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Finer Diner Customer Satisfaction Survey

Finer Diner Customer Satisfaction Survey

Finer Diner Customer Satisfaction Survey

As manager of Finer Diner, you are tasked with gauging the restaurant’s success in providing satisfying customer experiences.

Compose a business email to the ownership of the restaurant in which you briefly:

Develop a survey that determines customer satisfaction in the areas of service, food taste, temperature, and pricing.

Construct a plan for how the surveys are to be delivered.

Detail the makeup of your ideal sample.

Identify distribution methods that could help you meet your sample goals.

Explain steps you will take to minimize bias in your survey.

Format any citations and references consistent with APA guidelines.

Submit your email in a Microsoft® Word®document



………………….Answer preview…………………….

This is to bring you to notice of how I intend to do the customer satisfaction survey you requested. The survey will be conducted in questionnaire form. Each question will have multiple choices where respondents will be required to pick one. The survey will have only 5 question. The survey is objective and will be highly productive despite its simplicity. Keeping it shorter is best to require little effort and time from respondents. I have included one demographic question to provide a valuable research according to (Team, 2017)…………………….

364 words

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