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Discussion Question: Culture Shock

Discussion Question: Culture Shock This week’s study notes and your textbook emphasized the importance of understanding multiculturalism in effective interviewing.  We often take for granted our own assumptions, values, and ways of perceiving the world until we encounter people from another culture. Recall a time when you experienced “culture shock” by traveling to another part … Read more

250 word discussion Cultural Anthropology

250 word discussion Cultural Anthropology The textbook discusses the process of assimilation. After viewing the film, Indian School: Stories of Survival, answer the following questions: What is the definition of assimilation? What happened to the Native American children in the film? Why did the American government decide to assimilate them into Western culture? How did this … Read more

250 word discussion Cultural Anthropology 2

250 word discussion Cultural Anthropology 2 Cultural relativism asserts that every culture has its own set of customs and beliefs, and that culture must be understood by the standards and values of the people within that culture. Anthropologists think that things that might seem cruel or irrational in our own culture must be seen through … Read more

Please help with a question

Please help with a question Part 1: There are quite a few subtopics to choose from within this forum question part 1; you need not address them all. Choose one or a combination of many that speak to you and run with it! In Uncle Tom’s Cabin, Harriett Beecher Stowe uses the character Augustine St. … Read more

Checklist of areas to be Considered

Checklist of areas to be Considered Documenting identity theft is more effectively done by the victim than law enforcement agencies and must be done quickly, with complete accuracy, recording even the smallest items. This is why it is important for individuals to remain vigilant to ensure that they do not become victims in the first place. … Read more

Hcs451 week 5 Tools and Decision Making for Ongoing Performance Management Prese

Hcs451 week 5 Tools and Decision Making for Ongoing Performance Management Prese Resource: Tools and Decision Making for Ongoing Performance Management Presentation Grading Criteria ON ST JUDES CHILDRENS HOSPITAL Select one organization type from the various organizations your Learning Team analyzed as part of your Week Four assignment. Build on your knowledge acquired from all previous … Read more

Direct and Indirect Cash Flows

Direct and Indirect Cash Flows Write a 350-word response regarding the differences between the direct and indirect presentation of cash flows. Why does the Financial Accounting Standards Board allow both methods? Which do you prefer? Why? Format your response consistent with APA guidelines. Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.       … Read more

SOC320 Public Policy & Social Services

SOC320 Public Policy & Social Services Education in the United States Read Chapter 9 of The Policy Game: Understanding U.S. Policy Making, and watch Changing Education Paradigms (or read the transcript). Then, write a paper on the problem of education in the United States. Share your reactions to the concepts and perspective presented in the … Read more

UOP/Ethics in Criminal Justice Administration Analysis

UOP/Ethics in Criminal Justice Administration Analysis Write a 1,400- to 1,750-word paper in which you analyze the relationship between ethics and professional behavior in the administration of criminal justice. Explain the role of critical thinking with regard to the relationship of ethics and professional behavior. Include in your paper a proposal for a seminar in ethics … Read more

Psychology Masters Program. Week 2 Assignment.

Psychology Masters Program. Week 2 Assignment. Written Assignment Ethics Code When discussing the various subfields of applied psychology we will often refer to the terms “scope of practice” and “competency.” In this 3 to 4 page paper, describe what is meant by each of these terms. Using the Standards in either the APA Code of … Read more

Microsoft Corp Case Study

Microsoft Corp Case Study,+dominating+the+software+and+operating+systems+markets+for+more+than+three+decades.&source=bl&ots=RwJucU1_Iv&sig=1JOwKpud1224DfbpJLn4sKjcK3I&hl=en&sa=X&ei=LbY6VPbdDoq3yATfh4CgAg&ved=0CB4Q6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=Microsoft%20%20is%20arguably%20one%20of%20the%20biggest%20names%20in%20the%20technology%20industry%2C%20dominating%20the%20software%20and%20operating%20systems%20markets%20for%20more%20than%20three%20decades.&f=false Read the Microsoft Case Study in Case Study section of the text. Write a summary of the case study. Be sure to describe and explain the importance of strategic leadership in managing Microsoft’s resources in your summary. Your summary should be a minimum of 2-3 double-spaced pages and must be … Read more

