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Law enforcement organizations have a variety of objectives that in principle must support the structure

Identify the objectives of the juvenile justice system

Consider this statement: It is necessary for the rights of offenders to be considered and protected to a
significant degree if the principles of a free, constitutional democracy are to
be upheld. Indicate whether you agree or disagree; then, justify and defend
your position. DQ:1.2
Law enforcement organizations have a variety of objectives that in principle must support the
structure and functions of a free society based on constitutional mandates
regarding individual protections and rights. Those objectives must strike a
meaningful balance between public safety and civil rights if the underlying
principles of a constitutional democracy are to be upheld. Discuss the

Identify the objectives of federal, state, and local law

Identify the objectives of federal and state probation,
parole, and correctional organizations.

Identify the objectives of the juvenile justice system and
describe its relationship with other agencies.

2 separate questions with at least one reference each (ensure it is peer reviewed)and half page each.Use headers to depict different section of the paper. Submit as two separate word documents.

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Offenders have as equal a right to co-relate and have justice served to them as everyone else in a constitutionally democratic society. They are vulnerable given that their image is tainted and if not provided with protection, people might just take it upon themselves to ‘discipline’ the said felon…………………………………..


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