Case Study on NIST and FISMA
Case Study on NIST and FISMA Discuss the importance of the after-action review and “lessons learned” documents. How will these help to improve the BC plan? 2.Develop a list of vulnerabilities that a small business may have in the event of a major hurricane. What strategies and recommendations for business continuity will be appropriate for … Read more
Case Study on NIST and FISMA
Case Study on NIST and FISMA The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) provides an extensive amount of information, resources, and guidance on IT and information security topics. The Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA) provides standards and guidelines for establishing information security within federal systems. However, there have been, and continues to be, … Read more
BA265 Business LawII – Negotiability
BA265 Business LawII – Negotiability Negotiability On a piece of paper, Joelle writes, “I promise to pay Rio $1000 on demand.” Joelle signs the note. What type of instrument is this? Is it negotiable? If not,why not? Grading Criteria Assignments Maximum Points Meets or exceeds established assignment criteria 40 Demonstrates an understanding of lesson concepts … Read more
Project Management – Identifying Risks paper
Project Management – Identifying Risks paper Identifying Risks & Strategies (75 Points) Suppose your college or organization is considering a new project to develop an information system that would allow all employees, students, and customers to access and maintain their own human resources information, such as address, marital status, and tax information. The main benefits of … Read more
UOP/Global Perspectives Assessment
UOP/Global Perspectives Assessment Write a 1,400- to 2,100-word paper in which you assess criminal justice from a global perspective. In your paper be sure to analyze the following: Assess the impact of globalization on the U.S. criminal justice system. Compare and contrast international criminal justice systems (Civil Law, Common law, and Islamic Law and Socialist Law … Read more
Lifespan Development Topic One
Lifespan Development Topic One Below is a list of options from which you are to select a topic for the Week Two assignment. These same topics will be featured in subsequent weeks. Make sure that the topic you select for this week is different from the topic you intend to select for the Week Three … Read more
HCS 457 week 3 Peri Model
HCS 457 week 3 Peri Model Review the PERI model and process described in Ch. 2 of the text. Complete each of the following steps using the public health issue or disease your team got approval for last week: Review at least two websites identified in the Website Review and Summary assignment. Create a 3 slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation … Read more
assign 2
assign 2 Visit the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission website. Click on Recalls. Choose one product that has been recalled. Describe the product subject to recall, including the recall date, recall number, and the reason for the recall. Analyze whether the manufacturer would be liable for negligence if the product had not been recalled and … Read more
Internal Control Environment
Internal Control Environment From Case 5, discuss the role of the audit committee and its responsibilities. Determine whether the responsibility to hire and fire audit managers should have prevented the firing of the chief of internal auditing by Microsoft management for reporting fraudulent activity. Support your position. Compare the existing internal control environment at … Read more
Intro To Sociology week 3 part 1
Intro To Sociology week 3 part 1 Writing Assignment (Part 1): Identifying the Hypothesis Due in Week 3 and worth 50 points Consider a social issue in which you are interested. It could be human freedom, sexuality, deviance, crime, social mobility, poverty, education, aging, or another similar issue. Select a specific hypothesis that you will … Read more
magine you are a policymaker or city council member and are actively involved in
magine you are a policymaker or city council member and are actively involved in Are you going to do the Power point or paper? The group I have been working with is HIV/AIDs patients so thats who you would have to do it on. You would also have to do research on Fort Worth TX … Read more
The Principal’s Liability on the Contract due ASAP
The Principal’s Liability on the Contract due ASAP Crash agrees to have Steve represent him in various transactions as an agent to secure him performance contracts and endorsement deals. Crash writes a letter to Bob that Steve is his agent. Unbeknownst to Bob, Crash specifically instructed Steve to only make endorsement deals with Bob. However, … Read more
evaluation essay need
evaluation essay need o In Evaluation, have you taken a clear position for or against o Have you made your Criteria (standards of judgment) clear o Does the INTRODUCTION try to capture the reader’s attention—typically, a story about real people or a real experience is an effective attention getter o Is the THESIS sentence profoundly clear o Is the thesis sentence followed by a FORECASTING STATEMENT that contains the essay’s main points o Does each body paragraph start with a TOPIC SENTENCE o Is there a TRANSITION sentence between each body paragraph o Does each body paragraph contain at least one DIRECT QUOTATION o Are quotations correctly CITED: “The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dogs” (King 27). o Does the essay contain at least one BLOCK QUOTATION (indented two tabs on the left) o Does the CONCLUSION restate the thesis sentence o Does the conclusion also summarize the essay’s MAIN POINTS o Does the essay try to end with a thought-provoking idea o Have you been sure to CITE all information you borrowed from another source o Have you used at least FIVE sources o Are the entries on the WORKS CITED page in alphabetical order ( or can help). o Is your essay in MLA documentation format outside source can not over 30% of essay. ……….Answer Preview……… Name Tutor Course title Date Frozen, the Disney Movie Introduction The Disney movie has beautiful animation, songs that are interesting and … Read more
