Browse essays

What impact do you see secularism and modernism having on religion and spirituality today?

What impact do you see secularism and modernism having on religion and spirituality today? What impact do you see secularism and modernism having on religion and spirituality today? Religion 212 discussion Please make sure the work is 100% original NO PLAGIARISM will not be accepted.  Please include references   Then, the attached Weekly view chart … Read more

Quantitative and Qualitative method business research variables

Quantitative and Qualitative method business research variables Quantitative and Qualitative method business research variables should be used for effective business research? if so why? Just 1 Paragraph      …………….Answer Preview……………. Yes, It is true that Quantitative and Qualitative method business research variables should be used for effective business research. Reasons When we combine quantitative research methods and qualitative … Read more

Companies that move into a new country are often faced with a dilemma of adjusting

Companies that move into a new country are often faced with a dilemma of adjusting Companies that move into a new country are often faced with a dilemma of adjusting to local practices or enforcing the company’s standard practice. Not all companies and not all countries will come up with the same solution. Initial post … Read more

Where in the planning process should ethics be discussed?

Where in the planning process should ethics be discussed? Management theory question on ethics Where in the planning process should ethics be discussed? Looking for an answer in about 125 or so words please     …………….Answer Preview……………   Code of ethics A code of ethics is referred to as the collection of various practices … Read more

What were the legal issues in this case? What did the court decide?

What were the legal issues in this case? What did the court decide? What were the legal issues in this case? What did the court decide? What are the elements of a whistleblower protection (Retaliation) claim under the SOX Act? What arguments does the employer make in its attempt to show that the plaintiff failed … Read more

For many companies, the opportunity to sell to Wal-Mart is the equivalent of winning the PowerBall lottery

For many companies, the opportunity to sell to Wal-Mart is the equivalent of winning the PowerBall lottery Project  1:  Selling to Wal-Mart Ch 5 Purpose: For many companies, the opportunity to sell to Wal-Mart is the equivalent of winning the PowerBall lottery. For other companies, however, selling to Wal-Mart is perhaps not the best strategy. … Read more

You have been selected to be the project manager (for a project of your choice)

You have been selected to be the project manager (for a project of your choice) You have been selected to be the project manager (for a project of your choice). The project you choose here will be used again in Assignment 4 (Week 6) and you may be asked to reference this project in subsequent … Read more

What are the six ways to improve your memory?

What are the six ways to improve your memory? What are the six ways to improve your memory?   ……………..Answer Preview…………….. Just as the way you can get in shape with proper diet and exercise, it is also easier to make lifestyle changes so as to improve your memory.  Though it is very common for … Read more

If money were not a factor, in which part of the country would you prefer to live and why

If money were not a factor, in which part of the country would you prefer to live and why Part 1) If money were not a factor, in which part of the country would you prefer to live and why? Part 2) From the Responsibilities and Competencies for a Health Education Specialist, Responsibility VII states: … Read more

Auditor’s Role and Responsibilities

  Auditor’s Role and Responsibilities Compare the primary auditor objectives in auditing historical financial statements to auditing internal controls over financial reporting. Identify at least two (2) objectives that are the most significant in reducing the risk of reporting errors or misstatements in financial statements. Provide a rationale for your response. Create a scenario where … Read more

Assignment 1: Procedural Email Message

Assignment 1: Procedural Email Message Due Week 2 and worth 140 points Write a procedural email message to employees reminding them of standard operating procedures or organizational changes that take the form of step-by-step instructions. Be creative, or use an issue applicable to your work environment. (Example can be found on page 76, Figure 5.1, … Read more

Binomial option pricing model and the risk neutral Qeustion

Binomial option pricing model and the risk neutral Question # 1 Discuss differences between the binomial option pricing model and the risk neutral method of option pricing. Question # 2 Explain how agency problems may lead to non value-maximizing motives for mergers. Discuss the various academic theories offered as the rationale for motives induced by … Read more

Motor Skill Development

Motor Skill Development We often think of motor skill development as taking place primarily in infancy and toddlerhood. However, we find that both gross and fine motor skill development continue to take place well in to the middle childhood years. Summarize the significant milestones in gross and fine motor skills from infancy through middle childhood. … Read more

