Browse essays

FIN 100 Week 3 Discussion

FIN 100 Week 3 Discussion Using the Internet to research the Dow Jones Industrial Average and the Dow Jones 30. (Cite References) From the e-Activity, select three (3) members of the Dow Jones 30, and explain two (2) possible reasons why that list includes each company. Next, identify one (1) firm that is not in … Read more

BUS 499 Week 3 Discussion Questions

BUS 499 Week 3 Discussion Questions Several companies use their brand as a competitive advantage. Given your knowledge about the global economy, identify three brands you believe have the strongest likelihood of remaining a source of advantage in the 21st Century and explain why. Explain the effects you believe the Internet’s capabilities will have on … Read more

CIS 210 Week 3 Discussion Questions

CIS 210 Week 3 Discussion Questions There are several systems analysis approaches for solving a business problem. Identify which method you would be most likely to use and state why. Evaluate how your answer would be different based upon the size of the company.   You are in charge of an ERP systems design project … Read more

LEG 100 Week 3 Discussion

LEG 100 Week 3 Discussion Chapter 5 states “…without the law of agency, corporations could not function at all.” Share an example not given in the textbook that proves this statement correct. Next, outline the advantages and disadvantages of the various types of agency relationships. From a legal perspective, determine if it is easier for … Read more

Paul Gray’s online share trading company’s safety and privacy page

Paul Gray’s online share trading company’s  safety and privacy page Every registered user of Paul Gray’s online share trading company is advised to read the safety and privacy page of the portal. As a secure portal, it has Secure Socket Layer (SSL) as a security measure. Gray has asked you to help him with this … Read more

Persuasion: Who, What, To Whom

Persuasion: Who, What, To Whom In your textbook, Feenstra (2013) states, “In evaluating persuason we need to take into account where the message comes from, what the message contains, and the intended audience.” (p. 167). For your assignment this week, construct a paper that provides an in-depth analysis of the three parts of persuasion. Address … Read more

Foreign Tax Credits

Your client is a U.S.-based company that owns a foreign subsidiary. Your client understands that there are foreign tax credits of which they may be able to take advantage. Based on the e-Activity, recommend a strategy to optimize the use of foreign tax credits. You are an IRS auditor and are auditing the foreign tax … Read more

Assignment 5: Audit Letter to IRS

Assignment 5: Audit Letter to IRS (Due in 8 Weeks) Due Week 10 and worth 160 points You are a CPA working as a tax professional and have been hired by a client who comes to you with a letter from the IRS indicating that it is auditing several items on the client’s tax return … Read more

Cost Control Assignment

Cost Control Assignment As a production manager, one of your key tasks is to improve efficiencies by either increasing productivity or reducing cost. Determine whether the responsibility reports needed to track performance should be created by department, function, or manager, using a costing method of your choice. Based on the costing method you selected, determine … Read more

Accounting Adjustments

Accounting Adjustments From the e-Activity, explain the major advantages and disadvantages inherent in using both the cash and the accrual basis of accounting, and determine the one (1) that you believe provides the most useful financial information to users. Identify at least two (2) types of businesses that would benefit by preparing financial statements using … Read more

Entity Relationship Modeling

Entity Relationship Modeling As explained throughout this course, entity relationship modeling is a critical element of database design. If the database is not properly modeled, it is unlikely that the database will be properly developed. Using this knowledge, explain the key reasons why entity relationship modeling is important, and determine at least (1) way in … Read more

Business Information Technology for STRATEGIC purposes

Business Information Technology for STRATEGIC purposes There are many examples of businesses using IT for strategic purposes. Please do some research and tell us about a company that used some form of information technology for STRATEGIC purposes.  Please be sure to tell us what the strategy was that they were working toward.  Include APA formatting … Read more

American History question Cold War in the mid-1980s

American History question Cold War in the mid-1980s Cold War in the mid-1980s. (1998). Powerplay: End of an Empire from Films on Demand. Looking for a brief summary on the following video. 125 or so words     ……………Answer Preview…………..             The End of Cold War left many countries in dilemma because it led to … Read more

