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What advice can you give that would make my college studies more beneficial

What advice can you give that would make my college studies more beneficial

Business 1500 Professional Interview Assignment Guidelines
If you choose to interview a business professional as one of your outside activities, you
must follow these guidelines.
The objective of this assignment is for you to learn more about business as a possible
career path. With this in mind, you should select an area of business that interests you and
select an individual in that area that you could interview. The person you select should
not be a close relative, friend or work associate. To avoid any problems, be sure to
consult with your instructor and get approval of the person you are considering prior to
conducting your interview.
Following instructor approval, you should conduct your personal interview with the
person you selected. Your interview should consist of “open ended questions” (who,
what, when, where, how) so as to get the person talking about the area of business you
are interested in and how they work in it and got involved with it. You can use questions
such as the following:
1. What do you do in your current position?
2. Describe a typical day?
3. What are the most satisfying aspects of your work?
4. What should I do to prepare for this type of work?
5. What type of career path is associated with this job?
6. If you had it all to do over, what would you do differently?
7. What advice can you give that would make my college studies more beneficial?
Feel free to add questions as you see fit, or, if a question clearly does not apply to your
interview, omit it.
Once your interview is completed, you are to assemble a one to two page type written,
double spaced summary of the interview. You should include your person’s name, place
of employment, job title, and how or why you decided to interview them. You should
also date the summary with the date of the interview. The summary should be in a
biographical form describing your person and use the information you learned from your
interview. It should not be in a question and answer format duplicating your interview.
You can also conclude your paper with what you learned from your interview.
To receive full credit for this assignment you are required to turn your written
summary in to your instructor no latter than one week after you have conducted
your interview.

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What advice can you give that would make my college studies more beneficial


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