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Implementing Leadership Change

Implementing Leadership Change

I only gave you the entire breakdown of the paper so you could see the flow of the paper but I only have to answer the question that has ME next to it. It has to be within 250-300 words. If you have any additional questions please feel free to ask. I will also include our thoughts from week 5.
Implementing Leadership Change Resource: Gene One Scenario link

Review the Gene One Scenario link, located on your student website and the Gene One simulation questions you answered in Week 5.

Write a proposal of no more than 1,500 words for facilitating change within Gene One.

Determine two possible strategies that the remaining leadership of Gene One could use to lead the company to two distinct but desirable outcomes while remaining an innovative organization.

Integrate the following into the strategies proposed:

Describe how these strategies could be implemented and how these strategies would lead to the desired outcome.
Explain how each strategy supports Gene One’s desire to be innovative.
Identify the proposed changes’ potential effects on the organization’s culture. ME
Explain adjustments to political power that the proposed strategies require and how power and politics will facilitate the implementation of each change.

Use at least three different references and three in-text APA citations from the texts, Electronic Reserve Readings or UOP Library journal articles to support your strategies.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Part 1 Questions
What is the usual leadership situation in the auto repair shop (consider the nature
of the task, subordinates, and environment)?
2 Describe Alan’s typical leadership style and evaluate whether it is appropriate
for the leadership situation.
Part 1
Alan bases supervision and participation in tasks on the daily schedule and type of skill-level required for the task. The need to direct each employee in how they perform their tasks is limited. Alan also offers employees the opportunity to help choose the new equipment they require to perform their jobs. This has created great loyalty from his team.

After careful consideration, Team A has determined that Alan’s normal leadership style is based on the leadership substitute theory (Yukl, 2010). Alan’s leadership is simple and effective. The mechanics have prior experience, training, and perform many repetitive tasks. They are capable of performing their job functions with little oversight. Because much of the immediate feedback comes from customers, Alan has little need to provide more. Alan also encourages his employees to participate in decisions such as what new tools to acquire and how to advance quality. Alan’s use of the leadership substitute theory seems appropriate to the organization and tasks to be completed.
Part 2 Questions
1. Describe Alan’s leadership style during the flood, and evaluate how appropriate it was for the leadership situation.
2. Identify effective behaviors by Alan after the flood subsided.
3. How should Alan behave toward his employees in the future?
Part 2 – After the Flood
Alan’s leadership style became much more direct and authoritative during the flood. He focused on assigning tasks and controlling how the tasks were to be completed. Given the circumstances, we believe this change in style was appropriate as the urgency dictated a take charge leader.
Effective behaviors from Alan after the flood were to show his mechanics reward and recognition for their work. Alan’s meeting with employees, thanking them for their quick actions resulting in savings from potential property damages was the ideal thing to do. By specifically recognizing individual contributions he demonstrated his true appreciation of employee efforts and garnered even greater trust within his team.

Alan’s leadership style is effective for his organization. He is able to offer an independent work option to his employees while still managing to take control when the need arises. This is admirable. Although he did receive some “push back” from his employees, his actions have helped him develop even greater trust with his team. In the future, this trust and increased loyalty should help decrease future resistance.



These are the two strategies we are proposing: Consultants with background and experience in IPO, financial, and regulatory compliance areas. 1 – Perform a needs analysis with Gene One leadership 2 – Create task forces for each initiative under the strategy

Answer the question highlighted in italic




…………………..Answer preview…………………….

There more than a few changes that can contribute significantly in nearly all organizations. Implementing leadership change in Gene One Company provides an introduction for any type of change program aiming to support the planning process. Change is always considered to be integral part of the management agenda………………………………….


343 words