Proctor & Gamble in Vietnam

Proctor & Gamble in Vietnam Review the article: Coleman-Lochner, L. (2012). P&G plays kindergarten catch-up with Unilever in Vietnam. Bloomberg. Retrieved from Discuss the marketing plan insights P&G has gained through its Vietnamese marketing studies. How influential are those discoveries in the development of P&G’s strategy to enter the Vietnamese market? In developing a marketing … Read more

Creating a Plan

Creating a Plan Provide a brief overview of the product for which you are going to write your Marketing Plan. Why did you choose it? Which elements of the plan are you having difficulty with? What additional information would be needed to make the most informed strategic decisions for the future implementation of your plan? … Read more

Accounting Discussion Questions

Accounting Discussion Questions Self Constructed Assets and Nonreciprocal Transfers” Please respond to the following: Imagine you are the senior accountant in the Fixed Assets department at your organization, and management is undecided as to whether it should construct its fixed assets or purchase such assets from an outside source. You are responsible for preparing a report … Read more

Organizational Plans

Organizational Plans Write a 350-word paragraph answering the following questions: What are the different types of plans that organizations can use? What types of plans does your organization use, and why do they use these plans? Format your paragraph consistent with APA guidelines.       …………..Answer Preview…………. Different types of business plans used in organizations Business … Read more

Please help with a question

Please help with a question The Masque of the Red Death.pdf      Slave Narratives.pdf Part 1 Read another literary piece from an author of your choice that we have studied throughout the course. Write a detailed comparison of the two literary pieces, using specific details from each.  Your paper should be 1,000-1,500 words at least … Read more

Assignment 1: LASA II—American Positive Psychology Association Proposal

Assignment 1: LASA II—American Positive Psychology Association Proposal Using the module readings, Argosy University online library resources, and the Internet, research the positive psychology model. Then, based on your research, do the following: Select one of the featured elements of the positive psychology model on which you will prepare an application for the APPA Conference … Read more

PHI Assignment 1 Sensory Perceptions

PHI Assignment 1 Sensory Perceptions Students, please view the “Submit a Clickable Rubric Assignment” in the Student Center. Instructors, training on how to grade is within the Instructor Center. Assignment 1: Sensory Perceptions Can you really trust your senses and the interpretation of sensory data to give you an accurate view of the world? Describe … Read more

Netflix Case Study Paper

Netflix Case Study Paper Read the Netflix Case Study in Case Study section of the text. Write a summary of the case study. Be sure to define entrepreneurs and the entrepreneurial mind-set and define strategic entrepreneurship and corporate entrepreneurship as it relates to the Netflix case study. Your summary should be a minimum of 2-3 … Read more

Behavioral and Social/Cognitive Approaches to Forming Habits

Behavioral and Social/Cognitive Approaches to Forming Habits Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper analyzing the formation of habits using behavioral and social/cognitive approaches. Your paper should cover the following areas: Analyze one of your habits. How did you develop this habit? Were there role models for this habit? Which people influenced the adoption of this … Read more

Project Management Paper Team Project

Project Management Paper Team Project Continue using the organization and project selected in Week 2. Create a 7- to 10-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation on the team’s Week 2 project, including responses to the following project performance measurement and project closure items: Project Performance Measurement Explain how the project managers use earned value to monitor project … Read more

HCA 430 Final Project

HCA 430 Final Project Final Project Imagine you are a policymaker or city council member and are actively involved in improving the lives of the vulnerable.  Via the first two written assignments, you have already selected one vulnerable population, which is in need of a new program or service within your community. You will research … Read more

An Interview of Your Choice

An Interview of Your Choice In order to really learn about interviewing, you must practice doing interviews. There is no substitute for direct experience in learning about interviewing. This assignment will be the first of several interviews you conduct during this course. Find a volunteer to role-play a client. The purpose of this assignment is … Read more

