Browse essays

What effect does the fear of death have on Poe’s characters in “The Premature Burial” and “The Masque of the Red Death?”

Part 1  This assignment contains two short answer essay questions. Each answer should be between 300-500 words. All work in this class must be in MLA formatting. Please note that whenever you are referring to a source in your work, there should be in-text quotes (or paraphrases) from that source to support your assertions. These … Read more

A Day in the Life as a Social Scientist

A Day in the Life as a Social Scientist This is a written Assignment in which you will address the following topic: Imagine that you are a social scientist. Choose a medical event that could impact the life of someone you know and explore it from one of the social science professions as listed below. … Read more

Tertiary Health Care Roles and Functions–Assignment

Tertiary Health Care Roles and Functions–Assignment Over the next few units, you will complete three similar tables exploring health care settings. In this assignment, you will complete the first of the three tables. In the final unit, you will review the three tables you have completed, to identify an area in which you might be … Read more

BA 301 Business Regulations Wk2

BA 301 Business Regulations Wk2 Choose ONE of the three options below: Option 1: Get Creative Create a 6 – 8 slide Microsoft PowerPoint presentation identifying and discussing the advantages and disadvantages of business regulations. Option 2: News Flash Choose a learning objective from Week 2 and research an article on the Internet that relates … Read more

BA 470 Business Location Wk2

BA 470 Business Location Wk2   Bygrave, W.D. & Zacharakis, A. (2014). Entrepreneurship, 3rd ed. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. ISBN: 978-1-118-58289-3 Read Chapter 3 Chapter 4   Supplemental Resources Eng, D. (2014). Founding Father of the Surfing Industry: Hobie Alter followed his bliss and his ingenuity to design surfboards and sailboats. Fortune … Read more

Working with Multicultural Clients

Working with Multicultural Clients As a potential professional in the field of psychology, you bring many of the concepts learned in this course into clearer focus. This assignment helps you clarify your own multicultural views as they relate to working as a counselor with multicultural clients. Address the following issues, and be sure to respond … Read more

LASA 2: Discrimination: Reflection and Interview

LASA 2: Discrimination: Reflection and Interview Watch the Frontline program online. Frontline: A Class Divided A Class Divided explores the nature of prejudice. Third grade teacher Jane Elliott deliberately created a classroom situation to teach her students how it feels to be on the receiving end of discrimination. This is an encore presentation of … Read more

Eng 215 Research & writing

Eng 215 Research & writing Discuss your overall perceptions of the Research and Writing course thus far. Describe the course concepts that either have seemed familiar or have confused you. Determine the one or two specific course concepts that you would you like explore further.         ……………Answer Preview…………… The research and writing course … Read more

How Companies Can Get Smart About Raising Prices

Read this week’s required article: “How Companies Can Get Smart About Raising Prices”. Retrieved from the Ashford University Library. In a  four-page paper (not including the title and reference pages): Explain how to successfully get customers to pay more for your products. Reference the article in support of your response. Explain how a specific pricing … Read more

Organizational Structure Discussion Questions

Organizational Structure Discussion Questions DQ #1 What are the different types of organizational structures? Which type of structure do you think is the most effective? Why is this structure the most effective? How can organizations determine if they are structured in the most effective and efficient manner? DQ#2 What evidence have you seen of the … Read more

International Policing

Required Text Oliver, W. (2008). Community-oriented policing: A systematic approach to policing (4th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc. ISBN 13: 978-0-13-158987-2 International Policing After reviewing the analysis from the text, compare and contrast the methods between two of the listed international styles of community policing and a style of community policing employed … Read more

Organizational Chart

Organizational Chart Consider an organization for which you have worked. Draw its organization chart and describe it by using terms from Ch. 8 of Management. Write a 350-word paragraph describing your experience with the organization. Did you enjoy working there? Explain your response. Submit your paragraph and your organizational chart to your instructor. Format your paragraph consistent with APA guidelines.   … Read more

The Organizational Assessment Proposal Report

The Organizational Assessment Proposal Report I plan to assess Microsoft Company. As we all know, Microsoft recently mergers Nokia. The change of the CEO of the Nokia is a good OB problem. The new CEO of the Nokia faces a lot of problems about employee’s trust and dissatisfy. He needs to do a lot of … Read more

Financial Accounting Discussion Questions!

