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Imagine a situation where you are paired up with a coworker to complete a very important project for your company

Imagine a situation where you are paired up with a coworker to complete a very important project for your company Imagine a situation where you are paired up with a coworker to complete a very important project for your company. The coworker does not share the same work ethic that you do, and you are … Read more

CPMGT 300 Week 4 Collecting Requirements

CPMGT 300 Week 4 Collecting Requirements Here is the refertence Resource: Individual Assignment Project Proposal selected by the Learning Team in Week 2 Refer to the project and Scope Statement identified in the Week Three Learning Team assignment. Write a 300 to 400-word requirements paper. Define the resources you need to begin the Collecting Requirements phase … Read more

Individual Behavior, Diversity, Attitudes, and Job Satisfaction

Individual Behavior, Diversity, Attitudes, and Job Satisfaction Part 1 Over the past century, the average age of the workforce has continually increased as medical science continues to enhance longevity and vitality. The fastest-growing segment of the workforce is individuals over the age of 55. Recent medical research is exploring techniques that could extend human life … Read more

disc 1 –

disc 1 – question # 1 Reference this week’s lecture to develop a research question and a hypothesis for a hypothetical business problem of your choice. Explain the management dilemma or the business problem that the research would attempt to solve. Your research question must relate to the business reason for the research     … Read more

Writing about a show

Writing about a show I need 3 pages paper for a show named Company, and here is the link from the YouTube to watch it Why should the main character who is 35 years age marry the women on the show?         …………..Answer Preview……….. Why should the main character who is … Read more

Annotated Bibliography and Analysis

Annotated Bibliography and Analysis Develop an annotated bibliography. Include three to five sources on applying motivational theory in management. Write a 150- to 300-word analysis discussing how motivational theory was applied to management in the articles in the bibliography. Submit two separate files, one for the annotated bibliography, and one for the analysis. Format your assignment consistent with APA guidelines. … Read more

Control Systems Discussion Question

Control Systems Discussion Question DQ#1 What are the different types of control systems? What are some advantages and disadvantages of the various control mechanisms? How does your organization use the steps of the control process?       …………Answer Preview………. Control Systems Discussion Question   There are three major types of control system. They include … Read more


FORMAL AND INFORMAL COMMUNICATIONS APPLE Research your chosen company(APPLE).  Find a minimum of one library source, which will support your thesis in this assignment.  Review your assigned weekly lecture and text reading.  Select from this reading 3-5 key concepts, which will also support your thesis.  In a two to three page paper, address the questions … Read more

Are CEO’s paid too much?

Are CEO’s paid too much? Do a three page paper on the topic  “Are CEO’s paid too much?” Give your own personal insight and do research on CEO’s that have public salaries and discuss. Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on … Read more

American History question (red scare)

American History question (red scare) Why do you think the American public bought into McCarthy’s anticommunist crusade? Did anyone speak out against him or his techniques?       …………Answer Preview……….. At the time, communist practices were quite common. It was also during the cold war and McCarthy was convinced that the American government had … Read more

rephrase this two paragraphs

rephrase this two paragraphs A couple federal laws that relate to my line of work are The Wiretap Act and the Pen Register and Trap and Trace Act.  The Wiretap Act applies to the monitoring of the content of communications.  Whereas, the Pen Register and trap and Trace act applies to the monitoring of non-content … Read more

Modern Workplace Expectations

Modern Workplace Expectations Each chosen profession will have unique expectations which are important to both employee and employer. Professionals are looking for ways to preserve the environment or go “green” in their work environment. Along with this they are required to adhere to safety factors using Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standards that your … Read more

Stratification and Prejudice in Current Events (5 pages atleast)

Stratification and Prejudice in Current Events (5 pages atleast) The purpose of this assignment is to explore stratification and prejudice in current events. Despite great advances towards equality between the races and genders, racial and gender discrimination, as well as class stratification remain serious social problems. To conclude this course, you will use the news … Read more

