Browse essays

Risk and resilience

 Risk and resilience Consult the literature on risk and resilience . What are some probable risk and resiliency factors in the community that you are planning to work ( if you are unsure , use the local community that you are familiar with ) ? How might you as the school psychologist working within a … Read more

Market Research Proposal

Market Research Proposal The Final Project incorporates all aspects of the Marketing Research course. The Final Project objective is to write a Marketing Research Proposal. There is no requirement to conduct the actual research, collect data or analyze results. The Final Project requirement is to write a marketing research proposal and to develop a short … Read more


Sappho For your second paper, please write 5 pages (double-spaced) and focus on one work primarily in your analysis. Please don’t use secondary sources; this is about developing your analysis and thought process. Below are some prompts to consider, but please feel free to come up with your own idea or some variation of what … Read more

Categorical Imperative

Categorical Imperative Is it ever morally permissible to lie to someone?  Describe a circumstance in which it seems that lying might make more people happy than telling the truth.  Would lying be the right thing to do in that circumstance, or is it our moral duty to tell the truth, even then?  Consider what Immanuel … Read more

Having Privilege COUNW4

Having Privilege COUNW4 Have Privilege? Prepare a posting that describes your understanding of the concept of privilege using the Monahan (2014) reading and Dr. Flora’s interview as points of reflection. •How can the concept of White Privilege be expanded to include gender privilege, class privilege, or heterosexual privilege? •Provide an example from your own experience … Read more

Business current event discussion

Business current event discussion Find one current event from any business journal for example “Forbes” Type a ONE PAGE summary about the event. It must be typed Double space 12 font, Times New Roman.  *** SUMMARIES SHOULD INCLUDE: 1. A brief summary of what the article is about. 2. Why the article appealed to you. 3. How the article relates to the business field 4. No plagiarism and works … Read more

Talking Points on Inclusion (early childhood special education)

Talking Points on Inclusion Students will review the benefits of inclusion and will compile empirically supported talking points in defense of inclusion with references. Consider the audience to be skeptical parents and caregivers who do not want to send their children to inclusive settings. Students should provide at least 5 talking points in support of … Read more

leadership organizational homework/discussion

Leadership organizational homework/discussion First, watch the video lecture below to learn why knowing the difference between a team and a group can help you at work.[streamerType]=auto Now, please respond to the following discussion “No Man is an Island”: Suggest at least one (1) scenario in which understanding the Five Stages of Group Development could … Read more

W3A2: Cyber Threats, Offenders, and Crimes

W3A2 Cyber Threats, Offenders, and Crimes Develop a comprehensive Microsoft PowerPoint presentation of 12—15 slides for the chief of police. The presentation will be used as part of an educational program for the government officials and the public in an effort to obtain funding for the new cyber investigative unit. Your presentation should describe the growth … Read more

Marketing 421

Marketing 421 Select a company currently experiencing marketing changes. Create a 6-8 slide Microsoft®PowerPoint®presentation (including a title slide) that analyzes that company’s marketing mix: Each of the four P’s should be addressed on its own slide. The final slide should analyze the changes this company is experiencing and the driving forces behind the changes. Use … Read more

Changing Populations

Changing Populations Consider the following scenario: Jose Guerrero and his wife Maria own and operate a small human service business that provides substance abuse detox and counseling services for Heroin addicts. Presently, the business is located in Phoenix AZ. Mr. Guerrero and his wife have been offered a business venture and have been asked to … Read more

500-600 word essay for involving John Donne and the movie Wit by Margaret Edson

John Donne and Wit by Margaret Edson Write an essay, approximately 500-600 words, in which you respond to these queries. In this instance, I mean that you can structure your body paragraphs as each one responding to a different query. In your introduction, consider how this drama demonstrates reading as a creative act. How does Vivian’s story illustrate … Read more

Reagan, Gorbachev and Berlin wall

Reagan, Gorbachev and Berlin wall U.S. President Ronald Reagan fought to end the Cold War during his tenure in office (1981-1989). In 1987, Reagan delivered a passionate speech in which he challenged Mikhail Gorbachev, leader of the USSR, to tear down the Berlin Wall. Why did Reagan demand Gorbachev to tear down the Wall? … Read more

