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Emily Dodson Opinion:I believe that Chris is the only guilty part y of academic dishonesty.

Emily Dodson Opinion:I believe that Chris is the only guilty part y of academic dishonesty.

Emily Dodson Opinion:I believe that Chris is the only guilty party of academic dishonesty. Meg did not give him permission to copy or use her work on his paper. She simply gave it to him to use as an outline so he could understand what to do. He is the one that decided to copy and use her work on his paper.
When Chris decided to take what Meg had wrote and use her words, he committed academic dishonesty. By not using exactly what she wrote and only switching the wording around he also committed plagiarism. If I were Meg I would explain to Professor Griffin what happened. Give him the details and if possible show him the email that I sent to Chris showing that I told him he could use it as a reference, but not to copy or use as his own work.




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It is true that Chris is guilty of academic dishonesty but Meg is also guilty of the same offence. Meg agreed to give him her work in order he can copy in exchange for money. This means that both had mutual agreement to cheat in the assignment. Moreover, when Chris decided to take what Meg wrote he was not only guilty of academic dishonesty but also committed plagiarism………………………

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