Critical Analysis of a Regulation

Critical Analysis of a Regulation Mini PowerPoint Presentation Written Assignment no more than 20 slides Select one public health issue regulation and create a PowerPoint presentation that provides a critical analysis of how this regulation supports And detracts from the relevant public health agency, practice, and/ or service delivery. Include key issues such as fairness, … Read more

Critical Analysis – which perspective should you employ

Critical Analysis – which perspective should you employ In 3- 5 pages, APA style of writing, discuss one selected public health problem and a target population/ community. Argue for either an individual- or population- level approach to the problem. Be sure to include a rationale for your position and include such issues as impact of … Read more

Operationalization choices

Operationalization choices Babbie discusses operationalization choices and offers four research questions and ways to address them.  Choose two of the questions and discuss how the applications mentioned are good choices or how they may not bring about the expected results.       …………….Answer Preview……………. Operationalization is the development of specific research procedures that will result … Read more

Doctoral research

Doctoral research Do you see the distinction between walking into a research interview as a doc student as opposed to a company person seeking information? How will you bracket your bias or knowledge in order to be completely unbiased in your data collection?       ……………..Answer Preview……………. Researcher bias and subjectivity are commonly understood … Read more

The Cultural Nature of Human Development questions

The Cultural Nature of Human Development  questions 1-Discuss three concepts or issues from Chapters 1-6 of The Cultural Nature of Human Development that you can relate to on a personal level. Will these concepts or issues affect you in your future professional life? Why or why not? Respond to at least one classmate, preferably someone who has not been … Read more

World Literature_Essay

World Literature_Essay Write at least a 900 word essay on one of the following: Discuss Moliere’s Tartuffe and Rousseau’s Candide as examples of Seventeenth Century Enlightenment thought. Make sure that you focus strictly on those aspects of the works that are representative of the philosophy of the Enlightenment. Re-read the section in the book on … Read more

Mass Media and Healthcare Quality

Mass Media and Healthcare Quality In this assignment, you will assess how the general public’s perception of healthcare quality is influenced by the mass media. Locate an article that reports on the quality of healthcare services. The article must be sourced from the mass media and not from an academic or healthcare journal. The purpose … Read more

Emerging issue in environmental health

Emerging issue in environmental health Identify an emerging issue  that is not sufficiently recognized or understood as an environmental health problem and write a scientific brief. A brief is a “concise statement or summary” that can be used to quickly familiarize others with the essential elements of a problem. In this instance, you’re reaching out … Read more

State the name of your community. At what time in your life did you live in this community? (i.e. were you raised there during childhood

State the name of your community. At what time in your life did you live in this community? (i.e. were you raised there during childhood State the name of your community. At what time in your life did you live in this community? (i.e. were you raised there during childhood, do you live there now, … Read more

A clothing company uses sweatshop labor to manufacture clothing products that contribute to low pricing, which is a consumer want

  A clothing company uses sweatshop labor to manufacture clothing products that contribute to low pricing, which is a consumer want A clothing company uses sweatshop labor to manufacture clothing products that contribute to low pricing, which is a consumer want. Many companies have engaged in sweatshop labor. Did the clothing company engage in unethical … Read more

Why can’t perfect IT system security be achieved? If security can never be perfect, what would be your strategy to manage against malicious threats?

Perfect IT system security Why can’t perfect IT system security be achieved? If security can never be perfect, what would be your strategy to manage against malicious threats?   ………………Answer Preview…………. It is impossible to have a perfect IT system because technology keeps on changing every single day. As most ethical programmers invent codes and … Read more

List a good working definition or description of profession and craft. Describe what you see are  the main differences between the two.

profession and craft List a good working definition or description of profession and craft. Describe what you see are  the main differences between the two. Share an example of where you have shared your “professional skills” and an example of where you used your “craft skills.” Part II Based on what you have discussed in … Read more

Parkinson’s disease is a progressive neuro-degenerative disorder. The current treatment options for the disorder have focused

Parkinson’s disease is a progressive neuro-degenerative disorder. Parkinson’s disease is a progressive neuro-degenerative disorder. The current treatment options for the disorder have focused on symptom control. Research is now focusing on developing ways to modify the disease progression and possibly provide a cure. Investigate the current research on Parkinson’s disease treatments, including stem-cell research and the … Read more

