Browse essays

Assignment 2: Research Proposal – Thesis, Major Points, and Plan

Assignment 2: Research Proposal – Thesis, Major Points, and Plan Due Week 3 and worth 120 points Select a topic on which your persuasive writing paper will be focused. Write a one to two (1-2) page research proposal in which you: Identify the topic you selected and explain two (2) reasons for using it. Include … Read more

Working In a Foreign Country

Working In a Foreign Country Working in a foreign country could have its difficulties.  These difficulties could change if you are there for a short term assignment as compared to long term assignment. Select a country where you would like to work. List at least 3 concerns that you have of living and working in … Read more

Why is Managing Up Important in organizations?

Why is Managing Up Important in organizations?   This week’s theory discussed four tactics that enables followers to overcome the authority-based relationship and develop an effective, respectful relationship with their leaders. Write a 2 page paper. Address the following in your paper: How can you be a resource for your leader How can you help the leader … Read more

Social Media question

Social Media question What type of analytical/critical thinking skills can you gain from analyzing the media’s influence? looking for an answer in about 125 or so words         ……………Answer Preview………….. What type of analytical/critical thinking skills can you gain from analyzing the media’s influence? Critical thinking skills are vital when it comes … Read more

Assignment 1: Good Grocers, Inc.

Assignment 1: Good Grocers, Inc. Due Week 3 and worth 150 points Note: The company mentioned herein is merely a hypothetical organization with characteristics developed to enable students to respond to the assignment. You may create and / or make all necessary assumptions needed for the completion of this assignment. After Good Grocers, Inc. expanded … Read more

Homework questions help

Homework questions help The internet has made information related to physical and mental health readily accessible. What are some of the advantages and disadvantages to having this kind of information so accessible? Should the government have a role in healthcare? If yes, to what extent? If no, why not? References and in text citations required. … Read more

Stocks and Transactions – Financial Accounting

Stocks and Transactions – Financial Accounting Write a response to the following scenario: Chen, Inc. purchases 1,000 shares of its own previously issued $5 per common stock for $12,000. Assuming the shares are held in the treasury, what effect does this transaction have on (a) net income, (b) total assets, (c) total paid-in capital, and (d) … Read more

Criminal Justice Homework

Criminal Justice Homework 1.  (APA Format) Write a 200- to 300-word response in which you address the following questions: What is considered to be a courtroom work group? How does this courtroom work group interact on a daily basis? What is the role of the prosecutor? How does a prosecutor determine which cases to pursue? What … Read more

Investment Decisions

Investment Decisions Imagine you are the consultant who has to make the recommendation on whether or not to purchase Anheuser-Busch. Determine the rate of return you could expect from your investment and the method you would use to evaluate the investment decision. Assess the disadvantages and advantages of each investment method located in Chapter 4, … Read more

American History question

American History question What did the wall represent? Why would its fall symbolize an end to the Cold War? Aside from Gorbachev, who do you think Reagan was addressing in this speech and why? Looking for an answer in about 125 or so words       ……………..Answer Preview……………… Berlin war             The wall … Read more

Multinational Management Mind Map

Multinational Management Mind Map ·  Create a PowerPoint or Mind Map explaining key concepts you have discovered about yourself during the course of this class. ·  If you make a PowerPoint, use the Notes area to explain your thoughts on each slide. If you create a PowerPoint presentation it should be no less than 5 … Read more

Power of Love and Relationships

Power of Love and Relationships Please address each of the items below:1. Describe the factors of attraction. What attracts us to one another? Why are we less likely to befriend someone from another culture than someone from a similar background with a similar physical aesthetic? Be sure to identify and describe all six factors in attraction. … Read more

Discuss the series of questions listed under the “Am I Walking My Ethical Talk?