Epidemiology case

Epidemiology case Must be original work regarding Cataracts of the eye may be difficult to diagnose, especially in the early stages. In a study of the reliability of their diagnoses, two physicians each examined the same 1,000 eyes, without knowing the other’s diagnoses. Each physician found 100 eyes with cataracts. Does this mean that the … Read more

Disease X is one that often results in severe illness but is never fatal

Epidemiology Disease X is one that often results in severe illness but is never fatal. On March 21, 2002, 30 students enrolled in an introductory epidemiology course at a university developed disease X. Assume all epidemiology students were exposed to the index case, the instructor. Through antibody titers we were able to determine the following … Read more

Why does the book of lukepay so much attention to Gentiles?

Why does the book of lukepay so much attention to Gentiles?     ……………Answer Preview…………… The book of Luke pays so much attention to Gentiles for various reasons. To start with, Luke himself was a Gentile and the only Gentile writer of the New Testament. Gentiles were not welcome by the Jews and through Jesus … Read more

Answer two questions about international HRM 2 pages

Answer two questions about international HRM 2 pages 1. Please take a moment and share one thing that you found surprising about international HR — and why. 2. What is one thing you learned in the course of the class that you believe will help make you a better manager in the future? Please answer these … Read more

Assignment 2: LASA I—Gender Identity

Assignment 2: LASA I—Gender Identity You have some expertise in gender identity development although you may not be aware of it. This assignment presents you with the opportunity to explore your own gender identity development. Gender identity is a very personal topic, yet also one that has been much studied in professional literature. Using the … Read more

ACS Code of Professional Conduct

ACS Code of Professional Conduct From what you have learned during Week s 3 and 4 of your Professional Environments Course, discuss ethical, professional and legal issues which you consider arise from this scenario. Make some recommendations of actions which could be taken to resolve the situation and/or to minimise the chance the scenario may … Read more

Obama health care reform

Obama health care reform   write a paper discussing why you believe the Clinton health reform efforts failed, and how the Obama health reform succeeded. Use the following as topic headers: Why do you believe that the Clinton health reform effort failed? What lessons do you believe were learned from the Clinton failure? How did — … Read more

health care cost- containment

health care cost- containment *write a paper describing some of the main differences between broad cost-containment approaches used in the United States and those used in countries with national health insurance. Use the following as topic headers: Identify the common, substantial challenges across developed countries in broad healthcare cost containment. Explain the dominant method(s) that … Read more

Contract Law

Contract Law In contract law, do you agree that parties to a contract should be left unrestrained drafting its provisions? Can the law be allowed to tilt in favor of one party in a contract (e.g. disadvantaged)? For this topic, you are expected to analyze and draw a conclusion whether law can be a humanitarian … Read more


NASW vs. NOHS Click on the link where you will find copies of both the and the In a 1-2 page paper compare and contrast the two codes. Discuss whether you believe one code to be stronger than the other. Are there any parts of the codes that impressed or surprised you. Be … Read more

The Marketing Mix

The Marketing Mix Select a company or brand from which you buy frequently. In 1-2 pages, include the following: Describe the organization that you selected and the industry in which it exists. Explain how each element of the marketing mix (product, place, price, and promotion) is utilized to influence the demand for the company’s products … Read more

Account of compliance

Account of compliance QUESTION 1 Does your host company have in place a formal IT Governance framework? Some clues as to its existence might be that there is a Corporate Governance or IT Governance policy document; the corporate intranet might contain references to governance. Structures may exist, at higher levels that are the decision making … Read more

Bernard Madoff ponzi Scheme

Bernard Madoff ponzi Scheme The original Ponzi case took place nearly 100 years ago. Despite this we still see variations of this type of fraud to this day. Recently, a scam was conducted over many years that may turn out to be the largest such Ponzi type scheme ever. Bernard Madoff is said to have … Read more

Assignment 3: Perception of Gender

Assignment 3: Perception of Gender Gender, as a term and a social concept, has taken many different forms and meanings over time. Your personal experience and expression of gender may be reflective of your generation and the sociopolitical landscape during the influential development stages of your life. This assignment will allow you to expand your … Read more

