Browse essays

Economic question/350 words – Prices

Prices Why is it important that prices are flexible in our economy? Do you think the government should control the level of prices for products that are really important, ie. gasoline?     …………..Answer Preview…………….. 1 Flexible pricing means a situation where in the market product prices are negotiable. This gives consumer a chance to … Read more

Favorite consumer product

Favorite consumer product Select one of your favorite consumer products and think about the company that produces and markets that product. What challenges does the company encounter selling that consumer product? Where is your favorite product on the product life cycle spectrum? For what segment was your product designed? Briefly describe the four Ps of … Read more

U.S law enforcement forum post/550 words

U.S law enforcement forum After reviewing the reading for week 2, as well as the week 2 discussion articles in the lesson for this week; discuss/debate with your classmates some of the past/current law enforcement, philosophies, psychological theories, various models of police behavior and the application of different policing styles concerning the individual officer, as … Read more

Why Employee Empowerment Matters

Why Employee Empowerment Matters Review the five dimensions of employee empowerment; and conduct academic research on how Fortune 500 companies’ empower their employees. In a 1-2 pages, discuss the following: Select a Fortune 500 company and describe their philosophy and practices on employee motivation and empowerment. Communicate how this company specifically uses one or more … Read more

Quality compliance at the hawthorn arms case study

Quality compliance at the hawthorn arms case study Read case Quality compliance at the hawthorn arms. This case focuses on the staffing issues; Questions:1 Consider the three candidates in Exhibit A. If forced to make a decision tomorrow, which candidate should Alistair choose for the job? What major factors should determine his choice? And who will … Read more

Assignment 3: Cultural Activity Report

Assignment 3: Cultural Activity Report Visit a museum or gallery exhibition or attend a theater or musical performance before the end of Week 10. The activity (museum or performance) should have content that fits our course well. Have fun doing this. Write a two to three (2-3) page report (500-750 words) that describes your experience. … Read more

No Good Deed Goes Unpunished case study

Read the case,“No Good Deed Goes Unpunished”. Notice that this case was written by another professor and me as a learning opportunity for our students. Yes, this really did happen in a major metropolitan area in the U.S. [ASSUMPTIONS] 1.Your team has been hired by the Arts Festival to help them, because they realize the problems with Mark and … Read more

US government essay

US government essay Politics produces both cost and benefits.  Explain the four types of politics, who benefits and who pays.         …………………Answer Preview……………… According to Barrington (2009), in every type of politics, there are those who pay and those who benefit. One type of politics is democracy. In this type of politics, … Read more

Assignment 3: Presentation: Biggest Challenges Facing Organizations in the Next 20 Years

Assignment 3: Presentation: Biggest Challenges Facing Organizations in the Next 20 Years Due Week 10 and worth 250 points In this assignment, you will create a PowerPoint presentation that outlines what you believe will be the biggest challenges facing organizations in the next twenty (20) years. Faculty Note: For students taking this course online, if … Read more

US government essay 350-500 words

US government essay Assess the ways that American parties differ from their European counterparts.       …………….Answer Preview………………. The American parties have many similarities with their European counterparts. Even though this is the case, they also have a lot of differences. These differences can be seen in a number of ways. One of the … Read more

Sharks and Dolphins questions

Sharks and Dolphins questions Discuss the rationale behind taxonomists placing sharks and dolphins in different taxonomic groups, even though they are both aquatic, have very similar body forms, and share other traits as well.  Needs to be at least 100 words.       ……………Answer Preview……………… Even though the sharks and dolphins are both aquatic, … Read more

NEED ASAP Observation of a Toddler Paper

NEED ASAP Observation of a Toddler Paper SY233: Observation of a Toddler (1 – 3 year olds) HW 1: 100 points Submit a 3-4 page paper (not including cover page, abstract, or reference page) that addresses the following points. Your paper should be numbered in the format below for ease of grading 1. A brief … Read more