Am I Walking My Ethical Talk Discuss the series of questions listed under the “ Am I Walking My Ethical Talk ?” Which of these questions seems to be the most and least important…and Why? Do I talk about the ethical implications of decisions with the people who report to me as well as with the job candidates I’m interested in hiring? With my peers? With my manager? Have I made it clear to the people who report to me that I don’t want to be protected from bad news? Do they understand that they can tell me anything without fear of retribution? Do my reports come to me with ethical concerns? Do I provide guidance on ethical decision making, and have I participated in the ethics training of those who report to me? When evaluating the performance of my staff, do I value ethical goals at least as highly as performance and quality goals? Do I focus on the means as well as the ends in decision making and performance appraisals? Do I reward ethical conduct and discipline unethical conduct? Do I require my people to take responsibility for their decisions? Do I support employees who challenge unjust authority? What are the informal norms in my department? If my employees were asked to list the “rules” of working for me, what would they say? Are any of these problematic if ethical conduct is the goal? Do my direct reports know I care about them and will be there for them in good times and bad?  If I were to die tomorrow, would the people who report to me say that I had integrity? How would my peers describe me? And what would my manager say?   ………….Answer Preview…………….. Walking the ethical talk means being ethically … Read more

Criminal Justice Assignments

Criminal Justice Assignments 1. Write a 200- to 300-word response in which you describe some of the reasons for violent behavior in prisons. Include the following components: (need by 2/12/15) Violent behavior among prisoners Violent behavior between inmates and staff Strategies for responding to violent behavior How violent behavior affects incarceration length 2. Write a 350- to 700-word … Read more

Horizontal and Vertical Analyses

DQ #1 — Horizontal and Vertical Analyses  (No min word count, does not need to be in APA Format) What are some examples of how horizontal and vertical analyses are used in the decision-making process (think of business managers and supervisors as well as investors, bankers and other interested outside parties)? DQ #2 — Ratio … Read more

Direct and Indirect Cash Flows

Direct and Indirect Cash Flows Write a 350-word response regarding the differences between the direct and indirect presentation of cash flows. Why does the Financial Accounting Standards Board allow both methods? Which do you prefer? Why? Format your response consistent with APA guidelines.           ………………..Answer Preview………….. Cash flows are enforced by the FASB. … Read more

Business Environment

Business Environment Write a scholarly paper in which you critically evaluate and discuss the following: Discuss how communication during Chinese business negotiations is different from domestic negotiation.That is compare the differences between Western and Chinese non-verbal communications during Chinese negotiations. How do international negotiators manage conflict during Chinese negotiations? What are the differences in Western … Read more

Please watch video and read chapter then answer question in parenthesis

Please watch video and read chapter then answer question in parenthesis Please watch the video below and read the chapter the answer question in parenthesis: (Cite three concepts from your reading assignment this week (Mastery, Chapter V) that reflect on the points from the “The Last Lecture” video and explain why you chose those concepts. Describe … Read more

Economics Essay Unit #1

Economics Essay Unit #1 Question #3 How does the study of microeconomics differ from that of macroeconomics? Give one example each of an issue studied in microeconomics and in macroeconomics.       ……………….Answer Preview…………….. Microeconomics is the study of business decisions by businesses and individuals. It focuses on decisions that are made by people … Read more

HIM410 : Ashford 4: – Week 3 – Case Study

HIM410 : Ashford 4: – Week 3 – Case Study Farmington Endoscopy Center (FEC) For this assignment, read the Health Informatics: A Systems Perspective, Chapter 7 Case Study on pages 144-149, and address the following: Identify at least two other information/data elements you would include in the CDSS and the rationale for including each item. … Read more

Intangibles and Research and Development Cost

Intangibles and Research and Development Cost “ Please respond to the following: Write this in your own words. Your own words. Absolutely your own words. What is the main issue when considering the accounting for R&D expenses? Which argument do you support and why?       …………….Answer Preview…………. The main issue with accounting R&D expenses … Read more

New year solution, The 5 A’s

New year solution, The 5 A’s A New-Year Solution Identify a health-related resolution you have attempted. What level of prevention was it? Did you accomplish it? In one or two paragraphs and using the health belief model, Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, or Prochaska’s stages of change, describe why or why not. If you did not … Read more

Position Relocation to China

Position Relocation to China XYZ International has just offered you a position in their office in China. How will you respond? What are your concerns? What about your family? How long will the relocation be? Select one of the stages of negotiation and write a dialog of how the conversation may go between you and … Read more

Assignment 2.1:Policemen of the World Thesis and Outline

Assignment 2.1:Policemen of the World Thesis and Outline After the Civil War and by the mid-20th century, the United States had become the dominant force in international relations. Some have argued that the United States’ military functions as the world’s “police.” This assignment covers the manner in which this shift occurred and the consequences the … Read more