American History question (economic hardships)

American History question (economic hardships) January 20, 1981: Inaugural address: Economic hardships. (2007). The Reagan Inauguration: January 20, 1981 from Films on Demand.  looking for a brief summary on the following video. 125 or so words       …………….Answer Preview………….. President Ronald Reagan during his inaugural address talks of the American economy. He took … Read more

Human behavior in organization

Human behavior in organization A, True or false ____1. The change in behaviour and the attitude towards work is the making of good managers ___2. The short-term approach in using job satisfaction data is important component in crafting solutions for change in behavior ____3. When variances reach more than 5 percent below target something is wrong … Read more

Power, Politics, Conflicts, Negotiations

Power, Politics, Conflicts, Negotiations “French and Raven five forms of power.” Read the article, give a brief summary of the focus of the article and respond to the following questions: WORK MUST BE ORIGINAL AND INCLUDES REFERENCE FROM READING(NO PLAGIARISM) What is your primary form of power you tend to use most frequently? How … Read more

American History question

American History question Consider the meaning behind Nixon’s statement above: Why was it so significant that the U.S. fostered a friendly relationship with China? How does this affect the world today? What did it mean for the Cold War balance of power? Looking for a simple explanation in about 125 or so words   … Read more

Business Law – 3 questions involving 3 different scenarios

Business Law – 3 questions involving 3 different scenarios I need help answering the following three questions: Steve buys a house from Jim. There is no written contract. However, Steve pays the purchase price, moves onto the property, and begins to build a new garage. Jim seeks to evict Steve from the property stating that … Read more

The Arts and Royalty

The Arts and Royalty “The Arts and Royalty; Philosophers Debate Politics” Please respond to one (1) of the following, using sources under the Explore heading as the basis of your response: In this week’s readings, a dispute in the French royal court is described about whether Poussin or Rubens was the better painter. Take a painting by each, either … Read more

Global digital ethical issues

Global digital ethical issues Analyze a current event article about global digital ethical issues from a multi-national corporation perspective. This assignment is designed to increase your knowledge from a corporate viewpoint and enable you to analyze digital ethical issues from a current GLOBAL situation or event. Select a current event and find an appropriate article on the … Read more

Identify aspects of cinematography – Saving private Ryan

Identify aspects of cinematography – Saving private Ryan Movie Time and Place Costume Set Design Describe the atmosphere created by the combination of film elements and how they contributed to your liking or disliking of the movie. Movie   Saving Private Ryan, 1998       Entry The movie is set during the Invasion of … Read more

Financial Accounting Discussion Questions

Financial Accounting Discussion Questions (does not need to be in APA Format, does not have a min word count.) Discuss: 1.  Which method illustrated in the video depreciates the asset faster than the others?  Why would you want a depreciation method that accelerates depreciation? 2.  Comment on the video — was it helpful to … Read more

The Mozart effect

In this assignment, you will read an article about the Mozart effect and identify various parts of the research process. This exercise will help you learn how to read a research article and to understand the research process. Read the following article: Rauscher, F. H., Shaw, G. L., & Ky, K. N. (1993). Music and spatial … Read more

Collaborative Planner

Collaborative Planner It is critical to engage a diverse range of key players involved in planning for change in an organization or school. For this assignment, please create a collaborative planner that models the planner available in Step Six which is attached at bottom. For each of the 11 strategy areas (see shaded areas in … Read more

Humanities 112 Discussion question

Humanities 112 Discussion question The philosophers Thomas Hobbes and John Locke disagreed on the understanding of political authority, with Locke taking what is commonly called the “liberal” view. Choose a side (be brave perhaps; take a side you actually disagree with). Using the writings of each given in our class text or at the Websites … Read more

Legislation on domestic abuse (criminal justice)