For this weeks discussion, I would like to focus on the topic of affirmative action

Affirmative action For this weeks discussion, I would like to focus on the topic of affirmative action. I encourage you to be levelheaded in expressing your opinions so that the debate can stay rigorous and detached. Think of jobs that have been traditionally held by men and that historically only a minority of women want … Read more

Legislation in legal proceedings

Legislation in legal proceedings Courts currently recognize several privileges: such as, the attorney-client privilege, the physician-patient privilege and clergy privilege. 1. Would you support legislation that recognized a privilege in Internet search queries to preventdiscoverability and admissibility in legal proceedings? Discuss why or why not. 2. Would you support any exceptions such as a legitimate law enforcement purpose with … Read more

English 357 Business Writing Assignment 3: Persuasive message memo

English 357 Business Writing Assignment 3: Persuasive message memo Pretend you work in the Admissions Department of Morgan State University. As you know, the school wants the maximum number of students to apply to the university so it can meet its quotas. You are given the responsibility to write a form memo that will be sent … Read more

English 357 Business Writing Assignment 1: Observation

English 357 Business Writing Assignment 1: Observation You and a partner are to observe a male and female conversing for ten minutes. Take copious notes on the observation, paying attention to body language (i.e., the way they are sitting, the way they move their legs, hands, and torso) and their facial expressions. The purpose of … Read more

Volunteer Work report

Volunteer Work report INSTRUCTIONS This option involves choosing a local environmental organization/agency and volunteering (see the list of volunteer opportunities) for a minimum of 3 hours. You are required to work with the organization during the entire scheduled work party time (note that if the work party you attend is less than 3 hours, you will need … Read more

Invasive species in the great lakes

Topic: invasive species in the great lakes   ………………Answer Preview…………….. The Great Lakes ecosystem has been attacked by more than 180 invasive species. In a normal circumstance the ecosystem consist of microorganisms that coexist and mutually benefit from each other. However, with the entrance of species such as alewife, Eurasian milfoil, sea lamprey, purple loosestrife, zebra … Read more

Elements of a legal contract: Jim and Laura

Elements of a legal contract: Jim and Laura Jim and Laura Buyer visit the local car dealership because they are interested in buying a new car. The car they currently have is aging and is starting to have mechanical problems. Jim and Laura would share the new car, and use it to go back and … Read more

Search warrant law

Search warrant law Search warrant law is probably the most confusing issue facing law enforcement. There are situations in which law enforcement does not need to obtain a search warrant, and the ability to recognize these requires a current understanding of case law. Discuss situations where search and seizure is possible without a warrant. Name … Read more

IT restructuring

IT restructuring Q. What kind of restructuring or ‘tuning’ does an IT organization require over time?  How should you decide to centralize talent in a shared organization or decentralize it into distributed groups?   ………………….Answer Preview………….. It is a fact that the IT organizational requirements have changed significantly in the past years, especially from providing … Read more

Word Trade Organization (WTO)

Word Trade Organization (WTO) make a 15 minutes’ presentation. the topic is about Word Trade Organization WTO. cite the resource in APA. both papers and PPT are required.     ………………..Answer Preview…………… PPT attached Word file The World Trade Organization (WTO) was established on January 1, 1995 as a multilateral instrument governing international trade. It was … Read more

Dimensions of System Dependability

“Dimensions of System Dependability” Please respond to the following: Consider the four principal dimensions of dependability. Choose two dimensions, describe them, and explain the relationship between your chosen dimensions. Provide at least two examples to support your explanation. Describe at least two methods for validating and verifying the security nonfunctional requirements of a software system. … Read more

Sweatshop labor discussion

Sweatshop labor discussion A clothing company uses sweatshop labor to manufacture clothing products that contribute to low pricing, which is a consumer want. Many companies have engaged in sweatshop labor. Did the clothing company engage in unethical labor practices by utilizing sweatshop labor? Research sweatshop labor. Write a paper of no more than 750 words to present … Read more