Frank Smith Plumbing Case Study

Frank Smith Plumbing Case Study Analyze the case study, “Frank Smith Plumbing.” (Attached) Analyze the “Frank Smith Plumbing’s Financial Statement” spreadsheet. (Attached) Compare the cost of the truck to the cash flow records Compile your calculations in a Microsoft® Excel® document Develop a 1,050-word analysis and include the following: Explain why limited leverage is good for business.Show the profitability of … Read more

Assignment 1: Essay humanities

Assignment 1: Essay humanities Choose one (1) of the three (3) reading selections from the list of topic choices below. The focus is on brief but important primary source material written by major authors. Read the selections  as identified with each topic below. Write a three to four (3-4) paragraph essay (250 words minimum) which … Read more

Controlled Foregin Corporations

Controlled Foregin Corporations You are an IRS agent and are planning to audit a controlled foreign corporation for potential tax evasion. Suggest audit strategies that address transactions that are most likely to result in tax evasion by a controlled foreign corporation. Support your audit plan with examples.  You are the CPA working for the controlled … Read more

IT Trends and Predictions for Priorities in the Future

IT Trends and Predictions for Priorities in the Future Can someone please assist me with writing a short 2 paragraph essay with 2 references on the below: A key challenge to Chief Information Officers (CIOs) and their staff is the ever-changing landscape in the Information Technology world. CIOs must be concerned not only with overseeing … Read more

Sustainability Report

Sustainability Report Using the Scale and Sustainability Score Sheet which is attached below, create a report that includes the following components: 1. You readiness 2. Program/practices for scale and sustainability 3. Non-negotiable elements of the program/practics 4. Scale and sustainability scores 5. The development of scale and sustainability strategies for the change strategy Report should … Read more

IT Math Case Study Application Paper

IT Math Case Study Application Paper   Choose one of the following Case Studies: Food Webs Coding Theory Write a 750- to 1,250-word paper in which you complete one of the following options: Option 1: Food Webs Case Study Explain the theory in your own words based on the case study and suggested readings. Include the following in your … Read more

Child Abuse in Homes of Substance Abusers

Child Abuse in Homes of Substance Abusers Research clearly indicates a connection between substance abuse and child maltreatment. Among confirmed cases of child maltreatment, 40 percent involve the use of alcohol or drugs. An estimated 480,000 children are mistreated each year by a caretaker who has alcohol or drug problems. Additionally, alcohol and drug problems … Read more

Unethical Versus Ethical Leadership

Unethical Versus Ethical Leadership It takes courage to lead an organization with ethics. For instance, Leaders at AIG argued that they were obligated to pay bonuses to executives even after the company was bailed out by the U.S.  Government.  They stated that they had a contractual obligation to pay these bonuses.  Many people argued that … Read more

IT questions. Please Help

IT questions. Please Help 1.  According to Gretchen green’s presentation of STSci, why is the data Management System (DMS) Storage Area Network (SAN) in a private cloud? You have five lines to respond to this short answer question. 2.  For the ERP to be successful, what is required by company before a contract is signed … Read more

Response to DQ you answered this week already

Response to DQ you answered this week already DQ# 1 I’ve heard a lot about copyrights lately.  First, is there a such a thing as an intangible asset called “copyright,” and, second, if so, how should we account for it? DQ #2  Let’s say you are just starting a business and plan to allow purchases … Read more

Waste SCI 207 Dependence of Man on the Environment

Waste SCI 207 Dependence of Man on the Environment In 2012, Americans alone produced over 250 million tons of garbage. One large component of this waste consisted of oil based plastic bags, which are utilized excessively by grocers, restaurants, and stores nationwide. In order to reduce this source of waste, many countries are banning plastic … Read more

Clinical Supervision

Clinical Supervision Case Study: Clinical Supervision For this assignment, you will refer to the Course Case Study. Reread the case study, looking specifically at issues related to clinical supervision. Examine the ACA’s ethical guidelines related to the issue of supervision in Section F and answer the following questions: Explain the ethical issues related to the supervisor. … Read more


