Browse essays


Confidentiality,,,,,, A counselor has been treating a client, Jay, who was recently in a bad accident that left him bedridden and partially paralyzed. With sustained physiotherapy and medication, the paralytic effect has gone, but motor movements are still affected. Jay’s steady girlfriend left him when she could not cope with the demands of a paralytic … Read more

how to keep a company going !

how to keep a company going ! Click on the following link to access the case study To complete your assignment, you will need to do the following: •  Review the advertisement that the organization used in the past. Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the advertisement and then design an improved version. •  … Read more

Report about party planning business

Report about party planning business I want a report about party planning business, which is about 4 pages and it is single spaced. I have attached the requirements of this paper. And  also in the second page of the attached file there is an executive  summary about this business.           ……………Answer Preview…………. Introduction … Read more

Humanities 111 Final Assignment

Humanities 111 Final Assignment Assignment 3: Cultural Activity Report As a way of experiencing the Humanities beyond your classroom, computer, and textbook, you are asked to do a certain type of “cultural activity” that fits well with our course and then report on your experience.  Your instructor will require you to propose an activity and … Read more

CPMGT 300 week 3 discussion question 1

CPMGT 300 week 3 discussion question 1 Week Three Discussion Topic One 1 The Statement of Work and the Requirements Document of the project planning process are two components of delivering a product or service. Define these components and their relevance to the planning process. What might these two planning components have in common? What … Read more

Microeconomics question

Microeconomics question How do you fix negative externalities? looking for an answer in about 125 words         ……….Answer Preview………… There are different ways of fixing the issue of the negative externality.  One way is through taxing the producer the total of the negative externality. For instance, in cases of cigarette consumption, the … Read more

Microeconomics question

Microeconomics question What is your understanding of an externality? Be able to distinguish and explain positive from negative externalities? looking for an answer in about 125 or so words       ………Answer Preview…….. Externality is referred to as an effect of use decision or purchase by a set of parties on other individuals who … Read more

Do programmers make good requirements analysts?

Do programmers make good requirements analysts? Do programmers make good requirements analysts?   -provide good arguments one way or another. Make your case in 3 to 4 paragraphs (or greater). The response was flow, be grammatically correct  and concise.          ………Answer Preview………. Programming and requirement analysis are two closely related, but different software … Read more

Assignment: Investigation Plan

Assignment: Investigation Plan Professor X has a different assignment, it is a complete different one. So make sure you post even if he does too. Thanks! 🙂 Assignment: Investigation Plan Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 protects against employment discrimination based on Race and National Origin. Anu is a woman of Bangladeshi … Read more

Business Production Control

Business Production Control MRP systems have been used with varying degrees of success. Describe under what circumstances MRP might be successful and under what circumstances might it not be successful. …………..Answer Preview……… MRP systems help production managers reduce and control inventory levels costs, compute quantities needed as safety stock and track material requirements. The systems … Read more

BUS 670 – Final Paper

BUS 670 – Final Paper Focus of the Final Paper Prepare an 13- to 15-page paper (not including the title and reference pages) that assesses a legal/ethical issue or situation relating to a current, previous, or potential future work environment. Use at least 10 scholarly sources that are suitable for research in a graduate-level course. … Read more

recipe management tools

recipe management tools I need help in finding a website that offers a tool to help a restaurant determine standard cost for a recipe. Next I must find recipe for a drink. Be sure to state what the prices you are using for the ingredients. Response must be 250 words.       ……….Answer Preview……… … Read more

HCS 316 Diversity in Health & Illness

HCS 316 Diversity in Health & Illness Complete the Heritage Assessment Tool on pages 365-367 of the text.  The questions will give you insight into your own ethnic, cultural, and religious heritage.  In a two-to-three page, double-spaced paper (excluding title and reference pages), describe your ethnic, cultural, and religious background.  Then, answer the following questions: … Read more

Microeconomics question

Microeconomics question The real world market often involves some cheating and deception. A good example is a car dealer who knows the defects of the cars he sells but does not always reveal those defects to the consumers. How does this imperfect information lead to a market failure?       ………..Answer Preview………. Cheating and … Read more

Microeconomics question

Microeconomics question What is the deadweight loss of taxation? What determines whether the deadweight loss from a tax is large or small? Looking for about 100-120 words     ………Answer preview……… Deadweight loss of taxation is the loss of economic efficiency imposed by a tax. Tax causes a product to be less desirable to consumers … Read more

Assignment 2: Political Parties and the Electoral Process

Assignment 2: Political Parties and the Electoral Process Assignment 2: Political Parties and the Electoral Process Write a three to four (3-4) page paper on the relationship between political parties and the electoral process in which you: Identify three to four (3-4) ideological differences between America’s two (2) major political parties. Analyzekey reasons why third … Read more

3 Page Paper Needed ASAP

3 Page Paper Needed ASAP  Its a 3 & a half minimum paper. No research is allowed, it’s just based off what we know. How much would it cost for this paper? #2 – Regarding E3 (Cause and Effect) — because it seems there’s some confusion about how  to develop and organize the C’s and … Read more

