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Discuss the role of warehousing in a logistics system

Discuss the role of warehousing in a logistics system

Prepare a 700-word paper defining warehousing and discussing its strategic role within the logistics system.

Discuss the role of warehousing in a logistics system.

Differentiate between the different warehouse types and explain the aspects of each one of the warehouse types.

Identify why a company or industry would benefit from using one warehouse type in contrast to another warehouse type.

Investigate a warehouse management system (WMS) on the Internet. Identify the benefits WMS has on a warehouse operation.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.



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Warehousing is storage of goods in a commercial building. Manufacturers, exporters, wholesalers and transport businesses use a warehouse for storage of their products. It is usually a large bare building in industrial areas of cities, towns and cities.  Warehouses usually have loading docks to load and unload goods from trucks. However, sometimes the loading docks have a design for loading and unloading of goods directly from……………………………..


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