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History help needed

History help needed Currently taking history 1302 and need help with each individual question to be answered in a 4 paragraph 4 sentences minimum to each paragraph. 1. Describe the the major causes of the” Great Recession 2. What were the events that led to the Gulf War and American Participation 3. Explain the events leading … Read more

Organizational Theory and Behavior 400 Words Essay – centralized and decentralization

Organizational Theory and Behavior 400 Words Essay – centralized and decentralize Compare and contrast centralized and decentralized organizations. *The five-paragraph essay. Introductory paragraph, three body paragraphs and concluding paragraph.       …………..Answer Preview………. There are quite a number of differences between centralized and decentralized organizations. It all depends on the kind of structure that … Read more

350 word Career Exploration Analysis Paper

350-word Career Exploration Analysis Paper Read the attached paper, and Write a paper of no more than 350 words, based on the Career Exploration, describing how this ‘Communications for Accountants’ course applies to your career plan.   …………..Answer Preview………… In choosing and exercising careers, one should choose careers that they have passion for and that they would … Read more

What role does politics and the economy play in your social problem?

What role does politics and the economy play in your social problem? 2-3 pages in length. The Module 5 SLP requires that you do the following: Step One What role does politics and the economy play in your social problem? Step Two Review the key pieces from the course that would be need to be … Read more

History question

History question I need 4 paragraphs 4 sentences to each paragraph. It is for the same course I am taking History1302 textbook Give me liberty 4th edition volume 2. Explain the Truman Doctrine and the specific terms of the Marshall Plan.     …………Answer Preview……… The impact of the Truman Doctrine and Marshall Plan on … Read more

Law of contracts

Law of contracts HINT: See Chapters 10-14 of the text to help understand some of the legal issues covered in this assignment. Jim and Laura Buyer visit the local car dealership because they are interested in buying a new car. The car they currently have is aging and is starting to have mechanical problems. Jim and … Read more

Argument for a specific change in your community or workplace

Argument for a specific change in your community or workplace The academic essay Assignment in this unit will be a written, cohesive argument for a specific change in your community or workplace. The Assignment should take the form of a persuasive essay, in which you will provide reliable evidence from at least four sources to … Read more

Management and Internal Control

Management and Internal Control “Management and Internal Control” Please respond to the following: Create a scenario where external auditors determined that a company’s internal controls were deficient, but such a deficiency might not mean that a material weakness existed. Ascertain the impact on the audit plan if additional deficiencies are discovered on other related internal controls. … Read more

Putting it All Together – Revising the Justification Report

“Putting it All Together – Revising the Justification Report” Please respond to the following: This week, you will utilize the techniques that you have studied in your Week 6 readings to revise your Justification Report while adding the final parts. Based on your readings, state three (3) things that you will be looking for as you … Read more

Glo-bus Questions

Glo-bus Questions Write 1 page,answering these three questions about Glo-bus:- What strategies were implemented.- What i learned during the simulation.- What would i have done differently.     ……………Answer Preview…………… What strategies were implemented.-  We implemented the takeover strategy which we used to respond to one of the strategies used by our lead competitors. Because … Read more

Recent situations with Volkswagen

 Recent situations with Volkswagen I need someone to do research on the recent situations with Volkswagen. Do a SWOT analysis listing 10 of each, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Also know Porter’s 5 Forces. Assignment #1 – Volkswagen has been in the news over the past few months because of an emission scandal. Students should come … Read more

Public Financing in health care

Public Financing in health care Analyze trends in Medicare and Medicaid. What impact are these trends having on access to care for low income elders and people with disabilities?       ………………..Answer Preview…………….. Medicare and Medicaid spending per every beneficiary have grown less swiftly than the costs of the private health insurance in the … Read more

Security First Competition v2.1

Security First Competition v2.1 Describe all 14 vulnerabilities (NOT the 14 threat categories in the textbook) exposed in the Security First lab in layman terms and explain why each step is important without using the objective listed     ……………Answer Preview…………… Types of vulnerabilities The first vulnerability is in goal 100 which is source code disclosure. In … Read more

