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International legal systems

International legal systems

International legal systems
1. select one topic from the following: a. law re
2. form and sport b. law reform and sexual assault 2. using your findings of…
1. select one topic from the following:
a. law reform and sport
b. law reform and sexual assault
2. using your findings of your reading, research and investigation, write an extended response (3 pages) answering all the information outlined below:
“domestic and international legal systems are highly effective in initiating and responding to change”
discuss this statement with reference to:
– the conditions that give rise to law reform
– the agencies of law reform
-the mechanisms of law reform




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Law reform is regarded as the change or alteration made to an existing law or policy to improve its effectiveness. In most cases, law reforms are made to close all the gaps and loopholes in the existing law. Consequently, sexual assault cases have become prominent in the current society. The laws made on sexual assault cases have failed to provide effective solutions to the problems affecting the victims of sexual violence………………………


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