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Corporate culture

Corporate culture

Read the case study and answer to one of question, one replay to discussion.


Read the case study “Creating a Methodology” on page Below and then answer one (1) of the questions

Don’t copy from google should be 100% on own words.

Make sure Don’t plagiarism,it is highly important.

Should be on api format and should contains 400 words.

Need one reply for each discussion attached below of 70 words each should’ve own words based on discussion(Discussion are attached on word document-2).


………………………….Answer preview………………………

Corporate culture is a very important aspect of any organization. It refers to the attitudes, behaviors and beliefs that inform how various employees and managers relate to each other and to customers. Corporate culture develops over time based of the cumulative individual traits that employees in the organization have. New employees coming into the organization will learn and adapt to the existing culture in the organization in due time and hence it is continuously passed on with minimal transformations………………………………….

638 words