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Why is a code of ethics an important part of every business from an employer standpoint

Why is a code of ethics an important part of every business from an employer standpoint

Why is a code of ethics an important part of every business from an employer standpoint:Begin by preparing a code of ethics for a fictional company, which should include a minimum of 10 elements. Once you have compiled the code of ethics, respond to the following questions (2 Pages)

1. Why did you include each of the 10 elements?

MBA 6301, Business Ethics 5

2. Why is a code of ethics an important part of every business from an employer standpoint?

3. Why is a code of ethics an important part of every business from an employee standpoint?

4. Once you have written the code of ethics, how would you implement it to ensure compliance?

Your completed assignment must be a minimum of three double-spaced pages (one page for the code of ethics and two pages for question responses). Please use a minimum of two credible sources from the CSU Online Library to support your reasoning. Referenced sources must have accompanying citations complying with APA guidelines.

Information about accessing the Grading Rubric for this assignment is provided below.

Unit VIII PowerPoint Presentation – Due Monday 7/25 [12 slides with speaker notes].

For this assignment, you will take on the role of a vice president of a major organization. The CEO has assigned you the responsibility of educating the leaders within the organization of the importance of maintaining an ethical culture. The tone of the presentation should be of a persuasive nature, as you will also be asking these leaders to take this initiative to each of their areas. As you compile this presentation, include the following:

1. Explain exactly what it means to maintain an ethical culture within the organization.

2. Analyze the role that culture plays in global business ethics.

3. Describe the importance and rationale for maintaining an ethical culture within the entire organization. Think about methods that you can use to motivate employees and employers toward ethical business practices.

4. Recommend ethics guidelines they can use within each of their areas.

Code of Ethics

Answer preview to why is a code of ethics an important part of every business from an employer standpointWhy is a code of ethics an important part of every business from an employer standpoint

14 slides

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