Browse essays

Is police misconduct indicative of something about the people choosing police work

Is police misconduct indicative of something about the people choosing police work Discussion 1 Make sure you answer all of the questions: 1. Ghana has a specialized Women and Juvenile Unit that investigates cases involving women, children, and juveniles. Do you believe such a specialized unit is an appropriate way to organize a police force? … Read more

Ethnic Street Food Experience

Ethnic Street Food Experience Dear Class, Ethnic Street Food Experience. See the Rubric for specific point values. Please choose a street food which is different from your own culture. Be adventurous! Explore new foods you have never experienced. Preliminary exploration— Clearly state why you chose this style of street food. How did you find this … Read more

The mechanisms of how infectious agent causes disease

The mechanisms of how infectious agent causes disease Transmission plays an integral part in understanding the mechanisms of how infectious agent causes disease. For an organism to survive and repeat the cycle, a host and reservoir is needed. All of you know that transmission occurs by either direct or in-direct contact. For many respiratory diseases, … Read more

Write a 600-800 word paper that identifies the audience(s)

Write a 600-800 word paper that identifies the audience(s) Write a 600-800 word paper that identifies the audience(s) you think you should target to gain support for your cause. Explain your reasoning for choosing these audiences (why them specifically?), with cited sources. Describe what platforms you specifically plan to use to engage this audience and … Read more

Research the Laws and rights of street food vendors

Research the Laws and rights of street food vendors For this assignment, you will research the Laws and rights of street food vendors. What might be the challenges and grey areas involved, if any, in obtaining a license? For this, you will either use Google Scholar, Library resources, or other legitimate sources. Minimum 150 words … Read more

The basic principles of cooking, and food science

The basic principles of cooking, and food science Please Investigate the three bullets below; Google scholar or other reliable sources, the basic principles of cooking, and food science. After reading, you should be able to: Order Material(s) Answer preview to The basic principles of cooking, and food science APA 292 words Get instant access to … Read more

Discuss the steps involved in an outbreak investigation

Discuss the steps involved in an outbreak investigation Discuss the steps involved in an outbreak investigation. Explain why each step is significant. Requirements: 200 words Order Material(s) Completed File(s) Answer preview to Discuss the steps involved in an outbreak investigation APA 263 words Get instant access to the full solution from yourhomeworksolutions by clicking the purchase button … Read more

Design a patient teaching aid about OTC treatments for colds and cough

Design a patient teaching aid about OTC treatments for colds and cough Requirements: As needed Order Material(s) Completed File(s) Answer preview to Design a patient teaching aid about OTC treatments for colds and cough APA 1 slide Get instant access to the full solution from yourhomeworksolutions by clicking the purchase button below

How Technology is Transforming the Field of Auditing

How Technology is Transforming the Field of Auditing Objective: This assignment aims to examine how technological advancements are transforming the field of auditing. You are encouraged to explore the benefits and risks associated with the use of technology in auditing and to consider how these innovations are reshaping auditing practices. Instructions: You are required to … Read more

Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamic aspects

Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamic aspects Case studies are a useful way for you to apply your knowledge of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamic aspects of pharmacology to specific patient cases and health histories.For your assignment, evaluate drug treatment plans for patients with various disorders and justify drug therapy plans based on patient history and diagnosis.To Prepare:• Review the … Read more

Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamic aspects

Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamic aspects Case studies are a useful way for you to apply your knowledge of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamic aspects of pharmacology to specific patient cases and health histories.For your assignment, evaluate drug treatment plans for patients with various disorders and justify drug therapy plans based on patient history and diagnosis.To Prepare:• Review the … Read more

Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamic aspects

Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamic aspects Case studies are a useful way for you to apply your knowledge of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamic aspects of pharmacology to specific patient cases and health histories.For your assignment, evaluate drug treatment plans for patients with various disorders and justify drug therapy plans based on patient history and diagnosis.To Prepare:• Review the … Read more

Public Service Employee Survey

Public Service Employee Survey Why do the authors believe that we need ”an adaptive public service” for the 21st century? OPTION 3 Do you agree? Why or why not? OPTION 4: Is the quote in option 3 (Although rules and hierarchy…) related to the adoption of a ”neo-Weberian state” governance model? Yes or no. Please … Read more

