What is sociology? Why is it important? How can it be used to better understand social life?
What is sociology? Why is it important? How can it be used to better understand social life? What is sociology? Why is it important? How can it be used to better understand social life? ………………Answer Preview……………. Social is defined broadly as the relations of people or societies and how they collectively co – … Read more
To what extent was the response structured differently for the Pentagon attack
To what extent was the response structured differently for the Pentagon attack Topic 1: To what extent was the response structured differently for the Pentagon attack than for Hurricane Katrina? What factors contributed to this differing approach? Topic 2: What coordination and jurisdictional problems did the emergency response to the Pentagon Attack encounter? Topic 3: … Read more
Consider the models of Piaget, Erickson, and others regarding the stages of cognitive
Consider the models of Piaget, Erickson, and others regarding the stages of cognitive Consider the models of Piaget, Erickson, and others regarding the stages of cognitive developmental. Do these models suggest a correlation between cognitive development and learning development throughout the human lifespan? Why or why not? ……………….Answer Preview……………… Answer Yes, Reason There is a … Read more
Within any type of business environment businesses are always looking at corporate valuation
Within any type of business, environment businesses are always looking at corporate valuation Within any type of business, environment businesses are always looking at corporate valuation and financial planning to grow in both good and bad economic times. Define the terms capital intensity and self-supporting growth rate. Explain how a decline in capital intensity would … Read more
Locate and read the case study titled “Radiance Reconstructive Surgery”
Locate and read the case study titled “Radiance Reconstructive Surgery” Locate and read the case study titled “Radiance Reconstructive Surgery” at the end of section 5.3 of your course text. Complete the interactive module associated with this study. Then, conduct a strategic marketing analysis, similar to the one that Melissa would prepare, for Radiance. Based … Read more
Which modes of entry would you recommend that your company pursue for Asia?
Which modes of entry would you recommend that your company pursue for Asia? Which modes of entry would you recommend that your company pursue for Asia? Would you recommend the same strategy for entering Japan as you would for China ? Why or why not? support with 1-3 references …………..Answer Preview……………….. A mode of … Read more
There are pros and cons associated with using e-commerce as a business model.
There are pros and cons associated with using e-commerce as a business model. 2. There are pros and cons associated with using e-commerce as a business model. What are the limitations of e-commerce for consumers? ……………….Answer P Review………………. E-commerce is the process of selling or buying when goods as well services over the internet. … Read more
Read the following article: Safavi, K. S. (2006). The measurement conundrum.
Read the following article: Safavi, K. S. (2006). The measurement conundrum. Read the following article: Safavi, K. S. (2006). The measurement conundrum. Journal of Healthcare Management, 51(5), 287–290. In the article, Safavi (2006, p. 290) asks: “Is the goal to establish relative rank or absolute levels of performance?” Safavi also states that the basic dilemma in selecting … Read more
Pretend you were living in 1898. Write a note to President McKinley in support
Pretend you were living in 1898. Write a note to President McKinley in support Pretend you were living in 1898. Write a note to President McKinley in support or in opposition of the war with Spain. Make sure to clearly state your reasons.When writing the note imagine you are an American living in the Gilded … Read more
Write a general report explaining how search engines work
Write a general report explaining how search engines work Write a general report explaining how search engines work ……………..Answer Preview…………….. There are hundreds of millions of pages available, waiting to present information on a variety of topics. All of these pages sit on various servers across the world and accessing them is made … Read more
According to economic theory, under what circumstances should a government
According to economic theory, under what circumstances should a government According to economic theory, under what circumstances should a government intervene in issues of climatic change Requirements of responses -Understand the economic concepts -Apply the appropriate concepts to the question -Conduct systematic analysis using the concepts -Engage in critical discussion -Draw conclusions ……………..Answer Preview……………. … Read more
What were the concerns about allowing or banning slavery in newly established territories
What were the concerns about allowing or banning slavery in newly established territories What were the concerns about allowing or banning slavery in newly established territories during the 1800s? Your response should talk about the two sides of the decision to include new territories as either slave or free states, not the two sides of the slavery debate … Read more
Write a five-to seven-page financial statement analysis of a public company.
