Browse essays

Select one character, past or present, from a television show, movie, book, comic, game, etc

Personality Discussion For this discussion, address the following as you respond: Select one character, past or present, from a television show, movie, book, comic, game, etc. Briefly describe this character, including: What medium (television, movie, book, etc.) is he or she from? Why did you select him or her? What is his or her personality … Read more

Why is it necessary to convert accrual-based net income to cash-basis income

Why is it necessary to convert accrual-based net income to cash-basis income Why is it necessary to convert accrual-based net income to cash-basis income when preparing a statement of cash flows? The president of Ferneti Company is puzzled. During the last year, the company experienced a net loss of $800,000, yet its cash increased $300,000 … Read more

Review the Linguistic Genius of Babies TED talk and read the New Thinking on Infant Development article

Review the Linguistic Genius of Babies TED talk and read the New Thinking on Infant Development article Review the Linguistic Genius of Babies TED talk and read the New Thinking on Infant Development article from the Ashford University Library. Dr. Williams has been studying memory and language development. During her research she discovers that infants … Read more

Explain the processes involved in how one senses the world around them (sight, touch, hearing, etc).

Explain the processes involved in how one senses the world around them (sight, touch, hearing, etc). Explain the processes involved in how one senses the world around them (sight, touch, hearing, etc). If you had to give up one, which would it be? Why? What in your life (think about home, work, school) would be … Read more

Access the Mouse Party interactive module. Select one mouse, influenced by the drug of your choice

Access the Mouse Party interactive module. Select one mouse, influenced by the drug of your choice Access the Mouse Party interactive module. Select one mouse, influenced by the drug of your choice, and complete the simulation by viewing all of the relevant slides. Next, perform a web search on the drug you selected and locate … Read more

Ten-year-old Billy has started to use foul language in casual conversation just as his mother does

Ten-year-old Billy has started to use foul language in casual conversation just as his mother does Ten-year-old Billy has started to use foul language in casual conversation just as his mother does. She laughs when Billy uses this language and does not see it as an issue. It is only when Billy gets in trouble … Read more

Dave Fletcher excels in his job. However, he wants more

Dave Fletcher excels in his job. However, he wants more for himself and his family Dave Fletcher excels in his job. However, he wants more for himself and his family and feels education can help him move forward in his career. Having made the decision to finish his education, he has enrolled at Ashford University. … Read more

One reason any person can improve his or her leadership effectiveness is that part of leadership

Leadership Skills and Traits One reason any person can improve his or her leadership effectiveness is that part of leadership involves skills, and skills can be practiced and developed.  A further advantage of looking at leadership skills is that most people are less defensive about deficits in skills (which can be improved) that about suggested … Read more

Determining Your Leadership Style

Determining Your Leadership Style According to the Situational Leadership Theory, leaders are effective when they select the right leadership style for the situation they face.  Specifically, this depends on thematurity of followers – that is, their readiness to take responsibility for their own behavior.  This, in turn, is based on two variables with which we … Read more

Statement of cash flows

Statement of cash flows Write a 350-word response to the following: Why are companies required to prepare a statement of cash flows? Why is the statement of cash flows divided into three sections? What does each section tell you about the operations of a company? Format your response consistent with APA guidelines.         ……………..Answer Preview…………. … Read more

Corrections programs

Criminal Justice -Discussion Questions ( No min word count- does not need to be in APA) 1.How would you define corrections programs? How do community-based corrections programs affect prisoners? What would happen if corrections programs were not community-based? Explain 2.How does each type of prison play a role in the criminal justice system? How do … Read more

Distinctions between jails and prisons

Distinctions between jails and prisons Write a 200- to 300-word response in which you describe the distinctions between jails and prisons. Address the following in your comparison: Identify the four types of prisons. Explain the concept of prison as a total institution. Explain why jails play an important role in the criminal justice system. Click the Assignment … Read more

