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Why is leadership a fundamental part of organizational behavior

Why is leadership a fundamental part of organizational behavior

For this paper, discuss and analyze the following: Why is leadership a fundamental part of organizational behavior? What leadership theory do you align with and what are the main characteristics that would make this particular theory effective within your organization?


This paper must be 4 pages of content (not including the cover page or reference page), and completed in APA format (6th edition). Aside from utilizing the text as a source, you are required to use at least 2 additional resources such as scholarly articles to further help substantiate your perspective.

Your paper must include the following:

Cover page

Introduction (1 to 2 paragraph maximum)

Thesis Statement (1 to 2 sentences)

Content and Analysis (3.5 page maximum)

-Explanation of why leadership is a fundamental part of organizational behavior.

-Leadership theory you align with and why.

-Discussion of the main characteristics of chosen theory and why it would be effective within your


Conclusion (1 to 2 paragraph maximum)

Reference page

Please provide a clear thesis statement and follow all of the requirements accordingly. You can underline or bold it (the thesis statement) for me if you do not mind, please.
Textbook to use: Wilmington University. (2017). Organizational Behavior & Ethical Leadership. ISBN :9781308241678

related chapters:

chapter 16 “Leadership

The theories that the above new copy has are : Trait theory, Behavioral Styles theory, Situational theory, Path-Goal theory..

I did my best to copy and past the chapter from my E-book (attached the file)


Answer preview to why is leadership a fundamental part of organizational behaviorWhy is leadership a fundamental part of organizational behavior


1152 words

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