Browse essays

Selling Medical Ultrasound Technology in Asia

Selling Medical Ultrasound Technology in Asia selling_medical_ultrasound_technology_in_asia This is a take-home assignment. You are to answer the questions in the way(s) that you believe are the most thorough, most descriptive, and most analytical. You are to compose a short paper that addresses all questions asked at the end of the case. As we are also … Read more

CIS111 Assignment 2 Normalization

CIS111 Assignment 2 Normalization Due Week 6 Suppose that you are the database developer for a local college. The Chief Information Officer (CIO) has asked you to provide a summary of normalizing database tables that the IT staff will use in the upcoming training session. Write a two to three (2-3) page paper in which … Read more

International Business Unit #1

International Business Unit #1 Essay 350-500 words 2. Contrast common law, civil law, customary law, and theocratic law.     …………..Answer Preview………. It is quite important to note that notion of legal system means having unity of legal phenomena that describe legal life of specific state or society. Therefore, there is no universal legal system … Read more

A tale of two cities by Charles Dickens Question

A tale of two cities by Charles Dickens Question In A tale of two cities by Charles Dickens, what is a good quote that demonstrates that Carton’s appearance during Darnay’s trial was fate?  Also, what page is that quote on? Please provide analysis as well       ……………..Answer Preview………….. Mr. Carton’s manner was so careless as … Read more

Article Review

Article Review Please no Plagiarism! Please read the article attached week3article.pdf. The aricle is where you will get your work from. Write a 1,000-word review of the article. Your review should assess the different types of and legal protections for intellectual property. Analyze the legal issues of e-business to include intellectual property, privacy, ethics, and security. Format your … Read more

The Scientific Method and Criminal Justice as a Social Science

The Scientific Method and Criminal Justice as a Social Science What is Science? What are the features of the scientific methods? What types of questions are addressed by Social Scientists? Briefly discuss other disciplines that utilize Social Science Research Methods. Incorporate ALL of the questions into your forum post (minimum of 500 words for ALL … Read more

Conducting an independent online search regarding smartphones

Conducting an independent online search regarding smartphones Conduct an independent online search regarding smartphones, such as Apple’s iPhone. In a 1-2 page Word document, address the following prompts: Briefly summarize the history of smartphones. How has the increased presence of smartphones changed the way people access information? What are some of the features that users … Read more

Assignment 2.2: Justification Report – Part 2

Assignment 2.2: Justification Report – Part 2 Due Week 5 and worth 150 points In Part 1 of your Justification Report assignment, you built up the following sections: Problem Statement, Overview of Alternatives, Criteria, and Methods. In Part 2, you will revise Part 1 based on your instructor’s suggestions and add to it the following … Read more

ADHD Presentation Power Point

ADHD Presentation Power Point Using what you have learned so far about ADHD and inclusion, you will create a PowerPoint presentation that addresses the following scenario: You have been asked by your administrator or director to give a 10-minute presentation to the school board regarding inclusion and ADHD. The board wants to know specifically how … Read more

PSY302 Positive Psychology

PSY302 Positive Psychology Positive psychology focuses on improving the performance and morale of employees.  In this week’s chapters, we learned that positive psychology plays a large role in an organization’s performance appraisals and/or training and development. In your own words, define positive psychology.  Explain how positive psychology manifests itself in your workplace.  Assess whether positive … Read more

Consolidated financial statements

Consolidated financial statements When does a company have to report a subsidiary on its consolidated financial statements? Looking for an answer in about 125-150 words     ………….Answer Preview………….. Most major companies are comprised of numerous companies that are often brought through the way to create such empires. This means that their financial statements reflect … Read more

Synthesis paper leadership

Synthesis paper leadership Synthesis is the act of creating something new from multiple existing entities. Synthesis of research, then, is creating a new idea from existing ideas. Synthesis of research is not a single innate skill. Rather, it is a process learned through time and practice. In this assignment, you will engage in the last … Read more

Dancing in the Streets Q12 – historical roots of rock n’ roll

Dancing in the Streets Q12 – historical roots of rock n’ roll What are the historical roots of rock n’ roll?     …………..Answer Preview………… The historical roots of rock n’ roll date back to the 1950’s. The musical style is said to have been as a result of natural progression of various musical styles. … Read more