Movie Critique Preparation – Black Hawk Down

Movie Critique Preparation – Black Hawk Down   The film to conduct this analysis on is Black Hawk Down. When attempting to ascertain how a movie “works”, i.e., how it is doing what it is doing, it is up to us, the viewer, to bring together a framework of understanding upon the film in question.  This … Read more

Leadership discussions

Leadership discussions 4.Discussion Topic: Based on your readings and personal experiences, what are some of the major reasons for resistance to change and innovation in organizations? What are your recommendations to help leaders implement change and promote innovation in organizations? Lastly, do you think the process theories of change and the guidelines for enhancing innovation … Read more

Leadership discussions

Leadership discussions 3.Discussion Topic: How are task-oriented and relations-oriented behaviors related to effective leadership? Also, based on your readings and experiences, which type of leader (task-oriented or relations-oriented) do you think would have an easier time becoming a “high-high” leader? Why? Please support all your posts to the discussion forum.       ………………….Answer Preview…………….. … Read more

Leadership discussions

Leadership discussions 2.Do you believe the study of leadership is a science or an art? Also, do you believe leaders are born or made? Please make sure you submit at least two quality posts to this discussion forum. I recommend that your first post be a response to the discussion questions and your additional posts … Read more

Leadership discussions

Leadership discussions 1.Do you believe there is a difference between leaders and managers? In other words, what are the arguments for and against making a distinction between leaders and managers? Please make sure you submit at least two quality posts (per syllabus standards) to this discussion forum. I recommend that your first post be a … Read more

Leadership Traits

Leadership Traits Based on your academic and professional experiences, what specific traits and skills do you believe are most relevant for effective leadership? Also, which traits and skills are most important at lower, middle and higher levels of management in an organization? Please fully support your discussion posts.       …………………Answer Preview…………… Great leaders are … Read more

Closed Captioning for the deaf community

Closed Captioning for the deaf community Read the attached Captioning Key (PDF is attached, online with videos here: This is a guidelines document that was developed with NAD’s input. Please pay particular attention to the following sections:   – Quality Captions – Text – Language Mechanics   Then watch these four videos below, with captions. For each … Read more

Teams and Teamwork of a company

Teams and Teamwork of a company Teams and teamwork are impacted by the growth of a company to international stature. Select a foreign company that has come to the US (not the other way around!), describe how employees communicate between subsidiaries, how do they handle the time differences? How are meetings conducted? How much travel … Read more

Personal Power in the Workplace

Personal Power in the Workplace This week you learned about power in the workplace. Write a 2 page paper on “Personal Power.” Address the following in your paper: Describe ways in which you might increase your personal power. How would you: Appeal to a vision or higher purpose? Use rational persuasion? Help people to like you? Rely on the rule … Read more

Social issues that impact families 200 words

social issues that impact families 200 words What do you think is the “job” of a family? Look at the seven key functions of a family as outlined on page 355 under Functionalism: Declining Functions. Rank these functions in order from most to least important. Explain why you ranked the functions the way that you … Read more

Personal Change [CLOs: 1,2,4,5]

Personal Change [CLOs: 1,2,4,5] Write a three- to four-page paper (not including the title and reference pages) describing the concept of a Force Field Analysis (FFA) and then creating an FFA on an issue in your life that you would like to change. Describe how the restraining forces impede your progress and develop an intervention … Read more

Assignment 1: A modest Proposal

Assignment 1: A modest Proposal Write a three to four (3-4) paragraph essay (250 words minimum) which analyzes the “surprise ending” of the reading selection. A modest Proposal, by Jonathan Swiff HTTP://WWW.VICTORIANWEB.ORG/PREVICTORIAN/SWIFT/MODEST.HTML. FOR THE READING: CLEARLY STATE IN YOUR OWN WORDS THE “SURPRISE ENDING” IN THE READING YOU SELECTED. CLEARLY IDENTIFY THE POINT IN THE … Read more

