Doctoral Evaluation Question
Doctoral Evaluation Question Find a code of ethics for an organization or profession. Post that code with the appropriate citation. What are the primary strengths and weaknesses of the code? ………………Answer Preview……………. A code of ethics also referred as the code of conduct usually clarifies the mission, principle and value of an … Read more
History discussion questions
History discussion questions 1. From the first e-Activity, define revolutionary terrorism in your own words. Examine at least one (1) terrorist group that you believe to be comprised of revolutionary terrorists. Provide a rationale for your response. E-Activity 1 Focus on the factors that define a group as revolutionary terrorists. Be prepared to examine at … Read more
Marketing plan part D Pricing and Distribution Strategy
Marketing plan part D Pricing and Distribution Strategy You will now consider your company’s strengths and weakness, along with your product or service price. Use the Internet to research strategies for conducting a Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) analysis. Based on your company’s market information, consider the strengths and weakness of your company and … Read more
Accounting Standards in the U.S. Federal Government
Accounting Standards in the U.S. Federal Government Go the FASAB Website, located at Navigate to the “Our Mission” section under the “About” tab, the minutes of recent meetings from the “Board Activities” tab, and the current “Standards” section to prepare to discuss the following topics: Describe the make-up and selection process of the Board that … Read more
Unit 5 Assignment: Challenges for the Juvenile Justice System
Unit 5 Assignment: Challenges for the Juvenile Justice System Use the concepts in your learning from the class to examine the challenges faced by the juvenile justice system. In a 3–4 page paper (excluding cover page): Discuss the challenges and unique issues that the juvenile justice system face in the 21st Century. Analyze the impact … Read more
Poverty and Discrimination
Poverty and Discrimination Poverty and discrimination are linked as one often leads to the other and vice versa. The poor are a target for discrimination due to their circumstances, while discrimination due to ethnicity, race, or gender reduces the number of economic opportunities an individual might get. In this module, you explore the segments of … Read more
Week 6 Assignment 2: Use case
Week 6 Assignment 2: Use case As an intern software developer for a retail bank, you have been tasked with developing use cases to support the ATM service. Prepare a 5-6 page paper in which you: Describe (in a one to two (1-2) page narrative) a use case, complete with typical and alternate courses, that documents … Read more
Timbuktu Ethnocentrism
Timbuktu Ethnocentrism Select a movie or TV show that effectively communicates the culture, values, and norms of a society that is different from your own culture. The movie or TV should meet the following requirements: Must be a foreign film with subtitles Provide you with a glimpse of what life is like in another culture The … Read more
Social problems: Teen pregnancy
Social problems: Teen pregnancy Choose 1 of the following social problems: Being unemployed and the impact of unemployment on the individual and society Being an alcoholic and the broader impact of alcoholism on the individual and society Being a drug addict and the broader impact of drug addiction on the individual and society Being … Read more
Assignment 1: Politics- Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow
Assignment 1: Politics- Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow USE THIS AMENDED VERSION OF ASSIGNMENT 1 Assignment 1: Politics- Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow Due Week 6 and worth 200 points Students, I have made changes to the 3 topics you are to write on for this Assignment 1. Please use this document as your guideline for writing the paper, … Read more
Research Article Identification
Research Article Identification Read the “Methods” section within the article. Ivandić Zimić, J., & Jukić, V. (2012). Familial risk factors favoring drug addiction onset. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, 44(2), 173-185. Familial risk factors favoring drug addiction onset. Write a two- to- three page paper (excluding title and reference pages) that is formatted according to APA … Read more
