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Sexual orientation

sexual orientation


To discuss the debate surrounding sexual orientation and provide scientific arguments on both sides.
Word limit: 600 words
Referencing: APA style.
Select a current debate surrounding sexual orientation, such as the “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy in the armed forces or the issue of civil unions and gay marriage, and examine at least two scientific arguments on both sides of the issue. What assumptions does each side make regarding the role of genetic and environmental influences in sexual orientation? Has either side misrepresented the scientific research or neglected to consider alternative interpretations? Explain.
Briefly describe a current debate surrounding sexual orientation
Discuss the scientific arguments presented for both sides of the issue, and the assumptions made by each side regarding the role of genetic and environmental influences in sexual orientation. When answering this question, Please cite at least one (1) peer-reviewed journal article
Discuss whether either side has misrepresented the scientific research or neglected to consider alternative interpretations, while connecting such discussion to the principles of scientific thinking and/or common errors in reasoning (e.g., naturalistic fallacy)
word limit: 500-600 words
Referencing: APA style




………………………Answer preview………………………

All the Americans have to come to terms that for successful completion of their mission, the Americans military men and women have to be both mentally and physically healthy. The House of Congress has passed an amendment, which brings to an end the don’t ask, don’t tell policy in the American army. Experts and the military personnel have come to terms that the effect of the policy is low. Scientific research alleges that the risk of maintaining the policy in place is extremely high (In Belkin & In Bateman 2003)…………………………….


613 words