Browse essays

Silk Road trading proposal

Silk Road trading proposal You are a trader on the Silk Road. You can be Chinese, Mongolian, Arabian, Byzantine, or Venetian. Your job is to gain access to spices, incense, glassware, and other commodities the elite demand. Remember that trade in this age has followed the old contours of gift exchange (items intended for elite … Read more

Product Market

Product Market Pick a product or service you use in your everyday life and describe the market for this product. Please make sure to address the following questions: What factors influence the demand for this product? What factors influence the supply of this product? How have these changes in supply and demand affected the equilibrium … Read more


Advertisement Class, please select an advertisement to which you have recently been exposed. It can be in any paid communications medium, such as TV, radio, newspaper, or magazine. The ad that you select should be one to which others in the class can easily relate, such as Verizon’s old “Can you hear me now?” ad or … Read more

Assignment 1: Discussion: Sexual Harassment

Assignment 1: Discussion: Sexual Harassment The two legal “tests” that constitute sexual harassment are: Quid pro quo, meaning failure to give in to unwanted sexual advances will threaten a person’s academic or employment career. Behavior, which a “reasonable person” would deem a “hostile or offensive working environment.” Some men complain that because the second point … Read more

Landlord-Tenant Law

Landlord-Tenant Law Larry Landlord has recently renovated an apartment and has put it on the market to be rented for $800.00 a month. Larry Landlord has been in business for approximately five (5) years and has had both positive and negative experiences with tenants. Larry Landlord is hoping to find a good, long-term tenant for … Read more

The Lake Isle of Innisfree

The Lake Isle of Innisfree The essay is about a story “The Lake Isle of Innisfree” by William Yeats ,you should read the file first then write the essay. You should write 1500 words in response to the following question: “Is Yeats a political poet?” (Topic) Requirements: This essay must quote and cite at least two … Read more

Systems development life cycle (SDLC)

Systems development life cycle (SDLC) Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper discussing how the systems development life cycle (SDLC) is used in a HCIT project. Include the following in your paper: Explain the processes of project management. Explain the systems development life cycle and how it is used in HCIT. Examine the role of a health care … Read more

Executive Summary and Presentation

Executive Summary and Presentation You work for a mid-sized company and someone in the IT department has discriminated against, and offended a fellow employee. As a Human Resources recruiter, your HR Director has assigned you the task of creating a sensitivity presentation with a written report to be submitted prior to you presenting the topic … Read more

EDU 645 W5 Learning Assessment for the 21st Century

EDU 645 W5 Learning Assessment for the 21st Century Performance Task Analysis-Summative Assessment Preparation This week’s assignment requires you to make connections between our course learning outcomes, what you observe from a highly effective source known as Smarter Balanced, and how you can apply what you’ve learned to your own instructional practice. You will first … Read more

Managing in Global Environment

Managing in Global Environment Adam Smith wrote about the “invisible hand’ and was in favor of free trade. Michael Porter wrote about national competitive advantage. Discuss how these 2 theories are related.  State and explain your stance on free trade based upon your understanding and agreement/disagreement with these 2 theorists.         ……………….Answer … Read more

Cholesterol and Binge drinking questions

Cholesterol and Binge drinking 1. Cholesterol in excess in the bloodstream can be harmful, but it is actually a vital nutrient for the body.Not only do we consume cholesterol in the foods we eat, but we make cholesterol in our body.List two functions of cholesterol in the body.Explain two ways in which we can reduce … Read more

Should self-driving car be legal on the road?