Solving Business Problems
Solving Business Problems There are several systems analysis approaches for solving a business problem. Identify which method you would be most likely to use and state why …………Answer Preview……….. There are numerous system analysis approaches that assist in solving business problems. Their application is based on user requirements or needs assessment. It is important to … Read more
Preventing System Problems
Preventing System Problems After the system has been completely installed, a team member states that the systems analysts will now be in charge only of “putting out fires” experienced within the new system. How would you react to this statement? …………….Answer Preview…………… It is quite obvious that a new system will form … Read more
Build vs. Buy
Build vs. Buy Your manager just asked you to join a meeting in progress to speak for five minutes about a build versus buy decision the company is about to make. Describe how you would spend those five minutes in presenting the most important element of the decision. List and describe the advantages and disadvantages … Read more
The foreign exchange system
The foreign exchange system contains the prices of currencies of other countries. These prices fluctuate based on demand and supply. Individuals buy and sell currency as they would any other commodity. Instead of a product like in other markets of world, the product here is currency, thus the feel of an exchange when it is … Read more
Auditing in Government Organizations
Auditing in Government Organizations Go to the General Accountability Office (GAO) Website to review the materials recently issued in “Yellow Book”, located at Compare and summarize the three (3) primary types of government audits: financial audits, attestation engagements, and performance audits. Examine how the GAO Yellow Book guides the audit process. Go to the AICPA … Read more
Formation, Operation, Termination and Liquidation of Partnerships
Formation, Operation, Termination and Liquidation of Partnerships Assume that John, James, and Jane are considering creating a legal business entity to develop and market their idea for a web application. Recommend the most appropriate type of business activity (i.e., a general partnership, a limited liability partnership, or a limited liability company) for them to … Read more
Regulating Off-Duty Conduct
Regulating Off-Duty Conduct The purpose of this discussion is to give you the opportunity to apply ethical theories and perspectives to modern issues of the workplace. Off-duty conduct away from the workplace can be monitored and reported in many ways, and with the increase in social media use, there will be far greater opportunities for … Read more
On what grounds you wish to appeal; 3. Whether there were any special or com
On what grounds you wish to appeal; 3. Whether there were any special or com 2. On what grounds you wish to appeal; 3. Whether there were any special or compelling circumstances that affected your academic performance i.e. family issues, health reasons etc. If so, formal evidence of such should also be provided i.e. medical … Read more
Ageism Sociology question
Ageism Sociology question The purpose of this discussion is to give you the opportunity to apply ethical theories to the complex issue of ageism in the workplace, particularly in the area of employment. In the modern workplace there appear to be the following three key issues that address ageism in employment, some of which have … Read more
Serving middle-class consumers in emerging economies. India embraces luxury as China turns cool
The provided model: Figure 3-2 talks about serving middle-class consumers in emerging economies. The Wall Street Journal published an article titled “India embraces luxury as China turns cool” which can be accessed via you can’t open the full article, here is the trick: copy the article title and paste it into the Google address bar … Read more
Doctoral Evaluation Question: Ethics
Doctoral Evaluation Question: Ethics Aren’t there investors who look for, and are hungry for downturns in companies as a way to buy low and sell at a higher price? Do those investors care about a company’s ethics, or are they looking to benefit from the mistakes of others by taking risk in return for a … Read more
discussion question…….
