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A summary for business strategy oral presentation

A summary for business strategy oral presentation

In order to bring current examples of strategic issues and problems into the class, each student will present a current business strategies report. The report should be drawn from material in the business press and must deal with a topic within the last 12 months. The article(s) should highlight the strategic issues facing a particular firm or industry and should be directly related to International Strategy/ Sustainability of this course.

Your oral report should include the following points:
1. A very brief review of the key facts of the story.
2. Identification and explanation of the key course concepts, tools, topics that this report relates to.
3. Your analysis/evaluation of the effectiveness of this firm’s strategy and actions with respect to the relevant topic.
You will turn in a typed, one-page (max) summary of your report. Be sure to attach the URL of the article and any other materials from which the report is derived. You should be prepared to present, not read, a 2-3 minute
summary of your report if called upon to do so in class.

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