Write a five-to seven-page financial statement analysis of a public company. Write a five-to seven-page financial statement analysis of a public company. In this analysis discuss the financial health of this company with the ultimate goal of making a recommendation to other investors. Paper should consist of the following sections: introduction, company overview, horizontal analysis, … Read more
The purpose of this discussion is to help you understand the role of corporations in the modern world
The purpose of this discussion is to help you understand the role of corporations in the modern world The purpose of this discussion is to help you understand the role of corporations in the modern world, and evaluating ethical aspects of corporate market domination. Prepare and post a response to the following prompts: What is … Read more
For writing assignment #5, we begin our Research Report Package for the class
For writing assignment #5, we begin our Research Report Package for the class For writing assignment #5, we begin our Research Report Package for the class. You will want to read the instructions for the final research-based report so that you have an idea of what types of topics to consider for the annotated bibliography. … Read more
As you know, our world is heavily dependent on oil. In Chapter 6 of Contemporary Environmental Issues,
As you know, our world is heavily dependent on oil. In Chapter 6 of Contemporary Environmental Issues, As you know, our world is heavily dependent on oil. In Chapter 6 of Contemporary Environmental Issues, you have read that there is concern about the possibility of reaching a peak in oil production. Describe at least two alternatives to … Read more
Implied Theme: “Tuesday Siesta” is a story that shows us a theme rather than stating it explicitly.
Implied Theme: “Tuesday Siesta” is a story that shows us a theme rather than stating it explicitly. Implied Theme: “Tuesday Siesta” is a story that shows us a theme rather than stating it explicitly. One of the themes implied is the tension between poverty and dignity. Find passages in the text where this theme is developed and interpret them. Your response should be one paragraph. Identify at least three passages where the story gives us details about the characters’ poverty and three passages where the story shows the characters behaving with dignity. For each passage, write one sentence of interpretation: What facts does it present, and what do they mean? Then, conclude your Apply by discussing what the moral of the story is with respect to poverty and dignity. Your Apply should be no more than 200 words, not including the passages from the story. …………….Answer Preview……………. Tension between poverty and dignity theme passages, They were the only passengers in the lone thirdclass Since the smoke of the locomotive kept coming through the window, the girl left her seat and put down the only things they had with them: a plastic sack with some things to eat and a bouquet of flowers wrapped in newspaper. She sat on the opposite seat, away from the window, facing her mother. They were both in severe and poor mourning clothes. The girl was twelve years old, and it was the first time she’d ever been on a The woman seemed too old to be her mother, because of the blue veins on her eyelids and her small, soft, and shapeless body, in a dress cut like a cassock. She was riding with her spinal column braced firmly against the back of the seat, and held a peeling patent‐leather handbag in her lap with both hands. She bore the conscientious serenity of someone accustomed to poverty. These two passages highlight the theme of poverty and dignity … Read more
List three different visual aids that you could potentially use for each topic listed.
List three different visual aids that you could potentially use for each topic listed. List three different visual aids that you could potentially use for each topic listed. You can copy/paste example speech topics below to the Forum and place your examples following the topics. Explain what visual aid would best represent each topic and … Read more
Relationship of the scientific method to the doctoral research process
Relationship of the scientific method to the doctoral research process What is the relationship of the scientific method to the doctoral research process? How do theoretical paradigms (such as those presented by Babbie as potential explanations of human social behavior) inform doctoral research? How might you apply this information to your own doctoral research? include … Read more
A Plan for the Restructuring of the Department of Homeland Security
A Plan for the Restructuring of the Department of Homeland Security A Plan for the Restructuring of the Department of Homeland Security: The Need to Improve DHS’s Effectiveness Your final Assignment in this course is an 18–20 page term paper addressing the restructuring of the Department of Homeland Security. If you were advising the President … Read more
Write responses to the following questions for the “Layoff plan moves forward at GE Transportation
Write responses to the following questions for the “Layoff plan moves forward at GE Transportation Re-Organization and Layoff Discussion & Summary Assignment: Write responses to the following questions for the “Layoff plan moves forward at GE Transportation” article listed under the attachments section. Each response must be at least 100 words. I have also attached … Read more
An explanation of what relationship the Dodd-Frank and Sarbanes-Oxley Acts
An explanation of what relationship the Dodd-Frank and Sarbanes-Oxley Acts Write a 950 word 3 page paper. In your paper include the following: An explanation of what relationship the Dodd-Frank and Sarbanes-Oxley Acts have to financial markets and what are the similarities or differences between these Acts. Please include information and topics from the chapter … Read more
Drones, information technology, and distance: mapping the moral epistemology of remote fighting
Drones, information technology, and distance: mapping the moral epistemology of remote fighting Drones, information technology, and distance: mapping the moral epistemology of remote fighting …………Answer Preview…………… The issue of drone fighting has been in existence since the Second World War II when drones were used to fight the enemies. It was a drone that … Read more
