which business entity structure would you choose? Justify why your chosen structure … Read more
Describe the way that Virginia Woolf’s essay “Professions for Women” expresses important values and concepts of gender theory
Describe the way that Virginia Woolf’s essay “Professions for Women” expresses important values and concepts of gender theory In 1,000 words or more, do the following: Describe the way that Virginia Woolf’s essay “Professions for Women” expresses important values and concepts of gender theory. (See attached) Analyze the short poem Sonnets from the Portuguese to … Read more
Lifespan development is a broad topic, covering multiple stages, theories, and critical issues.
Lifespan development is a broad topic, covering multiple stages, theories, and critical issues. Discussion: Lifespan development is a broad topic, covering multiple stages, theories, and critical issues. As we begin the course, do a search for 2 scholarly journal articles related to lifespan. Provide a brief description of these articles and how they relate to … Read more
In Topic 4, selections for the Southwest Transit marketing team were made
In Topic 4, selections for the Southwest Transit marketing team were made In Topic 4, selections for the Southwest Transit marketing team were made, and now your job is to present the recommendation to your director. Surprisingly though, a directive is issued informing management that only four people will be able to staff the team, … Read more
As humans being we all go through the developmental changes which is a process that occurs as soon as conception through death.
As humans being we all go through the developmental changes which is a process that occurs as soon as conception through death. Doris Fox As humans being we all go through the developmental changes which is a process that occurs as soon as conception through death. Therefore, the beginning stages of development happens within the … Read more
This assignment is intended to help you build a supply chain plan/diagram for a new business by analyzing factors that affect sourcing
This assignment is intended to help you build a supply chain plan/diagram for a new business by analyzing factors that affect sourcing This assignment is intended to help you build a supply chain plan/diagram for a new business by analyzing factors that affect sourcing, logistics, metrics, suppliers, and risk. Create a diagram of the supply … Read more
Critical reflection to identify gaps between espoused theory and theory-in-use.
Critical reflection to identify gaps between espoused theory and theory-in-use. Required Readings Savaya, R., & Gardner, F. (2012). Critical reflection to identify gaps between espoused theory and theory-in-use. Social Work, 57(2), 145–154. Assignment 1: Week 4 Blog Refer to the topics covered in this week’s resources, and incorporate them into your blog. By Day 3 … Read more
R.T. is a 35-year-old female patient who was seen in the clinic because she has been trying to get pregnant for about 7 months
R.T. is a 35-year-old female patient who was seen in the clinic because she has been trying to get pregnant for about 7 months R.T. is a 35-year-old female patient who was seen in the clinic because she has been trying to get pregnant for about 7 months but she has not been successful. Only … Read more
Read the attached document regarding Samsung Electronics and its business strategy changes
Read the attached document regarding Samsung Electronics and its business strategy changes First, read the attached document regarding Samsung Electronics and its business strategy changes (.docx). You will find more details here: https://hbr.org/2015/09/how-samsung-became-a-design-powerhouse Based on your reading and research pertaining to both business and marketing strategy as well as the Samsung Electronics Word doc. (above) answer the following Questions: … Read more
Prepare an 8 – 10 slide PowerPoint presentation summarizing a light therapy
Prepare an 8 – 10 slide PowerPoint presentation summarizing a light therapy Prepare an 8 – 10 slide PowerPoint presentation summarizing a light therapy which is a type of CAM complementary alternative medicine First, choose a PowerPoint Presentation topic which in this case it is LIGHT THERAPY When you prepare the PowerPoint, be sure that … Read more
Describe the words used in Jabberwocky
Describe the words used in Jabberwocky 1. Describe the words used in Jabberwocky? What do you think they mean? Can you guess? What is actually happening in the story? 2. What is going on in My Papa\’s Waltz? What is the theme? Rhyme Scheme? 3. Look at the rhyme scheme in Stopping By Woods on a … Read more
Promoting international trade is not a zero-sum game.
Promoting international trade is not a zero-sum game. Promoting international trade is not a zero-sum game. It is a win-win proposition; both parties gain from trade. Consider the following: Tariffs are paid by the citizens of the country imposing tariffs, not by the citizens of the country producing the products upon which the tariffs are … Read more
Wk 5 – Research Questions and Alignment Summary
Wk 5 – Research Questions and Alignment Summary Wk 5 – Research Questions and Alignment Summary Assignment Content From this week’s overview, classroom materials, the understanding you gained from reviewing the finished dissertations, and the peer review from Discussion 2, develop a research question or questions to address your study’s purpose. You will be placing … Read more
One of the most critical education goals is to teach students to think.
One of the most critical education goals is to teach students to think. One of the most critical education goals is to teach students to think. Science contributes to this goal with its emphasis on hypothesizing, thinking about the physical world, and reasoning from observations and data. The term science process skills is commonly used … Read more
Determine an organization you will analyze and evaluate over the six weeks of this course
Determine an organization you will analyze and evaluate over the six weeks of this course Determine an organization you will analyze and evaluate over the six weeks of this course. The organization can be one in which you work, one in which you have access, or one of such substance that significant internet material is … Read more