Parenting styles

Parenting styles Briefly describe the different parenting styles discussed in this week’s readings. How could they impact a child’s cognitive and social development? Select two parental characters in TV or movie media (e.g., movies, situation comedies, TV dramas) and identify the styles that the characters who are acting in the roles of the parents are … Read more

Marketing in Virtual Worlds

Marketing in Virtual Worlds: For this topic we will examine issues related to virtual worlds. Be sure to read the articles posted online in the content section on virtual worlds. Also be sure to view the several links below that highlight some applications of virtual worlds. Most of the information here will be focused on … Read more

Innovation plan

Innovation plan What are the most important resources that might be employed in order to communicate and propagate an innovation plan in an organization? What factors must be considered when developing a communication plan regarding innovation? Why?   …………..Answer Preview……….. The most important resources that need to be employed in order to communicate and propagate … Read more

Question- Making innovation work

Question- Making innovation work Why is it important to identify what will not change in the organization when an innovation strategy is developed? Explain. Looking for an answer in about 125-150 or so words please       ……………….Answer Preview………. Innovations are supposed to improve the general processes within an organization. It takes time and … Read more

Research Items for FEARS

Research Items – one per topic posted.  Research Items for FEARS Instructions  • This is one item per topic (e.g.Life skills, Answers) you find on the internet by doing a search. • Each one will fit the topic of the week (e.g. if we are reading about infant development the article,video, media item, graphic, questionnaire, etc. will fit that. • After finding it you copy the web address and paste it into the research discussion message window. Then write a short paragraph (3-4 sentences)telling about … Read more

Handling Fears – Lifeskill Activities for Special Children 2nd Edition

Handling Fears – Lifeskill Activities for Special Children 2nd Edition handling fears… we all have them, we all had them too… can you relate in a way that helps others learn how to deal with their fears? After all we’re all coaches, teachers, and guides in life to ourselves and others… This week is section … Read more


“A HIGH SCHOOL TEACHER MUST DEAL WITH PLAGIARISM”. Analyze and summarize the case. Choose one of the three opinions listed after the case (or invent other options) that best describes your opinions associated with what would you do if you were the teacher faced with this situation. Explain why you chose that opinion and provide … Read more

Identify two companies you would like to work for

Identify two companies you would like to work for Identify two companies you would like to work for and check out their Indeed or Glassdoor reviews. would you want to work for these companies? Why and why not? please make two different solutions for the question.       ………………..Answer Preview…………….. The Coca-Cola Company This company has been one … Read more

W4A1 Network Forensics

W4A1 Network Forensics You are the lead computer forensic examiner assigned to ensure the proper seizure of a computer network located in a broker’s house. The network is suspected of facilitating fraudulent trade in securities by this broker. When the search team arrives at the house, they find that more than 50 networked computers throughout … Read more

The Website represents an electronic document titled “Standards Organizations” written by William Stallings

The Website represents an electronic document titled “Standards Organizations” written by William Stallings The following Website may be used for reference to complete this assignment. The Website represents an electronic document titled “Standards Organizations” written by William Stallings (2009), located at Write a three to four (3-4) page paper in which you: Select one … Read more

Since Edmund Locard, there has been tremendous growth in forensic science. There are four main reasons that there

History of Forensic Expert Testimony: Since Edmund Locard, there has been tremendous growth in forensic science. There are four main reasons that there Since Edmund Locard, there has been tremendous growth in forensic science. There are four main reasons that there has been an increase in the number of forensic laboratories since the 1960’s. Forensic scientists … Read more

Use the following information to ensure successful completion of the assignment: Read: Lilienfeld, S. O., Waldman, I. D., Landfield, K., Watts, A. L.

annotated bibliography: Use the following information to ensure successful completion of the assignment:Read: Lilienfeld, S. O., Waldman, I. D., Landfield, K., Watts, A. L. Use the following information to ensure successful completion of the assignment: Read: Lilienfeld, S. O., Waldman, I. D., Landfield, K., Watts, A. L., Rubenzer, S., & Faschingbauer, T. R. (2012). Fearless dominance … Read more

Explain how China’s One-Child policy can be understood as an attempt to reduce external costs associated with higher population

China’s One-Child policy can be understood as an attempt to reduce external costs associated with higher population Explain how China’s One-Child policy can be understood as an attempt to reduce external costs associated with higher population. Explain how investment in sports facilities and activities (e.g. team sports in school or within the community) lead to … Read more