Read the article” Cracking the Code of Mass Customization” from
Read the article” Cracking the Code of Mass Customization” from 1. Read the article” Cracking the Code of Mass Customization” from website: http://sloanreview.mit.edu/article/cracking-the-code-of-mass-customization/, 2. Provide two or three key points to support the topic, with reference from other sources. ………………Answer Preview…………… From the article, cracking the Code of Mass Customization we learn clearly that mass customization … Read more
Why was it considered treason for Bradly Manning to sell his stolen documents to the media
Why was it considered treason for Bradly Manning to sell his stolen documents to the media Why was it considered treason for Bradly Manning to sell his stolen documents to the media but Edward Snowden is not charged with similar crimes? Looking for an answer in about 125 or so words please Reference: http://digital.films.com/PortalPlaylists.aspx?aid=7967&xtid=52590 … Read more
Review the Project Management Institute’s article entitled Driving Success in Challenging Times
Review the Project Management Institute’s article entitled Driving Success in Challenging Times Review the Project Management Institute’s article entitled Driving Success in Challenging Timesand then answer the following questions. Your responses should be thorough and include at least three references from outside sources (other than your textbooks and course materials). Questions How does the article … Read more
Go to the Forums tab in the DC network and explore the list of active forums
Go to the Forums tab in the DC network and explore the list of active forums Go to the Forums tab in the DC network and explore the list of active forums. Select one of the forums that you believe may be of value to you given your dissertation field of interest. Identify the forum … Read more
How your plan supports key objectives
How your plan supports key objectives How your plan supports key objectives An evaluation of current trends and issues in total compensation and a prediction of future trends Internal and external equity A wage management process and rationale A retirement plan and how participation will be driven The influence of the organization’s financial condition on … Read more
Reorganizing a company can be very difficult and time consuming.
Reorganizing a company can be very difficult and time consuming. Reorganizing a company can be very difficult and time consuming. It involves various resources including human interactions as well as monetary investments. Reorganization can deal with adding to present knowledge as well as utilizing and creating new methods and techniques. It can also involve changes … Read more
There are 5 stages to the purchasing decision process. There is problem recognition, information search,
There are 5 stages to the purchasing decision process. There is problem recognition, information search, There are 5 stages to the purchasing decision process. There is problem recognition, information search, alternative evaluation, purchase decision and post-purchase behavior. My husband and I actually used this process the other day when he was thinking about purchasing a … Read more
You’re at job interview and your interviewer, who will do the hiring, says to you
You’re at job interview and your interviewer, who will do the hiring, says to you You’re at job interview and your interviewer, who will do the hiring, says to you, “So, I see here that you took Macroeconomics in college. Tell me, what did you learn, and how will that help you add value for … Read more
Supported living is also commonly found with heavy rules similar to sheltered workshops, schools, etc
Supported living is also commonly found with heavy rules similar to sheltered workshops, schools, etc Supported living is also commonly found with heavy rules similar to sheltered workshops, schools, etc. Supported living is an opportunity where usually older children and adults can live together with others who have ADA/similar disabilities. There is a support staff, … Read more
The board members were very impressed with your presentation and how you are moving through
The board members were very impressed with your presentation and how you are moving through The board members were very impressed with your presentation and how you are moving through the product development process. Michelle is ready now to start looking at the promotional part of the plan. She has been reading technical publications that … Read more
Negligent Tort
Visit the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission website. Visit the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission website. Click on “Recalls.” Choose one product that has been recalled. Describe the product subject to recall, including the recall date, recall number, and the reason for the recall. Analyze whether the manufacturer would be liable for negligence … Read more
The goal of this assignment is to encourage you to apply course concepts to your own personal experience
The goal of this assignment is to encourage you to apply course concepts to your own personal experience The goal of this assignment is to encourage you to apply course concepts to your own personal experience. You will (a) select a concept of your choice and then (b) describe your own personal example of it … Read more
How has your own peer group impacted your decisions in the past? Is peer pressure more int
How has your own peer group impacted your decisions in the past? Is peer pressure more int How has your own peer group impacted your decisions in the past? Is peer pressure more intense as you age or less intense? Why?cite your source inside your work and reference ………………Answer Preview………… Peer group has often … Read more
Rough draft should develop all of the ideas and research support presented in ex
Rough draft should develop all of the ideas and research support presented in ex Rough draft should develop all of the ideas and research support presented in examine the issues surrounding the concept of foreclosure. Outline and thesis. The rough draft should also include your thesis statement, making sure to incorporate any feedback from your … Read more
Use the Internet to research one (1) developing nation of your choice.
