Browse essays

Theory in Action: Cognitive and Behavioral Approaches

Theory in Action: Cognitive and Behavioral Approaches Week 7 Discussion Theory in Action: Cognitive and Behavioral Approaches Have you ever heard the term “positive addiction”? In general, this term is used to describe the act of replacing a negative addiction, like smoking, with a positive activity, like exercising. Both smoking and exercising can be perceived … Read more

New-Product strategy

Paper Topic: New-Product strategy   MARKETING STRATEGY RESEARCH ASSIGNMENT Marketing Strategy Basics: Provide a good definition and description of the Marketing Strategy. Provide two to three specific (real world) examples of how this marketing strategy is used Provide an example of how you would use this strategy with the company you are currently employed or … Read more

Describe the ancient Greek competitive character

Describe the ancient Greek competitive character Describe the ancient Greek competitive character, and compare the ancient Olympics (as a festival featuring athletics) to the Olympics today, identifying any major differences. Explain what the Olympic rules regarding females and evidence, such as the “running girl” artifact, reveal about female status and Greek athletics in particular Greek … Read more

module 1 hw human sexuality

module 1 hw human sexuality Reflect on the information you have learned in your readings for Module 1, thinking about information related to human sexuality that you would like to know more about. Formulate a research question. Why would your research question be important to study? What lessons did you learn from studies such as … Read more

Accounting Info Systems

Accounting Info Systems Employers of both accounting and IS personnel often rank “analytical reasoning” and “writing” skills on the same priority as technical skills, and some rank them even higher. Said one recruiter at the school of one author: “I can train new employees to use our computer systems and perform the majority of the … Read more

Read Case 2.1: Hacking into Harvard, located here or on page 71 in your textbook.

Read Case 2.1: Hacking into Harvard, located here or on page 71 in your textbook. As applicants began to defend themselves against the penalties handed out by the business schools, they appealed to both consequentialist and nonconsequentialist criteria to support their actions. Some responded by pointing out that their intentions were never malicious, while others … Read more

LEG420 Case Study

LEG420 Case Study Case Study 1: Marbury v. Madison, 5 U.S. 137, 1 Cranch 137, 2 L. Ed. 60 (1803) Due Week 2 and worth 150 points  In 1803, the Supreme Court, led by Chief Justice John Marshall, decides the landmark case of William Marbury versus James Madison, Secretary of State of the United States and … Read more

The Diverse Nature of Psychology Paper PSY/490

The Diverse Nature of Psychology Paper PSY/490 minimum 1,050-word paper in which you analyze the diverse nature of psychology as a discipline. Address the following items as a part of your analysis: Evaluate the influence of diversity on psychology’s major concepts. Identify two examples of subdisciplines and two examples of subtopics within psychology. Examples of major concepts … Read more

How Benefits Can Help Recruit/Retain Employees

How Benefits Can Help Recruit/Retain Employees tudent will be required to submit 2 pages (page restriction will be strictly observed), double-spaced, 12-pt. font typewritten case analysis (TEXT only not including references). If you use references besides your textbook, this can be placed on page 3. If using references (NOT REQUIRED), adhere to APA style. Please … Read more

National Prevention Strategy developed by the Office of the Surgeon General

National Prevention Strategy developed by the Office of the Surgeon General Description Chapter two highlights the importance of disease prevention under health care reform. It also underscores the significance of the healthcare industry’s shift from managing acute illness towards the promotion of health and wellness. Page 47 mentions the goals of the National Prevention Strategy … Read more

Blum’s Model

Blum’s Model Description Please describe the Blum’s Model and outline the major components that contribute to health and well being. Does this model still hold true today? Is the model still relevant even though it was introduced in 1974? What other models may be more useful and accurate given today’s healthcare climate? Please answer the … Read more

How to become an A student

How to become  A student           …………….Answer Preview…………….. who achieve their high grades through such means but not all of them. A good example is my brother who used to be an A student but I never saw him reading too much. As a matter of fact, he used to engage … Read more

Reproductive Rights and Wrongs

Reproductive Rights and Wrongs Reproductive Rights and Wrongs Final Paper – Spring 2016 To my long lost dear friend: I know we have not spoken since we graduated from high school in 2008, but I remember you with fondness and hope that you are willing to assist me as I face a wrenching decision. Let … Read more

Earning from Music

Earning from Music       …………….Answer Preview……………. May artists and musician are always faced by the age old dilemma of marketing and earning from their music. While other people may term the decisions that these musicians may take up as greedy, others only see it as the only rational and sound move. Even though … Read more