Supervision,,,,,,,,,, Travon is the lead counselor in a small clinic. Elliot has worked there for a few years and reports to Travon. Travon completes Elliot’s yearly evaluation and oversees his work. Although Travon is the supervisor, Elliot is actually three years older. They both enjoy watching hockey and often meet for drinks after work to … Read more

Fair Trade is Applied in Zambia

Fair Trade is Applied in Zambia Research how fair trade is applied in Zambia and discuss products are the most favored with this system? Conclude with a paragraph identifying the three most important aspects of international business the team believes have been learned through the Zambia project See the attached docs…         … Read more

Malcolm in the Middle Discussion

Malcolm in the Middle Discussion Write 200 words.. Must be in your own words. Malcolm in the Middle: Because of Francis’s horrible behavior, Hal and Lois have sent him away to a military boarding school until he graduates. What do you think about such a choice?         ……………Answer Preview………… Francis is quite irresponsible, … Read more

Social Problems Assignment

Social Problems Assignment After reading Issues in Social Problems: Addiction: Not the Individual Alone, answer the following statement/question:   Discuss the impact of addiction on the individual mentioned in the story, his family members, and society, and who you think was most impacted. Why do people continue with their addiction even though there may be … Read more

Writing about American Threaters

Writing about American Threaters I have two questions and I need 2 pages on each one. The first one is about show named Sunday in the Park with George, and I want two pages in songs called “Color and Light”. The second question is about the rock musics. discussing  the importance of rock musics and taking reference from … Read more

writing a 4-5 pages academic

writing a 4-5 pages academic 1- the person who is going to writh for me has to have a lot of  information about Rahman, Shepard book & the the Qur’an. 2- I need  you to write the sources from the Qur’an, and Rahman book, Shepard by typing the equations after the information that you picked them. 1- I need … Read more

Legal and Ethical Considerations in Marketing, Product Safety, and Intellectual

Legal and Ethical Considerations in Marketing, Product Safety, and Intellectual You are a new associate at the law firm of Dewey, Chetum, and Howe. John, a former researcher at PharmaCARE, comes to your office. He has concerns about PharmaCARE’s use of AD23, one of the company’s top-selling diabetes drugs. Two (2) years ago, after PharmaCARE’s … Read more

IS231 Wk 1 “E-Commerce in Your Life”

IS231 Wk 1 “E-Commerce in Your Life” Select ONE option from below to write up a SHORT presentation or summary of one page or less answering the questions or topic. Option 1: Think of the indirect use of e-commerce in you life. Are you a gamer with a gaming system? Can you think of additional … Read more

What is Organizational Effectiveness?

What is Organizational Effectiveness? Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper that addresses the following components: Define organizational effectiveness. Apply theories of organizational effectiveness to the management of criminal justice personnel. Describe methods for exerting control in an organizational setting. Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.         …………..Answer Preview………… Organizational effectiveness is the concept … Read more

scholarly activity paper

scholarly activity paper Write a three to five page paper in which you answer the following questions: What are the social determinants of health? What factors determine the health of an individual, and how do they relate to the social determinants of health? Do you feel it is important to address in some way the … Read more

American History question (Lyndon Johnson)

American History question (Lyndon Johnson) According to his speech, what were LBJs goals for education in the United States? Do you think the nation accomplished those goals? Why or why not? Why is it necessary for a society to ensure its citizens are educated? Looking for an answer in about 125 or so words reference       … Read more

Substance Use Disorders

Substance Use Disorders Read the following two case scenarios: Initially, Jose used cocaine only on the weekends when he was out with friends. But now he uses it every day, even when alone. Jose spends nearly his entire paycheck on his cocaine use. His wife is threatening to divorce him, and he is close to … Read more

the Field of Behavior Analysis and Risk-Benefits Analysis

the Field of Behavior Analysis and Risk-Benefits Analysis For this Assignment, you will conduct a risk-benefit analysis for the implementation of a behavioral treatment which was used in a recent (within the past year if possible) scholarly peer reviewed journal. In one page or less, briefly describe the nature of the behavior targeted for change, … Read more