Financial Accounting Discussion Questions! DQ# 1 What are the four closing journal entries? Why are these necessary? DQ#2 What are the steps in completing the accounting cycle? How do the different steps affect the financial statements? What is the effect on the financial statements of missing a step when completing the accounting cycle?     … Read more

Pricing Strategies

# 1 – Pricing Strategies: Identity three types of pricing strategies. Select a good or service and compare the prices of two different companies associated with the goods or service. Why do different organizations have different pricing strategies for the same good or service? # 2 – Do an internet search of the new product … Read more

Assignment 6a: Résumés and Cover Letters

PSY201: The Psychology Major Module 6: Assignment 6a: Résumés and Cover Letters Directions: Important – You may have written many cover letters and resumes before, but do not submit an old cover letter and resume that you have used in the past! Instead, “pretend” you are applying for one of the internships listed below as … Read more

Knowledge, Attitudes, and Skills of an Entrepreneur

Knowledge, Attitudes, and Skills of an Entrepreneur Bygrave, W.D. & Zacharakis, A. (2014). Entrepreneurship, 3rd ed. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. ISBN: 978-1-118-58289-3 Read •  Chapter 1 •  Chapter 2 Supplemental Material Hamilton, B. (11 March 2014). The 3 Best Books for Entrepreneurs to Return to, Again and Again. Entrepreneur Magazine. Write a … Read more

Reversing Entries Financial Accounting

Reversing Entries Financial Accounting Write a 200- to 300-word paragraph answering the following questions: What are the pros and cons of using reversing entries? Why are reversing entries optional? Format your paragraph consistent with APA guidelines.       …………Answer Preview……….. Reversing entries are prepared by accountants to cancel out adjusting entries from the previous accounting period. … Read more

Diversity in The US Paper

Diversity in The US Paper Write a 1,050- to 1,750-word paper that answers the following questions: What information about diversity in the United States has helped you better understand or relate to others in ways that you may not have in the past? Have you learned something new about your own racial, ethnic, or cultural … Read more

Integrating Global Business at a Local Level

Integrating Global Business at a Local Level Watch the Chapter 1 video “Integrating Global Business at a Local Level”.  Choose chapter 1 and click on the Video link, then, answer the following questions (Approximate length 200-250 words): Mr. Isdell said: In this world today where globalization is queried, where there is potential for the rise … Read more

HCA 430 Vulnerable Population Summary and Proposed Program

HCA 430 Vulnerable Population Summary and Proposed Program For this first written assignment, you will select one of the vulnerable groups identified in the text that will serve as your target population of interest. Choose one among the following groups from Chapter 1: Vulnerable mothers and children Abused individuals Chronically ill and disabled people People … Read more

Outsourcing Vs. Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)

Outsourcing Vs. Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Given that outsourcing is a viable alternative to Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), what issues should be considered before a firm decides between the two? Provide advantages or disadvantages for each. Then, for a business of your choice, explain which country may be appropriate for foreign direct investment and which … Read more

Assignment 3: The How and Why of Well-Being

Assignment 3: The How and Why of Well-Being According to Martin Seligman (2005), there are three basic positive psychology pillars. These are the following: The pleasant life The good life The meaningful life Seligman purports that experiencing these three pillars creates what is called “the full-life.” This assignment focuses on the first pillar: the pleasant … Read more

Intake Interview Analysis

Intake Interview Analysis As we have discussed, interviewing skills can be used in a wide variety of settings. Let us now turn our focus to how those skills may be applied.  Think of a career you are interested in pursuing after you complete your degree. If you are not certain about what type of career … Read more

