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Pick a current trend on health care and research it further on the internet

Pick a current trend on health care and research it further on the internet

Pick a current trend on health care and research it further on the internet. Find a recent article which provides up-to-date information. Post at least two paragraphs of what you have learned, and why this trend is timely and relevant.

You must use APA format for your citations. Click here for a helpful website for APA formatting: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/ (Links to an external site.)



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The healthcare sector has been on the receiving end since the election of President Donald Trump in the United States. Several changes are being made in the industry especially on the Obamacare. Republicans in the Senate are proposing to replace Obamacare with a better system which would be able to give state money to healthcare institutions in block grants. These funds will help hospitals and other facilities in running their programs. The approval of the Bill would replace Affordable Care Act…………………………


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