Annotated Bibliography

Annotated Bibliography Your term project will be an annotate bibliography on a topic of your choice related to E-Commerce (obviously!). To help guide your search for information, you will need to narrow your topic to create a focused research question. If you think your subject is too broad, ask me and do it early! Your … Read more

Financial Accounting Discussion Question

Financial Accounting Discussion Question Write a 200- to 350-word response to the capstone discussion question. In the wake of accounting scandals over the past several years, how has the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) of 2002 affected the practice of accounting? What is the role of internal controls in complying with SOX (2002)? Click the Assignment Files tab to … Read more

Financial Reporting Problem

Financial Reporting Problem Access the Internet to acquire a copy of the most recent annual report for the publicly traded company used to complete the Financial Reporting Problem, Part 1 assignment due in Week Six. Analyze the information contained in the company’s balance sheet and income statement to answer the following questions: Are the assets included under … Read more

Management and Leadership Presentation

Management and Leadership Presentation Imagine that you are an expert in the principles of business leadership. You have been invited to present at a conference held for some of the top executives at Fortune 500 companies. Your assigned topic is leveraging leadership to maximize business success. Create a 15- to 20-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation in which you address the … Read more

project manegement class be professional

project manegement class be professional summarize it in one paragraph and the second paragraph write how is related to project management (my class) …………Answer Preview………… Achieving end of year goals can be very stressing for employees. Most of their colleagues will either be in vacation or having fun with their families and it is … Read more

Microeconomics question

Microeconomics question Explain why a strong US dollar is or is not good for the industry you work for or a firm you are familiar with. How do changes in income, productivity, interest rates and productivity from a macroeconomic level affect exchange rates? looking for an answer in about 125 words         … Read more

Microeconomics question

Microeconomics question Explain your side on an ongoing debate on Outsourcing,  should US companies outsource or not? looking for an answer in about 125 words         …………….Answer Preview…………. The debate about outsourcing has been so intense in the recent past.  Outsourcing is referred to as a practice that is used by … Read more

Art Spiegelman’s Maus. A Survivor’s Tale. Vols I and II.

3 Page Paper, 750 Words The assignment is below. Short Essay: Art Spiegelman’s Maus. A Survivor’s Tale. Vols I and II. Assignment: Spiegelman has written a story about his father’s life. Written as a cartoon and an animal fable, this book is, to say the least, an unusual, interesting, and provocative story about the Holocaust. … Read more

Ethical Case Study Analysis Paper

Ethical Case Study Analysis Paper Materials Needed: Case Study Directions: Read the case study provided and identify all three of the ethical dilemmas presented. Describe the nature and all dimensions of the three ethical issues. Identify the ethical code numbers and definitions of each issue presented using both the APA and ACA codes. Discuss alternative … Read more

Race and Sex in the Workplace

Race and Sex in the Workplace The purpose of this assignment is to explore race, gender, and occupational stratification in the workforce. To complete this assignment, perform the following tasks: Choose a person to interview. This person should have experience with race, gender, and/or occupational stratification, either as a human resources manager, a hiring manager, … Read more

Microeconomics question

Microeconomics question How do taxation and Government regulations affect the US microeconomy? looking for an explanation in about 125 words or so       ………….Answer Preview……….. Taxation and government regulation normally have a very powerful effect on the economy of United States. The federal government usually guides the general pace of various economic activities trying … Read more

HCS316 Culture Diversity and Health & Illness

HCS316 Culture Diversity and Health & Illness You have been asked to organize a community health fair at a local public school. The health fair will provide information and education on the following topics related to health promotion: Immunizations Importance of healthy diet and exercise Avoidance of tobacco, drugs, and alcohol Responsible sexual behaviors (use … Read more

Unstoppable rise of the share economy

Unstoppable rise of the share economy Read the article: “Airbnb and the Unstoppable Rise of the Share Economy“. A recent trend in the consumer marketplace is the ability for a consumer to share their personal belongings, such as their homes/apartments, autos, tools, bicycles, and so forth. The shared economy has now become a multibillion dollar … Read more

SWOT analysis essay.

SWOT analysis essay. Write a 5 + page double space essay regarding: Explain the importance of a SWOT analysis Research Apple and write in complete paragraphs to explain Apple’s: Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. How do these impact this company? What should management do to overcome the weaknesses and threats? How can this company take … Read more

Applying Theory: Environmental Issues

Applying Theory: Environmental Issues The goal for this assignment is to apply an ethical theory to a real-world situation. You will examine an environmental issue and apply one of the ethical theories to understand how human interactions with the natural environment raise ethical concerns. You will do this by preparing and posting a PowerPoint slideshow. … Read more

Week 1 discussion 2 Thanks

Week 1 discussion 2 Thanks Define self-concept, self-image, and self-esteem. Write at least two sentences on each term.Provide an example of how your “self-concept,” “self-image,” or “self-esteem” has affected your interpersonal communication.  Use specific examples to illustrate your point.  Use the text to support your points about the relationship between psychology and communication and for … Read more