Discussion questions

Discussion questions 1.  In the latter part of the Twentieth Century up through the present time African Americans have shown a significant presence on the music, film and other areas of the cultural scene.  Explain how this success story  became a reality.  How has it benefited black society? 2.  Discuss black conservatism, its development, agenda, … Read more

Organizational Objectives and Total Compensation in Different Markets

Organizational Objectives and Total Compensation in Different Markets Unsure of legal obligations in designing a total compensation plan, a client has asked you, as a human resources consultant, to explain how certain laws and regulations affect total compensation in their organization. The client’s organization employs 200 people, is a federal contractor, and operates in the … Read more

EDU 645 W6 Learning Assessment for the 21st Century D1

EDU 645 W6 Learning Assessment for the 21st Century D1 Following your last lesson, you discover only 60% of your students met the learning outcome. Not only did they demonstrate a lack of understanding through non-written, observable formative assessments, but the data from their assignment as scored through use of a rubric revealed the majority … Read more

EDU 645 W6 Learning Assessment for the 21st Century D2

EDU 645 W6 Learning Assessment for the 21st Century D2 An elevator speech is an excellent way to convey your skills while networking and seeking employment. Typically, an elevator speech is a one-minute summary of who you are, why you are qualified, and what you have to offer the organization or industry. A brief sales … Read more

EDU 645 W6 Learning Assessment for the 21st Century (Final Assignment)

EDU 645 W6 Learning Assessment for the 21st Century (Final Assignment) Summative Assignment: Curriculum Based Assessment Design Using what you’ve learned from Chapters Six and Eight from Lefrançois as well as other resources along the way, develop a curriculum based assessment (CBA) centered on one of your two instructional plans from Weeks Three and Four. … Read more

ethical responsibility

Ethical responsibility what should be the ethical responsibility of the marketer any time they want to bring forward a product or service? Given your response, are you seeing what you have suggested occurring in marketing today? Why or why not?  Examples? In those situations in which you felt the company was unethical, was your situation that … Read more

Ethical responsibility

Ethical responsibility what should be the ethical responsibility of the marketer any time they want to bring forward a product or service? Given your response, are you seeing what you have suggested occurring in marketing today? Why or why not?  Examples? In those situations in which you felt the company was unethical, was your situation that … Read more

EDU 645 W6 Learning Assessment for the 21st Century (Final Assignment)

EDU 645 W6 Learning Assessment for the 21st Century (Final Assignment) Summative Assignment: Curriculum Based Assessment Design Using what you’ve learned from Chapters Six and Eight from Lefrançois as well as other resources along the way, develop a curriculum based assessment (CBA) centered on one of your two instructional plans from Weeks Three and Four. … Read more


Kotler/Armstrong One of our chapters for this week deals with the global marketplace.  Let’s look at some of the key challenges that a U.S.-based company should consider before it enters any foreign country. Please select ONE key challenge and elaborate on it, tying Kotler/Armstrong to your perspectives. Why is a company’s ability to MANAGE the process of … Read more

Visual Arts

Visual Arts Please help me finish this homework. NO PLAGIARIZE. 1 Please read the requires in the file which named ARC PPT Directions. 2 The artist what I chose before is in the file which named pictures. 3 The file which named Feldman Method will help you to finish the PowerPoint. If you have any … Read more

Biography paper about a composer

Biography paper about a composer I want somebody to write me a biography paper about a composer,, the list of the composers down the page ( just choose one). Three pages long. Double space. MLA format. line size is 12. After you choose the composer. Introduction History of the composer: general life: where the composer born … Read more

Management Analysis

Management Analysis Define the management’s discussion and analysis. Describe in a memo, not to exceed 300 words, the major items disclosed in this section of the financial report. Please use the cite below Finkler, S. A., Purtell, R. M., Calabrese, T. D., & Smith, D. L. (2013). Financial management for public, health, and not-for-profit organizations (4th ed.). Upper … Read more

