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Identify the population of interest and health condition/event to your practice

Identify the population of interest and health condition/event to your practice

This Assignment requires you to select 1) a population of interest (e.g. older adults, women of reproductive age) and 2) a health condition or event (e.g. hysterectomy, breastfeeding, unintended pregnancy), and then locate health statistics for your selections. Please search for data at the national, state, and local levels. Input your responses using a table similar to the one below.

Data Search Directions

Summarize Your Findings

Identify the population of interest and health condition/event to your practice. Specify how you define the population (e.g. age, gender, health status, etc.).

Summarize your search process. Specify what sources of health statistics were searched to find relevant health statistics.

Provide the health information obtained in the search.

Interpret your findings and determine if there is any evidence of health disparities based on the population examined.

Mn505_u6 assignment template



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Identify the population of interest and health condition/event to your practiceAPA

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