Common IT Information Security Threats involving Ethical and Legal

Common IT Information Security Threats involving Ethical and Legal Write a 3-to 4-page paper on at least three major information security threats that a specific organization you choose faces today. Describe what techniques and processes you would use to identify the vulnerabilities and threats to the organization you have chosen. Describe potential risks to the … Read more

Intrusions in Asia

Intrusions in Asia Describe the key motives involved in the increased presence of Westerners in India, China, and Japan in the 1700s and 1800s. Identify the key factors that led to Britain’s successful imposition of its presence and trade policies on China, despite communications like those from Emperor Ch’ien-lung (i.e., Qianlong) and Commissioner Lin Zexu … Read more

Merchandising Operations

Merchandising Operations Imagine you have been hired as a consultant to a merchandising company using the periodic system versus the perpetual system. Prepare a list of advantages and disadvantages for both systems. In an attempt to sway the opinion of the business owner using the periodic system, prepare a convincing argument for switching to the … Read more

HCS 475 Week 4 Discussion question

HCS 475 Week 4 Discussion question Discuss the following question with your team. What steps are involved in the delegation process? Are there any steps that should be included that are not already included? How does an effective delegation process affect an organization? Provide an example of a time when you applied problem-solving steps to resolve … Read more

How communication affects behavior

how communication affects behavior Click the link above to respond to the discussion. If you need help with completing discussions please click here for more information. “How Communication Effects Behavior” •Watch the video titled, “Social Media Policy” (4 min 20 s). You can also view this video at Next, examine the major effects that … Read more

Assignment 2: Essay humanities

Assignment 2: Essay humanities The Project Paper focuses on a suggested topic related to art, architecture, history, music, or literature. The project will reflect your views and interpretation of the topic. This project is designed to help you stretch your mind and your abilities to be the creative, innovative, and critical thinker you already are! … Read more

Strategic Conversation

Strategic Conversation Strategic conversation is communication that takes place across boundaries and hierarchical levels about the group or organization’s vision, critical strategic themes, and values that can help achieve desired outcomes. Write a 2 page paper on “Strategic Conversations” & Your Organization. Address the following elements in your paper. Explain why each is important in achieving … Read more


Culture Think about the concept of culture. It encompasses much more than ethnic and racial boundaries. Write a 1-2 page essay in which you describe your own cultural identity. How have the many forms of media portrayed you?       ………………Answer Preview…………… I was born and grew in Louisiana in a family of 4 children. I … Read more

Global Strategy

Global Strategy There are a number of companies utilizing a global business strategy. Identify and research a company with a successful global business strategy and provide basic background information.  Discuss the strategies this company utilizes to get their product(s) distributed internationally and how they address risks and meet business demands. Document your sources. Write your … Read more

Elasticity of the Starbucks

Elasticity of the Starbucks In this part of your paper, you address elasticity of the Starbucks . Conduct research for your company and prepare an essay that addresses the following. How elastic is the product and/or service? If the company needed to increase sales by 40%, what would need to be done (in terms of … Read more

BUS. 630 discussion questions

BUS. 630 discussion questions Exercise 1-9) Zoya Arbiser, regional manager of Gold Medal Sports Shops, is reviewing the results of 15 stores in her region.  Store managers are moved annually.  Each store manager’s income is very dependent on the direct contribution margin of that store.  For the past year, Store 9 has been managed by … Read more

Airline customer satisfaction ratings

airline customer satisfaction ratings Use the Internet to research airline customer satisfaction ratings From the internet , determine the key reasons why Southwest Airlines has such high customer satisfaction ratings in comparison with other airlines. Provide two (2) examples that illustrate instances of customer satisfaction to support your position.           …………………Answer … Read more

Post traumatic stress disorder

Post-traumatic stress disorder Read the scenario and then write a 2-3 page answer to the question. You may also have to do limited research. You and your partner respond to a tough call on the beat. It’s a car crash on a busy road, and you race to get there. When you finally make it … Read more