J11 Report Writing

J11 Report Writing Assignment 08 J11 Report Writing Directions:Be sure to make an electronic copy of your answer before submitting it to Ashworth College for grading.  Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English spelling and grammar.  Sources must be cited in APA format.  Your response should be four (4) pages … Read more

Learning Resources on healthcare and disability

Learning Resources on healthcare and disability Assignment Instructions: SOCW6205WK8ASSGNMNT1To prepare:• Review the Learning Resources on healthcare and disability.• Select a specific disability to research that exists within the adult population. You may think of, for example, a learning or mobility disability, low vision or blindness, deafness, or a developmental disability such as Down syndrome.• Conduct … Read more

Chronic illnesses.

Chronic illnesses. Assignment Instructions: SOCW6205WK8DISC1To prepare:• Review the Learning Resources on social work with clients with chronic illnesses.• Review the case study on Jesus, a patient with end-stage renal disease who is featured in Chapter 17 of your textbook. ASSIGNMENTSUBMIT 1-PAGE IN WHICH YOU:Post a brief description of the psychosocial effects of end-stage renal disease … Read more

Analysis Essay

Analysis Essay Rough Draft of First Analysis EssayAnalyze the argument of your first scholarly (peer-reviewed) articleYour own thesis should state whether you believe the article is or isnot successful—or perhaps only moderately successful (i.e. somewhere in between)—insupporting its argument. Your essay must include the following:• Introduction paragraph: Full name of the article in quotation marks; … Read more

Stricter Gun Control Laws

Stricter Gun Control Laws How Can Stricter Gun Control Laws Impact Crime RateAssignment Instructions: No using Chat Gpt/ AIUse MLAat least 600- 1000 wordsIn this Analytical Research Essay, you will provide an argument thesis about your chosencontroversial topic (also called an issue). The goal of the essay, however, is not to prove yourargument thesis is … Read more

Principles of Macroeconomics

Principles of Macroeconomics Principles of MacroeconomicsAssignment Instructions: I need help with an essay. Prior to beginning the work on this discussion: -Read chapters 12 and 13 in the course text and the article Monetary Policy: Stabilizing Prices and Output. Chapter 12- Chapter 13- Article Monetary Policy: Stabilizing Prices and Output- -Go to Meeting calendars, statements, … Read more

Program and Policy Evaluation Report

Program and Policy Evaluation Report Program and Policy Evaluation ReportAssignment Instructions: CJA/446: Criminal Justice Policy Analysis And Program EvaluationWeek 2 Assessment Prep: Program and Policy Evaluation ReportHomework ContentCriminal justice professionals should not only be familiar with strategies for evaluating criminal justice programs, but also be familiar with how program evaluation strategies can be used to … Read more

Report Writing

Report Writing Assignment 04 J11 Report Writing Directions:Be sure to make an electronic copy of your answer before submitting it to Ashworth College for grading.  Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English spelling and grammar.  Sources must be cited in APA format.  Your response should be four (4) pages in … Read more

Compare the legal systems of two countries of your choice (other than the United States)

Compare the legal systems of two countries of your choice (other than the United States) Write a research paper that compares the legal systems of two countries of your choice (other than the United States). Discuss the issues of due process, search and seizure, self-incrimination, the right to Columbia College Online Campus Page | 5 … Read more

Policy Analysis Project

Policy Analysis Project PLEASE USE THE TEMPLATE FOR CONTINUANCE. ALSO FOLLOW THE EIGHTFOLD PATH MANUAL PROVIDED IN THE PRIOR ASSIGNMENT Policy Analysis Project: Part 4 – Project the Outcomes and Confront the Trade-Offs Assignment Instructions Overview Your Policy Analysis Project will be completed in six parts throughout this course. It is intended to allow you to … Read more

What is the basic justification of punishment

What is the basic justification of punishment PLEASE WRITE IN ESSAY FORM AND FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS What is the basic justification of punishment? Is it to educate, to penalize, to maintain order, or something else? Write a persuasive essay outlining your theory of the justification of punishment. Make sure you rely upon your readings and … Read more