Microeconomics question

Microeconomics question What are some of the ways of how public resources can be abused? looking for about 125 words reference:         ………….Answer Preview………….. The most common form of abusive of public resources is the use of public funds for political campaigns. Many sitting heads of state often use public resources … Read more

Microeconomics question

Microeconomics question How do you factor in negative externalities through taxation? looking for an answer in about 125 words       …………..Answer Preview………… We have learned that the negative externality usually occur when a firm or a person making a certain decision does not have to pay all cost of the decision. You find … Read more

Multimedia Learning Program Type Comparison Chart

Multimedia Learning Program Type Comparison Chart Part 1- Please search and find one academic type website that is well known (preferably in the USA) and describe why you selected it and how you would use it when you become a teacher at a college level. Please include a description and the URL to the website. … Read more

Part 2 of Contemporary History Assignment 2

Part 2 of Contemporary History Assignment 2 Assignment 2.2: Policemen of the WorldFinal Paper Due Week 10 and worth 120 points You have already developed a thesis statement and developed an outline in which you explored two (2) real-life international incidentsfrom the past five (5) years involving the United States as they received an elevated … Read more

Field Experience You are to spend at least 8 hours observing

Field Experience You are to spend at least 8 hours observing Field Experience You are to spend at least 8 hours observing or providing a service to a group different from your own.  Visit different sites, attend a series of meetings, or participate in service learning opportunities where you can observe and interact with people … Read more

Organizational Behavior Assignment

Organizational Behavior Assignment Whether you are a manager, a potential future manager, or an employee within an organization, you will benefit from becoming competent in the four functions of management. Robbins and Judge (2013) discussed the four functions of management in the POLC model: Planning, Organizing, Leading, and Controlling. Think about a time in your … Read more

6 names of famous cellular phone manufacturers companies no longer exists

6 names of famous cellular phone manufacturers companies no longer exists Write 6 names of famous cellular phone manufacturers companies no longer exists in the market now , with some details and their logo.         ………….Answer Preview………… Siemens mobile This as a mobile phone manufacture………….. APA 95 Words

Compare/contrast, 8 pages

Compare/contrast, 8 pages I have an essay due  on comparing and contrasting ancient architecture and the modern world of architecture. This includes tombs and monuments, how they have survived into the modern world and also how ancient architecture inspired modern architecture. It has to be 6 pages and including one primary source and one secondary … Read more

Microeconomics-Off the website Federal Trade Commissions website

Microeconomics-Off the website Federal Trade Commissions website There have been several mergers of large firms within oligopolies. In this assignment, you are to assess the impact of those mergers, on industry, on consumers and on society as a whole. There are 3 parts to the assignment. First, you are to go to the Federal Trade Commission’s … Read more

Microeconomics–No plagiarism

Microeconomics–No plagiarism Sometimes market activities (production, buying, and selling) have unintended positive or negative effects outside the market’s scope. These are called externalities. As a policy maker concerned with correcting the effects of gases and particulates emitted by and local power plant, answer the following questions: What 1 policy could you use to reduce the total … Read more

The American Dream

The American Dream Many immigrants are drawn the United States by the belief that American is the land of opportunity, while many Americans also strive for the American Dream, to do better than the generation before you. Discuss whether the American Dream is possible. What are some myths about income and opportunity? What are some … Read more

Research Project – Final Paper – workplace safety

Research Project – Final Paper workplace safety Focus of the Research Project The final version of your Research Project should be 11 to 12 double-spaced pages (not including the title page, references page, tables, appendices, etc.). The paper will be an original business research project that tests a hypothesis of your choice. The research can … Read more

Sonnet 18 and elizabethan poetry

sonnet 18 and elizabethan poetry i need  4 simple aspects of the elizabethan poetry that are found in sonnet 18  i don’t need a paragraph just 4 points and it have to be simple and clear       ………………Answer Preview……………… The four aspects include: Rhyme and rhythm: in this sonnet, there is a lyric … Read more

American History question (Cold War)

American History question (Cold War) If the Soviet Union had won the Cold War, how would America look today? Speculate and explain. looking for an answer in about 125 or so words       ……………Answer Preview…………..          After the Soviet Union lost the cold war, it got dissolved and that way … Read more

American History question (Reaganomics)

American History question (Reaganomics) Were the effects of Reagan’s economic policies positive or negative? Explain your answer using specific examples to support your points. looking for an answer in about 125 or so words       ……………….Answer Preview………….. Back in the year 1981 President Reagan signed a legislation that would define the vision he had for … Read more

American History question (Reagan and the cold war)

American History question (Reagan and the cold war) How did Reagan’s foreign policy and rhetoric escalate Cold War tensions in his first term? How and why did he change his approach to the Soviet Union in his second term? looking for an answer in about 125 or so words     ………….Answer Preview…………. During Reagan’s … Read more

business law questions

business law questions a)Steve buys a house from Jim. There is no written contract. However, Steve pays the purchase price, moves onto the property, and begins to build a new garage. Jim seeks to evict Steve from the property stating that there was never a valid contract. Is Jim likely to succeed? Why or why … Read more

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