Beethoven; Art and Protest in the 1800s

Beethoven; Art and Protest in the 1800s Listen to one (1) composition (i.e., for a symphony) by Beethoven, a transitional figure between classical and romantic music. Identify the composition that you listened to, and determine whether you would characterize the chosen composition as either the Classical or Romantic style of music. Explain the key features … Read more

Normalization and Redundancy

Normalization and Redundancy Suggest one (1) of the problems that normalization seeks to solve within a database. Describe one (1) example of your suggested problem, and explain the overall benefit that normalization would provide. (Note: Your example can be hypothetical.) Identify the key determinants that could affect the degree of normalization of a database. Justify … Read more

Financial Statement Accuracy

Financial Statement Accuracy Identify the key steps in the closing process that provide the most opportunity to make mistakes in processing account transactions. Make at least two (2) recommendations for improving the accuracy and reliability of the information in the gaps that you have identified. Justify your response. *From the e-Activity, identify at least three … Read more

Components of an institution

Components of an institution Identify the specific components of an institution. Next, use two (2) examples of institutions to illustrate what developing countries overall have done to weaken or strengthen such institutions       ………………….Answer Preview…………… Identify the specific components of an institution.             An institution is referred as the system of norms to … Read more

IT Security and Risk Management

IT Security and Risk Management List three types of sensitive information involved with each situation. Identify three ways each information item could be misused or harmed. Answer the questions at the end of the table.         ……………..Answer Preview…………..     Risky Situations   Identify three types of sensitive information involved with each … Read more

Patterns of World History

Patterns of World History Book:Patterns of World History, Brief. Edition, Volume 1 • 2012 ISBN-13978-0-19-994375-3 You only need to write one question, around 10-15 sentences. Chapter 8 and 9 DB questions 1.How did state/government formation in India differ from the formation of the state/government in other areas?Discuss ChandraguptaMaurya and Ashoka. 2.Discuss the Vedas.Discuss the Four Truths … Read more

Design Project – IBM

Design Project – IBM IBM is one of the most staid, corporate images and brands in America. Three simple capital letters in a block font, conjures images of traditional corporate America. Please view the following PowerPoint presentation on the history behind the logo. Over the last few years, IBM has embarked on a series of virtual brainstorming sessions with … Read more

Persuasion or Propaganda

Persuasion or Propaganda There is a fine line between persuasion and propaganda. Propaganda is prevalent in the media and in our society. In this assignment you will explore what makes information propaganda. Choose any story from a news related magazine or website. The story should integrate both images and written work. Read the story then examine … Read more

Law Discussion Questions

Law Discussion Questions 1. Is there a role that is not being met in the courtroom work group?  If you were to add another person to the group, who would it be?  A victim’s advocate? Someone else? 2. Many debates are held regarding capital punishment, but isn’t it surprising how controversial fines can be as well?  What … Read more

Value Chain

Value Chain Explain what is meant by the term “value” in a supply chain. How can it be best measured in a supply chain? How does increasing value in a supply chain help align supply chain operations to the business mission?     …………..Answer Preview…………. Explain what is meant by the term “value” in a … Read more

Protecting Data against Computer Crimes

Protecting Data against Computer Crimes In this assignment, you will consider the need for data privacy and explore the legal protection available against computer crimes. Part of this assignment is a consideration of different techniques that can be used to authenticate a user for a system. Scenario Let’s continue with the scenario from W3 Assignment … Read more

Help answering 2 questions

Help answering 2 questions The Internet is an ideal communication mechanism because of its openness and anonymity but people must make ethical decisions about how to use this power. Intellectual property is a work of the mind, such as art, books, formulas, inventions, and processes that are distinct and created by a single person or group.  … Read more

World religion assignment

World religion assignment World View Chart Assignments Due Weeks 2 through 10 and worth 35 points each week, with a total of 315 points. A world view is a fundamental or basic orientation of thinking – like a mindset – which guides a culture and / or a person’s life. Like a point of view, … Read more

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