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In determining why the Mirror Image rule still applies in certain business scenarios

why the Mirror Image rule still applies in certain business scenarios

In determining why the Mirror Image rule still applies in certain business scenarios, review the following information, and then respond to the 3 discussion questions below the information. POEL & ARNOLD v. BRUNSWICK-BALKE-COLLENDER CO. 110 N.E. 619 (N.Y. 1915). Retrieved from http://www.law.unlv.edu/faculty/rowley/Poel.pdf

Website (Links to an external site.)

Montgomery v. English, 902 So.2d 836, 838 (Fla. 5th DCA 2005). Retrieved from http://scholar.google.com/scholar_case?case=255497…
Website (Links to an external site.)

Additional Terms in Acceptance or Confirmation § 2-207 (2002). Retrieved from http://www.law.cornell.edu/ucc/2/2-207
Website (Links to an external site.)

Mark DeAngelis. (2011, January 7). Mirror Image Rule [Video file]. Retrieved from

Why does the Mirror Image rule still apply in certain business scenarios?

Why has the UCC largely discarded the mirror image rule, while it still persists in various parts of the common law?

Discuss whether the complexity of the UCC 2-207 is or is not preferable to the simplicity of the mirror image rule.

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The mirror image rule is a law that enforces the concepts of sales, and commercial business carried out between a willing seller and a willing buyer who has the capability. The law states that the offer made is accepted the same way with no alterations hence there is no counter-offer. The rule still applies in particular business scenarios that need no modification on the offer and acceptance basis…………….
361 words