Use the Internet to research one (1) developing nation of your choice. Your research should include an examination of lending institutions

Research one (1) developing nation of your choice. Your research should include an examination of lending institutions, health care, Use the Internet to research one (1) developing nation of your choice. Your research should include an examination of lending institutions, health care, and human capital, as well as the material covered by the Webtext and … Read more

View the Human Sexuality Case Studies: Sexuality Confronts Social Policy interactive linked in the Resources

Sexuality Confronts Social Policy interactive linked in the Resources View the Human Sexuality Case Studies: Sexuality Confronts Social Policy interactive linked in the Resources. Each case study is related in some way to the material covered in the unit readings and materials. Read each case study and select one on which to base a research paper. … Read more

Develop a research paper based on the portrayal of sexual behaviors in the media. Select an example from the media to

Develop a research paper based on the portrayal of sexual behaviors in the media. Develop a research paper based on the portrayal of sexual behaviors in the media. Select an example from the media to use as the focus of your paper. Some examples may include television shows like Three’s Company, Will and Grace, or … Read more

Continuing with our focus on the two holocausts on American

Continuing with our focus on the two holocausts on American so when it comes to the African American Continuing with our focus on the two holocausts on American so when it comes to the African American (Black American) holocaust, respond to the following 1. Today, 2015, do you see anything that could be described as … Read more

Write a report summarizing Affective Computing and describe

Write a report summarizing Affective Computing Write a 2-3 page report – Write a report summarizing Affective Computing and describe at least two current research projects in that domain. You will need to find a few sources on the topic to do so.   How do you feel about this type of research? Explain. In your report … Read more

Private investigators have developed national and international organizations to network and develop their resumes.

Private investigators have developed national and international organizations to network and develop their resumes. Private investigators have developed national and international organizations to network and develop their resumes. Research a national or international organization of private investigators and discuss how, through networking and training, you can maintain a high level of proficiency in your specific … Read more

Write a 350-word summary on one or two of the media (online tutorial, documentary, newspaper, magazine, etc.)

Write a 350-word summary on one or two of the media (online tutorial, documentary, newspaper, magazine, etc.) Summary For ACC 300. Write a 350-word summary on one or two of the media (online tutorial, documentary, newspaper, magazine, etc.) you used this week. Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.     …………………Answer Preview………………. … Read more

Imagine it is 1880. The Civil War has been over for 15 years. Economic conditions in the town you live in have deteriorated

Miner, Cowboy, or Farmer: Imagine it is 1880. The Civil War has been over for 15 years. Economic conditions in the town you live in have deteriorated Imagine it is 1880. The Civil War has been over for 15 years. Economic conditions in the town you live in have deteriorated, and you are struggling to make … Read more

Dual diagnosis clients are often in treatment for substance use and mental health disorders.

Dual diagnosis clients are often in treatment for substance use and mental health disorders. Their treatment is trickier Dual diagnosis clients are often in treatment for substance use and mental health disorders. Their treatment is trickier than those who only have one of these disorders. For this assignment, you will research the complicated relationship between … Read more

Final paper outline CRJ 201

Final paper outline CRJ 201 Outline: Provide an outline for your Final Paper based on the instructions provided in Week Five. Title Page Introduction Part 1: Thesis Part 2: Body Part 3: Conclusion Reference Page Annotated Bibliography: The purpose of creating a list of sources is to assist you in organizing and evaluating your research. … Read more

Discuss either two (2) civil liberties or two (2) civil rights events (past or current)

Discuss either two (2) civil liberties or two (2) civil rights events (past or current) Assignment 1:  Politics – Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow Write a three to four (3-4) page paper in which the student answers the following three (3) items using headers to separate each item: Discuss either two (2) civil liberties or two … Read more

Managing technology at Genex fuels

Managing technology at Genex fuels What evidence is the CEO using to suggest that Genex is not using technology competitively? Did Devlin need to hire Sandy, a “high priced technology consultant,” to tell him that technology at Genex was a mess? Device a strategy to successfully implement enterprise wide systems (such as SAP) at Genex … Read more

You are the Managerial Accountant. Again, what quantitative and qualitative factors would influence your decision in this scenari

You are the Managerial Accountant. Again, what quantitative and qualitative factors would influence your decision in this scenario 1. You are the Managerial Accountant. Again, what quantitative and qualitative factors would influence your decision in this scenario? *** You have recently been employed by a large retail chain that sells sporting goods. One of your tasks … Read more

Compare and contrast the northern and southern United States between 1800 and 1850.