Use the Internet to research one (1) developing nation of your choice. Use the Internet to research one (1) developing nation of your choice. Your research should include an examination of lending institutions, health care, and human capital, as well as the material covered by the Webtext and lectures in Weeks 6 through 9. Write … Read more
How many parties are negotiating in th story? Describe the process with regard to one of the spheres of negotiation
How many parties are negotiating in th story? Describe the process with regard to one of the spheres of negotiation How many parties are negotiating in th story? Describe the process with regard to one of the spheres of negotiation? For example, what is the nature of the bargaining between the Tom Hanks character and … Read more
You are given the task of conducting communication training for new first line supervisors.
You are given the task of conducting communication training for new first-line supervisors. You are given the task of conducting communication training for new first line supervisors. Write a plan where you outline three suggestions that you will offer the supervisors to become more effective communicators. Explain each suggestion with details apa style 1-2 pages … Read more
Review this video, which reports the growing number of evictions as rents rise and property values increase
Review this video, which reports the growing number of evictions as rents rise and property values increase Review this video, which reports the growing number of evictions as rents rise and property values increase. After 50 years at the same address, a 98 year old woman faces eviction. Although laws are different in each state, … Read more
What techniques could you use to improve the outcome of this negotiation?
What techniques could you use to improve the outcome of this negotiation? You are preparing to negotiate for your first car purchase. Answer the following questions: What techniques could you use to improve the outcome of this negotiation? Outline your techniques fully, incorporating suggestions from your research and readings. Explain whether you used distributive bargaining … Read more
Imagine you are a manager at a major bottling company.
Imagine you are a manager at a major bottling company. Imagine you are a manager at a major bottling company. Customers have begun to complain that the bottles of the brand of soda produced in your company contain less than the advertised sixteen (16) ounces of product. Your boss wants to solve the problem at … Read more
The 20th and 21st centuries have produced many business leaders, such as corporate giants
The 20th and 21st centuries have produced many business leaders, such as corporate giants The 20th and 21st centuries have produced many business leaders, such as corporate giants like Jack Welch of GE, Daymond John of FUBU, Steve Jobs of Apple, and Herb Kelleher of Southwest. In addition, many hip-hop moguls have risen to prominence, … Read more
Assume that you are a manager for an auto manufacturer and you are looking to track your brake
Assume that you are a manager for an auto manufacturer and you are looking to track your brake Assume that you are a manager for an auto manufacturer and you are looking to track your brake pads for a new model vehicle that is coming out. Please explain why you feel it is important that … Read more
Review the article “8 ways electronic work instructions are transforming the shop floor”
Review the article “8 ways electronic work instructions are transforming the shop floor” Review the article “8 ways electronic work instructions are transforming the shop floor” This article discusses the importance of work instructions and how these instructions have improved a company that runs a shop floor environment. Assume that you are a manager for … Read more
Completing this assignment will help you name and identify the skills and abilities
Completing this assignment will help you name and identify the skills and abilities Completing this assignment will help you name and identify the skills and abilities that will move your career forward. Develop a Job Application Cover Letter that highlights and emphasizes why you are the person most suitable for your ideal role. Use the general writing … Read more
As the video titled “Melissa Forman – Hilarious Resume Typos” (4 min 55 s) located
As the video titled “Melissa Forman – Hilarious Resume Typos” (4 min 55 s) located “Getting the Job” Please respond to the following: As the video titled “Melissa Forman – Hilarious Resume Typos” (4 min 55 s) located athttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FClWySJ6Sxs demonstrates it is very important to avoid mistakes when writing resumes and cover letters. Think back over … Read more
Criminal Justice
Criminal Justice Just need to answer questions 2,8,11,16,18,20,23,24 Pleas bargaining includes charge bargaining, sentence bargaining, and _________________ 1. bargaining. numbera. countb. judgec. appeald. Sentence bargaining requires who to be involved?2. Prosecutora. Judgeb. Defense attorneyc. All of the aboved. Which of the following are acceptable plea bargains?3. A lighter sentencea. Certain probation conditionsb. Prosecutor’s decision not … Read more
Review the Campbell and Stanley text, Experimental and Quasi-Experimental Designs for Research
Review the Campbell and Stanley text, Experimental and Quasi-Experimental Designs for Research To prepare for this Discussion: • Review the Campbell and Stanley text, Experimental and Quasi-Experimental Designs for Research, as well as the Discussion questions and responses from Week 1. • Consider the focus of the research you would like to propose as part … Read more