Provide a synopsis of it and explain how it helps security or audit functions

Provide a synopsis of it and explain how it helps security or audit functions Provide a synopsis of it and explain how it helps security or audit functions. It should show your analysis and critical thinking and is generally 1 or 2 pages   …………Answer Preview………… The article expresses information concerning information security and the … Read more

What is the purpose of major crime-reporting programs

What is the purpose of major crime-reporting programs Write a 200- to 300-word response in which you address the following questions: What is the purpose of major crime-reporting programs? What makes a successful crime-reporting program in the United States? How do crime rates relate to arrest rates and clearance rates? Is there a way to improve … Read more

Explain the components of the criminal justice system and the criminal justice process

explain the components of the criminal justice system and the criminal justice process Write a 350- to 700-word paper in which you explain the components of the criminal justice system and the criminal justice process. Include how the structure of the government relates to the criminal justice system. Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.   ……………Answer Preview………… … Read more

How is the disposition of a long-term asset like land or equipment or a building recorded in the General Journal

How is the disposition of a long-term asset like land or equipment or a building recorded in the General Journal How is the disposition of a long-term asset like land or equipment or a building recorded in the General Journal? What is the function of these entries (meaning, what do the accounts that are affected … Read more

American History question Kent State Killings

American History question Kent State Killings Brief summary about the Kent State killings (about 125-150 words)   ……………Answer Preview……….. On Monday may 4, 1970 massacre occurred at Kent state university where four students were killed. It involved shooting of college students that were unarmed by the guards from Ohio. The guardsmen fired sixty-seven rounds … Read more

Kennedy faced many international crises during his short tenure as president

Kennedy faced many international crises during his short tenure as president Kennedy faced many international crisis during his short tenure as president. Explain one of the Cold War crises Kennedy faced and evaluate how he resolved or handled it. Was Kennedy a successful Cold Warrior? Why or why not? looking for an answer in  about … Read more

Watch the Aging and Cognitive Changes video clip

Watch the Aging and Cognitive Changes video clip Watch the Aging and Cognitive Changes video clip.  What cognitive challenges can be faced by adults as they age?  Conduct research to find a scholarly study (not from this week’s reading) that has shown how adults can either enhance their cognitive abilities or lessen their demise.  Explain … Read more

Pick a video and write 200-250 words

Pick a video and write 200-250 words I would like you to visit the website and search for a video that you think would be appropriate. Copy and paste the URL for your video in the space provided and then provide a 200-250 word explanation for why you think the video would be relevant and add … Read more

Role of the Counselor in the Community

Role of the Counselor in the Community Nine-year-old Wanda’s teacher notices that for the past few weeks, Wanda has not been talking to her friends and is always sitting alone in a corner. After talking to Wanda’s friends, the teacher finds out that Wanda’s sixteen-year-old brother was killed in a gang fight two months ago … Read more

Your assignment is to research two international companies from the same industry

BA405 “Pick Two” Research two international companies Your assignment is to research two international companies from the same industry that have been in the news in the past six months. Research these companies using internet or print resources. Compare and contrast the company’s position on topics such as: human resource practices, organizational structure, marketing approach … Read more

Critique a behavior program used to maintain behavior changes

Critique a behavior program used to maintain behavior changes For this Assignment, select a scholarly peer-reviewed research article where behavior analytic methods were used to maintain a behavior change over time. For this paper, provide the following details: A brief description of the training and generalization environments A clear description of the target behavior(s) The … Read more

APPLE INC. Comprehensive Leadership, Communications, Teamwork, Motivation

APPLE INC. Comprehensive Leadership, Communications, Teamwork, Motivation Research your chosen company(APPLE).  Find a minimum of three library sources, which will support your thesis in this assignment.  Review your assigned weekly lecture and text reading.  Select from this reading 8-10 key concepts, which will also support your thesis. In a five- to six-page paper, address the … Read more

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