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An article critique is intended to be a critique of an article, not a simple summary. The review rests largely upon the reviewer’s critical analysis and reaction to the text. This project is designed to encourage students to acquaint themselves with a particular perspective regarding various issues facing the developing world. In addition, the writing assignment is structured to strengthen the student’s reading comprehension, critical analysis, and composition skills. These skills are all useful in graduate school and in post-graduation employment in any occupational field.

Students are required to select one article from the following list of articles from Grisham,ed. The Nonwestern World: Perspectives on the Developing World and its Peoples. The article selected will be the focus of the student’s article critique. (No outside research is necessary for this assignment and no other article than listed below can be used.) Given students may be using the old edition and some maybe using the revised edition, page numbers for the articles are not listed below.
• Marnia Lazreg, “The Colonial in the Global: Where Does the Third World Fit In?”
• Mukul Kumar, “Poverty and Culture of Daily Life.”
• Ruchira Ganguly-Scrase & Timothy J. Scrase, “Globalization and the Middle Classes in India: Myths and Realities.”

Requirements for Writing Assignment:
The following points are to be followed when writing the article critique for this class:
Format Criteria
• Length: 3-5 pages (23-26 lines per page)
• Documentation: since you are only reviewing one article, there is no need for direct quotations. Use paraphrasing instead of direct quotation. Instead, when you are paraphrasing the author just provide a page number in parenthesis. When paraphrasing the author from the text, make it clear “who” is speaking, and follow with a page reference as above, for example:
According to Pete Wilson, former Governor of California, Brown was the
consummate politician (317).
You must cite anything that is not your own words or thoughts.
• All papers must be typed, double-spaced.
• No title page is necessary and the student’s name does not need to be on the paper because by submitting the electronic copy your name will be attached to the file when I grade it online.
• Margin requirements: 1 inch on the left, right, top, and bottom (Make sure to check this before writing the paper as often word processors are set at 1.25 inches on the left.)
• All pages should have page numbers in the lower right hand corner of the page.
• Times New Roman font only and 12-size font only. (Use of other fonts or sizes is strictly prohibited.)
Focus Points/Questions for Your Article Critique
• Summarize the fundamental scope and purpose of the article.
• Summarize the author’s fundamental thesis.
• Identify and briefly explain the evidence the author uses to support his/her thesis (what is the author’s main point and sub-points?).
• Summarize the author’s conclusion.
• Critique the author’s argument: Is it logically sound? Is there a fair balance of opposing viewpoints, or did the work appear to be largely biased?
• Critique the evidence used by the author: Is it adequate and convincing in directly supporting the thesis? Is it factual or merely opinion? Is it based on reliable and scholarly authority? Was there sufficient documentation (complete referencing/footnotes/list of works cited)? Is there substantive information?
• Critique the author’s conclusion: Does it follow from the evidence presented? Does it generalize beyond the evidence?
SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 2012 (No late papers will be accepted. Papers have to be submitted electronically only via Blackboard to the TurnItIn link under the Assignment button. The paper has to be submitted no later than 11:30 PM on Sunday, November 25, 2012.)
Late papers will not be accepted. The only exceptions to this policy are documented excuses (military training, documented sickness, etc.). These exceptions will be made on a case-by-case basis, but will only be granted in extenuating circumstances. Please check with the instructor concerning this issue if you have questions at any time.




……………………….Answer preview……………………

This paper is a critique of an article entitled “The Colonial in the Global: Where does the World fit in? by Marnia Lazreg. The article contains a discussion of the position of the Third World after colonization. In particular, the article discusses what happened to the Third World countries after the cold war. According to the article, political consciousness of the Third World has emerged due to globalization………………………….


857 words