Should self-driving car be legal on the road? Writing a term paper according to the provided outline(TermPaperOutline.docx ), and the topic is “Should self-driving car be legal on the road?”. Aim for between 12 and 15 pages, with the length depending in part on the amount of factual background that you need to provide for the audience. … Read more

Relapse and Pain

Relapse and Pain One of the largest hurdles in recovering from a substance use disorder does not concern getting sober, but rather, staying sober over time. Relapse is a constant threat; clients are consistently battling against their triggers to remain sober. Additionally, many recovering users suffer from pain, sometimes due to the initial conditions that … Read more

Sociology reflection essay

Sociology reflection essay Write a 1000 word essay (roughly 3.5 to 4 pages, double-spaced) related to the course topics listed below. Your goal in this assignment should be to demonstrate: a) your strong understanding of sociological concepts, b) your ability to apply them to an area of social life that you know and care about, … Read more

The major political parties questions

The major political parties questions From the Federalist and Anti-Federalist parties of post-Revolutionary America, to the Republican and Democratic parties of today, the major political parties of the United States have evolved, over time. In light of your academic understanding of modern liberal and conservative ideologies, please compare and contrast the major political parties of … Read more

Artistic management

  Artistic management You will conduct an in-depth review of the course concepts regarding your personal calling and social intelligence, brainstorm project specifications, research critical elements, and develop a framework that will be the foundation for your Mastery Timeline that will be completed in Week 4of the course. For this week’s project you will brainstorm, … Read more

FIN 100 Week 11 Discussion

FIN 100 Week 11 Discussion “Course Wrap-Up” Please respond to the following: Identify the two (2) aspects of this course that will have the greatest impact on your future career. Discuss two (2) aspects of this course that will affect your decision making processes in the future.         …………………….Answer Preview………………. This course was … Read more

Employment law case analysis – Ms. Jones

Employment law case analysis Ms. – Jones Ms. Jones, a department manager with the City’s Regional Hospital is fed up with Joe, one of her new employees, who keeps pointing out her management errors and the errors of others. As a result, she feels that he is a disruptive influence and has to be terminated. She justifies this … Read more

What are the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) phases?

What are the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) phases? Write an 750 – 1000 word paper discussing Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) for a business prospective covering the following bullets (150-350 Word per bullet) . SDLC Requirement Gathering and Analysis Design and Development Implementation or Coding Phrase Testing Create the numbers – or figure out what … Read more

Naturalistic Observation Exercise

Naturalistic Observation Exercise One of the best ways to learn about observation research is to conduct some. This exercise is not meant for publication of data and will not be developed into a full study. So, you can fully participate in this exercise as a true researcher might. Find a crowded area where there are … Read more

Interpreting Nonverbal Communication

1.  Interpreting Nonverbal Communication Nonverbal communication replaces, reinforces, and contradicts verbal communication. Describe a time when nonverbal communication caused you to misinterpret the message in a work situation (explain the type of nonverbal cue using the information in the text). Then, using the guidelines for improving nonverbal communication in the text, explain how you can … Read more

Ethical Hacker Questions

Ethical Hacker Questions Each questions needs an answer of a minimum of 200 words and have 2 references each question 1.) Discuss the role of security and penetration testers by defining concepts such as hacker, cracker, ethical hacker, and script kiddies. Include in your discussion the classifications of ethical hackers and do you think that hacking … Read more

My Family/Mi familia

My Family/Mi familia watch the movie then answer the questions the movie you can watch it is for free just follow this link the questions are My Family/Mi familia  Please answer four (4) of the questions.  All students must answer questions 5 and 6;  e.g. questions 5 and 6 and  and two others. 1.  … Read more

Critical Reasoning

Critical Reasoning Write a 1 1/2 page essay for each question, responding to the prompt. Each essay should have an introduction, thesis, body, and conclusion. In the debate over gun control, it is often claimed that a gun kept in the home is 43 times more likely to be used in a suicide, homicide, or … Read more

The Role of Pricing

The Role of Pricing ricing Strategies:  Identity three types of pricing strategies. Select a good or service and compare the prices of two different companies associated with the goods or service. Why do different organizations have different pricing strategies for the same good or service? Respond to at least three of your classmates       … Read more

Setting Up a New Company in QuickBooks

Setting Up a New Company in QuickBooks Suggest one (1) consequence of improperly classifying an account type (e.g., if an expense is classified as an asset or an asset is classified as an expense). Describe the effect on at least two (2) of the four (4) major financial statements: Profit & Loss (Income) Statement, Statement … Read more