Project Management Paper

Project Management Paper Research project oversight. Write an 350- to 700-word executive summary to your organization’s leadership team covering the following: What is project oversight? How will project oversight impact the organization? How will project oversight impact the project manager? What’s the importance of project oversight to the future of project management? Format your paper … Read more

The employee you have chosen to send on this overseas assignment will be going with a spouse and two school age

The employee you have chosen to send on this overseas assignment will be going with a spouse and two school age The employee you have chosen to send on this overseas assignment will be going with a spouse and two school age children for a specified period of time (usually somewhere between 18 and 36 … Read more

Compare and contrast how project scope relates to the project budget and earned value management.

Project Management Compare and contrast how project scope relates to the project budget and earned value management. Be specific as to how scope and EVM will be mutually supportive and if there are areas where scope and earned value will diverge. Your assessment should include the use of a work breakdown structure to scope the … Read more

Innovation Question……..

Innovation Question…….. What are the key points that a company must address to remain committed to innovation?         ……….Answer Preview……….. Innovation is the art of creativity and the ability to develop new realistic and advantageous ideas. For a company to succeed and to enjoy competitive advantages, it should be in a position … Read more

Administrative Agencies – Oversight and Accountability

Administrative Agencies – Oversight and Accountability Question 1: Transparency and accountability are big issues in government today. People want to know what the government is doing, how they are doing it, and whether or not it is effective. The Government Accountability Office (GAO) is charged with auditing and evaluating government programs and activities. You may … Read more

Contemporary Issues in Project Management

Contemporary Issues in Project Management After this project, you get hired as the CEO of Advancement Corporation. Provide the next project manager with a written report, including the following: Document the activities and accomplishments of the project that you have just successfully completed. Describe which goals have been met. Describe what future actions you recommend. … Read more

Ethical Issues in Project Management

Ethical Issues in Project Management The recruitment of key personnel such as recruitment specialists, sales managers, and scientists is now well under control and almost complete. Your company needs three more scientists, and an executive recruiter offers you the opportunity, within budget, for providing you with the means of acquiring these badly needed personnel. The … Read more

Final Paper-BUS620

Final Paper -BUS620 Develop a 12- to14-page marketing plan (not including the title and reference pages, charts and/or graphs) for any product of your choice. Your marketing plan must: Analyze the specific marketplace situation in detail, including organizational strengths, weaknesses, environmental opportunities, and threats (SWOT analysis). Develop an organizational mission statement, and forecast performance goals … Read more

Improving Decision Making – Comprehensive Analysis of a Fortune 500 Company

Comprehensive Analysis of a Fortune 500 Company For this Individual Project you will analyze publicly available information about a Fortune 500 Company and develop an assessment of the corporate strategy and its ability to increase competitive advantage. This assignment requires you to obtain and analyze information at the company, industry and market levels using various … Read more

Watch videos on implementation and communication

Watch videos on implementation and communication Watch all four videos that are posted in the assignments for this week. This week we are discussing implementation and communication. While virtually all of us have an idea about what we want to change and how we want to accomplish that change, we seldom create a comprehensive plan … Read more

Communication failures in organizational change efforts

Communication failures in organizational change efforts Reflect on the communication failures you have witnessed in organizational change efforts, and answer the following: What was communication failure? What communication needs were not met? What was the result of these failures in communication? What needed to be done to correct this problem?         ……………Answer … Read more

Biological and Humanistic Approaches to Personality

Biological and Humanistic Approaches to Personality Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper analyzing the biological and humanistic approaches to personality. Your paper should cover the following areas: Use Maslow’s hierarchy of needs to discuss the extent to which growth needs influence personality formation. Describe biological factors that influence the formation of personality. Examine the relationship … Read more

primary drivers of the change effort?

Primary drivers of the change effort? Read the assigned articles and find a current event about an organizational change effort. Create a two-paragraph synopsis to explain that change effort to your classmates, post a link to the current event article, and make sure to answer the following questions: What were the primary drivers of the … Read more

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