The patient is a 23-year-old administrative assistant who complains of intermittent muscle weakness in her face

Neurological Disorder Case Study Chief Complaint: A 23-year-old woman presents with complaints of muscle weakness in the face. History: The patient is a 23-year-old administrative assistant who complains of intermittent muscle weakness in her face that has been getting worse over the past 3 months. She also states that as she chews, her jaws feel … Read more

The power of social networks (digital and mobile technologies in general) and how this power may potentially support or enable public health surveillance

The power of social networks The power of social networks (digital and mobile technologies in general) and how this power may potentially support or enable public health surveillance efforts as well as provide information efficiently.  In no more than 2 pages, compare and contrast such technologically sophisticated sources of public health data. In particular, discuss … Read more

What is your opinion about using animals for research?

Assignment 2: Using Animals for Research What is your opinion about using animals for research? Was your opinion affected by the readings for this assignment? Under what circumstances, or for which types of research projects, would you advocate the use of animals in research? Do you think the use of advanced technology, such as fMRI, … Read more

Choose your expatriate situation, including the city & country to which you will be sending this person. 

Expatriate Summary Choose your expatriate situation, including the city & country to which you will be sending this person. Submit a one paragraph summary of what you intend to do for this paper. The employee you have chosen to send on this overseas assignment will be going with a spouse and two school age children for a specified period … Read more

The topic for this research paper generally describes a staffing-related functional area that is part the entire Staffing process

International Staffing Research Paper Introduction: The topic for this research paper generally describes a staffing-related functional area that is part the entire Staffing process. It is your job to zero in and create a sub-topic that is of interest or of value to you. There is a substantial list of potential sub-topics listed below this … Read more

Now it is time for you to complete your Unit Project. For this project, you will be writing a Literary Analysis paper.

literary analysis paper Now it is time for you to complete your Unit Project. For this project, you will be writing a Literary Analysis paper. This is an organized written presentation of the study of a Short Story. You will use evidence from the text to describe the literary techniques the writer used and interpret … Read more

Go to any museum such as The Smithsonian or the Metropolitan Museum in NYC and you will find on their website virtual tours

Go to any museum such as The Smithsonian or the Metropolitan Museum in NYC and you will find on their website virtual tours Go to any museum such as The Smithsonian or the Metropolitan Museum in NYC and you will find on their website virtual tours. As a way of experiencing the Humanities beyond your … Read more

Create a scenario that demonstrates specific ways in which management could manipulate transactions impacting inventory

a scenario that demonstrates specific ways in which management could manipulate transactions Create a scenario that demonstrates specific ways in which management could manipulate transactions impacting inventory values that the auditing team might not detect. Recommend key strategies that the auditor could implement in anticipation of such manipulation. Justify your response.   ………….Answer Preview…………. The … Read more

Review a guide to writing cover letters, located at Next, reflect o

Review a guide to writing cover letters, located at Next, reflect o Review a guide to writing cover letters, located at Next, reflect on what you learned regarding the importance and structure of job application cover letters. Ascertain the key factors an employer may take into consideration when determining whether or not an applicant receives … Read more

Explain how the ANOVA technique avoids the problem of the inflated probability of making Type 1 error that

Explain how the ANOVA technique works Explain how the ANOVA technique avoids the problem of the inflated probability of making Type 1 error that would arise using the alternative method of comparing groups two at a time using the t-test for independent groups.   …………..Answer Preview………… We know that the ANOVA test is used to … Read more

In responding: Do you see any trends in what companies are doing? Are companies today more sincere in aligning

Company operation trends question This is going to be a short discussion post In responding: Do you see any trends in what companies are doing? Are companies today more sincere in aligning their missions and visions with actions? Provide some examples with properly cited sources, when applicable.   …………..Answer Preview……… Ben and Jerry’s is the … Read more

Research a company that has posted its mission and vision statement online. Include the following in your initial post

Mission and vision statement This is going to be a short discussion post Research a company that has posted its mission and vision statement online. Include the following in your initial post: Identify the company and share its mission and vision statement. Review what the company is actually doing including innovations, initiatives, product development, marketing, … Read more

How can we learn about the oceans (and earths) past by looking at the sediments and features of the ocean floor?

learn about the oceans (and earths) past by looking at the sediments and features of the ocean floor How can we learn about the oceans (and earths) past by looking at the sediments and features of the ocean floor? No plagiarism please Need only five paragraphs and one reference   ……………Answer Preview………….. It is a … Read more

Suppose the image below is your company’s network diagram after a merger and you have recently added access controls to your network.