CDC Health Disparities Affecting Minorities

CDC Health Disparities Affecting Minorities Take a look at the attached CDC Health Disparities Affecting Minorities brief publications. Pick two of the statistics that are discussed and make suggestions for how those in your chosen field ( School Psychology)can contribute to community efforts to reduce the disparities.       ……………….Answer Preview……………. The first disparity … Read more

Laws that address discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation

Laws that address discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation Using the list of states identified on page 321 of your textbook, select a state that has laws that address discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation. Summarize those laws by addressing the following questions:  How do those laws define discrimination based on sexual … Read more

Formal and informal structures

 Formal and informal structures Please write  300 words,12 font times roman, citation,references and no plagerism. Explain formal and informal structures and decipher between traditional and non-traditional frameworks. Describe the characteristics that set functional, divisional, and matrix structures apart. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each design? …………….Answer Preview……………. The concept of informal and formal … Read more

Minimizing Audit Risk

“Minimizing Audit Risk” Please respond to the following: According to the text, auditors have to make judgments concerning materiality on every audit. Since the auditing standards give no formal guidance for how to determine materiality, auditors must rely on their own experience. Determine at least three (3) qualitative factors that affect the auditor’s judgment. Provide a … Read more

Incorporating Graphics Into the Justification Report

“Incorporating Graphics Into the Justification Report”  Please respond to the following: This week, you are to add a graph to your Justification Report. Discuss how you’ll approach this part of your assignment, and state the main reasons why you feel that graphs are a necessary part of a formal report. From Part 1 of this … Read more

Essay #3: Pop Culture Research Paper

Essay #3: Pop Culture Research Paper In this research paper, you will be exploring a topic related to pop culture which you find particularly interesting. The question is up to you, but it must be a question that relates specifically to pop culture, and must be a question that can be researched and analyzed using … Read more

Is fashion important

Is fashion important “Long” research paper 3 full pages (should go onto page 4) MLA format More than 5 paragraphs (probably) Introduction (1 paragraph,) body (????,) conclusion (1 paragraph) At least 3 main ideas: you may write more than one paragraph on a main idea Counterarguments and rebuttals at the beginning of each IDEA No … Read more

The Color Purple Abstract

Write an abstract on Color in the novel “The Color Purple”.   ……………Answer Preview…………….. Alice Walker’s The Color Purple portrays the constant cycle of racism and sexism evident in the society as well as the oppression that the African American women dealt with. It features Celie and her tribulations in life that includes her exceptionally … Read more

Economic Problems & Issues/ Week 5 – Discussion 2

Economic Problems & Issues/ Week 5 – Discussion 2 Economic Problems & Issues Discussion 2 Economist awareness of consequences of Wealth Inequality across different states in U.S., across Canada, and across world. Robert Reich trailer of film on the subject     …………….Answer Preview……………. The first video by Richard Wilkinson addresses how economic inequality harm … Read more

Economic Problems & Issues/ Week 5 – Discussion

Economic Problems & Issues/ Week 5 – Discussion 1 Economic Problems & Issues Discussion 1 Earlier in class, we saw how the western European economies, especially of France, has higher living standards than we do. One of the reasons is they do not have the severe “economic underclass” as well as crime in inner cities … Read more

Business and Government Relations

Business and Government Relations Discuss the main reasons why a business should or should not be involved in political discussions or take a political stand.       …………..Answer Preview………………. Business entities need to stay away from any form of politics. Nowadays, social media has made it possible for a company to have numerous followers … Read more

Coercive power

Coercive power The goal of this assignment is to encourage you to apply course concepts to your own personal experience. You will (a) select a concept of your choice and then (b) describe your own personal example of it and (c) explain how the example illustrates the concept. Submissions  must be no longer than one … Read more

Unit 5 Project

Questions for Unit 5 Project Question 1: Ask five people how they would define racism, religion, and family, and then summarize the definitions.  Identify the similarities and differences in the definitions. Provide your own definitions of each and how they relate to each other. Note: You can use any means you want to interview people. … Read more