Legislation on domestic abuse (criminal justice) The Final Exam Essays consists of material contained in Units 6 through 9. In a 3–5 page paper, identify both a federal and state (any state) legislative action that was created in response to the problems of domestic abuse. Explain the legislative action in detail and its overall effects … Read more

Week 5 – The Final Paper – Employee relations

Week 5 – The Final Paper – Employee relations Some unions feel that the organization does not compensate its members fairly, or that the organizational working conditions are less than desirable. Conversely, some employers feel that unions interfere with management decisions and impede on a positive relationship between managers and employees. There may be some … Read more

Research Project – Week Five – Work place safety

Research Project – Week Five You will receive feedback on the previous week’s assignment by Sunday 11:59pm. Before you complete your Week Five assignment, please read your instructor’s comments about your Week Four assignment, as well as this week’s lecture. Be sure to include any suggested changes in your project going forward. In a seven- … Read more

help writing a paper

help writing a paper isit the website, find information about a recipient of the PMI Project of the Year award. In your own words, explain why this project received the award. do not exceed 2 pages include only online references in APA format ………..Answer Preview………… One of the 2014 recipients of PMI professional awards … Read more

Case Study “Swift Transport INC”

Case Study “Swift Transport INC” I need 2 pages paper include: 1- Basic Problem: The basic problem is ….. 2- support for basic problem: 3- alternate recommendations : 4 to 5 alternatives Example: 1- Scattered system ….. Pros: ……. Cons: ……. 2- ……… Pros: ……. Cons: ……. 4- Best recommendation “solution” from the 4 or 5 alternatives … Read more

insights from reading

insights from reading 1. Please provide 2 insights from  articles.  Why did these insights stand out for you? 2. Pick one of the Challenges in Chapter 9 of The Future of Management, and give your opinion of how this challenge may be addressed in the organizations of tomorrow. Chapter 9 Hamel, G. (2007) The Future … Read more

Describe what hacking of memory or hacking of RAM means.

Describe what hacking of memory or hacking of RAM means. Describe what hacking of memory or hacking of RAM means. Examine the common tools that hackers use to hack into memory of computing devices. Detail two (2) real-life examples of such tools in action. Identify three (3) best practices that one should use to protect … Read more

Computer program design

Computer program design Technical Paper: Object-oriented Programming (OOP) / Event-Driven Programming (EDP) versus Procedural Programming (PP)Due Week 10 and worth 100 points Use the Internet or Strayer databases to research the advantages, features, and common examples of OOP and EDP. Note: You may use the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Digital Library to support research … Read more

1-2 pages Serious Tutors Only; No Plagiarism

1-2 pages Serious Tutors Only; No Plagiarism  Assignment Description Sociologists cite the weakening of the family as one of the causes for some of the problems that American society faces today. Do you agree? In your paper, include the following information: Identify important or significant changes in families since 1960. What factors are responsible for … Read more

Writing Assignment (Part 4): Investigate a Social Issue

Writing Assignment (Part 4): Investigate a Social Issue Writing Assignment (Part 4): Investigate a Social Issue Final PaperDue Week 10 and worth 150 points Working from your previous assignments and from the feedback of your professor, you will now write the final draft of your paper. Specifically, you will submit a three to five (3-5) … Read more

Serious Tutors Only; 2-3 Pages; No Plagiarism

Serious Tutors Only; 2-3 Pages; No Plagiarism In many cities throughout the United States, the prevalence of hate crimes has increased. You have been asked to provide your insight into this and recommend ways to decrease the occurrence of these types of crimes. Research the topic of hate crimes and address the following: Create a … Read more

Financial Accounting Discussion Question

Financial Accounting Discussion Question Write a 200- to 350-word response to the capstone discussion question. In the wake of accounting scandals over the past several years, how has the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) of 2002 affected the practice of accounting? What is the role of internal controls in complying with SOX (2002)? Click the Assignment Files tab to … Read more