Some aspects of Islamic law are inappropriate for modern times

Some aspects of Islamic law are inappropriate for modern times 1. Westerners and even some Islamic law scholars often comment that some aspects of Islamic law are inappropriate for modern times. Examples of stoning, amputation, gender differences in criminal procedure, and others are cited. Read the article \\”Lashing, Stoning, Mutilating: Islamic Law is Barbaric and … Read more

Specific rules of criminal procedure

Specific rules of criminal procedure Make sure you answer all the questions: 1. The “You Should Know!” box titled “Proof and Truth” (page 126 of your textbook) suggests that adversarial proceedings can be distinguished as relying on the government’s ability to prove (following specific rules of criminal procedure) the defendant’s guilt, whereas the inquisitorial process … Read more

Principles of Macroeconomics

Principles of Macroeconomics Principles of MacroeconomicsAssignment Instructions: I need help with an essay. Prior to beginning the work on this discussion: -Read chapters 12 and 13 in the course text and the article Monetary Policy: Stabilizing Prices and Output. Chapter 12- Chapter 13- Article Monetary Policy: Stabilizing Prices and Output- -Go to Meeting calendars, statements, … Read more

Program and Policy Evaluation Report

Program and Policy Evaluation Report Program and Policy Evaluation ReportAssignment Instructions: CJA/446: Criminal Justice Policy Analysis And Program EvaluationWeek 2 Assessment Prep: Program and Policy Evaluation ReportHomework ContentCriminal justice professionals should not only be familiar with strategies for evaluating criminal justice programs, but also be familiar with how program evaluation strategies can be used to … Read more

Judicial opinion.

Judicial opinion. Review the following videos for help submitting your Individual Project: Assignment Details A case brief is an organized, written summary of the essential elements of a judicial opinion. Case briefs are useful tools to assist you in learning to analyze the law. To brief a case, you must first carefully read the case to gain … Read more

Criminal laws

Criminal laws Primary Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 200–250 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas. For this Discussion Board, please complete the following: Criminal … Read more

False imprisonment

False imprisonment Primary Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 200–250 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas. For this Discussion Board, please complete the following: Review … Read more

Major Depressive Disorder

Major Depressive Disorder  Third Post: For your Patient Post, please discuss a patient( 13-17 Female) in your current clinical setting and their view of their illness( Major Depressive Disorder), its presentation, and their ideas about treatment that are specifically related to their cultural perspective( Caucasian). Assess using the 4Cs and therapeutic communication. You can refresh … Read more


Nursing NursingTitle:Assignment Instructions: 200-450 words2 or 3 referencesPaper Format: APA Answer preview to Nursing APA 300 WORDS

Principles of Macroeconomics

Principles of Macroeconomics Principles of MacroeconomicsAssignment Instructions: I need help responding to a comment from a student and the professor on 2 of my discussion posts. Also, I need help responding to 4 students\’ discussion posts. Each response should be a minimum of 100 words. *My first discussion post Hello everyone, Money is a medium … Read more

Assisted suicide

Assisted suicide Select a stance that is for or against your selected topic and write a 500-to-750-word paper. Include the following in your paper:Topic: Assisted suicide title page.A description of an ethical issue related to the selected topic.A description of your stance on the topic. Include rationale for your stance.A description of the opposition\’s stance … Read more

Ethics and relativism

Ethics and relativism During this week, you have learned quite a bit regarding ethics and relativism. For your assignment, you will be making a presentation. Create a 5-7 slide PowerPoint presentation with a minimum of 50 words of speaker notes per slide. The slide count does not include the title and reference slide. The presentation … Read more

What current or future trends have potential ethical issues

What current or future trends have potential ethical issues Each student must post one (1) substantial initial post as a response to the discussion question with a minimum of 150 words. Regarding your field of study( Nursing), what current or future trends have potential ethical issues? List an example of at least one trend and … Read more

Difference between the enumerated powers

Difference between the enumerated powers Explain the difference between the enumerated powers to the federal government in the Constitution and reserved powers. What are concurrent powers? Give some examples of each. Please reference The Enduring Democracy, Kenneth J. Dautrich, David A. Yalof, Christina E. Bejarano Sources: 1 Number of pages: 2 Answer preview to difference … Read more