Intro To Sociology need it quickly

Intro To Sociology need it quickly Writing Assignment (Part 2): Outline and Preliminary List of ReferencesDue Week 5 and worth 100 pointsComplete the outline after you have done library / Internet research for evidence that bears on your hypothesis.  Provide information about all of the following components of the final paper: 1. Specific Hypothesis. 2. … Read more

Lifespan Development Topic Two

Lifespan Development Topic Two Examine a topic of lifespan development connecting research and life. Below is a list of options from which you are to select a topic for the Week Three assignment. Make sure that the topic you select for this assignment is different from the topic you selected for the Week Two assignment … Read more

Reflection on Risk Management

Reflection on Risk Management Elaborate on the three most significant things you learned about risk management during this course. Analyze how this new information will assist you in assessing and mitigating risk in current or future projects. ……………Answer Preview…………. Risk management is a term defined as the process of identifying, analyzing as well as either … Read more

case about the aftermath of scandal ” Arthur Andersen”

case about the aftermath of scandal ” Arthur Andersen” you must read the case in the above PDF file ” the aftermath of scandal picking up the pieces of a shattered identity” and answer the following within 3 pages: Summarize the communication challenges. Explain the audiences with whom the protagonist needs to communicate and in what … Read more

state and federal health care policies and health care access…

state and federal health care policies and health care access… A number of state and federal health policies ensure acess to health care for certain groups.  Identify and offer your analysis of one such policy.  Please cite your primary policy source. ………………Answer Preview………….. Health Insurance Program (CHIP) is a policy designed to provide health insurance … Read more

Outline and Final Paper Draft

Outline and Final Paper Draft Review the Final Paper instructions in Week Five of the online course or in the “Components of Course Evaluation” section of this guide. Then, visit the Ashford Writing Center, within the Learning Resources tab on the left navigation toolbar, and review the Outline Form page. Format your outline for the … Read more

300 word discussion- Communication Apprehension

300 word discussion- Communication Apprehension One of the most frustrating challenges at work is communication apprehension. However, there are ways to overcome this challenge. Prepare: As you prepare to write this discussion post, take a few moments to do the following: Read the writing prompt below in its entirety. Notice that there are three tasks: Identify one … Read more

300 word discussion- Attraction in Interpersonal Relationships

300 word discussion- Attraction in Interpersonal Relationships Chapter 7 addresses various elements that attract us to other people when we first enter a relationship. It might be just one thing that we like about another person or it could be several things. Prepare: As you prepare to write this discussion post, take a few moments to … Read more

2 page paper- Self-Disclosure, Gender, and Communication

2 page paper- Self-Disclosure, Gender, and Communication Article Critique: Self-Disclosure, Gender, and Communication Review the article entitled, “Can we talk?” ( and Section 2.2 of our text titled “Biological Sex and Gender.” Based on what you’ve learned in these readings, write a two-page paper (excluding title and reference pages) about your thoughts on this article. In … Read more

It is a discussion about operations management.

It is a discussion about operations management. Please answer the following questions. The aim here is to discuss. Where appropriate please support your claims with data. Any chain, including a supply chain, is only as good as its weakest link. If we receive superior raw materials in the door, we have a better chance of producing … Read more

Assignment 2: Response of 300–500 words

Assignment 2: Discussion—Hiring for Success At this point in the course you should be well armed with the tools and knowledge necessary to make better-informed and rational choices. Apply that knowledge as you tackle one of the most important, and yet heavily subjective, of management responsibilities—the hiring process. Assume you have been tasked with redesigning … Read more

Accounting Discussion Questions

Accounting Discussion Questions DQ#1 In preparing the four primary financial statements, in what order must the statement be prepared? Explain why.? DQ# 2 What are the main purpose and benefits of a financial statement worksheet?         …………Answer Preview…………. DQ#1 In preparing the four primary financial statements, in what order must the statement … Read more

Financial Reporting Problem, Part 1

Financial Reporting Problem, Part 1 Browse the Internet to acquire a copy of the most recent annual report for a publicly traded company. Analyze the information contained in the company’s balance sheet and income statement to answer the following questions: What are the company’s total assets at the end of its most recent annual reporting period? Why … Read more

Organizational Structure Paper

Organizational Structure Paper Writea 1,050- to 1,400-word paper in which you select an organization with which you are familiar and present the following items as they relate to that organization: Describe the organizational structure of your selected organization. Compare and contrast that structure with two different organizational structures. Evaluate how organizational functions, such as marketing, … Read more

Should prisoners be allowed to vote?