IS231 Wk 1 “E-Commerce in Your Life”

IS231 Wk 1 “E-Commerce in Your Life” IS231 Wk 1 “E-Commerce in Your Life” Select ONE option from below to write up a SHORT presentation or summary of one page or less answering the questions or topic. Option 1: Think of the indirect use of e-commerce in you life. Are you a gamer with a … Read more

Criminal Acts and Choice Theories Response

Criminal Acts and Choice Theories Response Write a 200- to 300-word response in which you describe choice theories and how they relate to crime. Describe the common models for society to determine which acts are considered criminal. Explain how choice theories of crime affect society.         …………Answer Preview………… There are two common models that are … Read more

Criminal Justice Discussion

Criminal Justice Discussion DQ#1 What is crime? What are the components of the criminal justice system? How does crime relate to the law? What changes would you recommend to better improve the criminal justice process? DQ#2 What are the instruments for measuring crime? Who uses these instruments? How is the collected data used to advance … Read more

Financial Accounting Discussion Questions

Financial Accounting Discussion Questions DQ# 1 How are bad debts accounted for under the direct write-off method?  What are the disadvantages of this method? Why would you select the percentage of sales method for calculating doubtful accounts instead of the percentage of receivables method?  What are disadvantages and advantages of each of these methods of … Read more

Opinion about Student shall not download music

Opinion about Student shall not download music Please do one page on opinion about student shall not download music. Ensure that you follow the below direction 12 time new roman APA 1-inch margins Double spaced Zero grammar errors Zero structural errors   …………..Answer Preview…………… Students should be allowed to download music. In my opinion, I … Read more

Employee On boarding

Employee On boarding Write a 3+ page double spaced essay regarding: Explain what is meant by employee Onboarding Research a company for which you work or have worked in the past. What is their Onboarding process? What could the company do to improve the process? What does the company do well in the process? Write … Read more

Management Information Systems

Management Information Systems In 2-3 pages, discuss a technology system that you suggest for the company. Include why you selected that particular database or information system and how it will help improve MovieFlix’s processes. Discuss the potential costs of the system to the organization and how the system will help the company to increase their … Read more

Review the Officer Robert Barton case study in Ch. 12 of Organizational Behavior and Management in Law Enforcement

Case Study: Officer Robert Barton Review the Officer Robert Barton case study in Ch. 12 of Organizational Behavior and Management in Law Enforcement. Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper that answers all the case study questions that follow. Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. Make sure you have a intro and conclusion Officer Barton … Read more

Environmental Science

Environmental Science Risk assessment is the topic of this week’s reading in Chapter 17.For this week’s class discussion, to respond to the following: Provide at least three examples of environmental health hazards. Often you can’t eliminate a hazard but you can control your risk. Name a hazard and how you would reduce your risk from … Read more

Comment on the expression

Comment on the expression 1. Why should an organization be properly structured to support its strategy? 2.  Comment on the expression “Where an organization culture does not support its strategy, the culture becomes a stumbling block.” A little more than half a page  with 1-2 refrences         ………………Answer Preview………….. Why should an … Read more

Summarize an Article

Summarize an Article I need help summarizing the following article: I just need a short summery that’s about half a page         …………Answer Preview………. According to a study published in the Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, real estate choices are strongly influenced by personal traits. There is a correlation between … Read more

what 3 are risk factors inherent in estimating the amount of customer write-offs

what 3 are risk factors inherent in estimating the amount of customer write-offs Identify at least three (3) risk factors inherent in estimating the amount of customer write-offs. Explain the procedural steps in which accountants or auditors would follow to identify where material misstatement of receivables and associated gross income has occurred. Explain your rationale. … Read more

Sox – Discussion Question

Sox – Discussion Question How have the new rules in the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 affected the way accounting departments and companies operate? What are some positive outcomes from these changes?         ……………Answer Preview………….. SOX requires that companies disclose if the top management including senior executives and financial officers follow the code … Read more

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