Dancing in the Streets Q14 Deadheads

Dancing in the Streets Q14 Deadheads How did Deadheads turn ecstatic rituals into a more permanent experience?   …………Answer Preview…………… Deadheads were fans of the American psychedelic rock band titled Grateful dead. The band was so popular that it was able to turn ecstatic rituals into a more permanent experience. They achieved this by coming up … Read more

Introduction of new technologies

Introduction of new technologies The first step in the research process is selecting a topic that is both interesting and manageable. For this discussion, complete the following: Review the Final Research Paper instructions in Week Five, and identify three potential research topics. Describe methods that may be helpful in identifying and narrowing your research paper … Read more

Imaginary company

Imaginary company What is you imaginary company? What would be the best way or combination of ways to educate co-workers about the new business your (imaginary) company just acquired? Oral media, written media, visual media and/or electronic media? Please give examples and explain how to use that method       …………..Answer Preview…………. My imaginary company … Read more

BUS450 Week 5 dq 1 International Diversifications

BUS450 Week 5 dq 1 International Diversifications 1 st Posting Due by Day 3. International Diversifications. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of closedend country funds (C.E.C.F.s) relative to American depository receipts (A.D.R.s) as a means of international BUS450: International Finance Online 18 diversification. Why do you think closed-end country funds often trade at a premium … Read more

BUS450 Final Paper

BUS450 Final Paper Due by Day 7. Final Paper. The complete instructions for the Final Paper can be found in Week Five of your online course or in the “Components of Course Evaluation” section of this guide. Focus of the Final Paper Select a foreign country and analyze its monetary system. Research the country’s monetary … Read more

BUS450 Week 5 dq 2 Reflection

BUS450 Week 5 dq 2 Reflection 1 st Posting Due by Day 3. Reflection. Reflect on the concepts that have been introduced and evaluated throughout this course. Identify one concept and explain how this concept will help you grow both academically and professionally. Respond to at least two of your classmates’ postings.     ……………..Answer … Read more

BUS450 Week 4 dq 2 International Bonds

BUS450 Week 4 dq 2 International Bonds 1 st Posting Due by Day 3. International Bonds. Discuss the process of bringing a new international bond issue to market. What should a borrower consider before issuing dual-currency bonds? What should an investor consider before investing in dual-currency bonds? Respond to at least two of your classmates’ … Read more

BUS450 Week 4 dq 1 International Banking

BUS450 Week 4 dq 1 International Banking 1 st Posting Due by Day 3. International Banking. Identify and discuss one type of international banking office and a service it provides. Respond to at least two of your classmates’ postings.       ……………..Answer Preview……………. International banking             There is various forms international banking. These include: … Read more

BUS450 Week 3 Assignment Foreign Monetary System

BUS450 Week 3 Assignment Foreign Monetary System Due by Day 7. Foreign Monetary System. Describe forward, futures and options foreign currency markets, and discuss how they demonstrate arbitrage problems in international finance. Use a minimum of three resources to support your discussion. Summarize your findings in a three- to five- page paper, not including title … Read more

BUS450 Week 3 dq 2 Managing Exposure

BUS450 Week 3 dq 2 Managing Exposure 1 st Posting Due by Day 3. Managing Exposure. It is generally not possible to completely eliminate both translation exposure and transaction exposure. In some cases, the elimination of one exposure will also eliminate the other. But in other cases, the elimination of one exposure actually creates the … Read more

BUS450 Week 3 dq 1 Hedging

BUS450 Week 3 dq 1 Hedging 1 st Posting Due by Day 3. Hedging. There are some risks involved with international transactions due to fluctuations of the foreign currency exchange rates. One way to mitigate those risks is through hedging. Discuss the hedging options: forward contracts and option contracts. What are the advantages and disadvantages … Read more

BUS450 Week 2 dq 2 Foreign Auto Purchase

BUS450 Week 2 dq 2  Foreign Auto Purchase 1 st Posting Due by Day 3. Foreign Auto Purchase. Read the scenario present in Chapter 6 Problem #2 (at the end of the chapter): While you were visiting London, you purchased a Jaguar for £35,000, payable in three months. You have enough cash at your bank … Read more