Ethics paper on GMO

Ethics paper on GMO Ethical Considerations For The Emerging Technology: GMO This paper needs to discuss the ethical implications of gmo’s, (the technology that i chose) not about technology in general. This week, you will submit your ethical considerations draft. This portion of the course project will provide an evaluation of the ethical considerations associated with … Read more

landlord-Tenant Law

landlord-Tenant Law Larry Landlord has recently renovated an apartment and has put it on the market to be rented for $800.00 a month. Larry Landlord has been in business for approximately five (5) years and has had both positive and negative experiences with tenants. Larry Landlord is hoping to find a good, long-term tenant for … Read more

Discuss appropriate management styles based on the example need 2-3 pages

Appropriate management styles The DB forum for this week asks you look at the culture in another country, and discuss appropriate management styles. Western management assumes: Trainingà Individual Learningà Improved Individual Job PerformanceàImproved Organizational Performance This is not a universal practice–for example, it does not correspond with many African sociocultural values. One specific example is in Malawi where organizations … Read more

Historical imagination

Historical imagination We have studied the rise of famous civilizations. Now, we will utilize what we have learned, as well as what a famous historian named Collingwood called historical imagination, to make some forecasts about our future. In one or two paragraphs (totaling at least 250 words), address at least one of the following questions: … Read more

Biography paper about a composer

Biography paper about a composer Hello, I want somebody to write me a biography paper about a composer,, the list of the composers down the page ( just choose one). Three pages long. Double space. MLA format. line size is 12. After you choose the composer. Introduction History of the composer: general life: where the composer … Read more

Professional sports are greatly influenced by collective bargaining agreement

Professional sports are greatly influenced by collective bargaining agreement Professional sports are greatly influenced by collective bargaining agreements, where ownership and players have different perspectives and arguments. Using your personal experiences, research from the course text, and at least two outside scholarly sources, complete a two-to three-page APA style formatted paper (not including the title … Read more

Case Study Human Behavior

Case Study Human Behavior Requiring employees to perform or execute their responsibilities is a typical component to an organization’s system. Telling employees to perform may often leave them feeling like they are being controlled. However, when employees feel motivated, the process transitions from being told to perform to wanting to perform. As such, employees’ performance … Read more

Managing your quickbook system

Managing your quickbook system Identify a security feature in QBs. Discuss a potential weakness in this specific feature IN SHORT ANSWER         ………………Answer Preview……………… According to Ivens (2005), QuickBooks are softwares that help small businesses to combine various accounting procedures into one user friendly system. It helps in managing company’s sales, payroll … Read more

CRJ499 Week 10 Discussion

CRJ499 Week 10 Discussion Change and Personal Reflection Please respond to the following – Identify a reason to necessitate change in the criminal justice organization of your choice (police, courts corrections, etc.) and discuss the process in which the change will occur. – Discuss where you expect to be in five years after receiving your … Read more

Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer (MCSE) and Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA)

Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer (MCSE) and Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA). Topic: Which certification would be better for your I.T. related career goals? Compare and contrast the Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer (MCSE) and Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA). IT Career Goals: I have obtain a Certificate in Network Technician and I am already CompTIA Security + … Read more

Congress fast-track powers

Congress fast-track powers Congress authorized fast-track powers for trade deals to President Obama the end of June 2015.  For your discussion essay, thoroughly answer at least two of the below questions. What do you see as short-term and long-term trade effects? Compare and contrast some of the good and bad points of the fast-track process. … Read more

Review Chapter 7, Designing Your Resume and Cover Letters, pages 105-130

Designing Your Resume and Cover Letters 1. What are the major headings you will use for your résumé? 2. What is most important heading to highlight in your résumé and why? 3. What length should a résumé be for a college graduate (what advice does the eTextbook offer)? 4. What has been your observation in the work setting as … Read more

Intro to business essay 350-500 words

Intro to business essay Why is a company’s informal organization important?  What are some of the drawbacks and benefits of the informal organization?         …………………Answer Preview…………….. Informal organization in a company is a situation or a state of organization where the employees associate well and with time personal relationships develop making it … Read more

Time map software product – Attorney Adams

Time map software product – Attorney Adams Attorney Adams has accepted a case that involves a series of harassment incidents over a long period of time at a job site. The employer is one of the defendants. To get maximum recovery, the timing of several separate incidents will need to be shown. The timing of … Read more