Assignment 3: Network Reconfiguration Suppose the image below is your company’s network diagram after a merger and you have recently added access controls to your network. The CSO would like to: Change the internal network address to incorporate variable length subnet mask (VLSM) with EIGRP routing protocol. Set up all of the accountants on a … Read more

Assignment 3: Network Reconfiguration

Assignment 3: Network Reconfiguration Suppose the image below is your company’s network diagram after a merger and you have recently added access controls to your network. The CSO would like to: Change the internal network address to incorporate variable length subnet mask (VLSM) with EIGRP routing protocol. Set up all of the accountants on a … Read more

Econ Problem & Issues/ Week 10 – Discussion 1

Econ Problem & Issues/ Week 10 – Discussion 1 Econ Problem & Issues/ Week 10 – Discussion 1 Please discuss the economics of this Store: ****This is a Discussion, NOT a paper. Please NO plagiarism.****       ……………..Answer Preview…………… The Madeinamericastore is a store that sells only commodities that re purely manufactured from … Read more

Community Efforts and Managing Public Relation

Business and Society Discussion – Community Efforts and Managing Public Relation Business & Society “Community Efforts and Managing Public Relations (PR)” You are a new PR intern at Apple. Apple is donating 200 iPads to a local inner-city school to promote technology in education. As a PR intern, you need to get the word out … Read more

Assessment project:

Assessment project Ascertain three (3) new advances in computer and Web technologies which would benefit K-12 assessment that are related to your topic. Highlight one (1) of these new innovations that might be practical for the district to implement in the near future. Provide a rationale for your response. Propose the strategic manner in you … Read more

The Value of Critical Thinking in the 21st Century

The Value of Critical Thinking in the 21st Century Locate an article from a news source or website regarding the climate change issue. Describe whether the website contains any logical fallacies. Explain whether or not the website convinces you to take action on the issue. List references please       ………….Answer Preview……….. Climate change … Read more

Describe the major factors that lead to the necessity for change and the impact change has on individuals

Discuss OFFICE MANAGER role as a leader in the change process Describe the major factors that lead to the necessity for change and the impact change has on individuals. Consider the following for your assignment: Describe how individuals react differently to the change process. Why do you suppose these differences occur, and in what way … Read more

Dispute settlement is the focus of the World Trade Organization (WTO)

Dispute settlement is the focus of the World Trade Organization (WTO) Dispute settlement is the focus of the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the way that the organization keeps the global economy stable. What is the WTO, and what is its history? What are the benefits of being a member of the WTO? What are … Read more

Allocative Efficiency

Allocative Efficiency 2) Define allocative efficiency. Explain the significance of this concept in economics?     ………..Answer Preview……… Allocative efficiency is normally referred as a market that produces types of services or goods that are highly desirable in the society and have high demand. As a matter of fact, Allocative efficiency normally looks at the marginal … Read more

Dr. Patrick Dixon: Labor Motivation for Current Economics

Dr. Patrick Dixon: Labor Motivation for Current Economics Please respond to the following: ·  Dr. Patrick Dixon (world’s most famous futurist) On Labor Motivation for Current Economics Issues–  and his website        ………….Answer Preview……………. In the YouTube video, Dr. Patrick talks about doubling your productivity. He states that most of the time we are … Read more

Economics of Crime

“Economics of Crime” Please respond to the following–Recommend ways to reduce crime in the city or town in which you live. Explain how these recommendations would make good economic policy. AND Richard Wilkinson, British famous author and speaker—“How Economic Inequality Hurts Our Society”- economic inequality in labor, pay etc. hurting all of us, how it all … Read more

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