Project Management Best Practices and Recognizing Project Migraines

Project Management Best Practices and Recognizing Project Migraines As a newly minted CIO, you have been hired to join a company without a history of project best practices. Suggest strategy and process for your Chief Executive Officer (CEO) to develop standards for your organization that is without any such organizational project history. Justify the main … Read more

Future Direction of Health Care

Future Direction of Health Care In a five-page paper: Describe a minimum of six challenges from the list below that are defining the future strategic direction of health care. Proposed health care reform and legislation Information technology advancements such as the electronic medical record (EMR)/ electronic health record (EHR) Accreditation, quality of healthcare, and organizational … Read more

ITS400 IT Project Management

ITS400 IT Project Management Find two academic articles from the CSU-Global Library that describe the need to justify investing in IT projects. In addition, describe whether you think most projects should include a business case before the project sponsors officially approve the project. Write a short paper (1-2 pages) summarizing your findings and opinions.   … Read more

Corporate boards are tasked with the responsibility of ensuring that the organization remains in compliance

Corporate Board Responsibility Corporate boards are tasked with the responsibility of ensuring that the organization remains in compliance with all areas of operation. Boards need to work in tandem with the administrative staff. Boards must ensure that they review all areas of health care organizations from financials, operations issues, medical error reporting, credentialing of providers, … Read more

Debated at the 2016 Presidential elections in the United States

Debated at the 2016 Presidential elections in the United States “Describe what you feel will be one or two key economic and social issues to be debated at the 2016 Presidential elections in the United States – based on your work in this class. What direction do you feel should be taken in the country … Read more

Pain of Union

Pain of Union Unifying separate countries offers varied unique opportunities for growth but also gives way to complex challenges. For this module, write a one page paper explaining why the unification of Germany into one country (combining East and West Germany) proved to be more of a burden to the German people than expected. Base … Read more

Inter-office romances

Inter-office romances Given the potential harm of sexual harassment to victims and firms, do you think that a should have the right to prohibit its employees from having inter-office romances? Why? or Why not? 200 words       ………………Answer Preview………….. In my opinion, a firm should have rights that prohibits its employees from having … Read more

ASSIGNMENT 01 SO245 Social Impact of Technology

ASSIGNMENT 01 SO245 Social Impact of Technology Directions:  Be sure to make an electronic copy of your answer before submitting it to Ashworth College for grading.  Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English spelling and grammar.  Sources must be cited in APA format.  Your response should be a minimum of … Read more

The Four P’s of Marketing

The Four P’s of Marketing What are the four P’s of marketing and how are they applied to marketing APN practice? Please provide 3 references   ……………..Answer Preview……………. Healthcare marketplace has got much competition in the market due to the existence of many health service providers. The best way small providers can do is to … Read more

Unauthentic Leadership

Unauthentic Leadership For this assignment, write a brief review of an inauthentic leader from one with whom you have personal experience. Include a reflection on what makes this leader inauthentic and how followers responded to their inauthentic leadership.  What would you recommend to help them become more of an authentic leader? Note: Feel free to … Read more

opinion on The New York Times Co. v. Sullivan case

The New York Times Co. v. Sullivan write your opinion about this case using digital media law knowledge and also do a outline about your opinion. length: 500 words       ……………..Answer Preview…………….. This was a case filed by Sullivan the supervisor of police in Alabama Sullivan said the statement published by the New York … Read more

Extraordinary Items and Ratio Analysis

Extraordinary Items and Ratio Analysis Choose at least two (2) items or events that you would consider to be extraordinary to a company. Propose the manner in which you would disclose these items or events to investors. Justify your response. Determine the two (2) financial ratios that you believe to be the most important indicators … Read more

Animal production and Animal Behavior

Animal production and Animal Behavior Reproduction: Explain why asexually reproducing organisms are generally found in environments that do not change very much through time, while sexually reproducing organisms are very successful in environments that change dramatically through time. Animal Behavior: How does an animal’s behavior aid survival and reproduction? Provide an example to illustrate your … Read more