Literature and philosophy

Literature and philosophy Dante and Aquinas Add Aquinas in the introduction 2. Devine justice is too broad, add in the introduction God’s justice 5. Have to have 5 sources Summit up then bring it up to date hoe it means for today’s value like a reflection. And this is for the thesis the introduction.   … Read more

addiction in adolescents

addiction in adolescents INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Explain in detail the relationship between abuse and addiction in adolescence. 2. How does abuse or addiction affect the developing brain of an adolescent? 3. How does a healthy spiritual development affect the likelihood of use/abuse/addiction in the adolescent years? 4. Discuss local news coverage of alcohol or drug-related stories … Read more


accounting 1.How does documentation  fit into the control and processing within the expenditure cycle?Give illustrations. 150 words references 2.Discuss the issues related to general ledger computer-based accounting  150 words, references Need 2 Word documents.         ……………….Answer Preview………………. Documentation in control and processing of expenditure cycles For any given business transaction, it is always advised that a proper documentation process should always be followed. This is primarily to avoid … Read more

Application of the Prisoners’ Dilemma

Application of the Prisoners’ Dilemma . The following is a case study using a recent event: CVS versus Walgreens: An interesting recent case involves two pharmacists CVS and Walgreens. Rather than a situation where the two indulge in a competitive battle against each other over advertising or a price war, they battle against each other … Read more

research work

research work describe how you would display the key measures of a particular production line in term of SQCD (Safety, Quality, Cost & Delivery/Flexibility) — you may use measures that are important for a line supervisor and display them however you wish (graphically, digital display, tables, etc.). Pick what measures you think are important and … Read more


anthropology           ……………….Answer Preview………………….. The poor people I the USA undergo many challenges in their neighborhoods as well as in their endeavor to try and make ends meet. The problems and hardships that they meet may range from those related to health and the family susteinance issues. All in all, these … Read more

Assignment 2: LASA 1—Human Resource Planning

Assignment 2: LASA 1—Human Resource Planning Writing Assignment  Review Juanita’s World Parts 1-5, which are found in the Weeks 1 and 2 lectures, and write a 6 page paper. Pretend you are Juanita and develop a human resource plan to share with your boss. Develop a scenario which analyzes and summarizes the current situation for the employer. You are … Read more

Critiquing the NIPP

Critiquing the NIPP Critique the National Infrastructure Protection Plan in the context of strategic targets. Explain why the plan is or is not effective. Support your answer. Argue whether a bottom-up or top-down approach to creating the National Infrastructure Protection Plan is most suitable with the current setup of the nation’s security protections. Support your … Read more

A common word For the common Good

A common word For the common Good Please provide a brief summary here of the main points that the author makes in the introduction. In other words, write 1-2 paragraphs about the introduction to this response to “A Common Word.” You just need read 3 pages  …………………Answer Preview……………. The writer begins the response by deeply … Read more

Social Life and Making Friends on US University Campuses

Social Life and Making Friends on US University Campuses Required length: 3-4 pages not including the Works Cited   Overview   Since the beginning of the semester, this course has examined the experiences of international students in U.S. universities. To write this paper, you will examine and evaluateone of Rebekah Nathan’s major claims, based on her evidence, the evidence … Read more

human resources

human resources Human Resources Research Paper Specifications   Topic: How to create an ethical unique workplace for employees and how its beneficiary. Talking about Google’s work ethics and the advantages on it towards employees and how the work is being completed in a better way.   Length: Minimum 6 pages excluding references, double-spaced 12 point … Read more

Movie Review: Batman Vs Superman

Movie Review: Batman Vs Superman For this assignment, you will assume the role of a critic. You will choose a subject (restaurant, art exhibit, play/musical, film, an episode of a TV show, a book or poem, a graphic novel, a video game or a music album) and genre (eg. for film, horror, romantic comedy, action, … Read more

Sociological analysis video

Sociological analysis video       ……………….Answer Preview……………. In the film, “Rabbit in the Moon”, there are several themes which depict the experiences of Japanese Americans that were joining their families from camps. The first theme that is portrayed in this film is the citizenship of Japanese-Americans being revoked because of their ethnic. This came … Read more


essay Essay 3 :  pages 82 – 133 —-> write one page summary (300 words) *Essay 4 :  pages 247 – 276 —-> write one page summary (300 words)           ………………..Answer Preview………………. The Iconography of Duolism When approaching the Guayaqil Airport, the narrator hardly fails to fantasize the countryside houses and villages as those to … Read more

