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Historians often describe Supreme Court decisions as flash points in our shared past.  

Historians often describe Supreme Court decisions as flash points in our shared past.

Historians often describe Supreme Court decisions as flash points in our shared past. Historic Supreme Court decisions reflect a broader set of social, political, economic, and cultural forces at a point of inflection: there is usually a “before” and “after” surrounding these decisions. Select the Supreme Court case that you see as the most important/influential to American history, and in a short analysis of 2 pages, explain why. Things to consider:

What was the context of the case?

What impact did the decision have on American society at the time?

Who benefited from the decision? Who was harmed by the decision?

What lasting effects may be seen today of this decision?

Choose one of the following cases:

Marburg v Madison

McCulloh v Maryland

Lochner v New York

Plessy v Ferguson

US v EC Knight

Abrams v US

Muller v Oregon

Korematsu v US

US v Butler

West Virginia State Board of Education v Barnette

Brown v board of education i and ii

Civil and voting rights acts

Cooper v Aaron

Roe v wade

Lemon v Kurtzman

Regents of University of CA v Bakke

Planned parenthood v Casey

United States v Virginia



Answer preview to historians often describe Supreme Court decisions as flash points in our shared past.

Historians often describe Supreme Court decisions as flash points in our shared past.  APA
652 words

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