Cold War confrontations

Cold War confrontations In what ways did Cold War confrontations affect the US in the 1960s? Consider Duck and Cover, bomb shelters, the Cuban Missile Crisis, etc. What were the difficulties and efforts to answer them on the home front? Poverty, civil rights struggles, freedom riders, Kennedy assassination, second-wave feminism, Johnson’s Great Society? A minimum of … Read more

CRJ201 Introduction to Criminal Justice

CRJ201 Introduction to Criminal Justice Law Enforcement: Federal, State, and Local Policing Law enforcement agencies exist on federal, state, and local levels. What is jurisdiction? Describe the difference between federal and local police jurisdiction. Describe the history of federal policing in the United States. Provide examples of federal policing agencies. How are federal policing agencies … Read more

Final Lecture: Dressing Up Like a Firm

Final Lecture:  Dressing Up Like a Firm   I always close the semester with a lecture that integrates and summarizes the material. This is important for three reasons:   To connect the concepts and enhance your understanding of the course.   To demonstrate the relevance of the material to personal decision-making.   To better equip … Read more

Doctoral discussion question 1

Doctoral discussion Using the DC Network, locate information about the Ten Strategic Points, the Prospectus, the Proposal, and the Proposal. What is the purpose of each of these documents? How do you anticipate interacting with these documents? Explain.and reference   …………..Answer Preview…………….. The ten key strategic points need to be made clear, simple and aligned … Read more

Comparison Between Hollywood Film and Documentary

Comparison Between Hollywood Film and Documentary   – Comparison Between Hollywood Film and Documentary Using Hollywood film from (the word document upload) and documentary from the list below, respond to each of the following questions. At a minimum, cite Rudolph and Ayers when answering question. You may use additional sources. 4-6 pages in length each. … Read more

Graphic Organizer

Graphic Organizer Writers often face the challenge of too many ideas swirling about their heads when they sit down to draft an essay or other document. The swirling ideas can lead to writer’s block or a disorganized draft. This Discussion will help you bring order to an argument for change by using a graphic organizer … Read more

leadership organizational homework/discussion

leadership organizational homework/discussion First, watch the video lecture below to learn why knowing the difference between a team and a group can help you at work.[streamerType]=auto Now, please respond to the following discussion “No Man is an Island”: Suggest at least one (1) scenario in which understanding the Five Stages of Group Development could … Read more

Describe two challenges of using mathematical symbols in order to solve problems using formal logic

Formal Logic Describe two challenges of using mathematical symbols in order to solve problems using formal logic and determine how you can overcome them When an if / then statement is true, it is NOT necessarily true that the converse is true. Give an example of an if / then statement that is true, but … Read more

ITPM Questions

ITPM Questions Q1. Post an original thread in this forum to Question 3 AND one other question of your choice below – 500 words or less. Question One: Why is it important for an organization to conduct a project selection process? Describe two ways that’s that projects can be selected. Question Two: Define and describe the key components of a business … Read more

Field Research Analysis

Field Research Analysis Field Research Analysis For this assignment, view or read one of the following samples that use field research. It’s ok if you’re not familiar with the topic being discussed. The goal is to analyze the techniques used. Observation-based research: Super Size Me Experiement 1st Part, and 2nd Part. Face-To-Face Interview: Comic Con 2009: Seth Interview Email … Read more

Criminal profile of BTK killer

Criminal profile of BTK killer RESEARCH PAPER REQUIREMENTS Note that references used for your research need to be peer-reviewed/scholarly journals. These journals typically have the following characteristics: 1. Articles are reviewed by a panel of experts before they are accepted for publication. 2. Articles are written by a scholar or specialist in the field. 3. … Read more

What do Political parties believe in?

What do Political parties believe in? Here is a list of the three largest third parties. Pick one, and using your own words (don’t copy and paste from a website) summarize what they believe. In your paper, discuss one thing a Democrat and one thing a Republican would find attractive about the third party you … Read more

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