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What strategy did you use and how did you evaluate your progress

What strategy did you use and how did you evaluate your progress

Where: Assignment Link

Resources: pp. 224-233 in Ch. 7 of Understanding Psychology,


Word Count: Each question is to be 100 to 200 words.

Point Value: 100 points

Review the section in your text on problem solving. As you review, consider the following question: Do you use a problem-solving process?

Complete the activity at

Answer the following questions in 100 to 200 words each:

How did you interpret the problem?

What strategy did you use and how did you evaluate your progress?

Did you encounter any obstacles while solving the problem?

Were you aware of this thought process as you worked through the problem?

Post your response as a Microsoft® Word attachment to the Assignment Link on eCampus.

Please include good detail in your responses!




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At the river, the man cannot leave the dog and the cat alone because the dog will kill the cat. He cannot leave the cat and the mouse alone because the cat will kill the cat, yet he cannot cross the river with two animals.  He, therefore, has to device a way of crossing the river with one animal at a time and ensures his animals are safe……………………………………

579 words

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