discussion question……. Analyxe how the government uses set-asides and preference programs to encourage small businesses to obtain and perform government contracts. Provide at least two examples or scenarios of when government should offer set-asides and preference contracts to small businesses. Of the many different ways a company can qualify for small business preference programs, select … Read more
Conduct research on a special population
Conduct research on a special population Select a special population that was not in the Reading. Conduct research so that you can explain the characteristics of the population, common needs, and strategies for providing effective case management services. Once you have conducted your research, write a hypothetical client scenario that includes: Name of client, age, … Read more
Assignment 1 Marketing Plan part F Final Marketing Plan
Assignment 1 Marketing Plan part F Final Marketing Plan Assignment 1 is comprised of all of the marketing plan sections. Add any recommendations and updates based on faculty feedback and / or additional research. Transfer related information from Journal entries 1 through 5 to the Marketing Plan Template. In this assignment you must do the … Read more
Theories of Intelligence- Psychology short essay
Theories of Intelligence- Psychology short essay Provide a summary of the different theories of intelligence proposed in the textbook (Spearman, Sternberg, Gardner, and Salovey/Mayer’s theories); Describe which theory you believe best describes intelligence; Explain why you feel this way; Describe whether or not you think that this type of intelligence can be assessed with … Read more
write ten sentences in Spanish about holidays with family and friends
write ten sentences in Spanish about holidays with family and friends write ten sentences in Spanish about holidays with family and friends: What holidays you like and dislike? When you were young what did you like to do? Describe your daily routine when you were in high school. (add any other information you want). ……………Answer Preview…………… … Read more
psychological disorder
psychological disorder In at least 1000 words typed in proper APA format (including a 12-point font, double spacing, a title page, a reference page, in-text citations, a running header, page numbers, and an abstract page), you will write a review on any psychological disorder (can be an anxiety disorder, a mood disorder, a personality disorder, … Read more
Pursuit of Happiness
Pursuit of Happiness Choose one of the four major theories of happiness: Hedonism, Epicureanism, Stoicism, or Aristotle’s view, and describe the following aspects of the theory in a 1-2 page Word document: Offer a brief explanation of the history of the theory. Share the basic fundamental view of how the theory creates or explains happiness. … Read more
Solving Business Problems
Solving Business Problems There are several systems analysis approaches for solving a business problem. Identify which method you would be most likely to use and state why …………..Answer Preview…………. There are numerous system analysis approaches that assist in solving business problems. Their application is based on user requirements or needs assessment. It … Read more
Assignment 3: Presentation: “Biggest Challenges Facing Organizations in the Next 20 Years”
Assignment 3: Presentation: “Biggest Challenges Facing Organizations in the Next 20 Years” Due Week 10 and worth 250 points In this assignment, you will create a PowerPoint presentation that outlines what you believe will be the biggest challenges facing organizations in the next twenty (20) years. Faculty Note: For students taking this course online, if … Read more
World Cultures – Global Encounters
World Cultures – Global Encounters Explain at least two (2) possible reasons for the differences between the results of exploration and trade by the Chinese and by the European states. Consider the reach of the Chinese Treasure Fleet and the global empires that Spain and Portugal established. Identify one (1) statistic or aspect of the … Read more
Difference Quotient…
Difference Quotient… A classmate states that the difference quotient of any linear function f(x) = mx + b is always m. Explain if you agree or disagree with this statement, and state why. ………….Answer Preview…………… I disagree because this is not the right formula for difference quotient. In fact this formula … Read more
Management accounting questions
Management accounting questions determine two (2) ways in which managers can use accounting information to help control the daily operations of their companies. Provide two (2) examples to support your position Analyze your current or past organization to determine whether it is a centralized or decentralized structure. Support your conclusion with examples that demonstrate the … Read more
Public Relations Unit #1 Exam
Public Relations Unit #1 Exam 2) What are some of the challenges facing the practice of public relations at the start of the 21st century? ……………Answer Preview…………… The 21st century has been a dynamic century for the public relations industry. It has changed both the face and the communication landscape of the public … Read more
Fact-Finding Techniques
Fact-Finding Techniques You are in charge of an ERP systems design project and tasked with fact-finding. The project schedule allows enough time for you to use two fact-finding techniques. Identify two techniques you would use and state the advantages and disadvantages of each. ……………..Answer Preview……….. In ERP, fact finding techniques are quite helpful … Read more
Evaluation of Portfolio Performance