Note Taking for Cases
Note Taking for Cases Notes are the basis for recording the “who, what, when, where, and how” during the investigation. They serve as tools for recollecting such details as light and weather conditions. Notes also record summaries of the observations of the investigator and provide a platform for writing a form report. What does DR … Read more
300 word discussion- Attraction in Interpersonal Relationships
300 word discussion- Attraction in Interpersonal Relationships Chapter 7 addresses various elements that attract us to other people when we first enter a relationship. It might be just one thing that we like about another person or it could be several things. Prepare: As you prepare to write this discussion post, take a few moments to … Read more
evaluation essay need
evaluation essay need o In Evaluation, have you taken a clear position for or against o Have you made your Criteria (standards of judgment) clear o Does the INTRODUCTION try to capture the reader’s attention—typically, a story about real people or a real experience is an effective attention getter o Is the THESIS sentence profoundly clear o Is the thesis sentence followed by a FORECASTING STATEMENT that contains the essay’s main points o Does each body paragraph start with a TOPIC SENTENCE o Is there a TRANSITION sentence between each body paragraph o Does each body paragraph contain at least one DIRECT QUOTATION o Are quotations correctly CITED: “The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dogs” (King 27). o Does the essay contain at least one BLOCK QUOTATION (indented two tabs on the left) o Does the CONCLUSION restate the thesis sentence o Does the conclusion also summarize the essay’s MAIN POINTS o Does the essay try to end with a thought-provoking idea o Have you been sure to CITE all information you borrowed from another source o Have you used at least FIVE sources o Are the entries on the WORKS CITED page in alphabetical order ( or can help). o Is your essay in MLA documentation format outside source can not over 30% of essay ………..Answer Preview………. Name Tutor Course title Date Frozen, the Disney Movie Introduction The Disney movie has beautiful animation, songs that are interesting and a … Read more
Note Taking for Cases
Note Taking for Cases Notes are the basis for recording the “who, what, when, where, and how” during the investigation. They serve as tools for recollecting such details as light and weather conditions. Notes also record summaries of the observations of the investigator and provide a platform for writing a form report. What does DR … Read more
Investigating Fires and Their Causes
Investigating Fires and Their Causes According to the National Fire Incident Reporting System (NFIRS) of the U.S. Fire Administration (USFA), Federal Emergency Management Agency, the United States has one of the highest per capita fire death rates among industrialized nations. Explain the importance of investigating fires and their causes. What happens as a fire becomes … Read more
can someone write this paper?
can someone write this paper? Assignment 1: Social Performance of Organizations Due Week 4 and worth 240 points According to the textbook, the current world economy is increasingly becoming integrated and interdependent; as a result, the relationship between business and society is becoming more complex. Use the Internet to research one (1) of the following … Read more
English research & writing
English research & writing Persuasive Paper Part 1: A Problem Exists Using your thesis statement and research, present the problem that needs to be addressed with your proposed solution. Note: Your solution, advantages, and challenges, will be in Parts 2 and 3. Write a three to four (3-4) page paper in which you: Provide an … Read more
Planning for Feasibility Study
Planning for Feasibility Study Preparea 2- or 3-page paper for this assignment. Selectan information system for development that would benefit your workplace or a workplace from a case study. Prepare a plan for determining the feasibility of the systems development. Note. This information system selected for development may be used as the focus of assignments … Read more
PSY 363 M5 Assignment 2: Discussion—Typical Reasoning
PSY 363 M5 Assignment 2: Discussion—Typical Reasoning People often take shortcuts in problem solving and quickly arrive at answers. Known as heuristics, these shortcuts may increase the speed of decisions but may also decrease the accuracy of those decisions. The experiment used in this assignment deals with inaccurate decisions based on the conjunction fallacy, where … Read more
Macbeth as a Tragedy (200-250 words)
Macbeth as a Tragedy Shakespeare’s Macbeth is often considered one of literature’s greatest tragedies and is said to reveal much about human nature. Do you agree or disagree that the play conveys much about humanity or about the human experience? What, if anything, does the work suggest about human beings or society? Support your views … Read more
The Case of the New Apple, Inc.