Written Assignment – Cultural Sensitivity/ introduction to communication homework

Written Assignment – Cultural Sensitivity/ introduction to communication homework Continually in our changing society we are learning how to interact with people who have different beliefs, values, and attitudes. In 1-2 pages, describe a time when you had to learn about a new culture or way of life. (This could be another country, a different … Read more


anthropology The actual fossil remains of Lucy, arguably the most famous Australopithecus afarensis, were sent from their home in Ethiopia several years ago to the United States for public viewing in the Houston Museum of Natural Science and on to several other museums. A huge amount of controversy was generated by the decision of the Ethiopian government … Read more

Describe a work task, a hobby, or another activity that you regularly do

Describe a work task, a hobby, or another activity that you regularly do Describe a work task, a hobby, or another activity that you regularly do, and sequentially list the various actions you take in order to complete this activity. Consider the complexity of your list and the amount of steps required to complete the … Read more

Animal rights

Animal rights         …………….Answer Preview…………… Introduction             Many are the times people wonder the manner in which they are supposed to treat their animals. This aspect is brought about by the fact that people purchase animals for different reasons. There are those who purchase them for economic reasons, for example individuals who … Read more

Unit 6 Project Energy Choices

Unit 6 Project Energy Choices Assignment Energy Choices Worldwide energy consumption varies dramatically, but the impacts are shared by all. The most commonly used fuel sources for energy around the world are the fossil fuels: coal, oil, and natural gas. Combustion of fossil fuels releases pollutants to the atmosphere, where the emissions from all countries … Read more

Conducting virtual meetings

Conducting virtual meetings Create an agenda for a virtual team meeting on a topic of your choice. Draw from your own experience working within a group with the goal of achieving a specific task. You may use your experience as a student working in a group, or develop a plan for a future learning team. Your … Read more

Intellectual Property Article

Intellectual Property Article Find a recent (September 2015 to April 2016) news article about intellectual property (trademark, copyright, patent, or trade secret) that raises legal issues.  Discuss the intellectual property issues and relevant law related to the article.  Your paper must be double-spaced, font size 12 and between 700 to 900 words in length.  If … Read more

Much has been written on the importance of knowledge management, the challenges facing organizations

importance of knowledge management Much has been written on the importance of knowledge management, the challenges facing organizations, and the important human resource management activities involved in assuring the acquisition and transfer of knowledge. Higher business education plays an important role in preparing students to assume the knowledge management and human resource roles so necessary … Read more


EN101 HOMEWORK 2 full pages Taking a position and integrating and analyzing quotations. POST 7-Read and respond to both articles below. Find one quotation from each author to blend into your writing. Anne-Marie Cusac, “Watching Torture in Prime Time” and Gerard Jones, “Violent Media is Good for Kids” offer varied viewpoints regarding ‘violence’ on television … Read more

egg donation paper

egg donation paper Reproductive,Rights,and,Wrongs, Spring,2016, Third,Paper:,,To,Post,or,Not?, , Recently,,Premier,Egg,Donations,has,been,posting,flyers,around,our,campus,seeking,“special,egg, donors”,to,help,“loving,couples,conceive,a,child.”,,,As,advertised,,the,donors,must,have,the, following,qualifications:, • A,healthy,life,style;, • a,minimum,GPA,of,3.6;, • a,total,score,of,at,least,1350,on,the,SAT;, • musical,ability,,and, • a,demonstrated,athletic,ability.,,, This,has,set,off,quite,a,debate,on,campus,,and,the,University,is,considering,whether,or,not,to,ban, such,flyers,from,campus,based,on,concerns,about,potential,exploitation,of,the,young,women,at, UMB.,,Looking,for,informed,positions,on,the,issue,,and,knowing,that,you,have,read,some,leading, articles,regarding,the,controversies,surrounding,paying,women,for,their,eggs,in,your,Intermediate, Seminar,,the,Administration,has,asked,you,to,write,a,short,position,paper,on,whether,these,flyers, should,be,banned,or,not,on,campus., Instructions:, 1.,,This,is,a,persuasive,essay,,which,means,that,you,want,to,craft,an,argument,that,will,convince, others,of,your,position.,,Accordingly,,you,may,write,it,in,the,first,person., 2.,,However,,this,does,not,mean,that,I,am,simply,asking,you,to,write,about,how,you,feel,about,the, issue.,,I,am,also,not,asking,you,to,describe,the,readings., 3.,,So,what,is,it,that,I,am,asking?,,Using,the,two,assigned,readings,that,support,your,position,on,the, issue,,I,want,you,to,craft,a,wellWsupported,essay.,,In,short,,this,is,a,text,based,paper,–,you,are,using, what,the,experts,have,to,say,on,the,issue,to,persuade,the,administration,that,your,stance,regarding, the,posting,of,flyers,is,the,correct,one.,, 4.,,I,really,want,you,to,focus,on,the,clarity,of,the,writing,and,the,ideas,,so,I,am,keeping,the,paper, short,–,it,should,be,2W3,pages.,,Don’t,be,fooled,,however,,this,does,not,make,the,assignment,easier, as,it,puts,a,premium,on,careful,organization,and,concise,and,powerful,prose.,, 5.,,This,paper,is,due,on,Blackboard,by,5:00,p.m.,on,4/11.,,Note,that,we,will,be,talking,about,writing, a,persuasive,essay,on,4/6,so,you,will,get,the,most,out,of,this,class,if,you,have,already,begun,to, work,on,this,essay., 6.,,An,excellent,paper,will:, • Include,a,wellWdeveloped,introductory,paragraph           ………………..Answer Preview………….. To Post or Not … Read more