Should prisoners be allowed to vote? ROUGH DRAFT: Remember, the purpose of this essay is not to prove whether you are right or wrong, but instead prove that you can fairly present two sides of an argument and logically determine the best solution to the problem you are faced with. With that in mind, we … Read more

Conducting and Evaluating an Interview

Conducting and Evaluating an Interview During the first week of class you conducted your first practice interview, and in week three you developed an Interview Guide. For this activity, you will be using your Interview Guide, the analysis of potential interview biases from LASA 1, and the feedback you have received from your instructor to … Read more

Selecting a Counseling Approach

Selecting a Counseling Approach Imagine you are tasked with conducting a counseling intake interview with a 19 year old college student who is feeling sad, unmotivated, and worried about his grades. It is the student’s first semester at school, and he is finding that he has gone from being an A student in high school … Read more

Process Designs and Supply Chains

Process Designs and Supply Chains This is part one of a two part assignment starting with an introductory look at process design and supply chains. Identify a company with which you are familiar.  This could be your place of employment, a car wash, a yard service company, and so forth. Create an MS PowerPoint Presentation in which … Read more

Help with astronomy

Help with astronomy Astronomers refer to the balance of inward and outward forces inside a star as hydrostatic equilibrium. Use layman’s terms to explain, in a 3 paragraph essay, what these forces are, and how they keep a star from either blowing up or collapsing.         ……..Answer Preview……. Hydrostatic equilibrium occurs when inwards … Read more

Ethical Codes and Standards

Ethical Codes and Standards After moving from a big city to a rural setting, Janice is suffering from anxiety and depression because of adjustments to the change. She wants to seek counseling services to help her adjust. Janice has always valued her privacy and is finding it difficult to commit to seeing a counselor in … Read more

My last 2 DQ’s for this class anyone

My last 2 DQ’s for this class anyone Mary Jane Shew, a long term patient, has not been paying her medical bills to your office.  Once you made contact with her, she seemed embarrassed to confide that she had recently gone through a divorce and lost her job at the same time.  Money is really … Read more

Consumer Behavior Kaplan University

Consumer Behavior Kaplan University Select one consumer behavior topic from the list below and prepare a 5–7 page research paper. Your paper should include a minimum of five academic references. As with all material you submit to the Instructor, check for correct spelling, grammar, punctuation, mechanics, and usage. Please refer to the Online Communications Guidelines … Read more

balance sheet with company

balance sheet with company In a minimum of 2 pages, prepare an essay that includes a breakdown of charges and costs that MovieFlix will incur as a result of trying to solve their problem. Include a balance sheet for MovieFlix so that they can see a snapshot of their current financial condition so that they … Read more

Trade Bloc Among Countries Located in the Same Region

Trade Bloc Among Countries Located in the Same Region A trade bloc is an agreement among countries located in the same region with the purpose of reducing or eliminating barriers to trade, (tariffs and non-tariff barriers). There are four major Trading Blocs: the European Union (EU), the Common Market of the South (MERCOSUR), the North … Read more

Writing; please read the question carefully (5)

Writing; please read the question carefully (5) Please read the article below and answer the below questions : An APA/MLA/Chicago reference for the article – basically, let your professor and your classmates know how to find it if we want to read it. A brief summary of the main points that the author made … Read more

be proesstional- class security

be proesstional- class security You identified a number of threats to your organization.  How would these threats actually attack your organization? Describe five (5) items using the following parameters– Vulnerability —-Threat Source/Actor —- Threat Action the organization in the attachment         …………Answer Preview……………. VULNERABILITY/THREAT THREAT SOURCE THREAT ACTION HACKER A hacker is … Read more

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