Identify The 5 Objectives for persuaders in the media age
This exam consists of five essay questions.Your answer for each question should be well
written,developed,and organized essay that fully addresses each component of the exam
questions.Follow the rules of formal writing:write incomplete sentences,and donotuse
any inappropriate language, textspeak, or emojis.
onhowaccurately andcompletely theyanswertheexamquestions.Agoodgeneralruleof
thumb is to write about 1-2 pages for each exam question.
Type rexaminaM Word Document.Use Standard Formatting(12-point Times New
Roman Font,double spaced,1-inch margins)andbesuretonumberyouranswers.When
you have completed your exam, submit it as an uploaded MS Word document .
Important Exam Rules:
• Youmayconsultyournotes,textbook,andanyothercoursematerialsasyou
prepare your answers.
• Youranswersmustbewritteninyourownwords—noquotingfromorcopyingfull
phrases and sentences from the textbook, course materials, or any other source
unless otherwise noted in the exam question.
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Answer all 5 Questions:
1. Identify The 5 Objectives for persuaders in the media age;explain each.Then,
imagine that you have been tasked with creating a multimedia campaign to promote
MSUto high school seniors.Identify And Explain Specific Strategies Would
use to meet each of the 5 objectives for persuaders.
2. What Are The 5 Canons Of Classical Rhetoric?Explain Each. Then,rank the canons
original examples (not those already discussed in class or in the textbook).
3. Explainthe5TARESstandards forethicalpersuasion.Usingoriginalexamples(not
those already discussed in class orinda textbook)to support your claims,creatine
argument for whichstandard youbelievetobethemostimportantinthemediaage
and which you believe to be the least important in the media age.
4. Explainthe4biasesofnewscoveragethatmaypreventaccurateinformationfrom
reachingthepublic.Then,read newsarticle included attheendof thisdocument
(JackHealy’s“Underwater in Las Vegas Desert,Years After The Housing Crash”).
analysis with specific examples from the article. As You Are Supporting Your Analysis
withspecificexamples,youmayquotefrom thenewsarticleif wouldliketo
point to specific language used by the author.
5. Explain the 3 Components Of Attitude Formation.Then,select one the issues listed
that issue.
o Issues (select one):
§ Censorship
§ Texting while driving
§ Cloning
§ Outsourcing
§ Environmentalism
§ Community service
article asked for towards the end is found on this link:
Answer preview to identify The 5 Objectives for persuaders in the media age