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The first section of the project you will provide an in-depth analysis of the developmental model

The first section of the project you will provide an in-depth analysis of the developmental model

Final Project: The research paper project is a two part assignment. The first section of the project you will provide an in-depth analysis of the developmental model as suggested by Scott and Steinberg. Provide an overview of how adolescent development, immaturity, and competence play a role in adolescent behavior and how the developmental model accounts for these factors. Additionally provide an analysis that compares and contrasts the role of interventions that are played out in the reform, punitive and developmental model. Be sure to utilize research studies that provide an overview of all three philosophies, and discusses their effectiveness and shortcomings. This section of the research paper should be 8- pages long.

Part II of the research project requires you to develop a rehabilitation program that utilizes the developmental model. You will present this rehabilitation model in a power point presentation and should be no more than 10 slides. The ppt will provide an overview of the program, the goals of the program, the treatment methods that will be utilized in the program, and what the designed outcomes would be for an adolescent to graduate from that program.

The first section of the final project is to be 8- pages long with a cover page, abstract, headers, APA 6th ed citations and references. Do Not Use MLA or any other form of referencing. The second section needs to be included as a separate Power Point attachment.

This assignment is to be plagiarism free. It has to be an authentic and original paper as I know you will produce top quality work. It is a Two-part assignment; the first part is the 8- page essay, followed by the second part which is a 10 slide power point illustrating the point made from the essay.



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There is a lot of research that goes into studying behavioral and cognitive aspects of adolescent development in the hopes of understanding the concepts of youth and crime. This has the main aim of trying to inform the need to reform the juvenile justice system. This has had a lot of challenges due to the dynamic societal changes that are brought about by technology and education. There is a lot of pressure to inform the policy…………………….


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