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Communicating with the public about emerging health threats 

Communicating with the public about emerging health threats

Post a critical and thoughtful response of 200 words or more. These remarks can be of opinion based on experience and prior learning. Use this exercise to converse with fellow colleagues and discuss issues that are important to the field.


Wray, R. J., PhD., Becker, S. M., PhD., Henderson, N., Glik, D., Jupka, K.,Middleton, S., . . . Mitchell, E. W., PhD. (2008). Communicating with the public about emerging health threats: Lessons from the pre-event message development project. American Journal of Public Health, 98(12), 2214-22. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com/docview/215093835?accou...




….……………….Answer preview……………………

The research (Wray et al., 2008) was aimed at investigating the challenges of communicating information on public health emergencies specifically on toxic chemicals, biological and radioactive threats. The authors hypothesized that these three components were a significant hindrance to communication by social institutions…………………..


344 words

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