The Case of the New Apple, Inc. Read this week’s required article: “What You Don’t Know About Apple”. Retrieved from the Ashford University Library. In a three- to four-page paper (not including the title and reference pages): Discuss if Apple will continue its path to be the frontrunner in revolutionizing the digital marketplace. Discuss if … Read more
Rip Van Winkle
Rip Van Winkle Part 1: We see in “Rip Van Winkle” themes of generational change, continuity, preservation, and tradition. Written nearly half a century after the American Revolution, in “Rip Van Winkle” Irving is making a statement about the Revolution. What is it Washington Irving is trying to convey to the reader through his story? Do … Read more
Ethical Vulnerable Population in Human Subject Research Create a Table or Chart
Ethical Vulnerable Population in Human Subject Research Create a Table or Chart Unit outcomes addressed in this Assignment: Explain the roles and functions of an Institutional Review Board Delineate the role of the health information professional in research and IRB activities Discuss the process to be taken for research Apply IRB processes and policies List … Read more
Court order in substance abuse records
Why would a court order be required in the case of substance abuse records rather than a subpoena duces tecum? ………….Answer Preview…………… Subpoena ducas tecum is a type of court order that requires an individual to go to court carrying with him or her some named documents. Subpoena is actually required by … Read more
one interview report, leadership, MBA
one interview report, leadership, MBA Interview questions 1. When you think about times that you had good leadership, what specific leader behaviors contributed to how you performed? 2. Have you ever had a bad leadership experience? What in your opinion went wrong and how would you change it if you had the chance? 3. … Read more
PSY304: Lifespan Development Final research paper
PSY304: Lifespan Development Final research paper Ashford 6: – Week 5 – Final Paper Final Paper Below is a list from which you will select one topic for the Week Two assignment, another topic for the Week Three assignment, and a third topic for both the Outline of the Final Paper and the Final Paper. … Read more
Help with question
For this assignment, choose only one topic below and write your essay based on the topic of your choice. Make sure to develop your essay using authors from our course readings from weeks one through four. 1. Explain several of the tensions and conflicts that arose among the earliest settlers in the colonies and each … Read more
International values and the Hofstede dimensions
After Reading the section in Chapter 5 on international values and the Hofstede dimensions, and after reviewing information on individual behavior from Chapters 1–4, select one country other than the United States (U.S.). Then research the Kaplan library or the Internet to find additional information on that country. In your Microsoft PowerPoint® presentation address the … Read more
Cultural Autobiography
Cultural Autobiography The purpose of this assignment is to illustrate recognition of your own cultural background and how your worldview has been shaped by your family, role models and life experiences. This autobiography will help you express an appreciation for your own cultural identity and discover potential areas of development. Begin by defining individuals that … Read more
Accepting Cultural Differences
Accepting Cultural Differences Earl Whitecloud is an American high-school student. He is constantly teased and bullied by his classmates because he occasionally wears clothing that represents his Native-American heritage. As a result, Earl spends most of his time at school alone, is absent far more than the average student, and performs poorly at school. As … Read more
Theories of human development – Outline of the Final Paper
Theories of human development – Outline of the Final Paper For this assignment you are to examine a topic of lifespan development connecting research and life. Below is a list of topics from which you are to select one for the Outline of the Final Paper and the Final Paper. Make sure that the topic … Read more
Aging & Disability Work Sheet
Aging & Disability Work Sheet Identify 2 or 3 issues faced by the aging population. Answer the following questions in 100 to 200 words each. Provide citations for all the sources you use. · What is ageism? How does ageism influence the presence of diversity in society? · What is the Americans with Disabilities Act … Read more
Compare and contrast,, and one other auction site
Compare and contrast,, and one other auction site Instead look at “alibaba”, “e-bay” and find one other online auction source. Compare and contrast the sites and write a 500 word “report” on those sites. …………….Answer Preview……………. Company comparisons EBay is the customary possessor of online auction sites. It is the principal and the … Read more
Views of nature expressed by Emerson and Thoreau
Analyze the views of nature expressed by Emerson and Thoreau in this week’s readings Part 1: Analyze the views of nature expressed by Emerson and Thoreau in this week’s readings. Then compare and contrast them to one another. You might also want to apply these themes of nature to overall thought of the Transcendentalists as … Read more
Why is academic integrity important in scholarly writing?