Marketing retailing

Marketing retailing Watch the video and respond to the following question: Discuss how Macy’s is using digital marketing to reach customers.;_ylt=A2KLqIL5mWtVmC4AVmAsnIlQ;_ylu=X3oDMTBzOGgyNGpnBHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDdmlkBHZ0aWQDBGdwb3MDMTU-?p=retailing&vid=09ee13548e4ef436a3aa5c1c3597fe11&   ……………..Answer Preview………….. Digital marketing is a term used to refer to the art of using digital technologies in undertaking a marketing campanile for different products or services. Macy’s is one of the … Read more

How Companies Can Get Smart About Raising Prices

How Companies Can Get Smart About Raising Prices Read this week’s required article: “How Companies Can Get Smart About Raising Prices”. In a three- to four-page paper (not including the title and reference pages): Retrieved from the ProQuest database. Explain how to successfully get customers to pay more for your products. Reference the article in … Read more

Elements of a Marketing Plan Report

Elements of a Marketing Plan Report Review the video case study “Geek Squad: A New Business for a New Environment” on pp. 88-89 in your textbook.  Keep this case study in mind as you complete this assignment. Write a 1,050-word report using your company or one with which you are familiar (if you prefer, your facilitator can … Read more

professional nursing organization flyer

professional nursing organization flyer Choose a professional nursing organization that relates to the nursing profession or your clinical practice area. Assuming that you are the chairperson of membership for the organization, create a full-page flyer designed to recruit new members to the professional organization. In your flyer, include: The function of the organization, as well … Read more


Cybersecurity With this assignment, all I have to do is identify the topic I choose to do my term paper on and provide the findings with APA references. Term Paper: Your final will consist of a 5-6 page paper for this course. Students will select from a range of topics provided by the instructor. The … Read more

EDU 645 W5 Learning Assessment for the 21st Century D1

EDU 645 W5 Learning Assessment for the 21st Century D1 Part 1. Access TEDEd. Take some time to peruse through the menu of lessons and provide us with your impressions. The following serves to prompt your response as opposed to a required “list”: How do the lessons in TEDEd promote student engagement? What are some ways students … Read more

Referring to the same business you either started or purchased in the first assignment, write a 6-8 page paper in which you

Outline a financial plan for your small business Referring to the same business you either started or purchased in the first assignment, write a 6-8 page paper in which you: Outline a financial plan for your small business. Develop a guerrilla marketing strategy for your small business. Discuss the most appropriate location for a second … Read more

Assignment 1: LASA 2: Gender Appropriate and Inappropriate Behaviors

Assignment 1: LASA 2: Gender Appropriate and Inappropriate Behaviors Recent headlines have sparked heated debate about whether boys should be allowed to dress as girls. For example, a 5-year-old boy in Seattle who enjoys things traditionally for girls, such as jewelry, the color pink, and dresses was supported and encouraged by his mother, who wrote … Read more

Project Management Plan – Week 5: Write a 1450 -1750 word communication management plan for your project plan in which you include: Identifying which communication tools and techniques are most effective for each audience.

Project Management Plan – Week 5: Write a 1450 -1750 word communication management plan for your project plan in which you include: Identifying which communication tools and techniques are most effective for each audience.   Write a 1450 -1750 word communication management plan for your project plan in which you include: 1. Identifying which communication … Read more

On p. 261–262 of your text, there is a sample declaration of ethical practice statement that can be used by behavior analysts

On p. 261–262 of your text, there is a sample declaration of ethical practice statement that can be used by behavior analysts On p. 261–262 of your text, there is a sample declaration of ethical practice statement that can be used by behavior analysts. Edit this statement and tailor it to represent your own beliefs … Read more

The Behavior Analysts Ethical Responsibilities to Society and Delivering the Eth

The Behavior Analysts Ethical Responsibilities to Society and Delivering the Eth In today’s modern world, telepsychology has become a real option for many practitioners. Discuss the issue of telepsychology, and briefly describe two of the six ethical concerns which are listed on p. 174 of your textbook. Provide a case study example of how you … Read more

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