Tchaikovsky Select one (1) composition by Tchaikovsky that you enjoy. Describe the music and subject matter of that work, and explain why you enjoy it. Explain the key reasons why you believe that compositions by Tchaikovsky continue to be popular with contemporary orchestras and audiences. Passionate nationalism, like Tchaikovsky’s for Russia, could be a feature … Read more

Annotated Bibliography

Annotated Bibliography As a way to document the research you conducted thus far, create an annotated bibliography for the topic of your Psychology Research Report. Your annotated bibliography must include 3 different sources. These sources can include journals, periodicals, books, credible Internet articles (e.g. .org, .gov, or .net), etc.For each of the 3 sources that … Read more

HCS 475 Reading Discussion

HCS 475 Reading Discussion Discuss the following question with your team. What are some responsibilities of a positive mentor? Who has been a positive mentor in your life? What specific behaviors has he or she modeled for you? In what specific ways has he or she been a positive mentor? Post a 150- to 350-word response, as … Read more

Memory and Language Discussion

Memory and Language Discussion Review the Linguistic Genius of Babies TED talk and read the New Thinking on Infant Development article from the Ashford University Library. Dr. Williams has been studying memory and language development. During her research she discovers that infants as young as one month can remember objects presented to them if … Read more

IT Securing and Protecting Information

IT Securing and Protecting Information Write a 4-to 6-page paper that describes the security authentication process. Discuss how this and other information security considerations will affect the design and development process for new information systems. Include a brief discussion of how to include preventative measures for securing data, such as (but not limited to) backups … Read more

Humanities 112 Discussion Week 8

Humanities 112 Discussion Week 8 “Streaming Live and Harlem Renaissance” Please respond to one (1) of the following, using sources under the Explore heading as the basis of your response: Write for one (1) minute using the stream of consciousness writing method (Note: You may also type it offline and copy it within this discussion thread). Describe your experience … Read more

Humanities 112 WEEK 7 Discussion1

Humanities 112 WEEK 7 Discussion1 “Great Composers and Color Analysis” Please respond to one (1) of the following, using sources under the Explore headingas the basis of your response: Determine whether you prefer Debussy or Mahler after listening to works by each at the Websites below or in this week’s Music Folder and after reading about them. Explain … Read more

Assignment 2: Terrorist Organization

  Assignment 2: Terrorist Organization Due Week 9 and worth 50 point Research a foreign terrorist organization of your choice. Write a two to four (2-4) page paper in which you: Describe the history of the organization. Compare and contrast the organization’s primary beliefs, motives, and allies with another terrorist organization of your choice. Discuss … Read more

Artistic Management

Artistic Management For this week’s project you will brainstorm, research and outline the following:  (My industry of choice is Artist Management, Managing artist.) Write a paper about being an Artist Manager, Managing Artists. Include topics such as three trends that could shape your industry of choice, three current companies in your Mastery field, three current … Read more

Experiential Leadership Exercise #9

Experiential Leadership Exercise #9 Strong or Weak Corporate Culture For this exercise select an organization your work for, have worked for, or know about.  For each of the six statements, select an answer by placing one of the following numbers on the line: 5 – Strongly Agree 4 – Agree 3 – Not Sure 2 … Read more

Business environment

Business environment Based on your assigned readings, write a scholarly paper that contains: a) critical evaluation, b) comparative analysis, and c) discussion of the following subject areas:select 4 countries and give reasons for your choice; Identify the challenges facing these countries in the 21st century;Describe how these countries performed  during the recent global financial crisis;Give … Read more

Sarbanes – Oxley Act of 2002 discussion

Sarbanes – Oxley Act of 2002 1. What is the Sarbanes – Oxley Act of 2002 I need someone to write report ( 3 pages ) about Disney or Nike and do as it says in number 2 any firm involved in tech or green initiatives. Examine its website and report on its corporate … Read more

UMUC Haircuts Case Study

UMUC Haircuts Case Study As identified in the UMUC Haircuts Case Study, there are at several areas where Myra’s business could use improvement, including:  Customer Scheduling, Employee Scheduling, Supply Management, Customer Information, and Marketing.  Over time, each of these will likely have an IT solution.  However, you know that if you could combine these into … Read more