Compare and contrast the northern and southern United States between 1800 and 1850. Compare and contrast the northern and southern United States between 1800 and 1850. Write three or four paragraphs about the similarities and the differences between the two regions. Your essay should include discussions of the economy, social structure, daily life, and social … Read more

Marketing in heath: Medicare and Medicaid

Marketing in heath: Medicare and Medicaid I need 2 papers explaining medicare and medicaid in rehab for life which is in evansville indiana, united states. and i need 3 or 4 questions to improve the medicare and medicaid. i also need a summery about medicare and medicaid .     ………………Answer Preview………….. In the quest … Read more

Do you think that behavior is due to environmental factors (nurture)

Do you think that behavior is due to environmental factors (nurture) Do you think that behavior is due to environmental factors (nurture) or innate tendencies (nature)? Provide an example of a behavioral characteristic and explain how it may have developed through the influence of experience, heredity, or both.     ……………..Answer Preview………….. Personally, I feel … Read more

Environmental Scanning Exercise

Environmental Scanning Exercise HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT ENVIRONMENTAL SCANNING EXERCISE [Lesson Module 1]   (a) Select an industry with which you are somewhat familiar [e.g., kitchen appliance manufacturing, personal care products, or after-market automobile parts]. (b) Identify three countries with which companies in your nation might establish a partnership or subsidiary. (c) Assume your locally-based corporation … Read more

Conduct academic research and prepare a 2 page report in APA-format on how Zappos trains employees

Conduct academic research and prepare a 2 page report in APA-format on how Zappos trains employees Conduct academic research and prepare a 2 page report in APA-format on how Zappos trains employees on their culture and weeds out employees who may not be a fit for the culture. What role do managers play in culture … Read more

For each SCRUM topic from below, explain its purpose

For each SCRUM topic from below, explain its purpose For each SCRUM topic from below, explain its purpose, how it works, and who typically attends. Your analysis of each SCRUM topic should be 100 to 250 words. Daily standup meeting Sprint review meeting Sprint retrospective meeting Backlog refinement meeting note : Please need originL Content and no … Read more

Imagine that you are working in a neurology clinic. One of the neurologists tells you that as his or her practice is expandin

Imagine that you are working in a neurology clinic. One of the neurologists tells you that as his or her practice is expandin Imagine that you are working in a neurology clinic. One of the neurologists tells you that as his or her practice is expanding, he or she is having difficulty meeting the education … Read more

Prop a smooth piece of cardboard (or other rigid surface) on a stack of books until the angle formed

Prop a smooth piece of cardboard (or other rigid surface) on a stack of books until the angle formed Prop a smooth piece of cardboard (or other rigid surface) on a stack of books until the angle formed with the floor is 20 degrees. Tape a sterile piece of printer paper or butcher paper on … Read more

Read the Recruitment Process Benchmark and Best Practice Study located at the website

Read the Recruitment Process Benchmark and Best Practice Study located at the website Read the Recruitment Process Benchmark and Best Practice Study located at the website: Recruitment%20Process%20Study.pdf Write a 2-3 paper that addresses the following questions: 1. Which three best practices (listed on pages 8 – 12 of the Study) did you find to … Read more

The goal of this course is to create a prevention plan for a specific criminal behavior

The goal of this course is to create a prevention plan for a specific criminal behavior The goal of this course is to create a prevention plan for a specific criminal behavior. Throughout the course, you will complete interrelated assignments in each module that build toward the LASA assignment, a prevention plan. The first step … Read more

Prepare a list of IT project-based tasks in an organization where you have worked.

Prepare a list of IT project-based tasks in an organization where you have worked. Prepare a list of IT project-based tasks in an organization where you have worked. If you have not worked in any organization, use the South University Online Library or the Internet to make a sample list. In a Microsoft Word document, … Read more

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