BUS450 Week 2 dq 1 – Foreign Exchange Markets

BUS450 Week 2 dq 1 – Foreign Exchange Markets 1 st Posting Due by Day 3. Foreign Exchange Markets. Provide a comprehensive explanation of foreign exchange markets. In your explanation, provide examples of how forward markets and spot markets operate. Respond to at least two of your classmates’ postings     ……………..Answer Preview……………. Foreign exchange … Read more

BUS450 Week 1 dq 3 – International monetary system

BUS450 Week 1 dq 3 –  International monetary system 1 st Posting Due by Day 3. International Monetary System. In Chapter 2, you were introduced to various aspects of the international monetary system. Discuss the criteria for a “good” international monetary system. In your discussion, be sure to support your answer by explaining why the … Read more

BUS450 Week 1 dq 2 – Staying Competitive

BUS450 Week 1 dq 2 – Staying Competitive 1 st Posting Due by Day 3. Staying Competitive. With technological advances, companies can expand their operations effectively and efficiently. International financial management is essential for companies to remain competitive. What are the risks of international financial management? Respond to at least two of your classmates’ postings. … Read more

BUS450 Week 1 dq 1

BUS450 Week 1 dq 1 Discussions Participate in the following discussions: 1. 1 st Posting Due by Day 1. Post Your Introduction. Post your introduction on the discussion forum titled, “Introductions” found in Week One. Respond to at least three of your classmates’ postings.     ……………..Answer Preview……………. Introduction             My name is (insert your … Read more

Financial managers and global environment

Financial managers and global environment Part 1. What must financial managers consider when operating in the global environment? What types of regulatory compliance might they face? Part 2. What might they do to mitigate financial risk? Should there be global accounting standards? Why or why not? looking for 150 or so words       … Read more

Financial managers and global environment

Financial managers and global environment Part 2. What might they do to mitigate financial risk? Should there be global accounting standards? Why or why not? looking for 150 or so words       ……………Answer Preview…………… Mitigating financial risks is very important to the business because it will help in reducing loses. One way that … Read more

Consolidated financial statements

Consolidated financial statements What is meant by consolidated financial statements? When and why are consolidated financial statements necessary? looking for a response in about 150 or so words please       ………………Answer Preview………….. Consolidated financial statements are referred as the collective financial statements of a company together with its divisions, sub organizations and subsidiaries. … Read more

Assignment 3: Persuasive Paper Part 1: A Problem Exists

Assignment 3: Persuasive Paper Part 1: A Problem Exists Due Week 5 and worth 150 points Using your thesis statement and research, present the problem that needs to be addressed with your proposed solution. Note: Your solution, advantages, and challenges, will be in Parts 2 and 3. Write a three to four (3-4) page paper … Read more

A “Non-Fine art” object

A “Non-Fine art” object A “Non-Fine art” object: example car, cell phone, a piece of furniture, etc. (please include a printed image of the object and attach to a separate paper.) *Be careful when choosing something too simple, you may not have enough to write about. *The more interesting the better.  Total points: 7 *1 page. … Read more

Lot In Life Part 3 Project

Lot In Life Part 3 Project Scenario: You’re interning in early childhood education, and one of your patients is concerned that her 2-year old daughter has not began speaking. Your program mentor advises you to research cognitive and language skills during this period, including factors that may attribute to developmental delays. Should be written as … Read more

Bureaucracy questions

Bureaucracy Questions Write the answer in approximately 200-300 words. Give adequate weightage to each part of the assignment. What are bureaucracies? Give examples.  (50 words) Discuss some of the functions and dysfunctions of bureaucracies. (100-150 words) Do you think they are functional or dysfunctional for the society? Explain your reasons. (100-150 words)       … Read more

Employment law case analysis – case 7

Employment law case analysis – case 7 Brungart worked for BellSouth in Florida from 1991 to 1994, when she was granted an unpaid leave of absence, which lasted 20 months. At her request, she was transferred to Alabama. Soon after she finished training there, she applied for FMLA leave and left work. She told her … Read more