Please address and demonstrate within the actual paper, the topics listed below. You have a minimum of 1,000 words to complete the paper. Please note, this is an academic writing assignment, and your assertions must be based on research on this topic, not only your own opinions and experiences. Please plan to use a minimum … Read more
Policy Analysis I Paper
Policy Analysis I Paper With your instructor’s approval, choose a current federal, state, or local issue that directly affects public policy pertaining to the criminal justice system. HUMAN TRAFFICKING POLICY Write a 700-1050-word paper in which you analyze the issue and related policy. Be sure to address to following points in your analysis on HUMAN TRAFFICKING … Read more
Note Taking Assignment Methods for a class
Note-Taking Assignment Instructions While viewing/listening to a lecture from one of your courses or a sermon from your church, you will take notes using the Cornell Method, a traditional outline method, or a visual map. You will then write a 1–2-paragraph summary that answers the following: Why did you choose Cornell, Outline, or Visual Map? … Read more
Motivation Concepts “Phycology”
Motivation Concepts “Phycology” Prepare a 1,050- to 1,400-word analysis addressing the following topics: Choose one theory from the table. Theory 1) Describe how this theory would and would not be applicable if applied to two or more workplace situations from your experience. Theory 2) In the instance when the theory was not applicable to your … Read more
Write a two pages (500 word) essay to the following question.
Write a two pages (500 word) essay to the following question. Why is the setting of the play Fences important? Make sure to go back to the introduction of the play and compare Wilson’s view of the European immigrants with that of African Americans in the same decade. In works of narrative (especially fictional and including plays), the literary element setting includes the historical moment … Read more
Elements of Contract
Elements of Contract Suppose that the Fabulous Hotel hires you as head chef under a two-year employment contract. After two years, another hotel wants to hire you. However, in the original employment contract you signed with the Fabulous Hotel, the following paragraph appears: “The below-signed agrees not to work as a chef for another hotel … Read more
200 word the self and communication discussion
200 word the self and communication discussion The “Self” and Communication In Chapter 2 of your text, Bevan & Sole (2014) lay out many psychological concepts concerning the “self.” These key elements of human psychology are central to how we communicate with ourselves (intrapersonal communication) and others (interpersonal communication). Prepare: As you prepare to write your … Read more
200 words on improving verbal communication
200 words on improving verbal communication In Chapter 4 of your text, titled Verbal and Nonverbal Communication: Making Every Word and Gesture Matter, Bevan & Sole (2014) discuss the power of language and how verbal communication can affect interpersonal relationships. The authors also mention ways you can improve your verbal communication. Prepare: As you prepare to … Read more
200 words nonverbal miscommunication
200 words nonverbal miscommunication Nonverbal communication is one of the most powerful ways that we communicate in our interpersonal relationships. Sometimes, however, we may find ourselves unintentionally communicating the wrong message. In this discussion, you will need to identify and focus on one of the functions of nonverbal communication. Prepare: As you prepare to write this … Read more
HCS 457 week 4 discussion question
HCS 457 week 4 discussion question Coordination and collaboration helps build community health to deliver services between institutions and where care is delivered. This reminds me of a video on the integration of public health and primary care: National Academy of Sciences. ( 2013 ). Video: Primary Care + Public Health in the Community Institute … Read more
Insurance – Auto Maintenance vs. Health Care Maintenance
Insurance – Auto Maintenance vs. Health Care Maintenance Think of your auto maintenance. Do you change the oil and check your tire pressure (primary prevention)? If something doesn’t seem right, do you take it to the auto repair shop (secondary prevention)? Or do you wait until something breaks before taking it to the shop (tertiary … Read more
law class help in 1 day
law class help in 1 day Questions. 1. Survey Research – Generally speaking, what are some advantages and disadvantages to doing survey research? Read the article assigned this titled week “Police Culture, Individualism, and Community Policing”, was the use of a survey helpful for this research? What are the findings? 2. What are the advantages … Read more
Chipotle case study
id=9tnTa1Qxmu4C&pg=PA71&lpg=PA71&dq=Chipotle+Mexican+Grill+(NYSE:+CMG)+has+experienced+great+success+satisfying+the+desire+of+consumers&source=bl&ots=RwJthR2ZCr&sig=Y2HrjKubIELoKzRgAlsrbt4QuSI&hl=en&sa=X&ei=IKMyVKe8NcWYyASV14LwBg&ved=0CB0Q6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=Chipotle%20Mexican%20Grill%20(NYSE%3A%20CMG)%20has%20experienced%20great%20success%20satisfying%20the%20desire%20of%20consumers&f=false Read the Chipotle case study. Write a summary of case study. Discuss reasons why chipotle would use internal governance mechanisms to monitor and control managers decision. Paper needs to be APA style and 2-3 pages long ………….Answer Preview…………. Chipotle is dyed-in-the-wool to the highest principles of integrity in our compliance … Read more