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The audience of this PSA are parents of children between the ages of 0-6, as most of the vaccinations are given to this age group.

The audience of this PSA are parents of children between the ages of 0-6, as most of the vaccinations are given to this age group.

The audience of this PSA are parents of children between the ages of 0-6, as most of the vaccinations are given to this age group. Most parents with children of this age group are increasingly choosing not to vaccinate their children, thereby rendering the country vulnerable to vaccine preventable disease. The measles outbreak of 2016 and 2017 is proof of how serious this issue is. Measles was eliminated from the U.S. in 2000, but with the recent increase in the anti-vaccination movements across the country, this disease is back (vaccines.gov). Overall the disease rates are low in the U.S with many diseases under control, but this can change as an outbreak is just a plane ride away (cdc.gov).  Therefore, this PSA is designed to remind them of why vaccinations are there in the first place and how by vaccinating their children they not only protect their kids but children around their kids as well. It also helps promote seasonal vaccinations such as the flu shots.

I would like this PSA to be played at kindergartens and play schools. I chose to make a 40 sec video, as it doesn’t take time away from parents but yet gets the point across. I’ve used bright colors and animations in the video with a cheerful music in the background, to attract the audience. I would evaluate this effectiveness of this PSA based on the coverage rates at the kindergartens or play schools the video played at.







 834050_17610.mp4 (6.055 MB)

His name ibra


First, the audience of this PAS is Jefferson university students including (international students, students from other parties of U.S, and local students). I targeted those audiences because studies show that just 30% of ages between 16 and 25 are on Organ Donor Registry which is ages of university students. I believe that students are willing to donate their organs if they know how many lives the can save with their organs. Second, I chose to do poster because attractive posters can lure the audience into specific event, I hope my poster is attractive. Posters have the ability to stick in audiences’ minds.

An advantage of Posters. Retrieved from http://smallbusiness.chron.com/advantages-posters-63269.html



 Poster.jpg (1.805 MB)


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The audience of this PSA are parents of children between the ages of 0-6 as most of the vaccinations are given to this age group.APA

205 words

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