Assignment: Collaboration

Assignment: Collaboration Answer the following questions in a paper using APA format: How would you define “collaboration?” Describe an example of effective collaboration from your own experience. What collaboration tools are you currently using? What collaboration tools that you are NOT currently using would help you to be more productive in your work environment? Case … Read more

Skype use by Microsoft

Skype use by Microsoft Examine the major advantages and disadvantages of Microsoft charging businesses to use Skype. Determine whether or not it would be beneficial for Microsoft to charge businesses for the use of Skype. Provide a rationale for your response.         ………………..Answer Preview…………….. Skype has over $660 million worldwide users and … Read more

Audit Planning Assignment

Audit Planning Assignment The integrity of management and the quality of the company’s financial condition affects whether or not an auditor wants to be associated with a client. This is engagement risk. All of the factors, plus the quality of internal controls and the complexity of the organization’s financial processes affect financial reporting risk. The … Read more

External monitoring

External monitoring Discussion Topic:Based on your readings and experiences as an emerging business professional, please discuss why external monitoring is important for strategic leadership. Also, please identify and briefly describe the specific factors of the external environment that should be continuously monitored by a leader of an organization. Lastly, please discuss how a leader should … Read more

Assignment 2: Lending Institutions, Health Care, and Human Capital

Assignment 2: Lending Institutions, Health Care, and Human Capital Use the Internet to research one (1) developing nation of your choice. Your research should include an examination of lending institutions, health care, and human capital, as well as the material covered by the Webtext and lectures in Weeks 6 through 9. Write a three to … Read more

Strategic Partnerships

Strategic Partnerships Partnerships may bring added value to strategic supply relationships, and have been described using seven factors. Identify those factors and describe each while providing an explanation of how each provides value within the cooperative relationship. Document your sources         ……………Answer Preview…………… The success of any partnership within an organization depends … Read more

Helping People Be More Creative

Helping People Be More Creative This week you learned about the importance of helping people be more creative. Write a 2 page paper on “Tools for Helping People Be More Creative”. Address the following “Tools” in your paper: Facilitating brainstorming Promoting lateral thinking Enabling immersion Allowing pauses Nurturing creative intuition Provide an example of a “tool” that … Read more

Licensing of Intangible Property

Licensing of Intangible Property The licensing of intangible property is a commonplace occurrence in foreign countries. Choose any type of intangible property and propose a strategy to minimize or eliminate the tax impact of licensing. You have been hired by a U.S. corporation that wants to invest in a foreign corporation through the transfer of … Read more

Sox Discussion

Sox Discussion  Sox Discussion- NO apa format- no min word count Identify situations that might lead to unethical practices and behavior in accounting. Do you think the Sarbanes-Oxley Act has made a difference in the ethical behavior of companies regarding their financial accounting? Why or why not?           …………….Answer Preview…………… Accounting is … Read more

Clinical Decision Support Systems Final Paper

Clinical Decision Support Systems Final Paper The complexity and volume of patient data makes clinical decision support very challenging for health care providers. The field of Informatics can be used to process this data and form recommendations to assist these health care providers. Clinical decision support systems are used to help determine the nature of … Read more

Human Resource Strategy for USAA and The Cheesecake Factory

Human Resource Strategy for USAA and The Cheesecake Factory Compare and contrast the two (2) industries – USAA and The Cheesecake Factory –identify both companies in terms of size, products, services, customers, economic and regulatory environment. Describe the mission, vision, values and core business practices of each of the companies you selected. Recommend five possible … Read more

The Global Information Technology Security Policy

The Global Information Technology Security Policy Assignment Preparation:Activities include independent reading and research. Assignment:Write a 3-to 4-page paper describing the some of the issues you might face when maintaining security in a company that has offices in multiple countries. Include a discussion of how cultural differences could make keeping your information secure more difficult Original … Read more

Supervisory Practices in Criminal Justice

Supervisory Practices in Criminal Justice Write a 2–4-page paper (excluding cover page) responding to the following: Read the case study below, in Effective Police Supervision and apply critical thinking to construct persuasive arguments as to what you would you do if you were Sergeant Lou Maynard. Use the questions at the end of the case … Read more

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