PHI 208: Ethical questions Outline

PHI 208: Ethical questions Outline Please read these assignment instructions before writing the paper, and re-read them often during and after the writing process to make sure that you are fulfilling all of the instructions. An example of an outline is attached to this post. Overview Formulate an ethical question within one of the given … Read more

Human Resource Management Expatriate

Human Resource Management Expatriate This is MBA- International Human Resource Management course. Textbook: Dowling, P. J., Festing, M., & Engle, Sr., A.D. (2013). International human resource management: Managing people in a multinational context (6th ed.). Mason, OH: Thomson/South-Western. ISBN-: 978-1-480-3209-1 Deliver: 1. Read the HRM Expatriate summary requirement and all examples. (See attachments below)    You … Read more

Assignment 5: Company Presentation

Assignment 5: Company Presentation For this final assignment, imagine that all the research and planning you did for the previous four (4) assignments was part of a global HRM plan your company is devising. You will need to compile all of your findings and present them to your company’s upper management. Based on the feedback … Read more

Personal selling

Personal selling Because the Promotion “P” includes advertising, public relations, sales promotion, direct marketing, and personal selling, we will do our best to try to cover some key elements of each subset in our Week SIX threads. Now, we sometimes may not think about this, but the sales team is very much a part of overall … Read more

Incredible Human Journey Quiz

Incredible Human Journey Quiz Watch the following Episodes to answer the questions Episode # 1 Episode # 2 Episode # 3 Episode # 5     Incredible Human Journey Quiz Name____________________________________________ Episode 1 Where did humanity originate and how do we know? Describe the migration out of Africa. Include in your answer which … Read more

Memo to CEO Lizfeld

Memo to CEO Lizfeld You must choose one of the 6 candidates to recommend to CEO Lizfeld. Then you must write a formal business memo to the CEO telling him who you chose, explain the selection method you used to come up with your recommendation, and why the recommendation is sound. Remember, this is a … Read more

Professional sports collective bargaining agreements

Professional sports collective bargaining agreements Professional sports are greatly influenced by collective bargaining agreements, where ownership and players have different perspectives and arguments. Using your personal experiences, research from the course text, and at least two outside scholarly sources, complete a two-to three-page APA style formatted paper (not including the title and reference page). In … Read more

Case Study, Part I

Case Study, Part I Review the case study at the end of Chapter 5 (Nash & Goldfarb, 2006). Prepare an analysis of all the hospital’s initiatives and apply at least three quality and/or risk management concepts, measures, and tools in your paper. Your paper must be three to five double-spaced pages (excluding the title and … Read more

Intro to business 350-500 word essay

Intro to business 350-500 word essay What are the factors of production?  Is one factor more important than the others?  If so, which one?  Why?         ………………..Answer Preview…………….. Factors of production are resources available to help acquire goods and services. They include land, labor, capital and entrepreneurship. Each factor of production has … Read more

Outcomes, Tools, and Strategies

Outcomes, Tools, and Strategies Discuss the role of quality and risk management to health care outcomes, including challenges in collecting and analyzing quantitative data in the health care environment, components of quality, and the fundamentals of outcome measurement. Review quality and risk management tools and strategies.         …………….Answer Preview………….. The importance of … Read more

The Banking Industry

The Banking Industry Since the 2008-2011 financial crises, banks have become leery of lending to consumers. There has been much research completed on this subject and the blame has been a subject of much controversy. Fast-forward to 2013 and 2014. Has anything changed in the banking industry to open the lending activity? Has there been … Read more

Persuasive Paper Part 3: Possible Disadvantages, Answers, with Visuals

Persuasive Paper Part 3: Possible Disadvantages, Answers, with Visuals Using feedback from your professor and classmates, revise Parts 1 and 2, and add Part 3. Plan to include visuals to illustrate the advantages of your proposed solution. <!–[endif]–> Write an eight to ten (8-10) page paper in which you: Provide Part I: Revision of A … Read more

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