my passion

my passion What is My Passion? If I had all the money I could ever need or want, what would I love to do even if I did not get paid to do it? No professional titles. Describe what it is you would be doing on a daily basis. This paper should include who you … Read more

Control Function Analysis

Control Function Analysis Today’s workforce is diverse in terms of age and other aspects that influence performance and success. Leaders must both motivate and support employees so that they can continuously adapt to change while creating opportunity in their careers. Develop a 1,400-word analysis of how change management can help retain or promote employee loyalty by … Read more

Research in the health profession

Research in the health profession Mini-Research Paper   This paper should be approximately two pages in length.  The paper should include:   Writing Studio Visit this is a separate visit from your Introductory Writing Assignment   Title page follow the format of the title page in the APA worksheet also include the date and time … Read more


Cancer Choose one of the topics below. Write a two-page (double spaced) response and include two references in your response. References should include at least one academic peer-reviewed journal article and you’re an additional source such as your textbook, course notes, lecture notes, reliable online sources, textbooks from other courses, library sources, etc. APA format required, including … Read more


apple Use the same company from your Week 2 assignment. (APPLE) Your company has decided to launch a new line of products. Write a  900 word paper and include the following information: Choose the target market for your product, and describe your target market in detail. Create a new product which would appeal to your market. Develop … Read more

Business Principles of Marketing

Business Principles of Marketing Compare and contrast a four Ps approach to marketing versus the value approach (creating, communicating, and delivering value). Select and examine these approaches for at least one routine and non-routine problem.  What would you expect to be the same and what would you expect to be different between two companies that apply … Read more

law discussions

law discussions Bronsen acquired a biblical manuscript in 1955.  In 1962, he told his sister Lila that he wanted Oklahoma A&M University to have this manuscript.  He dictated a note so stating and placed it with the manuscript.  He made some effort to have an officer of the college come for the manuscript.  In 1966, he delivered the manuscript … Read more

business writing

business writing Writing assignment in WRTG 394 will be an annotated bibliography. Please watch the following short video from UMUC’s Information and Library Services unit on how to write an annotated bibliography: here is the video below:   After watching the video, please access the article, “Social Media: Has It Lived Up to Its … Read more

Sherwood Anderson’s “Hands”

Sherwood Anderson’s “Hands” Sherwood Anderson’s “Hands”: Lecture Notes   “Hands” is a short story centering on the psychological trauma a teacher suffers after parents falsely accuse him of fondling male students. It was first published in 1916 in The Masses, a Chicago literary magazine. The New York firm of B. W. Huebsch published the story … Read more


interview I need a help my professor want me to do an job interview and i already done that with two of  friends and i choose one of them depending on their answers so i need someone  to read the answers and discuss why did you chose that person ……………….Answer Preview……………….. There are various factors … Read more


 Description explain following terms in three to five descriptive sentences each: What is Stylistic Evidence? What is Personal Style? What is Iconography Section Two: Virtual Museum Visit Click on the links below and watch the videos. Then, briefly summarize the point of each video, including terminology from the glossary and readings this week to connect … Read more

Essay Assigment

Essay Assigment Please include quotes with page numbers from the articles. Thanks I want you to disagree with critism of rothenberg ……………….Answer Preview…………… Criticism of the article, “How the Web Destroys the Quality of Students’ Research Papers By David Rothenberg Introduction             In this article, David Rothenberg claims that originality and quality of writing declines … Read more

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