Employment law case analysis – case 6

Employment law case analysis – case 6 Arthur Andersen had 27,000 employees in the U.S. prior to the collapse of Enron. When the SEC investigated Enron, it discovered that the Houston office of Andersen, which worked for Enron, shredded thousands of documents related to the investigation. The Department of Justice indicted Andersen for obstructing justice. … Read more

Employment law case analysis 2-3 pages – Case 5

Employment law case analysis – case 5 Jackson worked at Jernberg Industries for a year, after which he began to have problems in his wrist and hand. He had two surgeries and, because his work was physical, took extended leaves. Each time he took an absence, Jernberg required a note from Jackson’s physician. When notes … Read more

Ethical Law Questions

Ethical Law Questions 1. What are the elements of negligence? How does an intentional tort differ from negligence? Provide examples. How does the strict liability doctrine apply to the practice of accounting? Provide examples. 2. Does the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution protect defamation? Explain why or why not. What is the relationship between the First … Read more

Topics in European/US history

Topics in European/US history Discuss why each of the following terms/people are important to American history. Each term should consist of 1 paragraph 5-7 sentences in length. 1. Fort Mose 2. Paxton Boys 3. The Enlightenment 4. John Locke 5. Benjamin Franklin If there are too many grammatical errors I will not release the down … Read more

Biblical Perspectives Paper

Biblical Perspectives Paper This final paper is to be 4.5 – 5 pages in length.  The margins and font should be standard 1 inch margins and 12 point font.  You can choose either a Chicago style or MLA style of citation.  Either way, you must be consistent throughout the paper.  However, you can write the … Read more

Assignment 1.2: Conflicting Viewpoints Essay – Part II

Assignment 1.2: Conflicting Viewpoints Essay – Part II WEEK 4 ASSIGNMENT 1.2 – SUBMIT HERE Students, please view the “Submit a Clickable Rubric Assignment” in the Student Center. Instructors, training on how to grade is within the Instructor Center. Assignment 1.2: Conflicting Viewpoints Essay – Part II Synthesizing and Writing Due Week 4 and worth 100 points … Read more

English Colonies Essay

English Colonies Essay Compare and contrast the first English colonies. How did the makeup of the colonial population, reasons for settlement, and geographical position help shape different societies in the Chesapeake and New England? I don’t need any references. I just need to have the questions answered. There should be an intro, 2-3 body paragraphs, … Read more

Effective interpersonal interactions

Effective interpersonal interactions Imagine that a newly engaged couple hears that you are taking a course in interpersonal communication, and wants advice for their relationship. What advice would you give them regarding how to effectively use interpersonal communication in their relationship? Write the paper in the form of a letter. Use the below list of … Read more

Accounting-Purpose of internal control

Accounting-Purpose of internal control What do you think some of the costs related to establishing controls are?  When do the costs outweigh the benefits? Looking for an explanation in about 125-150 words       …………..Answer Preview…………… Internal controls are quite important in organizations as they assist management in controlling operations. For example, an accounting … Read more

Ethics Questions

Ethics Questions QUESTION 1 Foer is asking people to: a. Defend the rights of animals b. All of these c. Stop eating meat d. Stop buying factory-farmed meat QUESTION 2 Regan is against a. All of these b. Eating animals c. Hunting animals d. Experimenting on animals QUESTION 3 Cohen is against a. Experimenting on … Read more

Management by Objectives Question

Management by Objectives Question How do you apply the MBO (Management by Objectives) process in your venture? Provide examples on how better morale will enhance productivity. Identify at least three challenges of global expansion and address how you would face those challenges         …………….Answer Preview………….. Creating organizational objectives often creates a wide … Read more

ENG215 Assignment 3: Persuasive Paper Part 1: A Problem Exists

ENG215 Assignment 3: Persuasive Paper Part 1: A Problem Exists   Due Week 5 Using your thesis statement and research, present the problem that needs to be addressed with your proposed solution. Note: Your solution, advantages, and challenges, will be in Parts 2 and 3. Write a three to four (3-4) page paper in which you: … Read more

PL 301 Guess Who is Coming to Dinner

PL 301 Guess Who is Coming to Dinner These discussion boards have been designed to explore controversial philosophical topics. Some of the questions are designed to solicit very personal responses and opinions, and these debates have the potential to become heated. In the act of creating ideas, heat can be a good thing, but not … Read more

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