Evaluation of Portfolio Performance For the Final Paper, you will utilize the concepts gleaned from this class to analyze the strengths and weakness of the portfolio you constructed in Week One. The completed Final Paper must include: An introduction offering a background on the rationale you used to select and construct your portfolio; An explanation … Read more
mini question # 1 Choose companies or industries for which JIT would be totally inappropriate? Explain your reasoning with examples in 200-250 words. Question # 2 Categorize different scheduling procedures for various types of service operations, such as restaurants, hospitals, and airlines. Your initial post should include explanations and examples and be 200-250 words. … Read more
The 2007-2008 Financial Crisis
The 2007-2008 Financial Crisis The 2007-2008 Financial Crisis write a 2-3 page summary in a Word document in response to the following questions: Outline the types of new financial instruments used by companies. Analyze the risk factors associated with each financial instrument used by companies. How was the domestic and global economy affected by the … Read more
PSY 350 Eating Disorders
PSY 350 Eating Disorders In this discussion, you will choose one eating disorder and analyze the treatment options available for that disorder as well as the rationale for their use based on the current understanding of the biological aspects of these conditions. Chapters 9 and 10 in your text analyze topics on neurotransmitters, receptors, and … Read more
Public choice economics questions
Public choice economics questions 1. what is the relationship between rent seeking and economic stagnation? 2.what do special interests often win out over the general interests? do election affect the timing and incentives for economic policy? 4.what is the incentive structure bureaucrats face? 5. how can the inefficiencies of the political process be lessened? … Read more
answer the following questions and provide a link of a site that supports what y
answer the following questions and provide a link of a site that supports what y Question 1: Where did online lender Payoff Inc. secure $250 million of debt financing? Question 2: How can Payoff make a profit by lending people money to pay off their credit-card debt? What is the risk of this strategy? Question … Read more
Process improvement indicators
Process improvement indicators What are some of the most common indicators that an improvement is needed in a process? Without these indicators, how often should processes be reviewed for efficiency? How would you conduct such a review? ……………Answer Preview………… Process improvement indicators provide a way to assess the ongoing process. We do not … Read more
Identifying Potential Risk, Response, and Recovery
Identifying Potential Risk, Response, and Recovery In Assignment 1 (which I have attached), a videogame development company recently hired you as an Information Security Engineer. After viewing a growing number of reports detailing malicious activity, the CIO requested that you draft a report in which you identify potential malicious attacks and threats specific to your … Read more
SOC 12O constructing arguments
SOC 12O constructing arguments The purpose of this discussion is to help you understand how to construct an ethical argument and how to compare ethical arguments to other types of arguments, such as arguments based on political or economic theories. Prepare and post a response to the following prompt: Identify the basic themes, topics, and … Read more
Accounting Standards for Colleges and Universities
Accounting Standards for Colleges and Universities Imagine that you work in the accounting department of a university and your boss has asked you to explain and discuss components of revenue or expense that are reported on the university’s statement of revenues, expenses, and changes in net asset. Discuss at least two (2) unique situations or … Read more
Identify the company and situation: business environment
The business environment is constantly changing, and ethics changes with it. Issues that are considered right or wrong have changed through the years. As an industry changes, so will the ethical views. Remember that what is ethical and not vary by individual and culture. With the above in mind, consider an instance in an international … Read more
Doctoral Evaluation Question
Doctoral Evaluation Question Historically, leadership has been described from various perspectives and defined by different concepts. Based on the descriptions of leadership provided in the readings, present a personal definition of leadership and explain why you believe your definition is appropriate. How has your definition changed since earlier in the course? What are the most significant effects … Read more
works of literature Vs works of visual art Discussion
works of literature Vs works of visual art Consider how works of literature (poetry, novels, short stories, plays) differ from works of visual art. In your initial post, discuss the pros and cons of these two forms of art. What can literary art achieve that visual art cannot? How? And vice versa: What can a … Read more
Translation of Foreign Currency Financial Statement
Translation of Foreign Currency Financial Statement Analyze the fundamental differences between remeasurement and the translation approach when preparing a foreign currency financial statement for a company of your choice. Next, determine one to two (1-2) situations when remeasurement is most appropriate. Provide support for your position. Analyze the underlying conceptual differences between the temporal … Read more