What role do ethics play in a professional setting

What role do ethics play in a professional setting Each student must post one (1) substantial initial post as a response to the discussion question with a minimum of 150 words. What role do ethics play in a professional setting? Consider your current place of employment or where you would like to work in the … Read more

Ethical implications of the Stanford Prison Experiment

Ethical implications of the Stanford Prison Experiment Write a 500-to-750-word paper about the ethical implications of the Stanford Prison Experiment. Include the following in your paper: A title page.A description of the treatment of participants.A discussion on your opinion regarding if the experiment was ethical or unethical.An analysis of the feasibility of this type of … Read more

The influence of leadership

The influence of leadership The influence of leadership can be far-reaching in practice and improving patient outcomes even when not in a formal role. Describe advocacy strategies that you can use as a leader to create positive change in your current workplace. In response to peers, describe a time when you provided leadershipleadership and the … Read more

Formal role where a nurse is in a position of leadership

Formal role where a nurse is in a position of leadership Discuss a formal role where a nurse is in a position of leadership. Outline the essential responsibilities of that role and the educational preparation required. Explain what leadership traits, styles, or qualities are required to be successful in this role and why. How do … Read more

Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s administration

Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s administration What impact did Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s administration and the New Deal have on the office of the presidency?Paper Format: APA  Number of pages: 2 Sources: 1  Please reference The Enduring Democracy, Kenneth J. Dautrich, David A. Yalof, Christina E. Bejarano Answer preview to Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s administration APA 600 WORDS

Conduct unscientific polls

Conduct unscientific polls Essay 3: How easy is it to conduct unscientific polls and insert bias into a poll at every question? What issues might these unscientific and biased polling methods present? How do they impact the reporting of public opinion? Please reference The Enduring Democracy, Kenneth J. Dautrich, David A. Yalof, Christina E. Bejarano  … Read more

Processes within the Electoral College

Processes within the Electoral College Essay 4: How do the processes within the Electoral College today differ from how the Founders intended for the Electoral College to function?Paper Format: APA  Number of pages: 2 1 source please reference The Enduring Democracy, Kenneth J. Dautrich, David A. Yalof, Christina E. Bejarano Answer preview to processes within … Read more

Why is professional courtesy important in business

Why is professional courtesy important in business please reference College English and Business Communication Sue Camp and Marilyn Satterwhite, 2019 McGraw-Hill Education Why is professional courtesy important in business? What are some specific situations in which professional courtesy should be demonstrated?  Paper Format: APA  Number of pages: 2 Sources: 1 Answer preview to Why is … Read more

Difference between a semi colon, a colon, and a dash.

Difference between a semi colon, a colon, and a dash. What is the difference between a semi colon, a colon, and a dash. Write an original sentence with the correct use of each.Paper Format: APA Assignment Details: please reference College English and Business Communication Sue Camp and Marilyn Satterwhite, 2019 McGraw-Hill Education  Number of pages: … Read more

Define primary sources and secondary sources

Define primary sources and secondary sources Define primary sources and secondary sources. Where do you obtain primary source data? Where are secondary sources found? Assignment Details: Please reference College English and Business Communication Sue Camp and Marilyn Satterwhite, 2019 McGraw-Hill Education  Paper Format: APA  Number of pages: 2 Answer preview to Define primary sources and … Read more

College English and Business Communication

College English and Business Communication Assignment Details: Please reference College English and Business Communication Sue Camp and Marilyn Satterwhite, 2019 McGraw-Hill Education GED 155 Essay 4:  In what ways does having a company website provide customer service?  Paper Format: APANumber of pages: 1.5 1 source Answer preview to College English and Business Communication APA 450 … Read more

Policies and practices of the Spanish, French, and English

Policies and practices of the Spanish, French, and English Compare and contrast the policies and practices of the Spanish, French, and English regarding Indians in the New World in the late 17th century. Include in your response the underlying reasons for these policies and practices. Assignment Details: Please reference Liberty, Equality , Power Murrin, 2019, … Read more

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